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Impact of social media on youth

towards buying behavior for electronic


Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements

For the Degree Of
Yuvraj Singh
Roll No: 17030621028
Faculty Guide
Prof. Smita Ramakrishna

K J Somaiya Institute of Management

Somaiya Vidyavihar University
Vidyavihar, Mumbai - 400 077
Somaiya Vidyavihar University
K J Somaiya Institute of Management
This is to certify that the master's thesis on the impact of social media on
teenage purchasing behavior for electronic vehicles has been
is an authentic record of the master's thesis work completed by Yuvraj
Singh in 2022-23 under the supervision of Prof. Smita Ramakrishna,
Department of HCM, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
Master of Business Administration in Management Studies degree at
Somaiya Vidyavihar University.
_____________________ _____________________

Guide / Co-Guide Head of the Department/ACP


Place: Mumbai

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page I

Somaiya Vidyavihar University
K J Somaiya Institute of Management
Certificate of Approval of Examiners

This is to certify that the master's thesis titled Effect of social media on teenage
purchasing behavior for electronic vehicles has been completed.
is an authentic record of the master's thesis work completed by Yuvraj Singh in
partial satisfaction of Somaiya Vidyavihar University's Master of Business
Administration in Management Studies degree requirements.

_________________ _________________

External Examiner /Expert Internal Examiner/ Guide

Place: Mumbai

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page ii

Somaiya Vidyavihar University
K J Somaiya Institute of Management


I certify that this written report submission is based on mine and/or others'
original ideas, with all sources correctly cited and referenced. In addition, I
confirm that I have adhered to all academic honesty and integrity standards by
not misinterpreting, fabricating, or falsifying any idea/data/fact/source/original
work/subject matter in my submission.

I am aware that any breach of the aforementioned will result in disciplinary

action by the college as well as penalties from sources that have not been
properly cited or whose permission has not been obtained.

Signature of the Student

Yuvraj Singh
Name of the Student

Roll No.


Place: Mumbai

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page iii


This study looks at the influence of social media on the purchasing of electronic cars among
young people. With the increasing popularity of social media platforms, marketers have
started using these platforms to promote their products and services, including electronic
vehicles. The study aims to identify the extent to which social media influences the youth's
decision-making process when purchasing electronic vehicles.

The study used a quantitative research approach, with data obtained via an online survey
from a sample of 150 young people who use social media on a daily basis. The poll includes
questions about their social media usage, electronic car purchasing habits, and the influence
of social media on their decision-making.
According to the data, social media has little influence on young people's purchase patterns
when it comes to electronic cars. According to the study's conclusions, social media is a
valuable source of information for young people making purchasing decisions. Social media
channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the most popular places to find
information about electric automobiles. Furthermore, the study discovered that social media
influences teenage perceptions of electronic vehicles. According to the study, social media
promotes a positive perception of electronic vehicles, which leads to an increase in demand
for these vehicles among young people.
The study emphasises the relevance of social media in moulding the purchasing habits of
today's young when it comes to electronic cars. Marketers can utilise social media channels to
target and advertise their products to young people. Yet, the study emphasises the importance
of exercising caution when utilising social media.

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page iv

Acknowledgements VI

Executive Summary VII

1 Introduction VIII

2 Literature Review X1

3 Research Methodology XIV

4 Data Analysis XV

5 Discussion and Findings XXXIII

6 Conclusion XXXIV

References XXXV

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page v


"Teamwork is the key that makes regular people accomplish unusual

outcomes," as the adage goes. With this report, I'd want to publicly show my
appreciation to the many people—especially my friends—who have helped me
complete and present my thesis. My mentor's assistance and support were
essential in completing my master's thesis. Professor Smita Ramakrishna, and I
am eternally grateful to her for that. The energy, clarity, sincerity, and drive that
she demonstrates daily are tremendous sources of inspiration for me. It was an
incredible honor to serve under her direction. With all that Ma’am has done for
me, I have nothing but gratitude. In addition, I would want to thank my family
and friends for their support and encouragement while I worked on my master’s

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page vi

Executive Summary
The study is a combination of my work at the KJ Somaiya Institute of management and
research, where I studied the influence of social media on youth purchasing behaviour for
electronic vehicles for my master's thesis. Therefore, fundamentally, the purpose of this study
is to get useful feedback on which social media elements influence the youth's purchasing
behaviours and preferences for electronic vehicles.

The research paper looks at how social media affects how young people buy electric vehicles.
The study found that social media has a big effect on how young people make decisions
about buying electric cars. A survey of 150 young people between the ages of 18 and 40 was
used to do the research, and statistical tools were used to look at the results.

The results show that social media sites like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook have a big
effect on how young people think about electric vehicles. The study also found that social
media has a big effect on how young people decide whether to buy electric vehicles.

The study also found that the two most important things that influence young people's
decision to buy an electric vehicle are how they think it affects the environment and how
much it costs. The study suggests that companies that make electric vehicles use social media
to reach out to young people and teach them about the benefits of electric vehicles. The study
also says that government policies should make it easier for young people to buy electric

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page vii

Overview on the impact of social media on youth towards buying behaviour for electronic

Social media has become an essential component of today's youth's lives., influencing their
perceptions, attitudes, and behaviours. The impact of social media on buying behaviour for
electronic vehicles (EVs) among the youth can be significant. Here is an overview of the
impact of social media on youth towards buying behaviour for electronic vehicles:

Information dissemination: Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube can
serve as a source of information about electronic vehicles. Youth can learn about the features,
benefits, and drawbacks of different types of EVs. They can also compare prices and learn
about special deals or discounts on different models.

Peer influence: Social media platforms enable youth to interact with their peers and share
their opinions and experiences. Positive feedback and recommendations from peers can
influence youth to consider purchasing an electronic vehicle.

Environmental consciousness: Social media campaigns and influencers can raise awareness
about the environmental benefits of electric vehicles. This can appeal to environmentally
conscious youth who prioritize sustainability and want to make a positive impact on the

Brand loyalty: Social media platforms can help build brand loyalty by providing a platform
for companies to showcase their products and services. Youth can follow their favorite
electronic vehicle brands and stay updated on the latest products, features, and technologies.

Consumer feedback: Social media platforms provide an avenue for consumers to share their
experiences and feedback about electronic vehicles. Positive feedback can encourage youth to
consider buying an EV, while negative feedback can discourage them from making a

social media can have a significant impact on youth towards buying behavior for electronic
vehicles. The information dissemination, peer influence, environmental consciousness, brand
loyalty, and consumer feedback can all influence their decisions to purchase an EV.

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page viii

Electronic vehicles Industry in India

In recent years, India's electronic vehicle (EV) industry has seen substantial growth and
development. The Indian government has set lofty goals for EV adoption, intending to make
all new vehicles electric by 2030. These are some crucial points of India's EV industry:

Government initiatives: The Indian government has launched several initiatives to promote
the usage of electric vehicles, including the Faster Adoption and Manufacture of (Hybrid &)
Electric Vehicles (FAME) programme. In addition, the government has provided EV
purchase incentives and cut EV taxes.

Manufacturing: Many automotive manufacturers in India have started producing EVs or

have announced plans to do so. Some of the major players in the EV market in India include
Tata Motors, Mahindra Electric, and Hero Electric.

Charging infrastructure: The availability of charging infrastructure is one of the major

challenges for the electric vehicles industry in India. The government is taking steps to
address this issue by launching various programs to establish charging stations across the

Market potential: The EV market in India has significant potential due to the growing
demand for vehicles, rising concerns about air pollution, and the government's push for EV
adoption. The India Energy Storage Alliance predicts that the EV market in India will expand
at a CAGR of 43.13% between 2020 and 2027.

Challenges: Despite the government's initiatives, the adoption of EVs in India is still limited
due to high upfront costs, lack of charging infrastructure, and range anxiety among
consumers. The availability of raw materials such as lithium for EV batteries is also a
concern for the industry.

The Electric Vehicles industry in India is growing rapidly, and the government is taking steps
to support its growth. However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed for the
industry to reach its full potential.

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page ix

Problem Statement
The electric vehicle market is growing rapidly, and many young people are interested in
buying them. However, there is limited research on how social media influences their buying
behaviour. So, the research problem is to find out what effect social media has on how young
people choose to buy electronic vehicles.

The objective of the impact of social media on youth towards buying behaviour for electronic
vehicles for the research paper could be:

To investigate how social media influences the buying behaviour of young consumers
towards electric vehicles, including their attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and intentions.

Specifically, the research paper aims to:

• Identify the extent to which social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, twitter,
and YouTube influence young consumers' decision-making process in buying electric

• Examine the impact of different types of social media content, such as user-generated
content, influencer marketing, and brand advertising, on young consumers' attitudes
and beliefs towards electric vehicles.

• Investigate the relationship between social media usage patterns and young
consumers' intentions to purchase electric vehicles, including the frequency and
duration of social media engagement, and the impact of peer influence and social

• Provide insights and recommendations for electric vehicle manufacturers and

marketers on how to leverage social media to effectively target and engage young
consumers and influence their buying behaviour towards electric vehicles.

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page x

Literature review

Social media use in India has skyrocketed, particularly among the younger generation. With
approximately 448 million active social media users, India is the world's second-largest social
media market (Statista, 2021). The goal of this literature review is to look into the impact of
social media on the purchasing habits of Indian young when it comes to electronic vehicles

The Influence of social media on Youth:

Social media has been shown to have a substantial influence on the attitudes and behaviours
of Indian youth. According to an Assocham (2018) study, approximately 90% of Indian
youth spend several hours each day on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and
Twitter. Social media has also been discovered to be an important source of information as
well as a forum for expressing one's thoughts, particularly among the younger population.
(Kumar, 2020).

Impact of social media on Buying Behaviour:

Social media has been shown to have a significant impact on consumer purchase behaviour
all around the world. In the case of EVs, social media can help to raise awareness and shape
young people's attitudes about these vehicles.

Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, according to Jyoti et al. (2019),
are major sources of information regarding EVs for Indian clients. The study also discovered
that social media platforms have an important role in shaping teenage attitudes towards EVs.
Praharaj et al. (2021) discovered that social media had a substantial impact on consumers'
inclinations to purchase EVs. According to the report, social media was notably effective in
increasing EV awareness and interest among younger customers.

According to the studies, social media has a considerable impact on the attitudes and
behaviours of Indian young. Social media is also an important venue for raising awareness
and moulding youth attitudes on EVs. As a result, companies aiming to promote EVs among
younger consumers in India must make efficient use of social media platforms. By doing so,
they may raise awareness, generate interest, and impact the purchasing habits of Indian youth
when it comes to EVs.

Amol D. Sawant and Uday R. Kulkarni's "Electric Vehicles in India: Problems and
Opportunities" (2019): This study investigates the problems and opportunities presented by
EVs in India. The writers address the current situation of the Indian EV market as well as the
obstacles to expansion. They also investigate the Indian government's policy attempts to
promote EV adoption.

Abhik Banerjee and Debabrata Chattopadhyay's "A Review of Electric Vehicle Charging
Infrastructure in India" (2021): This article presents an in-depth examination of India's EV

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xi

charging infrastructure. The writers address the various types of EV chargers available in
India, their locations, and the difficulties in establishing a reliable charging infrastructure.

Naveen K. Mehta and Pooja Sharma's "Electric Vehicle Adoption in India: A Study of
Consumer Behavior" (2020): The elements that influence customer behaviour towards EVs in
India are the topic of this study. The authors investigate the perceived advantages and
disadvantages of EVs, the significance of social norms, and the influence of government
policies on consumer behaviour.

Sujay S. Khandagale and Rahul V. Ralegaonkar's "Electric Vehicle Adoption in India:

Opportunities and Challenges" (2020): This article addresses the advantages and
disadvantages of EV adoption in India. The authors examine the current situation of the
Indian EV market, the government's EV promotion policies, and the technological
breakthroughs required to expand EV adoption.

Aditi Dass and Amrita Goldar's "Electric Vehicles in India: Assessing Policy and Market
Trends" (2020): This research provides an overview of EV legislation and commercial trends
in India. The authors investigate the government's policy attempts to encourage EV adoption,
the current state of the Indian EV market, and the difficulties and prospects for EVs in India.

"Exploring the Role of Social Media in Shaping Consumer Attitudes Toward Electric
Vehicles," by S. H. Kim and J. H. Park (2019)
The study investigates the effect of social media in affecting customer perceptions regarding
electric vehicles. The authors examined the content of EV-related social media posts and
discovered that most of the posts were positive, with a focus on the environmental benefits of
EVs. The study also discovered that favourable social media posts influenced consumer
views towards EVs, with positive posts leading to even more positive attitudes.

"The impact of social media on electric vehicle adoption in the United States: a mixed-
methods approach," Sovacool, B. K., Jung, G., and Schelly, C. (2019)
The impact of social media on EV adoption in the United States is investigated in this study.
The researchers used a mixed-methods approach, including a survey and in-depth interviews
with EV owners and prospective buyers. According to the study, good social media posts
about EVs led to greater interest and adoption of EVs.

"The role of social media in marketing electric vehicles: An analysis of customer

involvement on Twitter," Jia, J., and Zhou, Y. (2019)
The study investigates the influence of social media in the promotion of EVs, with a
particular emphasis on consumer participation on Twitter. The authors discovered that social
media was crucial in promoting EVs, with good tweets about EVs leading to increased
customer engagement and interest. The study also discovered that social media influencers
were important in promoting EVs on social media.

"Social media and electric vehicle adoption: A quantitative analysis of online customer
behaviour," Li, H., and L. D. Jolly (2019)

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xii

This study analyses the relationship between social media and EV adoption through a
quantitative analysis of online consumer behaviour. The researchers evaluated social media
data and discovered that positive social media posts resulted in greater EV adoption.

Kim, Y., and Kim, Y., "Electric Vehicle Awareness and Purchase Intention: The Role of
Social Media and Green Buying Intention," in Kim, Y. (2019)

The goal of this study is to investigate the relationship between social media, green
purchasing intent, and EV awareness and purchase intent. The authors conducted a survey
and discovered that social media had a significant impact on EV awareness and purchase
intent, particularly among consumers with high green purchasing intent.

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xiii


a) Research Design Types

• A survey questionnaire is used in this study's quantitative research design.

• The Research is cross-sectional and takes place at a single point in time.

b) Data Collection:

• Data is acquired via a self-administered online survey questionnaire.

• The survey is sent via Google Forms to assess the impact of social media
platforms, with a target audience of youth aged 18-40 who are interested in
purchasing electric automobiles.
• The survey should take about 2-3 minutes to complete.

c) Questionnaire Design
• The survey questionnaire consists of several sections, including demographics,
which social media sites they most often use, attitudes towards electric vehicles
and buying behaviour.
• The social media usage section asks participants about their frequency of social
media use, platforms used, and the type of content they engage with related to
electric vehicles.
• The attitudes towards electric vehicles section assess participants' beliefs about the
benefits and drawbacks of electronic vehicles, their familiarity with the
technology, and their likelihood of purchasing an electric vehicle.
• The buying behaviour section inquiries about participants' past purchases of
electric vehicles, their intention to purchase, and the factors that influence their
purchasing decisions.

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xiv


Two Independent Sample T -Test

Objective 1: To identify that social media have a significant influence on people for buying
electric vehicles wrt to gender.

Justification: social media has a significant influence on your perception of electric vehicles
are on interval scale and gender is on nominal scale with 2 options, So we can use Two
Independent Sample T -test to solve the above objective

Data Analysis (Objective 1):

H : NO Significant difference in the perception of the 2 gender categories wrt to social media

have a significant influence on people for buying electric vehicles.

i.e. µmale= µfemale

H : Significant difference in the perception of the 2 gender categories wrt to social media

have a significant influence on people for buying electric vehicles.

i.e. µmale ≠ µfemale

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality
of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. Interval of the
(2- Mean Std. Error Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
2. Social Equal .318 .574 - 116 .709 -.102 .273 -.644 .439
media has a variances .374
significant assumed
influence on Equal - 38.797 .705 -.102 .269 -.646 .442
my variances .381
perception not assumed
of electric

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xv

Levene’s Test for Equality of Means

Parameters Hypothesis P- Decision (α = 0.05)


2. social media has a significant H :σ

M(Y) =σ 2
F(Y) .574 p > α so the null
influence on your perception of H :σ
M(Y) ≠σ
F(Y) hypothesis is not rejected.
electric vehicles.

Because p value.574 is greater than (0.05), we do not reject the null hypothesis as NO
Substantial difference in perception of two genders, i.e., the (male and female) categories
with regard to social media have a significant influence on consumers purchasing electric

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xvi

Two Independent Sample T -Test
Objective 2: To identify whether people trust the information about electric vehicles that
they find on social media.
Justification: whether people trust the information about electric vehicles that they find on
social media. on interval scale and gender is on nominal scale with 2 options, So we can use
Two Independent Sample T -test to solve the above objective

Data Analysis (Objective 2):


H : NO Significant difference in the perception of the 2 gender categories wrt to whether


people trust the information about electric vehicles that they find on social media.
i.e. µmale= µfemale

H : Significant difference in the perception of the 2 gender categories wrt to whether people

trust the information about electric vehicles that they find on social media
i.e. µmale ≠ µfemale

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. Interval of the
(2- Mean Std. Error Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
3. I trust the Equal 2.681 .104 .250 116 .803 .064 .254 -.440 .568
information variances
about electric assumed
vehicles that Equal .289 47.631 .774 .064 .220 -.379 .507
I find on variances not
social media. assumed

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xvii

Levene’s Test for Equality of Means

Parameters Hypothesis P- Decision (α = 0.05)


3. People trust the information about H :σ 0Y

M(Y) = .104 p > α so the null
electric vehicles that they find on social σ2
F(Y) hypothesis is not
media. H :σ
M(Y) ≠ rejected.

According to the above table, p value.104 is greater than (0.05), thus we do not reject the null
hypothesis as NO Significant difference in the perception of two genders, i.e. the (male and
female) categories, regarding whether people believe information about electric vehicles
found on social media.

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xviii

Two Independent Sample T -Test
Objective 3: To identify that the opinions of people’s friends on social media that affect their
decision to purchase an electric vehicle wrt to gender

Justification: the opinions of people’s friends on social media that affect their decision to
purchase an electric vehicle wrt to gender are on interval scale and gender is on nominal scale
with 2 options, So we can use Two Independent Sample T -test to solve the above objective
Data Analysis (Objective 3):
H : NO Significant difference in the perception of the 2 gender categories wrt to the opinions

of people’s friends on social media that affect their decision to purchase an electric vehicle.
i.e. µmale= µfemale
H : Significant difference in the perception of the 2 gender categories wrt to the opinions of

people’s friends on social media that affect their decision to purchase an electric vehicle.
i.e. µmale ≠ µfemale

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. Interval of the
(2- Mean Std. Error Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
5. The Equal 4.101 .045 .797 116 .427 .227 .284 -.337 .790
opinions of variances
my friends on assumed
social media Equal .933 48.834 .356 .227 .243 -.262 .715
affect my variances not
decision to assumed
purchase an

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xix

Group Statistics
Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
5. The opinions of my friends Male 93 2.67 1.322 .137
on social media affect my Female 25 2.44 1.003 .201
decision to purchase an
electric vehicle

Levene’s Test for Equality of Means

Parameters Hypothesis P- Decision (α = 0.05)

5. The opinions of people’s friends on social H :σ 0Y

M(Y) = .045 p < α so we will reject
media that affect their decision to purchase an σ 2
F(Y) the null hypothesis
electric vehicle H :σ1Y
M(Y) ≠
σ 2

According to the above table, p value.045 is less than (0.05), so we will reject the null
hypothesis because there is a significant difference in the perception of two genders, i.e. the
(male and female) categories, in relation to the opinions of people's friends on social media
that influence their decision to purchase an electric vehicle.

According to the above table, the mean value of males (2.67) is bigger than the mean value of
females (2.44), showing that males are more likely than females to purchase an electric
vehicle based on the opinions of their friends on social media that influence their decision to
purchase one.

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xx

Two Independent Sample T -Test

Objective 4: To identify that people prefer to purchase an electric vehicle based on the
information they find on social media wrt to age.

Justification: People prefer to purchase an electric vehicle based on the information they
find on social media are on interval scale wrt to age is on nominal scale with 2 options, So we
can use Two Independent Sample T -test to solve the above objective
Data Analysis (Objective 4):

H : NO Significant difference in the perception of the 2 age group wrt to the People prefer to

purchase an electric vehicle based on the information they find on social media
i.e. µLower age group = µMiddle age group
H : Significant difference in the perception of the 2 age group wrt to the People prefer to

purchase an electric vehicle based on the information they find on social media.
i.e. µLower age group = µMiddle age group

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. Interval of the
(2- Mean Std. Error Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
6. I prefer to Equal .303 .583 .681 116 .497 .412 .605 -.786 1.611
purchase an variances
electric assumed
vehicle based Equal .805 3.307 .475 .412 .512 -1.136 1.960
on the variances not
information I assumed
find on social

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xxi

Levene’s Test for Equality of Means

Parameters Hypothesis P- Decision (α = 0.05)


6. People prefer to purchase an electric H :σ 0Y

M(Y) = .583 p > α so the null
vehicle based on the information they find on σ 2
F(Y) hypothesis is not
social media. H :σ1Y
M(Y) ≠ rejected.
σ 2

According to the above table, p value.583 is greater than (0.05), thus we do not reject the null
hypothesis as NO Significant difference in perception of two age groups about the fact that
individuals choose to purchase an electric vehicle based on information found on social

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xxii

Two Independent Sample T -Test

Objective 5: To identify people who feel more confident about their decision to purchase
an electric vehicle after researching on social media. wrt to age.

Justification: people who feel more confident about their decision to purchase an electric
vehicle after researching on social media are on interval scale wrt to age is on nominal scale
with 2 options , So we can use Two Independent Sample T -test to solve the above objective
Data Analysis (Objective 5):

H : NO Significant difference in the perception of the 2-age group wrt to the people who feel

more confident about their decision to purchase an electric vehicle after researching on social
i.e. µLower age group = µMiddle age group

H : Significant difference in the perception of the 2-age group wrt to the people who feel

more confident about their decision to purchase an electric vehicle after researching on social
i.e. µLower age group = µMiddle age group

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. Interval of the
(2- Mean Std. Error Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
7. I feel more Equal .754 .387 - 116 .871 -.101 .621 -1.330 1.129
confident variances .163
about my assumed
decision to Equal - 3.355 .849 -.101 .492 -1.578 1.376
purchase an variances not .205
electric assumed
vehicle after
on social

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xxiii

Levene’s Test for Equality of Means

Parameters Hypothesis P- Decision (α = 0.05)


7. People who feel more confident about their H :σ 0Y

M(Y) = .163 p > α so The null
decision to purchase an electric vehicle after σ2
F(Y) hypothesis is not
researching on social media H :σ
M(Y) ≠ rejected.

According to the above table, p value.163 is greater than (0.05), so we do not reject the null
hypothesis as NO Significant difference in the perception of two age groups in relation to
people who feel more confident about their decision to purchase an electric vehicle after
conducting research on social media.

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xxiv

Two Independent Sample T -Test

Objective 6: To identify people who agree that buying electric vehicles from the old
brands is more trustworthy as they are buying them for a long time wrt to age.

Justification: people agree that buying electric vehicles from the old brands is more
trustworthy as they are buying them for a long time are on interval scale wrt to age is on
nominal scale with 2 options, So we can use Two Independent Sample T -test to solve the
above objective
Data Analysis (Objective 6):

H : NO Significant difference in the perception of the 2 age group wrt to the people agree that

buying electric vehicles from the old brands is more trustworthy as they are buying them for a
long time
i.e. µLower age group = µMiddle age group

H : Significant difference in the perception of the 2-age group wrt to the people agree that

buying electric vehicles from the old brands is more trustworthy as they are buying them for a
long time.
i.e., µLower age group = µMiddle age group

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. Interval of the
(2- Mean Std. Error Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
8. Do you Equal .406 .525 - 116 .477 -.408 .571 -1.540 .724
agree that variances .714
buying assumed

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xxv

electric Equal - 3.299 .461 -.408 .490 -1.891 1.075
vehicles from variances not .832
the old assumed
brands is
as you are
buying them
for a long

Levene’s Test for Equality of Means

Parameters Hypothesis P- Decision (α = 0.05)


8. people agree that buying electric vehicles H :σ 0Y

M(Y) = .525 p > α so the null
from the old brands is more trustworthy as they σ 2
F(Y) hypothesis is not
are buying them for a long time H :σ1Y
M(Y) ≠ rejected.
σ 2

According to the above table, p value.525 is greater than (0.05), so we do not reject the null
hypothesis as NO Significant difference in the perception of two age groups in terms of
people agreeing that buying electric vehicles from old brands is more trustworthy because
they have been buying them for a long time.

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xxvi

Two Independent Sample T -Test

Objective 7: To identify that the opinions of people agree or disagree that buying an
environmentally friendly vehicle is better for everyone's future, wrt to Occupation.
Justification: the opinions of people agree or disagree that buying an environmentally
friendly vehicle is better for everyone's future are on interval scale wrt to Occupation
is on nominal scale with 2 options, so we can use Two Independent Sample T -test to solve
the above objective.
Data Analysis (Objective 7):
H : NO Significant difference in the perception of the 2 Occupation categories wrt to the

opinions of people agree or disagree that buying an environmentally friendly vehicle is better
for everyone's future.
i.e. µEarners e= µNot Earners
H : Significant difference in the perception of the 2 Occupation categories wrt to the opinions

of people agree or disagree that buying an environmentally friendly vehicle is better for
everyone's future.
i.e. µEarners e= µNot Earners

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. Interval of the
(2- Mean Std. Error Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
9. Do you Equal 7.967 .006 - 116 .454 -.186 .247 -.675 .304
agree that variances .751
buying an assumed
environmentally Equal - 57.717 .499 -.186 .273 -.731 .360
friendly vehicle variances not .680
is better for assumed

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xxvii

Group Statistics
Std. Error
Occupation Recoded N Mean Std. Deviation Mean
9. Do you agree that Not Earning 80 2.03 1.125 .126
buying an Earning 38 2.21 1.492 .242
environmentally friendly
vehicle is better for
everyone future?

Levene’s Test for Equality of Means

Parameters Hypothesis P- Decision (α = 0.05)

9. People agree or disagree that buying H :σ

M(Y) =σ 2
F(Y) .006 p < α so we will
an environmentally friendly vehicle is H :σ
M(Y) ≠σ
F(Y) reject the null
better for everyone's future hypothesis

According to the above table, p value.006 is less than (0.05), so we will reject the null
hypothesis because there is a significant difference in the perception of two occupation
categories regarding whether people agree or disagree that purchasing an environmentally
friendly vehicle is better for everyone's future.

The above table shows that the mean value of earners (2.21) is bigger than the mean value of
non-earners (2.03), indicating that earners agree more than non-earners that purchasing an
ecologically friendly vehicle is better for everyone's future.

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xxviii

Two Independent Sample T -Test

Objective 8: To identify the perception of people who trust information about electric
vehicles that you see on social media wrt to Occupation.

Justification: People who trust information about electric vehicles that you see on social
media are on interval scale wrt to Occupation is on nominal scale with 2 options, so we can
use Two Independent Sample T -test to solve the above objective

Data Analysis (Objective 8):

H : NO Significant difference in the perception of the 2 Occupation categories wrt to the

People who trust information about electric vehicles that you see on social media.
i.e. µEarners e= µNot Earners

H : Significant difference in the perception of the 2 Occupation categories wrt to the People

who trust information about electric vehicles that you see on social media.
i.e. µEarners e= µNot Earners

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality
of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Interval of
Sig. the
(2- Mean Std. Error Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
10. How Equal .145 .704 - 116 .108 -.343 .212 -.763 .076
much do variances 1.620
you trust assumed
information Equal - 65.334 .126 -.343 .222 -.786 .099
about variances 1.550
electric not
vehicles assumed
that you see
on social

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xxix

Levene’s Test for Equality of Means

Parameters Hypothesis P- Decision (α = 0.05)


10. People who trust information H :σ

M(Y) =σ 2
F(Y) .704 p > α so the null
about electric vehicles that you see H :σ
M(Y) ≠σ
F(Y) hypothesis is not
on social media rejected.

According to the above table, p value.704 is greater than (0.05), so we do not reject the null
hypothesis as there is NO Significant difference in the perception of two occupation
categories in relation to the Individuals who trust information about electric vehicles that they
read on social media.

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xxx

Two Independent Sample T -Test

Objective 9: To identify the perceptions of people buying an expensive electric vehicle is

difficult and requires a lot of thought before making a purchase wrt to their occupation.

Justification: people buying an expensive electric vehicle is difficult and requires a lot of
thought before making a purchase are on interval scale wrt to Occupation is on nominal scale
with 2 options, So we can use Two Independent Sample T -test to solve the above objective

Data Analysis (Objective 9):

H : NO Significant difference in the perception of the 2 Occupation categories wrt to the

people buying an expensive electric vehicle is difficult and requires a lot of thought before
making a purchase.
i.e. µEarners e= µNot Earners

H : Significant difference in the perception of the 2 Occupation categories wrt to the people

buying an expensive electric vehicle is difficult and requires a lot of thought before making a

i.e. µEarners e= µNot Earners

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality
of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Interval of
Sig. the
(2- Mean Std. Error Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
11. Do you Equal 1.451 .231 - 116 .267 -.274 .246 -.760 .213
agree that variances 1.114
buying an assumed
expensive Equal - 65.403 .290 -.274 .257 -.786 .239
electric variances 1.067
vehicle is not
difficult andassumed
needs a lot
of thinking
making a

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xxxi

Levene’s Test for Equality of Means

Parameters Hypothesis P- Decision (α = 0.05)


10. People who trust information about H :σ 0Y

M(Y) = .231 p > α so The null
electric vehicles that you see on social σ2
F(Y) hypothesis is not
media H :σ
M(Y) ≠ rejected.

The p value.231 in the above table is greater than (0.05), thus we do not reject the null
hypothesis as NO Substantial difference in the perception of two occupation categories wrt to
consumers buying an expensive electric vehicle is tough and requires a lot of consideration
before making a purchase.

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xxxii

Discussion and Findings

We discovered that there was no substantial difference in the perceptions of two genders
(male and female) when it came to social media having an influence on them while
purchasing electric vehicles.

Although there was a substantial difference in the mean value, we may conclude that the
opinions of friends on social media had an effect on guys' decisions to purchase an electric
vehicle rather than females.

We also determined that there is no statistically significant difference in the perceptions of

two age groups (lower and middle age groups) who are more confident in their decision to
buy an electric vehicle after completing social media research.

We also identified a significant difference in the attitudes of two professional categories

about the purchase of an environmentally friendly vehicle that is better for everyone's future.

We noticed that people with extra money were more likely to buy an environmentally
friendly vehicle, which is better for everyone's future.

We found no statistically significant variations in the attitudes of people in the occupation

categories who trust information about electric vehicles obtained from social media.

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xxxiii

In conclusion, the impact of social media on youth towards buying behaviour for electric
vehicles has been studied by analysing various factors such as gender, age, occupation, and
perception of information found on social media. The results show that gender and age have
no significant difference in the perception of social media influence on buying behaviour for
electric vehicles, except for the opinions of people's friends on social media that affect their
decision to purchase one. Males were found to be more likely to purchase an electric vehicle
based on the opinions of their friends on social media compared to females.

Furthermore, the study discovered that there is no significant difference between age groups
in the judgement of the trustworthiness of electric vehicle information on social media and
the desire for purchasing electric vehicles from historic companies. Nonetheless, there is a
significant difference between earners and non-earners' perceptions of buying an ecologically
friendly vehicle being beneficial for everyone's future, with earners agreeing more strongly
than non-earners.

Also, the study showed no significant differences in the judgement of the validity of
information about electric vehicles on social media and the problems of obtaining an
expensive electric vehicle across occupation groups.

Overall, social media has little influence on young people's purchasing of electric vehicles.
Nonetheless, the opinions of friends on social media do impact men' decisions to buy an
electric vehicle. Earners are also more inclined than non-earners to support ecologically
friendly vehicles, according to the survey. The findings of this study could help politicians
and automakers build successful marketing tactics and legislation to encourage the adoption
of electric vehicles.

M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xxxiv


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M B A Batch 2021-23 Page xxxv

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