Selfi Toefl Uin - Structure Section

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If Muslim countries want … with their lagging in science and technology, they preferably
spend their budget on science and technology more than the budget spent by developed
(A) Cope
(B) Coping
(C) To cope
(D) Coped

2. The golden age of Islamic civilization during the 8th to 12th century … established by
integrating both religious sciences and natural or worldly sciences in the light of Islam.
(A) Is
(B) Was
(C) Has been
(D) Had been

4. The historian of science has suggested that the Muslims deliberately … the printing press
because they feel instinctively that cheap books would eventually destroy cultural
(A) Avoid
(B) Avoiding
(C) To avoid
(D) Avoided

5. What we need to do, first of all, is … God as the origin of all things and to recognize
people as responsible creatures.
(A) Acknowledge
(B) Acknowledged
(C) To acknowledge
(D) Being acknowledged

6. In 2015, a nationwide survey of primary school teachers … by an educational association,

regarding whether teaching should attain a higher level of professionalism.
(A) Is conducted
(B) Was conducted
(C) Are conducted
(D) Were conducted

7. By the end of the decade, scientists … a cure for influenza from several studies and
research they have already done.
(A) Will discover
(B) Will be discovering
(C) Will have discovered
(D) Will have been discovering

8. However, there are clear indications as to how this Islamic heritage has been and … again
be put to good use in the modern context.
(A) Would
(B) Should
(C) Might
(D) Could

9. Most researchers in the Muslim countries have little access to scholarly journals and
references, and do not have enough materials to update the development of
fields because most of … are written in foreign languages.
(A) They
(B) Them
(C) Their
(D) Theirs

11. Cultures have different rules … the appropriateness of gazing at others when interacting
with them.
(A) Regard
(B) Regarding
(C) With regards
(D) With regarding

12. Education offers one of … means to break the cycle of poverty that all too often
overtakes children with disabilities and their families.
(A) Effective
(B) More effective
(C) Most effective
(D) The most effective

13. Readers should bear in mind that estimates of the numbers of Muslim in Europe vary
widely … the difficulty of counting new immigrants.
(A) Because
(B) Because of
(C) Cause
(D) Cause of

14. The term science in the book’s little in principal covers not only the natural and physical
sciences … the whole range of human knowledge, including the knowledge of
human as a spiritual being.
(A) but
(B) but also
(C) and
(D) or

15. Speed comes at a cost in terms of fuel burn … modern jet aircraft are designed to fly at
optimum speeds and altitudes to maximize the efficiencies of their design.
(A) though
(B) since
(C) although
(D) however

16. In Europe and Japan, electricity is a major energy source for rail, … diesel is a major
source in North America, and coal is also still used in some developing countries.
(A) while
(B) when
(C) since
(D) for

18. Important Islamic observatories … established in many cities across the Islamic world in
order to make accurate observations of the sun, moon, and stars.
(A) is
(B) are
(C) was
(D) were

19. In order … impartial and professional guidance, schools and colleges should be able to
obtain guidance services for their students from well-trained professionals and/or
careers guidance companies.
(A) to ensure
(B) that to ensure
(C) to be ensured
(D) that to be ensured

21. The nation state model, which all Muslim countries have adopt, has economic
development as its highest priority. A B C

23. If education is not to be relegated to the role of bystander in the development process it
C should became, an active participant in the necessary social changes.

24. It is not necessary that a child shall understand every word in a book before he can
C read with pleasure and profit.

26. Tauhid is the foundation of Islamic monotheism and its essence is containing in the
declaration (Shahada) which every Muslim makes and is a constant.

27. In the end of 2020 all junior and senior high schools will have to join a national network
to enhance the quality of education by sharing new advancements more rapidly.

29. Given the emphasis on the culture-bearing aspect, the class of persons and local groups
as members of an ethnic group must depend on their exhibiting the
particular traits of C
D the culture.

30. The report indicates that in order to expand the more needed multicultural policies, the
States must recognize the cultural differences in their constitutions laws
and institutions. C

31. In planning for the future, the voices of adults and children with disabilities and their
families need to be many more clearly heard in council.

32. Inspite the advantages of consistency and operational efficiency offered by centralized
C control of the curriculum, the curriculum reform of 2013 is facing a
number of
D challenges.
33. So it is either science nor technology which is responsible for the crisis of the modern
world, but rather the scientific technology that has resulted from the
unholy C
combination of these once virtually separate human
activities. D

34. Public transport is attractive from economically sustainable perspective unless it

provides more capacity at less marginal cost.

35. Indonesia needs a more diversified and national coordinated system of vocational
education with a high level of employer engagement.

36. As the new curriculum is developed there is the intention to provide further guidance on
the early years curriculum and methodology, however, these are still in
the many stages C D
of development.

37. Alcling with massive school operations grant program as a way of injecting funds
directly into schools the government wants to keep children in school and
give schools some flexibility in managing their own funds.

38. In line with the government’s commitment to equality, a concerted effort will be
required to further improve access and to offer more and better
opportunities in B C
communities where participation in basic education
is low.

39. Academic reputation and ranking scores depend to a large extent on publication in
refereed international journals and it is absolutely necessary for the top
institution. C D
40. Sophisticated learning management system and enhanced video and presentation tools
are among another innovations that respondents say are likely have a
profound effect B C
D on the academic experience.


1. Neither can we deny that, as … agree, one of the problems still facing the cultural rights
is that they are still often seen as linked to the work on ethnic and cultural minorities.

(A) Most
(B) Experts
(C) Most experts
(D) All most experts

2. The art gallery is a characteristically modern institution, … detected from the rest of
public life and made into a picture for the pleasure of a subject-viewer.
(A) Where is art
(B) Where art is
(C) Where was art
(D) Where art was

3. As far as human resources are concerned, the proportion of students in the Muslim
world who enrolls in the field of science and technology is limited.
4. Ration is not to be relegated to the role bystander in the development process, it
should became an active participant in the necessary social changes.
5. According to this document, the solution does not lie in regressing to conservationism nor
… nationalism, but in designing multicultural policies that promote diversity pluralism.
(A) isolate
(B) isolated
(C) isolating
(D) to isolate

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