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Assalamu’alaikum wr..wbb.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen.. I stand here to send all my gratitudes, To Allah, who
makes all things possibleTo Rasulullah, whose teaching will never fade away.To the judges,
who are fully courageous and to all the contestants, my appreciation belongs to you.

Here, I’d like to share something about “Experience is a better learning”

Talking about experience, we often hear quotes like “Experience is the best teacher” or
“Knowledge comes from experience” those quotes have a very deep meaning which in life we will
continue to experience and learn from it just like as simple as get up, put clothes on, get a drink,
walk to the school, we experience it almost everyday. Experience could be good, like helping a
person in need or it could be bad like losing money on risky business however What all
experiences have in common is that they shape who we are.

I believe that most experiences provide an opportunity for self development, but it depends on how
we take advantage of our experiences, we need to think how they can help us to learn. Learning
from experience can mean not making the same mistakes or finding solutions to the obstacles we
have faced. Besides that, we can gain knowledge from other’s experience by listening their story or
advice, but learning by our own experiences is long lasting and provides better learning.

Several months ago, I had my first experience to do English speech. I never did it before until my
teacher chose me. At that time, I doubted to myself and I felt nervous a lot. But, I could get through
that day by day. I learned how to speak in front of camera, how to pronounce a word I never knew
before, I felt how hard to memorize the text and keep my intonation. I was eliminated and It was
not easy for me, but It was memorable and valuable chanceI I ever had. So, when I get the second
chance, I feel better about myself because I ever did it before, It’s not as hard as the first time. I
learned many things from my first experience.

I get a point that experience can facilitate learning with mind’s help. Sometimes, we too often miss
opportunities for learning from our experience simply because we forget to reflect and think. When
something happened, we easily let it go and forget it, in fact everything happened always brings a
lesson. If we do not pay attention to it, the opportunity for new knowledge will not happen.

Every experience we have actually shapes who we are in one-way or another. Even A seemingly
unimportant experience may simply change how we feel, how we act, and how we think one day. In
real life, Experience may frighten us, weaken us or make us self-doubt but it may also make us
stronger. we will make mistakes in the process and become wise in a true sense, If we have the
mindset that we are all in control of who we are and who we become, then we will develop a
mindset that is so important in progress, we will start to take responsibility for our actions. We’re
mature by doing.

I remember a quote from Confucius “ I hear I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand”

So, enrich our experience, do it, and learn from it.

That’s all from me, Thank you for your attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr..wb..

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