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By Group 3
Group Members:
1. Andronik Makassar
2. Elsa Loblobly
3. Fransiskus Jegaut

4. Lavechia Boki
5. Shanny Sinah
6. Wardah Fero
Recount Text
it is a poster that we
choose to analyze
Chapter 1
Quality of Context
Table For
Number 1
The quality of the context of the recount text is very good. We
can see that starting from recount text material which tells an
experience or event that happened in the past with the aim of
entertaining the reader and providing information to the reader
about certain events experienced by someone.

We think this is very interesting because surely everyone likes to

share stories with others, both pleasant and unpleasant stories.
Instructions also make people understand, let alone use the steps
to write recount text and we can also apply them in our daily
lives. but the drawback of recount text is that we don't get
anything new from this text, because we have studied this text at
school and also the actions, moments, or events that are explained
must be made using the past tense because they relate to the
past but on the poster that is displayed doesn't explain it at all
Chapter 2
Quality of Content
Table For
Number 2
The quality of content is also very good. why we say very
good? because the purpose of this one text is to entertain
the audience. In contrast to narrative text which has conflict,
there is no conflict in recount text. Not only to entertain, this
text also aims to provide information to the reader about
certain events experienced by someone.

From this material we can also help improve our

communicative abilities, we can also develop ideas about
experiences by writing in text form, and also we are
motivated to be able to write well again. however, the
recount text poster also has drawbacks, namely the recount
text poster does not explain the use of any expressions, be it
happy or sad expressions and also we do not find new
vocabulary in the recount text to learn
Chapter 3
Ease of use
Discussion Table For
Number 3
The ease of use of recount text
is also very good. Because the
explanation is short and colorful,
it makes it interesting and not
boring to read. It's also a great
way to incorporate it into English
The advantages of this recount text poster
can also make it easier for us to understand
more quickly, can attract attention and
convey ideas, and can also be found
anywhere, both on social media, the internet
and in public places, so we can learn on our
own as well as recount text material it is very
effective in improving communicative skills
Chapter 4
Additional Question
Discussion Table For
Number 4
In the additional questions section, the
material on the recount text poster must be
corrected. Because in the poster there is still
less explanation. suggestions from us,
writers can add recount text features and
recount text types. In additional writing, it
may be explained as briefly as possible
considering that small posters are not very
effective in explaining material on a large

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