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Usually, your search for the right specialist will lead you to two types of doctors: psychologists

and psychiatrists. Both psychologists and psychiatrists understand how the brain processes
thoughts, emotions, and feelings and use that information to treat mental illness. But despite
what you might think, psychologists and psychiatrists aren’t the same. Even though they both
specialize in mental health, the two professions have different credentials and educational
requirements. In addition to that, psychologists and psychiatrists have different treatment
approaches to mental health challenges and focus on treating certain types of mental illnesses.
What Do Psychologists Do?
Psychologists help people cope with life issues and mental health challenges. When you visit a
psychologist, they study the way you think, behave, and relate to other people and your
environment. Psychologists also:
 Find patterns that help them understand and predict behavior
 Work with individuals, couples, and families to make desired life changes
 Identify and diagnose mental, behavioral, and emotional disorders
 Develop and carry out treatment plans
 Collaborate with physicians or social workers as necessary
What Do Psychiatrists Do?
Psychiatrists are medical doctors who evaluate, diagnose, and treat people living with mental
health disorders that range in severity from mild and temporary to severe and chronic.
Psychiatrists can also:
 Provide urgent care for a sudden mental illness
 Help you manage long-term mental health conditions
 Provide second opinions and advice to other doctors and health professionals
 Refer you to other health professionals
 Admit you to the hospital when necessary
The Differences Between a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist
Many people confuse psychologists and psychiatrists with each other because their titles sound
similar and they both diagnose and treat mental health conditions, but there are some key
differences between the two professions.
1. Education & Training
Psychiatrists Have Medical Degrees, Psychologists Do Not.
Psychologists and psychiatrists are both highly educated and skilled. Psychologists have at least
6 years of university training and supervised experience. Most psychologists have a doctor of
philosophy (Ph.D.) or psychology (PsyD) degree. Psychologists that have a Doctorate (Ph.D.)
can call themselves “Dr.,” but they do not have degrees in medicine. Clinical psychologists have
special training in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.
Psychiatrists are medical doctors with at least 11 years of training. Psychiatrists begin their
education with a medical degree at a university. After that, they spend 1 or 2 years of training as
a general doctor before completing at least 5 years of training in the diagnosis and treatment of
mental illness. Unlike psychologists, psychiatrists have a doctor of medicine degree (MD) and
are required to learn all the systems and functions of the human body, how to perform physical
exams, and specific treatments for each medical condition.
2. Authority to Medicate
Psychiatrists Can Prescribe Medicine, Most Psychologists Cannot.
Even though psychologists and psychiatrists treat mental health conditions, most psychologists
cannot prescribe medication. However, with some additional qualifications, psychologists in the
following 5 states can prescribe medication:
 Idaho
 Iowa
 Illinois
 Louisiana
 New Mexico
Psychologists working in the military, Indian Health Service, or in Guam can also prescribe
medication. The authority to prescribe medicine is much less restrictive for psychiatrists.
Because of their medical degree, psychiatrists, in any state, have the authority to prescribe
3. Treatment
Psychologists Focus on Behavior, Psychiatrists Provide a Wide Range of Treatment.
Both psychologists and psychiatrists talk with you about the problems and challenges you’re
facing. But their different educational backgrounds allow them to focus on, treat, and approach
those issues differently.
Psychologists tend to focus on your behavior patterns. For example, if you’re dealing with
anxiety, a psychologist will track your sleeping pattern, the frequency and severity of panic
attacks, and the negative thoughts that might be contributing to your high levels of anxiety.
Based on what they find, they’ll talk with you, teach you how to change some of those patterns,
and help you develop new habits to help relieve and manage anxiety. Their primary way of
helping you cope is through psychological treatments and different types of talk therapy.
Psychiatrists also look at your behavior patterns, but they have a stronger understanding of
biology and neurochemistry as well. This allows them to provide a wider range of treatment that
can include:
 Psychological treatment
 Brain stimulation therapies
 Medication
 General medical care, including physical examinations, in order to evaluate the effects of
any prescribed medication
Psychiatrists also perform medical examinations before providing a diagnosis. For example, a
psychiatrist may check for thyroid problems or vitamin deficiencies before diagnosing you with
4. Conditions Treated
Psychologists Treat Less Severe Conditions, Psychiatrists Treat More Complex Mental Health
Generally, psychologists treat conditions that don’t require medication. These types of conditions
can include behavioral problems, learning difficulties, anxiety, and mild cases of depression.
Psychiatrists, on the other hand, tend to treat complex conditions that require medical treatment
and psychological evaluations, including:
 Schizophrenia
 Bipolar disorder
 Severe depression
Should I See a Psychologist or Psychiatrist?
If you’re experiencing life challenges and want to work on better understanding your thoughts
and behaviors, you might benefit from seeing a psychologist. But if you’re dealing with more
complex conditions that generally require medications, you can ask your primary care physician
for a referral to see a psychiatrist.
Some conditions, like depression and anxiety, can be treated with a combination of talk therapy
and medication, allowing you to visit both a psychologist and psychiatrist. In these types of
cases, you may have regular therapy sessions with a psychologist, while a psychiatrist manages
your medical treatment.
Regardless of the type of specialist you choose, make sure that the person tending to your mental
health has:
 Experience treating your type of mental health condition
 An approach, personality, and manner that makes you feel comfortable
 Availability and open appointments
Providing You with Expert Brain-Focused Mental Health Treatment
At Stone Ridge Centers, we care about your mental health. That’s why we pride ourselves on
providing you with world-class clinical care backed by expert-level neuroscience. Our treatment
programs, overseen by a triple-board-certified psychiatrist, are comprehensive and customized to
provide you with exactly the type of care you need.
You don’t have to face any kind of mental health challenge alone. Let us help you reclaim your
mental health and manage challenges in a healthy way. Call us today at 928-583-7799 if you or
your loved one are looking for compassionate care matched with evidence-based treatment.

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