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NATIONALITY : Cameroonian

Email :

PHONE: 00 237 656 03 30 09 / 00 237 651 92 38 95

POSITION: Associate Professor for State Universities of Cameroon and Centre Chief of Scientific
Documentation and Archives at Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering of Douala (University of
Douala, Douala, Cameroon)

Date of the CV : 27st, June 2022



March 1993 : Ph.D in Applied Mathematics (Option: Numerical analysis and PDE)

from Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University called also Paris 6 University (Paris , France), in

partnership with Institut Français du Pétrole (Paris, France).

September 1989 : Postgraduate degree in Mathematical Engineering and Partial

Differential Equations,

Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University ( Paris, France).

September 1987 : Master degree in Mathematics and Fundamental Applications,

Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University ( Paris, France).

July 1986 : Bachelor degree in Mathematics, Paris XIII University (Paris, France) .

July 1985 : First Two-year University degree in Mathematics and Physics, Paris XIII
University (Paris, France) .


2016: Associate Professor , with affiliation at University of Yaoundé 1 (Cameroon)


From August 2017 to July 2021 :

Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, in Charge of Education,
University of Douala (Cameroon) . My main activities concerned the organization of
Semester Examinations for all the Departments of the Faculty of Industrial
Engineering. The follow-up of copy marking within the different Departments was
also my duty and organization of Pre-Jurys as well. I was also the one who should sign
education documents as School Certificates and Transcripts.

From January 2015 to August 2017 :

Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, in Charge of Programming and
Monitoring of Academic Activities, University of Douala (Cameroon) . I had to set the
Academic Calendar and control its respect within all the Departments. I was also
concerned with the Monitoring of Academic Activities in view to ensure that
Examination calendar will be respected and check for Good Program

From April 2008 to December 2014 :

Head of Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences,
Institut Africain d’Informatique, Libreville (Gabon) . My duty consisted in
coordinating the academic activities inside the department. I was also the one
who should propose (to the Director of Education) Mathematics subjects for the
entrance examination in first year and third year.

From January 2013 to December 2014:

Coordinator of Laboratory of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences,

Cumulatively with the responsibility of Head of Department of Applied
Mathematics and Computer Sciences,
Institut Africain d’Informatique, Libreville (Gabon).
I had to organize periodic oral communications where Lecturers were invited to
present the Evolution of their Research Works in Mathematics and Computer
Sciences. An international Scientific Committee was put in place. The agreement of
that Scientific Committee was required before a manuscript could be submitted
under the Institution name.

From August 1998 to December 2007 :

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical and Computer Engineering,
National Advanced School of Engineering, University of Yaoundé 1 (Cameroon) .

From August 1995 to December 1997 :

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical and Computer Engineering,
National Advanced School of Engineering, University of Yaoundé 1 (Cameroon) .

From August 1994 to July 1995 :

Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences,
Faculty of Sciences, University of Douala (Cameroon) .


• October 1990 - March 1993: A four-year training on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation
of Multiphase Flows in Geologically Complex Reservoirs at Institut Français du Pétrole (Paris,
France). The Mixed Hybrid Finite Elements were a powerful tool to address this kind of
issues at that period. My Doctoral Training was supervised by Professor Charles-Michel
Marle ( Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University and Institut Français du Pétrole, French Academic
of Sciences Member ) with the co-direction of Dr Patrick Lemonnier (Senior Engineer,
Institut Français du Pétrole, Paris, France) and Professor Dominique Guérillot who was a
Senior Engineer at Institut Français du Pétrole during my doctoral training and who is
currently Professor at Texas A&M University in Doha .
Today many challenging numerical methods for Reservoir Simulations have been developed.
The most powerful among them is the so-called Discrete Duality Finite Volumes discovered
by a Cameroonian team (specifically Abdou Njifenjou and Moukouop-Nguéna Ibrahim)
around 1998-1999 at the same time as a French team (specifically Francois Hermeline from
CEA, France) in independent works . One should wait Pascal Omnès (CEA, France) in 2005 to
get the current name of that method from a new Mathematical Formulation based on a
discrete Gradient, a discrete Divergence and a discrete Trace defined on discrete function

• Since my come-back to Cameroon in 1994, I have done my best to create what can be called
a “Cameroon School of Numerical Analysis for Mathematical Sciences” materialized by the
Training at Postgraduate level of Young Cameroonians within my Research Team on
Numerical Analysis for Mathematical Sciences. Today some of them are Senior Lecturers in
Cameroon State Universities (Maroua, Dschang, Bamenda, Buea, Douala and Yaounde 1).
But most of them are Senior Lecturers of Numerical Analysis for Mathematical Sciences in
Europe, USA and Canada. Concerning those who are out of Cameroon, they have shown
their availability to contribute to the training of younger candidates for advanced studies in
Numerical Analysis for Mathematical Sciences. It is in that spirit we are currently co-
supervising Doctoral Training of some young Cameroonians from University of Douala.

• October 2011 - September 2013: Deputy Coordinator of a Two-Year Master Program in

Mathematical Modelling for Hydrology with emphasis on Hydrogeology, Faculty of Sciences,
University of Yaounde 1. This Master Program was created and conducted by Professor
Maurice TCHUENTE with the partnership of Camwater and ENEO (called SONEL at that
period) . Many students from that Master Program did their academic internships at
Camwater and SONEL and were recruited at the end of their training by these organizations.
The outcome is that those former students have got strong positions and could receive
younger students for academic internships.


5.1 Native language : Bamoun (spoken in West -Cameroon)

5.2 Other language skills : English and French (two official languages of Cameroon)

- English read, written and spoken fluently (Lecture Notes and Research Reports in


- French read, written and spoken fluently (University studies in France).


My working group has been involved in many Research Funding for initiating/completing
Research-Projects. The main one led us to put in place a Three-Year Research-Project (2000 – 2002).
Our Research Program concerned the development of numerical tools for simulations of groundwater
flows, including interactions with surface flows and solute contamination processes. The locality of
investigation was Yaoundé, the capital city of Cameroon.

This was an important Research Project by its multidisciplinary aspects. Because of great
influence of the parameter heterogeneities involved in our theoretical model we called out the theory
of Data Assimilation earlier developed by an INRIA team named CLIME (under the

leadership of Professor Francois-Xavier Le Dimet from Joseph Fourier University of Grenoble, France).
So our numerical solution had to be validated in terms of comparison with available values of
piezometric head from ground investigations .

This Research Program had been financially supported by a French-Cameroonian funding. In

this connection we had got for our Three-Year Research Project a total amount of 150,000 euros.

The main investigators of the funding were Bernard Philippe (former Research Director from
INRIA, France) and Professor Maurice Tchuente (from University of Yaoundé 1, Cameroon). Thanks to
my large experience concerning subsurface flow phenomena I was in charge of scientific coordination
of this important Research-Project and co-responsible (with Professor Gabriel Nguetseng from
University of Yaoundé 1) of the team “Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Modeling”.

I am a member of an important Research Project on Environmental Hydrology (focused on

inundation Phenomena in costal cities : case of Douala) that started in September 2021 involving a
French team from University of Nice (represented by Professor Boniface KONGA, France) and our team
from University of Douala (Cameroon).




(i) A. Njifenjou, H. Donfack and I. Moukouop-Nguena, “Analysis on general meshes of

a discrete duality finite volume method for subsurface flow problems”, Computational
Geosciences, Vol. 17, N°2 (2013), pp 391-415, 2013.

(ii) A. Njifenjou and I. Moukouop-Nguena, "Traitement des anisotropies de

perméabilité en simulation d’écoulements en milieu poreux par les volumes finis”,
Proceedings of an International Conference on “Systèmes Informatiques pour la
Gestion de l’Environnement”, Tchuente Maurice (ed.), pp 245–259, Douala
(Cameroon), 2001.

(iii) A. Njifenjou and I. Moukouop Nguena, “A finite volume approximation for second
order elliptic equations with a full matrix on quadrilateral grids: derivation of the scheme
and a theoretical analysis”, International Journal on Finite Volumes, Vol.3 (2006), N° 2
(electronic publication).


(iv) A. Njifenjou and A J. Kinfack, “Convergence analysis of an MPFA method for

flow problems in anisotropic heterogeneous porous media”, International Journal
on Finite Volumes, Vol.5, N°1 (2008) (electronic publication).

(v) Seydou Youssoufa, Moussa Sali, Nkongho Anyi Joseph and Abdou Njifenjou,
“Calculation of thin isotropic circular plates subject to constant loading by the
Generalized Equations of Finite Difference Method”, International Journal of
Mathematics Trends and Technology (IJMTT), Volume 66, Issue 2, 2020.

(vi) I.Moukouop-Nguena and A. Njifenjou, “Some MPFA Methods of DDFV type”,

part of “Benchmark on Anisotropic Problems”, published in Proceedings of “Finite
Volumes for Complex Applications V”, Edited by R. Eymard and J.-M. Herard, pp.
891–904, Wiley, 2008.

(vii) I. Moukouop Nguena and A. Njifenjou, “A new finite volume formulation for
diffusion problems in anisotropic nonhomogeneous media”, Proceedings of the 4th
International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications. Problems
and Perspectives. July 04-08, 2005, Marrakech (Morocco), 2005, pp 435-445.

(viii) A.Njifenjou, “Expression en termes d’énergie pour la perméabilité absolue

équivalente. Application au calcul numérique d’écoulements diphasiques en milieu
poreux“, Oil & Gas Science and Technology (Revue de l’Institut Français du
Pétrole), Vol. 49, N° 4, pp 345-358, July-August 1994.

(ix) A. Njifenjou, “Mixed Hybrid Finite Volume Analysis of a Diffusion Problem”

IMHOTEP (African Journal of Mathematics), Vol.5 (2004), N°1 (electronic publication) .

(x) I. Moukouop Nguena and A. Njifenjou, “Volumes Finis pour milieux hétérogènes
en maillages généraux“, (Book published in May 2011, Editor : Editions
Universitaires Européennes).

(xi) H. Donfack, A. Njifenjou and L. Ambassa, “A finite volume method for a diffusion-
convection problem: the upwind technique is it a necessary stability condition?”. Far
East Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 34, N°3, (2009), pp 363-380.

(xii) A. Njifenjou, Overview on conventional finite volumes for elliptic

problems involving discontinuous diffusion coefficients. Part 1: Focus on the one
dimension space models. Preprint Researchgate DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27472.17925
(Uploaded in September 2022)


• Refereed Scientific Publications

Seydou Youssoufa, Moussa Sali, Nkongho Anyi Joseph and Abdou Njifenjou,
“Calculation of thin isotropic circular plates subject to constant loading by the Generalized
Equations of Finite Difference Method”, International Journal of Mathematics Trends and
Technology (IJMTT), Volume 66, Issue 2, 2020.

A. Njifenjou, H. Donfack and A. Kinfack Jeutsa, “A discrete duality finite volume

method for flow problems with prescribed periodic boundary conditions”, Preprint (2019)

S. Moussa, A. Njifenjou, et S. Youssoufa, “Equations généralisées de la méthode des

differences finies pour le calcul des plaques minces isotropes soumises à une flexion,
compression, traction”, Afrique Science, 15 (3), 2019, 49-63.

A.Kinfack Jeutsa, A. Njifenjou and J. Nganhou,“Convergence analysis on

unstructured meshes of a DDFV method for flow problems with full Neumann boundary
conditions”, Journal of Applied Mathematics 2016, Article ID 5891064 (22 pages).

A.Kinfack Jeutsa, A. Njifenjou and J. Nganhou, “Convergence analysis on

quadrilateral grids of a DDFV method for subsurface flow problems in anisotropic
heterogeneous porous media with full Neumann boundary conditions”, Afr. Diaspora J.
Math., Volume 19, Number 2 (2016), 1-28.

A. Njifenjou, H. Donfack and I. Moukouop Nguena, “Analysis on general meshes of a
discrete duality finite volume method for subsurface flow problems”, Computational
Geosciences, Vol. 17, N°2 (2013), pp 391-415, 2013.

Ibrahim Moukouop-Nguena and Abdou Njifenjou, FVCA5 Benchmark: results on

numerical schemes for anisotropic diffusion problems on general grids. Book of Abstracts from
the International Conference “Num Coop 09 - INRIA”, held at Yaoundé (Cameroon), March
2nd to 4th , 2009.

Abdou Njifenjou and A. J. Kinfack, “Cnvergence analysis on square meshes of a

DDFV type method for flowmodels in porous media”, Book of Abstracts from the International
Conference “Num Coop 09 – INRIA”, held at Yaoundé (Cameroon), March 2nd to 4th , 2009.

H. Donfack, A. Njifenjou and L. Ambassa, “A finite volume method for a diffusion-

convection problem: the upwind technique is it a necessary stability condition?”. Far East
Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 34, N°3, (2009), pp 363-380.

I. Moukouop-Nguena and A. Njifenjou, “Some MPFA Methods of DDFV type”, part of

“Benchmark on Anisotropic Problems” published in Proceedings of “Finite Volumes for
Complex Applications V”, Edited by R. Eymard and J.-M. Herard, pp. 891–904, Wiley,

A. Njifenjou and I. Moukouop-Nguena, "Traitement des anisotropies de perméabilité en

simulation d’écoulements en milieu poreux par les volumes finis”, Proceedings of an
International Conference on “Systèmes Informatiques pour la Gestion de l’Environnement”,
Tchuente Maurice (ed.), pp 245–259, Douala (Cameroon), 2001.

A. Njifenjou, A. J. Kinfack, B. Mampassi and S. Njipouakouyou, “A finite volume

computation of fluxes and interface pressures in flow problems: Stability and Error
Estimates”. Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics Vol. 30, N°2 (2008), pp 133-164.

A. Njifenjou and A J. Kinfack, “Convergence analysis of an MPFA method for flow
problems in anisotropic heterogeneous porous media”, International Journal on Finite
Volumes, Vol.5, N°1 (2008) (electronic publication).

A.J. Kinfack, A. Njifenjou, and J. Tagoudjeu, “A finite volume method for a

diffusion-convection problem: the constant velocity case”, African Diaspora Journal of
Mathematics, Vol. 5 (2007), N°1, PP 44-60

A. Njifenjou and I. Moukouop Nguena, “A finite volume approximation for second

order elliptic equations with a full matrix on quadrilateral grids: derivation of the scheme and a
theoretical analysis”, International Journal on Finite Volumes, Vol.3 (2006), N° 2 (electronic

A. Njifenjou, B. Mampassi and S. Njipouakouyou, ”A finite volume formulation and

its connection with mixed hybrid finite element and mixed hybrid finite volume methods”,
Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.24 (2006), N°3, PP 267-280.

I.Moukouop Nguena, A. Njifenjou, B. Mampassi, "solution volumes finis

polynômiale par morceaux pour les problèmes de diffusion-convection admettant des
solutions continues", Journal des Sciences Pour l’Ingénieur, N° 6/2006, PP 56-64.

A.Njifenjou, “Mixed Hybrid Finite Volume Analysis of a Diffusion Problem” IMHOTEP

(African Journal of Mathematics), Vol.5 (2004), N°1 (electronic publication)

A. Njifenjou and I. Moukouop-Nguena, "Traitement des anisotropies de perméabilité en

simulation d’écoulement en milieu poreux par les volumes finis”, Proceedings of an International
Conference on “Systèmes Informatiques pour la Gestion de l’Environnement”, Tchuente Maurice
(ed.), pp 245–259, Douala (Cameroon), 2001.

A. Njifenjou, “ Dual mixed hybrid finite element method : the theory and the practice on
a model problem. Application », IMHOTEP (African Journal of Mathematics), Vol.1 (1997),
N°1, PP 1-30.

A.Njifenjou, “Expression en termes d’énergie pour la perméabilité absolue

équivalente. Application au calcul numérique d’écoulements diphasiques en milieu poreux“,
Oil & Gas Science and Technology (Revue de l’Institut Français du Pétrole), Vol. 49, N° 4,
pp 345-358, July-August 1994.

A.Njifenjou, “Eléments finis mixtes hybrides duaux et homogénéisation des

paramètres pétrophysiques. Application à l’étude numérique d’écoulement en milieu poreux“,
Ph.D Thesis, Université de Paris VI and Institut Français du Pétrole (France), March 1993.

A. Njifenjou, H. Donfack, and A. Kinfack Jeutsa. A discrete duality finite volume

method for flow problems with prescribed periodic boundary conditions. 2019. hal-

• Books

Title: “Overview on conventional finite volumes for elliptic problems involving

discontinuous diffusion coefficients. Part 1: Focus on the one dimension space
models”. (in preparation, Chapter one published on line: Preprint Researchgate,
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27472.17925, September 2022 )

• Co-Author of books

1- H. Donfack and A. Njifenjou, “Numerical Solution for flow problems: A discrete duality
finite volume method for flow problems”, Published in March 2022, Editor: Lambert
(Amazon, United Kingdom), 92 pages.

2- I. Moukouop Nguena and A. Njifenjou, “Volumes Finis pour milieux hétérogènes en

maillages généraux“, Published in May 2011, Editor : Editions Universitaires Européennes,
160 pages.

a. Co-Author of Chapters of book

A. Njifenjou and I. Moukouop Nguena, “A New MPFA Formulation for Subsurface Flow
Problems on Unstructured Grids: Derivation of the Discrete Problem“, Chapter 6 (pp 75-90) of
“Mathematical Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and e-Learning”, Editor: D. Konate, Publisher:
Springer, 2008.
A. Njifenjou and M. Mbehou, “Analysis of a New MPFA Formulation for Flow Problems in
Geologically Complex Media“, Chapter 7 (pp 91-106) of “Mathematical Modeling,Simulation,
Visualization and e-Learning”, Editor: D. Konate, Publisher: Springer, 2008.

A. J. Kinfack, A. Njifenjou and J. Tagougjeu, “A finite volume method for a diffusion- convection
problem: the constant velocity case“, Chapter 11 (pp. 147-165) of “Focus on African Diaspora
Mathematics”, Editor: Toka Diagana, Publisher: Nova Sciences Publishers Inc., 2008.

• Proceedings

A.R. Ngatcha Ndengna, B. Nkonga, A. Njifenjou and R. Onguene, Shear shallow-water

modeling of sediment transport flows, Proceedings of CARI 2204 (African Conference
on the Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics), 04-07 October 2022,
Tunis (Tunisia).

A. J. Kinfack, O.B. Konfé, S. Koussoubé, J. Nembé, A. Njifenjou and R. Noussi

(2010), “Analysis of piecewise polynomial DDFV solutions for subsurface flow
problems”, Proceedings of the 10th African Conference on Research in Computer Science
and Applied Mathematics, Yamoussoukro (Ivory Cost) ,18-21 October, 2010, pp 365-372.

I. Moukouop Nguena and A. Njifenjou (2008), “Benchmark on numerical schemes for

anisotropic diffusion problems: Some MPFA methods of DDFV type”, Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, Aussois (France), June

A. J. Kinfack and A Njifenjou (2006), “Implementation of new variants of MPFA

methods for anisotropic flow problems“, Proceedings of the 8th African Conference on
Research in Computer Science, Cotonou (Benin), November 6-9, 2006, pp 241-248

I. Moukouop Nguena and A. Njifenjou (2005), “A new finite volume formulation for
diffusion problems in anisotropic nonhomogeneous media”, Proceedings of the 4th
International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications. Problems and
Perspectives. July 04-08, 2005, Marrakech (Morocco), pp 435-445.

A. Ohandja and A. Njifenjou (1998), ”Diffusion of Water in a Tropical Hardwood. Useful

Experimental Parameters and Simulation”, Proceedings of the 5th World Conference on Timber
Engineering. 1998, August 17-20, Montreux, Switzerland.

R. Danwe, A. Njifenjou, L. Meva’a (1997), “A Simplified Method for Structural

Analysis. Application to Eucalyptus Poles Assembly”. Fourth International Congress on
Structural Engineering Analysis & Modelling (SEAM 4), Ghana, September 9-11, 1997 Vol.
• Communications in National and International Workshops and Seminars:

A. Njifenjou (1996), “Mise en œuvre pratique des éléments finis mixtes hybrides duaux“ ,
International Workshop (GIRAGA), Lokossa (Benin), December 07-17, 1996..

A. Njifenjou, I. Moukouop Nguena and A. J. Kinfack (2009), “Finite volume analysis

of subsurface flow problems”, International Workshop on Anthropogenic impacts on
water resources and soils: an Indo-French perspective, Bangalore (India), 23-27
November, 2009.

A. Njifenjou, A. J. Kinfack, I. Moukouop Nguena and M. Mbehou (2009), “Convergence

Analysis of a DDFV method”, International Conference on Numerical Methods,
“NumCoop09”, Yaounde (Cameroon), 2-5 March, 2009.

D. Bandji and A. Njifenjou (2007), “Finite volume modelling of seawater intrusion into
Dibamba river (Cameroon) “, International workshop on Mathematical Modelling in
Hydrology, 17-18 August 2007, Yaounde (Cameroon)

A. J. Kinfack and A Njifenjou (2006), “New variants of MPFA methods for anisotropic
flow problems“, International Workshop on High Performance Computing, ENIT-
LAMSIN, Tunisia, November 27-December 1st, 2006

A. J. Kinfack and A. Njifenjou, (2006), “New variants of MPFA methods for anisotropic
flow problems”, XXe anniversary of GIRAGA seminars, September 11-13, 2006,
Yaounde (Cameroon)

A.Njifenjou, I. Moukouop Nguena and A. J. Kinfack (2006), “A finite volume

formulation on unstructured grids for aquifers in connection with rivers and lakes”,
International Ground Water Symposium IAHR-GW2006, June 12-14, 2006, Toulouse

A. Njifenjou, I. Moukouop-Nguena, A.J. Kinfack and R. Danwé (2005), “New MPFA

methods for flows in geologically complex reservoirs”, CARMA Constitutive
Conference, November 21 – 26, 2005, Saint-Louis (Sénégal).

A. Njifenjou and I. Moukouop Nguena (2005), “A new finite volume method for
computing flow in geologically complex reservoirs”. International Conference on Trends
in Numerical and Physical Modeling for Industrial Multiphase Flows, 2005 September 19-
23, Cargèse (France).

A. Njifenjou and I. Moukouop Nguena (2005), “A new finite volume method for flow
problems in non-homogeneous anisotropic media: Derivation of the scheme”, International
Workshop on Pollution of Soils and Aquifers. July 04-09, 2005, Brazzaville (Congo)

A. Njifenjou and E. Kamgnia (2004), “Mixed Hybrid Finite Volume Theory and
Application to Aquifers Simulation”, Proceedings of the 7th African Conference on
Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, November 22-25, 2004,
Hammamet (Tunisia), PP 285-294.

A. Njifenjou (2003), “Mixed Hybrid Finite Volume Method Applied to a 2D Diffusion

Problem”, First International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied
Mathematics, , Minsk (Belarus), 2003, July 21-25.

A. Njifenjou (2001), ”Volumes finis mixtes hybrides appliqués à un modèle de

diffusion”, International Seminar-Workshop on Classical Analysis, PDE and
Applications, Yaounde (Cameroon), December 10-15, 2001.

A. Njifenjou and D.Bandji (2000), ”Volumes finis en modélisation et simulation numérique de la

dynamique de la remontée saline par dispersion-convection dans un bief du fleuve Dibamba
(Cameroun) ”, Research Report N° 2000-14, Laboratory of Mathematics and System Analysis,
Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé, December 2000.

A. Njifenjou (1999), ”Une présentation des volumes finis pour des EDP elliptiques linéaires du
second ordre. Convergence et estimation d’erreur”, IRISA Internal Publication N° 1272, Rennes
(France), October 1999.

A. Njifenjou (1998), ”Modélisation et Approximation Numérique d’Ecoulement Monophasique

en Milieu Poreux Fracturé” Seminar of African Mathematical Union, Yaounde (Cameroon), 1998,
March 4-10.

A. Njifenjou (1996), “Homogénéisation d’écoulements diphasiques en milieu poreux hétérogène à

microstructure périodique“, International Conference for the 10th Anniversary of GIRAGA
seminars, Porto-Novo (Benin), December19-21, 1996.

A. Njifenjou (1996), “Mise en œuvre pratique des éléments finis mixtes hybrides duaux “ ,
International Workshop (GIRAGA), Lokossa (Benin), December 07-17, 1996.

Submitted work:

1. Novel Second order well balanced Central-Upwind scheme for Sediment transport models in
Shallow Water Systems with topography and bottom friction source terms. New AENO-type
reconstruction technique.

2. Numerical Solution of 2D-Flow problems using Discrete Duality Finite Volume

method on general boundary conditions with measure source-term.

In preparation:

1. DDFV modeling and Convergence of anisotropic heterogeneous semi-linear diffusion

problems in IR 2 with periodicity conditions (A. Njifenjou and M. Sali).

2. DDFV analysis of a nonlinear steady flow model in a heterogeneous aquifer system .


10.1 Supervision of Master Thesis : Several hundreds . Among them I can cite:

• Dr KWESSI NYANDJOU Eddy Armand, Master Thesis defended in 2004 (today,

Associate Professor at Trinity University, San Antonio, USA) .
• Dr NEMADJIEU Firmin Simplice, Master Thesis defended in 2001 (today, Senior
Lecturer at Eindhoven University of Technology) .
• Dr FOUTSE KHOMH, Master Thesis defended in 2002 (today, Professor (full) at
Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada)
• Dr TAMBUE Antoine, Master Thesis defended in 2006 (today, Associate Professor at
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences) .
• Dr FOSSO POUAGUE Arnaud, Master Thesis defended in 2007 (today, Senior
Lecturer at Cherbrook University, Canada) .
• Dr MBEHOU Mohamed, Master Thesis defended in 2006 (today, Associate
Professor, University of Yaounde 1)
• Dr MOUKOUOP-NGUENA Ibrahim, Master Thesis defended in 2000 (today, Senior
Lecturer, University of Yaounde 1)
• Dr Kengni Jiotsa, Master Thesis defended in 2004 (today, Senior Lecturer at
University of Maroua)

10.2 Supervision of PhD Thesis :

(i) Moukouop-Nguena Ibrahim : Ph.D Thesis defended on 2010, March 19, at

the University of Yaounde I (today Senior Lecturer at the University of Yaoundé 1,
Title of the work: « Schémas volumes finis pour le calcul en maillages généraux de
l’Hydrodynamique souterraine anisotrope non-homogène. Plateforme logicielle pour le
calcul d’écoulement. » (only available in French).
Title of the work in English : Finite volume schemes for computation of anisotropic
nonhomogeneous subsurface flows, on general meshes. Software platform for flow

(ii) Kinfack Jeutsa Aubin : Ph.D Thesis defended on 2012, December 14, at the
University of Yaounde I (today Senior Lecturer at the University of Buea, Cameroon).
Title of the work: Finite volume analysis of diffusion and diffusion-convection within
heterogeneous porous media (only available in English) .

(iii) Donfack Hubert : Ph.D Thesis defended in December 20016, at the

University of Yaounde I (today Assistant Professor at the University of Bamenda,
Title of the work: Contribution to mathematical analysis of Mixed Hybrid Finite Volumes
and Discrete Duality Finite Volumes with application to subsurface flow problems (only
available in English).

(iv) Mohamed Mbehou: started in my team in 2009, Mohamed’s Ph.D Thesis

has been completed and defended at University of Pretoria in 2013 (today Associate
Professor at the University of Yaoundé 1, Cameroon).

10.3 Ongoing Supervision of Ph.D Thesis :

Main topics: Mathematical Aspects of Discrete Duality Finite Volumes. Applications
to Coupled Nonlinear Systems (surface/subsurface flows and pollutant transport).


• Numerics of Flow and Pollutant Transport in Porous Media [AIMS Cameroon,

2013-2014 academic year, University of Yaounde I from 2009 to Present].

• Real Analysis [University of Douala (Cameroon): 1994-1998; Ecole Polytechnique
of Yaoundé (Cameroon): 1995-2007; African Institute of Computer Science at
Libreville (Gabon): 2008-2014 ].

• Linear Algebra [University of Douala (Cameroon): 1994-1998; Ecole Polytechnique

of Yaounde (Cameroon): 1995-2007; African Institute of Computer Science at
Libreville (Gabon): 2008-Present] .

• Numerical matrix analysis (Introduction) [Ecole Polytechnique of Yaoundé

(Cameroon): 2000-Present; Department of mathematics from University of

Yaounde I (Cameroon): 1995-1999].

• Introduction to metric spaces and normed (linear) spaces [Ecole Polytechnique of

Yaounde (Cameroon): 1995-2004; African Institute of Computer Science of
Libreville (Gabon): 2008 - 2014].

• Introduction to Polynomial Interpolation and Numerical Integration [Ecole

Polytechnique of Yaounde (Cameroon): 1995-Present; University of Yaounde I:
1996-1999; University of Dschang: 1998-2003; African Institute of Computer
Science of Libreville (Gabon): 2008 - 2014].

• General topology [Ecole Polytechnique of Yaoundé (Cameroon): 1998-2007; African

Institute of Computer Science of Libreville (Gabon): 2008-2014].

• Differential calculus on normed (linear) spaces [Ecole Polytechnique of Yaoundé

(Cameroon): 1998-2007; African Institute of Computer Science of Libreville
(Gabon): 2008-2014].

• Introduction to Functional Analysis [Ecole Polytechnique of Yaounde (Cameroon):

1998-2007; African Institute of Computer Science of Libreville (Gabon): 2008-

• Sobolev spaces with application to second-order elliptic PDE [Ecole Polytechnique
of Yaounde (Cameroon): 2000-Present ; African Institute of Computer Science of
Libreville (Gabon): 2008 - 2014].

• Introduction to numerical methods for second-order PDE: [University of Dschang

(Cameroon): 1998-2003; Ecole Polytechnique of Brazzaville (Congo): 2001-2005; 2iE
of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso); USTM of Masuku (Gabon): 2008-2010; Ecole
Polytechnique of Yaoundé (Cameroon): 2000 - Present ; African Institute of
Computer Science of Libreville (Gabon): 2008 - 2014].

• Research Seminar on Advances in finite element methods [Ecole Polytechnique of

Yaoundé (Cameroon): 2000-Present; University of Yaounde I (Cameroon): 1998-
Present] : Mathematics Doctoral School.

• Research Seminar on Mathematical Aspects of Discrete Duality Finite Volume

Methods [Ecole Polytechnique of Yaounde (Cameroon): 2000-Present; University of
Yaounde I (Camroon): 2000-Present]: Mathematics Doctoral School.

• Research Seminar on Mathematical Models for Flow and Transport in Porous

Media and their Discrete Formulations [Ecole Polytechnique of Yaounde
(Cameroon): 2000-Present; University of Yaounde I (Camroon): 1998-Present]:
Mathematics Doctoral School.

12. Awards and Honours

• Manager of a student team winner of Cameroonian Universiades on Applied

Mathematics held at University of Yaoundé 1 in 2004.
• Manager of a student team finalist of Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition
held at University of Washington Business School, Seattle (USA) in February 2005.

13. Other key academic merits, such as:

• Member of doctoral dissertation committee: 4 times (3 times as Ph.D scientific

director, 1 time as Expert Evaluator).

• Member of committee of experts - evaluators in recruitment of Assistants and

Assistant Professor (since 2015).

• Expert Evaluator (for Cameroon Ministry of Higher Education) in evaluation of
applications for the Title of Docent .

• Administrative position: Vice-Dean in charge of academic affairs and schooling

• Leader of a working group on “Development and Mathematical Analysis of Finite

Volumes for Complex Physics”.

• Significant invited lectures for Master degree programs:

(i) Numerics of Flow and Pollutant Transport in Porous Media (African

Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Cameroon branch, February 2014).

(ii) Introduction to numerical methods for second-order PDE :

➢ Institut International d’Ingenierie de l’Eau et de l’Environnement,
2iE for short, Ouagadougou, Burkina-Faso (West Africa) : October
➢ Université des Sciences et Techniques, Masuku, Gabon (Central
Africa) : November 2009 and October 2010.
➢ Africa) : one month-course from 2001-2002 to 2007-2008.

• Organization of scientific seminars and conferences:

➢ At our Working Group Level : monthly seminar.

➢ At the Doctoral School Level : quarterly seminar.

14. Scientific and societal impact

• Scientific Partnership with National Companies

• Promotion in diverse media support of a responsible scientific research activity
based first up on respect of human being and environment.


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