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B . S c . Sem - I Physics
B.Sc. Sem -I Physics
direction in which force acts.
4 Law of Motion & Dynamics of System of Particles
Hence, force is measured as the

product of mass and acceleration. Thus
4.1 Introduction is acted upon by a force, its acceleration is directly proportional
when a body
How can we know that the object is at rest or in motion ? In order to
answer this question consider the concept of frame of reference. A place anda
to the force and inversely proportional to the mass Pm This law gives
S situation from where an observer takes his observation is called frame of
an idea to nmeasure force.
reference. The trame of relerence is of two types
(1) Inertial reference fame and (2) non inertial reference frame. Third law:
The third law of motion states that to every action there is always
The frame of reference, in which Newton's first law if obeyed is called the
inertial frane of reference, and in which it is not obeyed is called the non- equal and opposite reaction.
Acording to this law, the forçe exerted by one body on the other equal
inertial frame of reference. to fo
in magnitude and opposite in direction to force exterted by other body on
does not fo
We will study about work, energy, laws of couservation, centre of mass the firstbody. Thus the force always occurs in pair, isolated force
notion of rocket and collision of bodies in this chapter. Before this, let us exist.
review the fundanental laws of motion and some physical quantities 4.3 Work and Power
associated with it. said to be done when the
Work is force acting on a body to displaces it
4.2 Newton's Laws of Motion B
First law:
The first law of motion states that, "every body remain in its state of rest
or uniform motion in astraight line unless some external force is acted
upon it."
Fig 4.1
This statement defines two.important properties
a) The tendency of a body to remain in its stat of rest or in a state of Consider that a force F is acting on a body of mass m so that it is
uniform motion is due to the fact that a body it self is unable to
change its position. This is known as Inertia. The mass of the body is displaced through a small distance dr as shown in ig. 4.1. Therefore the work
quantitative of the done by the force is,
measure inertia of the body. Due to this the first
law of motion is also known as the law of inertia.
dW-d .(4.2)
(b) The physical activity which can change the state of the body. This in displacing the body from A to
The total work done by the force point
external agency which changes or tries to
clange the state of rest or point B is, by integrating
uniform motion is known as.force. This law give the definition of the
-FdF 43)
Second law:
The second law of motion states that, the rate of W
change of momentum ofa is the. displacement of the body moved from A to B, équation
body is proportional to the applied force on it and it is takes place in the. Suppose
Ekta.Pralashan &Co. Ets PralashanCo
RsSem-1 Physie
44 Conservative Porc
8.5. Su-[ Physics 3Se Sem-IPaysies
HeT KZ a directiy propurtional o mase ad qars veoay. K.E a
4.6 Some exampleof conservative force always poitive and does ot dapend an the direcaon
u mtn oi Lze vody.

W:f rcn - 449 taster ctgacz nvea witi s eatr kinetic energ

Whe e ane bewsen diplaaent aad kros P. O0006o Potential Energy :

The enery posseszed by a body due to it4 poaition o7state or
configuratian is called pctentialenerz af the body. Potential eneTgis the 4.
-o M6006 abilityof the zoty to domark due toi t s paition orstat2 cniguration.
(4) time and et r,be the
Letr bethe position of body ata n y instant of

Piz A2
Wrkcasiapaitn ngtin a ernzusaiae, depending szte snge force is Theaunt of work done bythe body mging trom 7 T, 3 Kn 83
sa said to il
be conservative t h e
work done by the the potentialenargy,wbich isdecoied by V.
A fne elo

budy d mass mis novea to d e in w 4.3

a rss eatin s 6-j97) and in ciraz Ptin wzk deus iy cwtrige ta . (A.8)
Accurding to the Consider ablock of masa M inoving
w bs biy is moved fronn A to E along path 2(hg 4.2a). shown in Ig. with a velocity v towards a sprin
4.0. Tn e DiOCE oinpesses the spring so that losea its kin
delsrition td conservative Iorce. be
energy and at a an Veoay eines veTO. Due to restoring orce set if theSorce F nd dizplacezent sre in thesaze direction, wehave
Prwer up in the spring, 4 DI pusga DECK. IT thg Biriace alng which the block
Cumsidera body is uorved fvn A o B alng path-1 and then back fron E
O Teurng o thesatne point with the same
-F (49)
to A akng patia2 (fz 1.2). Then the, total
work done for a round trip is ki s done, in this proceas the ree ie oTginal position. So
EValiv3 foroe. Difierentiating equation (49), we get
Ifa body isthrown upwards with a
veloCIty Vand if the air iction 13
neglected then the body will return tot h e atar
velocity. gravitational force is conservative force Ra
friction istaken in to consideration, ths velocityof bodý with whichitr e F4 6.10)

islesthan its inihal velocity. Thus irictionalrca is a npn-conservativeforoa. Thus, the foroce is the nezative gradient of potential energy.
-a) The non-conservalive torces are
called dissipative force.
reduced kinetic energy and hencs they are
There aremazy kind ofpotentialener
5 Energy (a) Elastic potential energy:
Thuswork dune by the enoervative foros along acdosed path is always Capacity of a body todo work is called engérgyi Energy has many kinds, When the spring is copreseed (stretched) by amount of x iom its normal
. GzavrtatinalSoce,cvnoteuzibs bneo(tonesbetwen chasgas) reatoringfogc like kinetie, poteatial, elaatis,thermal, stellar (enerEy position,the potentialenergy storedin spring is
in gring are fn ezample df conservative forces. ays star), solar, hgnt ete.electromagnetic,
Howeverin this chapter we lipitize our studytom to
path, the forces is uechanical energy. consist of kinetic energy and potential V= = force costantofspring) (4.11)
Ontbe ther hand if the wrk is dependeat The unt of Mechanical energy
Wee:-heka sypid ta the big on

On-vnservatimeforoes. Prictienelforoe, viseoua foree aro oxample of none

nergy. enerEy is also joule inSlsystem.
COeTvatrve lorces. In cabe um-Onservative ioroes, the WOTk done in auet Kinetic Energy: (b) Gravitational potentialenergy:
e SI its dtee pez ia jonishes u wet (1 AW (maga wa:t)= 10 closed path is o t ero. Kinetic energY isthecapacity ofabodytodoworkbyitsmotion.Ifabody fa body of mass m is raised to height h from the surface
of earth, the
of mass mhas a velocityv. The lornulaoflkinetic energy is body acquire potental energy.
Elta Pralashan & Co. za =ngh GfhR= radius of earth (A.12)
Ea Praatan &CaT KE-m (4)
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A E Ekta Pralashan 5 co
BS. Sem-fI Physies a
(4.15) 4.9 Conservalion of Lunear Momentu: B.Se. Ses-I Physics
kinetac eneK
c~ange in morn ntum of
F=k-h Linear Where P.R aro the ibrs acting vn the particles. f the resuitant
velocity. naDe nun vEUr
as the
product of mass and
Its tunit is
newten or
ia particle H m B
nong with
veloaity v its momentum1 k rs.
Ths esiernal ire acting oa the syrten is P, tihen R+R-7
Z instisi kinetie Pa gven by
Pmv -422)
K kaal kinetie cars Noa scordiing to eeuton'3 second law, In the absence df external force
47 Bork EaerE YtincaE (TEETE change in kinetic energ. Thia
is equal to Trs
Thas, the wuk done by a farcapriaple (ibecren).
3 aown as
warke P-0, P= cns a* const (4.23)

4.3 Conservation ofEnergy: f the zesultant torce

Thus if the external lorce acting on the system is zaro. the tr tal
n s taken ltom position
A to positacu B by acting on tDe
particie is
zero, then system is corstant. This is called the conservatia of
Conaider a body af mass Bb momentum ofthe
momentam of the system
by the ires
F, Te wok doen Cansatnt 4.10 Centre
pg k - (4.199 of Mass:
Whenwe consider the motion of sysven eonsisting of a nupbe: of
Fron this relatioa we
an 3ay
that the inear
momntum of the
coastant, resultant orcg e particie 13 ero. 1bis is knowaparticle
if the o is r
work done 15 equal to change in rinciple cOnBervaion
of or as the
a e r ts iTis eint iais caled coaute ofof uass
nservation of momentum uer neun pount Tus point called
theorem, ziis s in ot centre mass
Acording to warkenergy is universal beca the particle. The of principe of the systam. The e s
electron, proton euj as wel as nuge particie B u e 10r nicro
(planet, star etc)
Let us now consider a
system oi n
paracles, naving can be described in terms ot the motion af its centre of mas5.
mases n, m, DP. 4.10.1
Wherevelocity at point
A and v, velbaity at point B.
and velocities 2 f A
Position of centre ofmass:
(4.1) PzPaare the momentum
of particles First to
of all indthe position centre of mass
of a
system of
of particles.
Wak-k Just to make the subjet easy, we classiky a system of particles in the three
definition ad potential ereTgy in conservative held
wor| work then the total womentum of the system p wil be
Accordizg to equal to sura of momontum groups.
to tbe change in potential energ of individual particle, henc
- 449
Lone is also equal LSystem oftwo particlas.
2 System of large number of particles and
work dae ko increae the velocrit7 feez an intial vale v, to a fizal
aF-jar--V (4.20) 3. Rigid body
Diferentiating above equation w.r.i. ime, we have Now let us take them separately
410) 4.10.2 Centre of mass of two particles
Comparing equations (4.16) and (4.17, we have

According to Newton's second lew

re (4.18)
KytK +, =K+V=E =con.stant
ie. sun of kinetic energy and potential energy is constant Tespectrve a ive of
ita position. This staterment is known law of conservation of ig 4.4
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-1 Physics ë L E
B.Se. Sem B.Se. Sem-I Pbysies
this it 6 cear cenuC of mass
Se Sem -1 Piysics From na depe
iich 4.23)
shuw m ass and shape
ot the entre of
body. Centre of mass of
of a iunitorm he
distribution of
y a distarce d: d. The oentre af m bes betren the pwo puruaiks cistular plates and cyInder lies s i cenlye. rectongular, squar. For the kine tic energy, we have
a fa (44
rrm ag 4.4) wt can say thot
befare cullision= mum
The distance of centre of mass fron the particle {5) i
KB. ater colisioa =
M Since conzarvation of kinetic energy. we have,
prgoruonal to the mess cf the partice (m)

the total mass of the system. (4.32)

Wbere M is
F'g 4.6
Y& ae the coordinates of the centre ofmass, we

Collision: (4.33)
tal (2) I
A collision in Dividing equation (4.33) by equation (4.3), we have
which tw0 Or
more particies
short time. lt does not necessar1ly,
collide with each other
for a
we Eve
rom cquathio (4.26) and (6-29), M one particle striking
to other,
deed two particles may not touch eacn other. In
energy ransier Detween bodies.
collision, momentum and
re The collisions can De ciaSSiIE1 into wo mam
Suilsris 0) Elnstic collision

the co-ordinates (i) Inelastte colisio

(4 20) Here (4 ). 4 Y are
masses m,ah respecuvely. ot 4.11.1Clastie Collision iu one dimension Substztuting the value of v, in equation (4.30)
A collision
1 which both Sinetuç enerEy and momentum
Sinlanly, 9 -
(4.21) 4.10.4 Centre of mass of rigid body :
known as an elastiç coiision.
are conserved is
bodies, wbere a large number of particles are very cloac to
Specisl ease
In case of rigid (homogeneous) and therefore the
each other, the mediun becomes continuous,
summation cau be replaced by intogratioa ie. he

Thus oentre of mass bes midway between the two particles of equal nass.

(2) Lf and
Bolore collision
Fig. 4.7
Alter coluSOn m+ ...35)
mm>h my > Let us consider the tVo
Similarly by substituing the value of v, in equation (4.30), we get
Taus centre ol mass 15 nearer to the partacle luaving larger manss. particles havung masses
m, and m, movng with
velocities u, and u, respeCLLVely along the same direction. Let the two
particles 4.36)
4.10.3 Centre of mass of system of large number of particles: undergo elustic collision. it the velocities alter collision become
v, and v,
Let us assunue that syatem coasiste of a particles haviag masses m, n, rspectively then, we have Special cas0s
and in vector torm Momentum before colisionn =
m4 tm2 4) f m =m2, from equations (4.35) and (4.36), we have
m, whose position vecdors are s, 2 . 5 respectively. The position vector of (4.30)
Mornentum after colision= +,% 2 and va=
dmn whero =r(k.ya) (A.29) (4.31)
enire of mass Tem 5 iven by c -

As the onomentum ramain

always consorved wo havo In such case, the particle just exchange their velocities during
JElta Pralashan & Co? collision.
Elta Pralksshan &Co (427)
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B.Se Sem-i iyics Ad thoir initial
the masSES O ne parucis B.Sc.
Physics k 0 B.S Sem-I Physies
SSe-1 Fyrien From oquetizu (4.40) knowrg be calculaled.

tos irnal
conmon relocity can Ro
becos velocities
colhsioa Le. u, 0, the common Newton's second law, faroe P ma. Whilg deriving this
ACcording to

2 9 (at rest initiay) tiea equaticr (425) ad (436) is at rest befare

f the seced pertide 5 0 e bodys considered
as a constant. But thero are cases where

boay also varies.Consider body of M moving wilh velocity v at 1O

- (43) ekaty will be
o1 tne
ss a
4.41) time t. The body ejects a mass AM at a timet+A! so that the veloeity of body

Also Iron equatvs (434, tare ncreases by dv and mass decreases by aM. Let be this velocaty od a muss 3i

The change in momentum of the system during this proCess

tlLstuc coliauna, the final momentum-
o eguation 435 t ca condade taat n a

a KE. before cnlsion = since 4 0) AP initialaomentum

beit milLor is eçual to tae relatve vmibaty P (M-AMX*+8v) + uAM-Mw
elatve veloy d "ayprrad
and KE ater collision-(+ Mv Mav-vaM - AMav +usM -Mv
4.11.2 Co-efficiat of restitution (e) Sinoe aM and av are very smal, their product can be neglected.
(-k) Acording to the law ol conservation of momentum,
t defined as e ratio d the relative veibaty ad segaraton KE bgorecollion aP Mav-4Mv + uAM
t~e relative velozity df agproach (4-%) KE cfier colliion(+ muy *m,v (4.43) ACcOrding to Newton's second law the rate ofchange ofmomentum is equnl anc
have Equating the X-components o! tne momenia of these objacts, o the external torce.
equation (4.41),
4 Substituting from
Similarly, equaiion Y-components of the mormenta, we get, -.(4.44) F MAAYvAM uAM
Wbere, 1 x omylesey chaste ol Ebeforecollision
U r conpleely inelastic cnlision AL. GJIer coilsion

Since the collision is elastic,
4.11.3 loelastice Collision ia one dimeasioa : if the changes are very smal, Y - and MdM

A colision
sucl a
in which kinetic ensrgy s
Calision E EDOWn às nelasic colisiO.
aot conserved but wonentum is
m+ (4.46) The negative sign shows that mass of the body decreases with the increaso
Usualy, n , and u, arc oftime.
Let two particles undergo an inelastic collision. Let us consider the known and vi.V and 6,
to be
are deter-
amlisioa cf two paricdes, having masses , and m, and moving with velocities mined. But we have only three equations (4.44, 4.45, 4.46) for four umknown
(442) tities. Thus, for the solution ot the problem at least one of the four unknown
quan- FaM
, &u, raspertively along the sme direction thben we hare tities must bo Enown, a3 Lnree cquarions can
give the values of only three un
Momentuz before colision =
* KE. besore collision >
K.E. ater eollision known quantities.
If the particles stick together and move with a common velocity v. Henco in an inelastic collisjon, tbe kinetic energy
i5 lost, IS not conserved.
we have
4.13 System ofvariable mass and rockets propulsion:
4.12 Elastic Collision in Two Dimensions fu-vV the relative vefocity of small mass (gas ejected in the case of
momentum atr eoilision =
(+m) As showa in fig. 48, suppose an object of mass m, moving in Xdirection rocket)
As the zomectun is alwaya conserved, we hare M
with vebocity , collides elastieally with astationery lu=0j object of mass m :. M w4.48)
Ater the collision these objects move in the directions making angles 8, and e

But V M Where Feis the reactionay force developed due to

- (4.40) VT.
with the Xaxis with velocitics uy and u respectively. M-AM me t At eJeccion of mass.
kta Pralashan &
Ca E k t a Pralashan & Co. t Fig 49
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RSe. Sem-I Physics B.Se. Seni -[ Physics|

EXAMPLES Bxample 33: How much power B.Sc. Sem -1 Physics,
and2 kg are moving with rEquured to cary
B.Se. Sem-1 Paysic Dl masses 10 kg a beight of G0 m
body of maes H
5000 x 100 =5,00,000N
bodies in I minue
Example I:
Two kg at The thrust =V

Rocket Propulsios: and -10-357-S*

s iespectively. Find Solution
We have Solution:

The extermal velocities 2/-1j-3t

Coasider velocity vat time t.

e raaroocKet ofeht of the th
mass MmovirS
rocket the velocaty
ot the centre ol moss.
The net force acting
F: thrustwe 5,00,000-
a R g
iere eMg then
then Eon. 4.46 reduces
Ega. 4.48 reduces to have, But, wyrk = potential 5,00,000-30,000 x 9.S
Solution energy ie. W =
V. 900,000-2.94,000 =2,06,000 N
WV= mgh
M Mg" Speed of tho rocket

When the body moves in the upward directaon. g aad v are acting in the
downward direction. Therefore, VaV-l
0-S000 x
980 watt. M
2.303 log3

M-g Example 4: A body

at rest 19 thrown to a height h. Calculate

A energy and the kinetic 1.67 x 10Kg moving at 10' mls colides
iofai-j+)-2-1d-15)-8) velocity wben it just strikes the k1Del Example 7: Aneutron having

at rést and sticks to it

Mass of the deutron
dv = -gd-v

Solution hen ody ground. ili& deutron

0+2 tng uys
converted tes the ground, potential onergy is fully
into kinetic 3.34 x 10Kg. Caleulate the speed
of the conbination, from the

Letthe veloeity of the

rocket be v, and macs M, at t= 0 amd velciy be energy
and mass M at t =t. Integratng the above equetton law of conservaion of momentuu
mv =imgh v=i/2glh 1.07%]0L67«1010+3.34x10-3.33x10' m/s
Solution 1.67x10 +3.34x10

Example 5:
Two bo0ies ot masscs 4 Kg and3 Kg travel Vith the velocities of the z-direction is subjected
to a constant
2 /s and 3 nis Example 8 A body moving along
M respectively, experiences an elastic :

The velocity of the

body of mass 4 kg becomes 1 calision. the fiorce in
-"M, 2k collision. What will be the
velocity of the body of mass
m/s ater
foxce F-i+2j+3kN. What is the work done
distance of 4m along z-axis
Solution According to law of conservation of
kg oving the bodyra
M table with
4499 l6kg strikes
Example 2: Abody of massm/8. It is brought
on a horizontal
a speed of 0.5
to rest by compressing a spr:ng ith -i+2j3k md ?-4k » W=F.i =(-i+2j+3k).-4k =12J
finitial velocity v=0 Thea
of spring constant 0.26
How much will
the spring be ring 3)
have position vector 2i
cOmpressed during the process? 4x4+ix9-4x1+Jx Example 9 : Two particles of mass 1 kg and kg x3
and -21+3j- 42. Find the centre ol
Solution The kinetic energy of the body
=the potential onergy of the spring ing 1627 4+3
Purlber if the eflect of gzravity is neglectetd then,
olution +3
with a velocity of 800 m/s. After
4.50 Example 10: Abullet weighing 100 gm is fîred decreases

13 m/s passing through a
mud wall thickness Imits valocaty
the fuel in the rocket is completely burnt out, the velocity will be 25kg/m
= 3.60 m/s
to 100 ms. Pind the average resistance
ofered by the wall.
nainun and mass will be
minimum. If the final (maximun) velocity is v, then Now, m=16kg and k =

0.25kg/ cm =

u=800 m/s, v= 100m/s and S=1

x=0.516/25 =04m Example 6: Arocket of Solution m =100 gm=
10 kg:
mass 30,000 kg is ñired vertically upward. When burn
out, it weighs 10,000 kg. Wark done Change in kinetic energy
distance of
Gases are exhausted at a rate of
Therefore the spring will be compressed through a 100 kg/s. with a velocity
of 5000 m/s relative to rocket. Calculata Prmmt=x0.0lxi0001800-315ON
his is the finel
velocity of rocket. 0.4m= 40cm. (4) The thrust and lorca on the rocket (2)
burnt out (al other external torces are
Speed of the rocket at
offered =
JEkta Praluuskas s Co. E k t a Prallashan & Co"E3 neglected). Since r=1, P#-3150N and the resistance
Ekts Prakshan & Co. JEkta Pralushan & Co.

B.Se. Sem -1 Physics

B.Se. Sem-I Physies Examplol4: Calculate the horse power (HP) needed to pumping 3000 k B.Se. Se

Example 11 Three particles of mass 1,2, and minute from a well 20 meter. deep to the
3 kg respoctively
placed in are water per
xy plans at positions (1,2). (-2,4) and (-1,2). The forces acting on 0 kg
1Vork_ mgh
them +3), 3j -4i, and 10i N respectively. Find tho position Solution Fower time
and centre of mass of the
3000x9.8x20 watt Answ
Solution x - mY*m,Xt m,x-xl+2x-2+ 3x-1 -_ 60
1+2+3 (1) Defin
3000x920 HP
Y m,Yt m,y-x2+2x4+ 3x28 746 (2) Defin
in,+in,+m T+2+3
P 8.75 HP Defu
The centre of mass
of the system isat. (X, Y) =(-1,8/3) Example 16: How much work is to be done to produce a velocity of 50 kmh
The total force (4) Defi
F-2i+3j+3j+-4i+10i 4i+6j and Magnitude of to a bus of mass 2000 kg ?
les kn/n

F-F1+6 -VS Solution We have,
m 2000 kg
(5) Defi

Total mass
m, +m, +m,=
I+2+3=6kg The acceleration
500 mis
a=F/M = s2/6 =1.2m/s V v= 50ok30x000
Example 12: A of Exp
body mass 3
kg travolling
collides with a body of nass 9 with velocity a of 9 m/e Now,
diroction and both comes
kg travelling in opposite W= AK (2) De
LDt to the rest. F'ind the initial
velocity of the body of mass 9 kg.
Solution According to conservation of lirear momentum =m
= 2000x (4)S
3x9+9x =3x0+9x0:+-0 36

9-27 mls W 1.93 x

10 J 5)
3 -3 mls Example 16: The potential energy ofa body is given by
Example 13: A 20 gm (6)
bullet travelling
wooden block. What willwith 100 u/s penetratos cm into V=40+6x7xy +322, where Vis in joules and xy,zae in meira
be average forco it exorts on the
Deduce tho x,y,2 component of force at (-2,0,5).
block. etres.
Solution From the work energy principle Solution F=- dr
and V 40+6x*
W AK -7xy +327.
Se8 . P-d=m (1)
.F(-2,0,5)= dx -(40+6x-7xy
d +322)=-12x+7y=24N
F 24N

R,-2,0,5) 40+ 6x* -7sxy+322)=7% = -14N 3)

20+10 x(100 dy
P 10,000 N E-2,0,5) = - (40+6x7xy +322)=-32 = -32N
dz dz
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* * *
BSc. Sem-I Physics 100
and angular acceleration: B.Se. Sem -I Physics ä
B.Sc. Sem-I Physics 6.3 Angular velocity 10
AB.Sc Sem-I Physics

5 Rotational Mechanies and Gravitation

The unit ol
is uls0 knovn


s Lhe
angular apeed ot
entire rigid

body at time t
In the limit At>0 the value of the above ratio gives the instantaneous

angular aceleration a of the particde P at time L.

5.1 Introduction:
rad s or rotation s
the When a = im
The system of particles in which the relative dietance between two P tt aproper direction
direçtion ot15 lhnked with angular spoed,
dt-0 At
invarient is called rigid body. A Tgio boay canIn periorm angular velocity. 1ne
angular it is callod
right hand sCrew ruie ana 1t 15 mosty parallelvelocity
particles Translational motion (2) rotational motioD. Lhe present is d
to the rotational ned by the
Ypes of motion ()
chapler we shall discuss about the rotational nouon or tne rgid boay 1al a xe. : (D.4)
6.3.2 Relation between hnear
Moreover, gravitation plays important
roll in the planetary í rothon
velocity and
angular velocity The. direction of a is ia the direction of Ap. In case of the fixod
monon so we will also focus our
attenton on Newton'g iaw ol gravitaaon ana As shown in ig. (5.2) particle travel the
dislance equivalent to are pp
laws of planetary motion because they
were sucesstul in explaining in time At, s0 angular velocity is rotutional axis the diroction of do is along the rotational axis, hence the
Kelpler's ig. 52
he motion ot the planets in the solar system. direction of a is also along the rotational axis.
As shown in fig. (6.2) suppose a rigid body performs rotationa! motion atcPP
which is perpendicular to the plane of paper. The unit of a is rad or rotation
5.2 Rotational motion
about a fixed axis 0Z
of ngd body at ame t and t+At but orc PP'= rá6 (:: detmition of 5.4 Torque of force about the axis of rotation :
The positions of the cross-sections ar
angle are =
angle x radius inradian)
continuous line respectively.
showa by dotted line and n case or Inear mot10n a torce is required to prodyce linearT
<V A
Prom the figure it 18 dear that the partieie periOTIDS Cacular motion in
acceleration in
bouy. Similariy, torgue
1s required to produce anguar
it is a veçtor quantity and ean be
in tame t and us angular position of acceleration in a body about an axis.
X-Y plane and roaches from P to P, to dt defined as follow.
its angular displacemecnt. Thus the angular In the
the particle is called ar A0, the above relation
gives the magnitude of instanteneous
P m time nterval at is A9.
displacement of the partiele velocity of a particle P at time t

6.3.1 Angular speed and angular veloaity :

d0 ,LAneof
o action
A Acoording to the definition of average angular speed ***A At dt
Angular displacement
<0?* Time interva
5.3.3 Angular acceleration:
Fig. 6.1 Here the angular displace A9 occurs m the Lume-interval At, henoe Suppose instantaneous angular velocithes of the paricle P at timet and
As shown in the úgure (6.1), f all the particles of a rigid body parform (6.1) t+ At are o and o+do respectively
motion and the centre of ail these circles steady on a definite straight 0 ig 5.3
line called axis of rotation, the motion of the body is called rotational
Hence by definition of,
In the limit At+0, the above ratio wll gave nstantaneous angular
motion. Average angular acceleration P. The
sped of the particle P at time t
As shown in the lig. 5.3 suppose a force F acts on a particle
.Fhg (6.) shows two particles of igid body rotates about the 07 aris
bebween r and F
A and , aro the centre and radius of particles P, Similarly B and , a the position vector of P with respect to origin 0 is r. The angle
<a> =
centre and radius of particle P. A 5.3) is 9. Here, the particle P 18 not necessarily be a particle of a rigid body.

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B.Sc Sem-I Physlcs r and P being mutualy B.Sc. Sem-I Physics B
be 0.
Here, vector perpendicular, the
Let the angle
between p
magitude of but, z ? - torque and
B.Sc. Sem-1 Physies and p B
t e l i n e d as
tho angular
m o m e n t um
L is parte
torque (:)
acung0 of r
The vector product af r and P is caled the The vector product andt
the particle P witt respect to the point O wr.t point
0 angulr acceleration
of the particle
(6.6) given
:t P 5.12)

figure 5.3 rsinê 09= the perpendieuiar

austancg ad the line ot

or Js.
The magnitude
of depends on |Fi. henoF-pin0 his gives the relation between torque, monent ot inerua and angular nom
From TheSI unit
of is kgm's the about
action ol oro dustanoe of line af action of force While deininG
orgue, 9ccaleration.
he releresce point.
() pespendicular
and p .iLl= im,i +m2"2 t..TaVa 5.5.3 Law of conservation of angular momentum:
Eom )
( is perpendicular to
the plane
lormed by r
p- mv)
Moment af ioroe wih Fespe
grven relemnco
The direction of handed serow ruka Here the angular speed of each particle is same r e kDow that, the rate of change of angular mormentum 1is equol to the
torce w1LD respect oa
help of right
Thus, torque g
Lhe moment o obtained with the Orque acting on the ngd body 18.
which can be
forn ula is MUT" and ita unit is o.1)
Its dimensional
Remember tta, =rpein8 ILI-m8fo+marfot. +m, vro
Acording to thn right
kand serew rale, the direction of torque () rsind= 0
But from igure,
is perpendicular to the plaze formed by f and momentum of a particle
f resultant Lorque ~=0, then
reference point, in definings Angular
(9Since the valuc of i depends the mentioned
of linear momentum)
(the perpendicular
reterenoe point must be (nagnitude rOm Ene reterenco point)
t e orque, he lunear momentum
distance of tho - (5.3)
about the reierence point.
5.5 Angular Momentum noment ot inear
5.6.1 Angular Momentum of a particle or, L = costant
of rigid body: ofa
Here I = m i + m it * m a
6.6.2 Angular
momentum calle
distance between the
particles rigid body repain hus, "If the resultant torque acting on the rigid body 18 zero, the
Suppose the position vector of a particle of mass m is 0Q=r with The relative We know that Tbis statement is
ot particles. momentum of the rigid body remains constant"
espect to origin O of co-ordinate system. As ahown in the fíigure (6.4), the
invariant hence itis specinl case
of the system
Circular m0tion in
a plane angular
periorms called the law of conservation of angular momentum.
linear velocity of this particle is y and its linear momentum is p = mv. every particle of the rigid body
rotational 5.6 Moment of Inertia and Radius of Gyration :
the DaI
perpendicular to as reference

I[ we take thbe centre of the circular path every paricle

of I is called the moment of inertia of the rigid body about the given ody
15 lound o be along the The equation L=lo resombles with the equation p-mr of the linear
momentum of respective particle axis of rotation. In the present case and C both being parallel to the
point, the angular
rotational axis. tla resembles with the equation F =ma of the
rotational axdis, I can be taken as a scalar. In this condition, the equation (5.9 moion, and the equatipn cqua
to each other, can be written in the vector forio as under. bnear moti0n and the equation.
paricle and p are perpendieular the a
Moreover, for every
We know tha, -1 (6.10) K-lo resemblas with the equation B- mv of the linear notion.
of inertiz
in relorenoe to this resemblance can say that the moment

the same role in
-(6.1) rotational notion a8 the
mass plays ne na
the rotational inertia which
other words, we can that the body possess
7.xB say
opposes rotational motion same as inertia due to mase of body opposes inear parac
Pg54 motion.
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energy of rigid body :
B.Sc. Sen-I Physics
mmeatf i=ra ef the bady defize 5.7
rigd aa as unier
PpOse aasses ar different
thepocyae Klo
paraces the rd 5 Above equa tion represent
snd their perpezdiaiar dstanes fras te the rotational B.Sc. Sem-1 Physics
which isanalogous to that of kinetic cnergy ol the5.15)
en a s are
epecaey . * ransnational (inear) kinetic rigid body eretore, moment of inertia of the whole body
about A
- q 4 is cailed t e The SIunit of kinetic energy is kg energY K=uv. Froo

of inertia of the rigid body
that ss Two theorems ot moment of joule.
5.8.1 TneOFCn 9 parallel
estatement axis inertia: Bu
M- The mas of the body
Tat s I-r* thcorem
is Tho
about any axis isequai to moment Moment of inertia about centro ofmass
axis passing tarough its centresun ot the moment, of of inertin () ofthe body m= and
-6.15) square ofthe perpendicular distance between Product of about aparale
the two axis. paral
Te magitude ofthe moment of inertia dependson the selection of We have scalar relation betwoen linear velocity and angular velocity with the 2 =0 0cause particles are distributed ina l l directions from
2x&nathe isnbon atneass 2bout t Ie si unat ct moment of inenia is of a ngid body rotating about fixed axis is
kga. is dimensionalformula is MLLT.
from the .l +Md
Whero ri s the distanoe of the particle
axis and i s
angular (5.19)
Radius of Gyration : velocity of the body see ng. (0.7. 5.3.2 "Theorem of perpendicular axis
effective of the of a body ~rom its of rotation is T h e c f o r e , the kinetic energy of a particle of massmis, 5.8.3
Theradius of gyraticn
called distance(). Theparicle arisdistributionof
valueaf K depend an the Yaxes inth plane S Oppucable only to the planar bodies. we take and ()
avaro 6.15)
masof t boy. posttion and dinection of the axis of rotatioa. e 4 axis, which is perpendicular to the nlana *eo00y
The radius ofgyration is deffzed as the Nowthe total kinetic enery oft h e body is the sum of the kinetie
ont ot inertha ot the body about Xand Y
perpendieulardistarce fron the axisof rotabion enerpes ot au parueies e *ly
and the paint at which the whole masssaf the
bocy appears to be acncentratedd
Consider a body cunsistingof Nparticles af -- (5.17) B
eua ass havng distances From
Where the symbol stands for sum, indicating that the quantity
Fig 5.8
be axs a rocatio. Thus Kis expresed as.
the body. the
g o is tob e computed for each particle making ASshow! in ugTe o.o,
up and
B5 Is an ans about which abody of
K 61 results added Since is the same for all particles in rigid body.
rotates ABBat a pas5
e enre or mass and parallel to ass
De ne dustance between the two
Where, IfP is the
Thus radius ofgyration can aso be def+ned paricle ot at distance x
AB and r, from
as the root mean square distance ofthe of inertia oft h e body about the axis of rotation. Moment of inertia of this fromabout
particles so tbe ars of rotation.
2m=I= moment
particle the axis, AB
Fig. 5.6 . nx m(d+r)*
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.Sem-I Physics
B.Sc Sem-IPhysics Tbemas of element = dx B.S
Proor : ralel toPQ will be 126i s the
Themoment is inertia oft h e elemont 7dxx* breadih). Hence using the B.Sc. Sem - I Physics
Considerabody ofmass Mrotating about 2axis. Let partale ot a p
As tbe wholo rectangle
can be considared asi m a d e up of large numba.
perpendicular axie
theorem of 6.8.4. Moment of inertia of a
is, circular King :
ofsuch element. Hence the moment of ineria of whole rectangle
hol Abo
Momentof inertia of the particleabout z-axis mf Dat a x i s through its centre and perpendicular to its
b M
+ Coasider avery t
rotating t about anera
perp S
55 Mand radius R
AD as shown In hg. unt a
Momentof nertiaof the whole bodyabout Z-axis M 6.1. The mas per unit length of the
(5.23) ring i82rR aicki
iv) Abou at "5, **B" Consider
ne mid-point of or a small elamont of length ax on its
he qi
from ne 1de nd Creunlerenc.
n axis passes rough
through of
niapoint,ot s or K, the moment of
ME an be obtained using The mass of the olement. Ax
M.I. paralel axis. incrtia
. 1-4 M. 1. about parallel M.l. ot tais element about axis
-(5.20) a
axis through
between the paallelCM+
ME (5.21) mass (distance

axis) Al x R 5.11
6.8.3 Moment of Inertia of a Rectangle : () About an axis passing though
one sides nR
and About an axis passing though the centre and parallel to one The moment ofinertia of the roctangle about an axis passing throngh Tne moment of inertia of the ring about the axis AB is,
body Oris stdes oneofits side canbe obtained by integrating between limita x
0 o x =

R whos
I : 2x= 2nR| Dtal
12 4) I-MR* (o.20
(0 About its diametor:
M 12 . (5.24) Ihe moment of inertia of tho ring is same about al
Similarly, if the axis passes through the mid theduanters. Hence the Nl. of the ring about its uamotT
pont of PQ or RS, have, can be obtained using theorem of perpendicular axis.
(6.22) . M.I. M. I. about à parallel axis we

3 through CM+ mass

(distance pertween the paralel x
It Tis the MI. about AB, then it will be same
6.10 (fi) About an axis passing though its centre and perpendicular to axis about AB and CD will be qual to
plane : Mb2
Let us consider arectangular lamina PQRS of length , breadth band perpendiculär tothe plane of tha ring i A
side Mw h y axis 1S pasaing throughits centre and paraleltoongofits This canbe obtaindusing theorem ofperpendicularaxis tocase. The he
6.12 ofn
moment ofinertiaof the rectangle about Bn axis passing rougn S Centre tre :.1+I= MR*
The mass par unit length is.Conisider a small elemont dx at and parallel to QR is0 and about an anis passing through its cantre and R
a . (5.27)
distance from yya a s
x nd
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8 S Se-I Physis
. MI+1 This law 15 Sa1d De universal law
S65 Mcmeet d inerts ef Circalar Disc i anetary distanes o ne inter because it
() Graviational lorce operates rom
atomic distan"perates
inter B.Se. Sem-i Physics
rtia L u ács in s 5.12 Te cas p :1 - (5.30) Blectromagnetic forca ordinatagrte .iB), consider the mass M placed at
)trOng nuctear kozce orgin of co-
m d ti . i)MIL About the tangemt
to the dise :
( Weak nuclear force oreT
Bs ass
o ind the
intersity of gravitational beld at a discancei bom
comider a uit
Cosisez a cialer disc df mas M and radiu Tbe gravitaionat lorces are the nass
placed at thet poist
2 whoe tangetin ite cwn plane is A,B, shown
as 5Ung DECause
weakest. Although No,aoring to tbe Newton's law cd gavitatire the fare of araooa
rcd VEy the
i g 5.15. Te tangeat is parallel to the diameter
a t holds ear twgether and retains the
the gravitational
T aa d t s ra zds AB d the dise UEng the theorem of paralel axis, The gravitati0nal force is responsible atancsphere
diameter for the on the earth -(55)
ML aboat tengest A,B, axis MLL about
this foroe earth and oLner planets move solar: Wbere,
A+ M2
the sun.
aroundthe 1e due to unit vaector in tho
direction ofi
The stars are together to torm the Tberefere the intensiky of
2s oroR. galaxies by the gravitational feld at pomt K 4,
.I=+MB 5.15 gravitational
5.10 Gravitation al field and
intensity of -4)
5.9 Newton's law of gravitation:
As we
that every material body Tbe St unit
of lisad the dimensional formula is M°U TT
round TDe region space
it. or produces
Tais lem states thet, rrgu arounda
force of attraction may material ionel field
As the dis cas be usunei ube mede p da number d erch ring body
from af alled pravita tional field.
experienced by any within which its 5.11 Gravitational potential and
whose radiza vares
0 to2 Hec tbe ML wioile ring be
obzaized by insgating eqoaion (5.2) becwen h t s z = 0 to z=2
can Every particle d mater in universe atracts every other particle with a other particle is
energ: gravitational potential
Sarve al etteration winich is directiy properional to the square of the distance he intensity of thhe
gravtatuonal ueld any at
by unit mass point due to materal body
becmeea thers. experienced a
.11.1 Gravitational potential
f m, and m, are the masses of two particle separated by a assumed that the ntroduction ot theplaced
at that
point. 1ae grayntabonal potential at any point in a gravitationa!
distanoe r then gravitaitonal force P is y way in the graviadonal ueld of the given mass does not alfact
negative value of work done in moving mass from ininity whero Beld is
gnvntanional toece and potenhal are ero, tounittha: point
mass. tbe
Let be the
-(5.32) gravitational potential due to a mass M at a distance
:l (23) m=l (unt mass) O 14, then can be defined
as the negative value od work done
mass in
movingt fom ininity to that
the unit
0) About the diameter of tbe dise: point.
Tte moment of inertis o the eircular dise
about ita drameter can be otained by ueg tbeorem
Where, G= gravitational conatant 6.6710 Nn
of perpendicular aris.
Iflis the MI. about the diameter AB, then
about CD will also be I. Tberefire, the gravitational potential at the surface of earth is,
Using theoren of
perpendicular aris, MI. about an ais through from equation (6.32)) GM,
centre and - wbere M = mass of the earth
perpendicular to ita plane MI about
Henoe, the gravitational constant is nunerically equal to the force of
Ab +ML about CD. Fi. 6.14 attraction between two unit masses at unit distance apart. R.= radius ofhe eath (0.30)
Exta PralkashanCa ig. 5.l6
t A Prakashan &Co:l From equation (6.30) following point nay pe note

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BSc Sem-I Phjysics l Physics
.Se. Sem-
BSc. Sem-[ Physie 5.12 Relation between gravitational
potential and field As e ror ty to the Seld and not againet
aastanee tro the coatre ct earti point, the potential a ne Geld in e
RIns beriai sheil, bassane ratuer at al paints and is equ t
strength: potential ln the Dela in brungng a
gravitatic eld
OB.Se. Sem-I Physics
tbe value the where is the and k * potential
on sufac M mass
13 Gravitational and ileld As the
gravitational intanaity is
adius dtbe sbell spherepo1nt mass. due toa solid
Toind the poena nd held due to We have or the
Fig. 5.188 o di caseg a solid intensy
accordng o the position of point we have to
LO consider
Considerapartcle omass at the oimt jnd 5.13.1 At a point ouesiae tne sphere
with 0. Let the field strength due to gravitatíonbe F betwecn A and B
ascumed to beconstant
done inmoving a unit mass A
and B5po1nt
irom nreAvary cios
to point h work
Bagainst the direction of
the Seld isF dr and this is equal to the potentialditierenos DOtween A and B
Let z De w P F
Fig 5.17 -Pdx 5.41)
al m)Thechange inpotential with discance rfrom the centre ofshell af Herenegative sign indicates Lhat wnen a1splacement xincreases the .19 Note:
Ifatance ot that point where we want to ind zravitaco
mass M and radius ris showz in íg 517. poten point P is Consider 6phere ot mass M, radius R and d
Now, from the definition of gravitational potential at
t at adistance xDom the center O as ehown in P . Let re, in that case solid phe r mpare to radius ofsobid
P be the
The Sl uni of gravitaticnal potential is The mass per unt volume (density p) is a caken as point mass.
6.37) 5.13.2 At point inside the sphere

But we bavegravitational feld at a distenee xfrom the origin Ois,

6.112 Gravitational Potential Energy
of work dane in bion gravational field is the here can
be considered as
nti poant Fromequation (5.37) and (5.38) coasists oI anumber of thin
Thus,above equa tion energy of unit
an ae aus toallsuch shells.due
is the 1s equal to the
at dista nce r from abodvef e potential
mas, a
--d point is at distance xIrom the O r
a tne such shells, and
herefore, the potenialenergyof abody at adistance r from a mass centre then the potential at
Mis given oy be,

U-md- GiMm
Fig. 5.20
t may be noted that gravitational potential ¢and gravitational =
Constidar apoint Qatadistance s frum the center Osihuated inside the
potential energy U at infinite distance are zero and thelr values ncreaso . (6.39) sphericalshell as shown in igure 6.20.
withdecrense in distance betweer Thepoint canbeconsidered to besituatod an the outer surface of
concentricsphore ofradius xand on the inner surtace ota pouow spaere ot
Ekta Pralkashan &Co.t Elcta Pralashan&Co. Outer radius R and inuer radius x. Let i be the potontial,due to this
I ENta Prakashan &Cor Egta Pralkghan B Co,
1 R 5 4 Sem-1PPhysiex

24 De varia tion of potential

ield intensity
h e sphere is shown in uguie 5.21. with
E S Sem-I Physics distance from the EBSe. Sem-i Physics B
earnh y mas éom a point P at a distance
m r om the
by Cted
S SemI Physios the earth the earth The gravitational puil (force) exerued

Wbere M is the mass of

1o tave the body from
Field postson
hrough a distance dz in upward
intensiy directioa the work dane is gven uy,

X dmGmd
2 GM initialposition
Hence the work done in
noving the body from the surface of
o f the body
alae af sder i cosatis shell af radius the earth ia. írom S to
åe Potential pont Q which 5.1
4 at
infinity from the surfaçe ol the
earth can be obtained by
Lhe above
t. 5.21
expression between the pbse

S i te pait es insiase a shel the poencai at Q is 4 1 4 Bseape velocity: upe

.W- =GMm
Fig. 5.22
fa stone 15 hrown upward with some
velocit it comes
rtain heaght Erom the earth surface. In general a back aîter
to the earth due to tne body
oject gravitauonal pud or the earth on projectod
it. . R

. body back, we should bave Ií we

nat ever
it come
iebody with the velocity whzch takes it
beyond the grantational
Seld of the
This work done Wis possesed as potential energy by the body
point Q beyond which the earth's pull does not exist ie.
at the

uri This velocity iS cailed

velocity of escape, or
escape velocity.
Tas te potential Qdas to wbsle gpberial sbell can be cbtained by Whaea a body of mass m 1s
projectad upwards with a
tagrating this exgressin bewe the limis a =r twa=R velocity v,, its
R i)
eeeasug and it
enerky goes
ba aricular potential energy goes on Ev'is the initial velodiy required by the body to ruach point Q ie. v is
instant the increase
npotenhal energ IS
ei energy of tbe body 1e when i's nenc equals to the initial mv must equal to P.E. of the

pCat and starts coming dOwn.

energy becornes zero it
stops for theescape velocdity then the K.E. of the body
at just crosses the point iene, L we want to
project the body auch body at Q
:F . (5.46)
ave to give kine ac energy
which upto
wcn is gravitational pull exists, we should
equal to or greater than the potentiel mv GMm
Ekta Prakashun & Coi Ekta Pralashan & Co. Ekta Pralashan & Co.|L
B.Se Sem-I Physics 13 Sem-1 PbysicsB 20
BSe. Sem -I Physicesl Proof of Kepler's Laws: can co1cludcthat tho planct
5.15.1 Proof of Kepler's hirst law ot planetary motion We contnining linear momentu
(5.48) article is constune 1.e. Che planetary mortin
it can be sow
takes B.Som-I Physics B
he central forcender
undor tho n a ixod or
where a is the
. . vartes nersely as square
the. ne action oi orb momentum of ths planet,angular velocity of planet. If 1s the ag*
alanet move
1s nn ellips. distance botween the whieh th thes L

sUDand this

Dr0of of Kepler's second law of planet aad L=1 = mr

fwesubsttutr gs $8 m* ud R = 64 *10 Ppla
net 6.16 planetary motion : Hence the area velocity IStSt
**** a**** . .l.
v v 2 6 . 5 64»10
Fig. .25 planet 2m -(5.52)
Momenh oves under the action of central force. noul
=112 kz is nelary motion takes places under the action of central force wiich
eree directed towards or away fom the centre or 10rce. ector Om sun to nian cty 1s costant Tais sbows thatangulir| radis
Henoe tbe vekocty afescape as the suráacæ olt h e earth is 11.2
kin/s. of eravitational the force F acting on the planot Or nass ACCcording to tu: ia
due to sun
O second law. weepS Out equai areas in equal time. This gves the Dy
wi he Thus to keep angular momentum conserved the IS the
6.16 Kepler's laws of planetary motion : F=-GMm. e y when it's distance from the sun isshortarpianas and it moves slowr orbi
ig. .24 h way ron the sun. In case of earth, when it is nearest the s.a
ober aerstand the solar system astromers 3 u.18 cmisec and when t tarthest Lrom the tne
obtained accurtte Where, M, isthe mass of This force is radial called centrl Consider 1ot orbital velocity is 29.12 cmsec. 3 sun,

he the
the inotio
centre of otsunplanet ot mass in around
ere compiled byTycho Brahe. Hisd Co a
planetary ma
er by Kepler. He lound
fnren, Phetprgue acting on the planet duíe to the sun i and that ot tne planet the sun is showaa in 6.15.3 Proof of Kepler's third of planetary
egulerities in the moi
nportent stated following throe laws with respect to sun o law motion :
noeing the of planets round the sun
motians the fpcus nse in time inerval dt .TOD the second Iaw it is seen that the time period ofplanet Le. tur3 Brav
the planet noves from position å taken to complete on revoiution is
A l l the planots move ina n elliptial path
havng zhe sun
tho area dA in time dt.Henco, we havefor
ittraverses 8to, B, Bhen
80known asl a df orbits. as one focus. the planet. the areal velocity of TAreaot the ellipse

the ADe Joining any plianet to the sun sweeps out

times alao kaown as the law ofequal areas. ie. equal areas in equal
: **** (6.50)

- 1 YPPQ
Areavelocity L2m
iere aand b arethe majorand minoraxis ofthe ellipso.
along its arbit vanies in such a that the radiusthevector
speed ofa planet assumc P is very close to such that PQ 1s linear angle do is
areas or the orbit in equal intervalwayoftimes. sweeps equal Where 2 is the angular momentum of the planet about the sun very slu. 1uen

(i) The square of the time thegefore

of ftis tholetus rectum ofellipsethen
proportional to the cube oftheperiod
distanoe from the sun also called thesunlawis
planet about the rde
the ofperiods. o0 or Z =constant (6.51) dt
t .

The time in which the

aled perod af planet makes one revolutionr the sun This showe that angular momontum of the planet about
TaOn oof
the sun is takanrevolution a The average is the sun dt de
arithmatic meanpianet.
of majar and distance af the planet fro
minor ars in case of
remains consant or conserved inmagnitude anddiroction since.
Sinoe, L= rx ...(6.53)
Ea Pralashan&Co .
Ekta Prakashan &Co:
LN Ekra Praluashan & Co. E A PrAkASHAn & Co.|.
- Physios
B . S c Sein I
B.Sc. Sem -I Physics R. ote of Weightlessnuss:
Using this in equation (6.55) vo got 16 16 S t e

Sine i s onstant. Thus iü is ciear that the square ot tame perz

(RmRg Dg
Sate llite ABSc. Sem-i
of pianet about the sun is proportional tothe cubeof the planet's mcau
distance from Lhe sun. Ample 1t If an XAMPLES
application of break

5.15.4 Velocity of an Artificial satellite of Earth in an orbit :
astelte to move in a cele, it s required that acentripetal fore
R ex (R+x OCLy of 72 km/h,

wbeels, iit the

i oa cat running with alinear
ind the angular
auS O wheels of tbe car is 60 cm.
o constan
5n0o act o n the wiuh is prov7ded Dy une gra vikLDN8I HtAHcen tor Substitut1ng this value of B, n cquaticn (6.56) we get

Solution :Here, V =72km/br =
5.25 - 20m/ sec,
e by the earth. For an earth satelite, the gravitationa force is GMm where a
gR* acts every T 80 cm =0.6 Soluti
every body,
As earth a m
ne assot eart, m is the massof he satelite and r is the radius af the VRE(K*3) or
the earth wil! bo mass m at distance r
orbit in
wich satellite revolves arouna he earta u ne SatelE 18
uovng WI
the velociy v and revolves round the earth ata height xabove its surface, the
e suriace or with a
gravitational force Fw here
Now, 2200 rad
1e radius of the orbit will be (R+x), where R is the radius of the earth.
. (6.57)
and acts downwara 1.8. Lowards the centre of the
required centripetal force will be earth. if this mass, mis :.a
(R+z and it is provided by
velocity or of earth orbiting i a0 subjected to
otCe equal to
nis gives an expreSS10 1or the a satelite

MmG round the earth at aheigit of x.

ravitational attraction (R+x) Time Períod of Satelite
F-ma0 With ag
m GMm If(R +x)isthe radiusof the orbit in which satelite is orbitingwith : Where a, isthe acceleratuon ol due to -2.22
velocity v, then saclhte
d acts towards the centre tot h e earth. Thengravitational attraeiae of
F. wil Araction ac a y from t
te of earth as shownn Eneugurc. way
- Ag:
:vR) (v being Hence with respect to satee appying a torque, alywheel acquires an angular

distanca travelled in unit time) elerence lraroe, the net force 0n in 105. lt moment of inertia qf
mass within the satellite is given by
Now if g, 1s the acoelera tion due to gravity in the orbit at a distance (R Solution : Here, *** nen caleulate the torque act on it.
) irom the centre ot the earth, then T-2+x)

Man GMm - mao gm; do =50 =5x2n rad sec; at uBec

R+x) (6.65) Substituting the valueof v íromequation (6.57) we have
ar MG-8, (R+x) T2(R)R
Using this in equation (6.54) we have "RY GMmU =0 tla 18x50251.2 Nm
vys(R+) (6.66) Which suggests that the net ioroe on all Example 3 : he mass ota holow cyunder 154 g and 1 rao
Ifg is the acceleration due to gra vity on the surface of earth, therefore T-2 s known as the stateo f weightle ssness. he
ihout acceleration inside the satellite.
bodies inside asatellite iszero.
bodies will appear omove a thinstring around the cylinder aforce of50Nisapplied at
the ree end ot the string-tangentially to the cylinder surlace.
5R Soit starts rotating. Find the answers to the tollowing
Ekta Prakashan &Co Ekta Prakashan&Co. questions.
lta Pralashan &Co: Elkta Prakashan &Co.|
gSe Sem- Physics
BLIL #a bny i nass 10 kg akout an ais Z maway k 6
1 2 s Sea-i Papsia- The radias or the
earth is 64
ita Ca is s0 kz ind n ML atout paralet azin m "

away i 5.5 i kg/m kgl n" and

and the 16, a, i14
ationa mean density Se. Sem-1 Physica
6.66 10 Nm'/ m' kg. the
kg. Calculatsravitational
aiutios ere 450
kga Considering the arth asCaa* the tarth's surface coaatant is
aid sphere of
have the gavitational potential
at ita unifora
Seluio Nowr I, I,+M surfas density w
Iathe gvets proble m
23.14 )
6.410n and
G=-G.66/10i1 Nmi 314
=D S =5 N 4-4 M(44-4 Mass of the eartn
2 gular aczearian af he ginder (a: denaity7
=5 0 (10) (4-9)

.c=125 ads
100 kg
6.5410 Satellite is traveling a distance
aa t 8arth, caleulateatthe
7outGn o~ the satellita
Given, G-6.57«10
of 1000 km fro
oroital valoaty and per t

Example5: Asphere afmasa 40 kg s attracted by second sphereof ma9 -6.6610 (6.4«10) 3.5«10 Nem/k. M-68710 k
Aguiar veiciy () : 15 kg whe ther cenres 20 n apat
are lorce
wtd a

10mst Caleulate tke constantof gravitationa!.

equal to Radins odearth R-6.3110
d-(125)(4) -6.28«10' Joule / kg iere I
distance of satellite from centre ofearth
oution have
Sample 7 revoive =R+x= 8.28x10° +0.7x1

P- u aarcular
Iftheir periodsO-p1aner S,
Angular mcmentu :
planet iatwo 1.08 x10
Here, m, 40kg, m, =15 ks,d=02 m S, is 4000km, find 2.8 hand the ra direction. entripetal force acting onsatellite =gravitational Sorce.
10 gm wt nagnitudes of the velocities of the twot h e orbit oe Orbit of
-(4101f (s0)-(0.04)(60) 9.8x10x10
Solution 9TTar satelites.
22) |
20 kgmr 9.8x107 6.67x10x6.67x10
Rotaticnal kinecie ener . 9.8x10=G 40x15

16.23x10' =62.8x10
0.2 10nn/s (25)
orG510 x(0.2) Now,Yg =re
= 5000 J =
6.533x10" N.m/kg :.T. 314x7.0810 L8)
Elta Prakashan & Co:L
Ekta Prakashan &Co. : T-6.61310 s
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