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Building Self-esteem and Self Confidence

Self-esteem refers to whether you appreciate and value yourself. Your self-esteem develops and
changes as a result of your life experiences and interactions with other people.
Self-confidence is your belief in yourself and your abilities. This can change depending on the
situation. It's normal to feel quite confident in some circumstances and less confident in others.

How to Deal with Inferiority Complex

Inferiority complexes are developed in childhood due to invalidating experiences, or being raised
in a family that influences you to feel lesser or not good enough. Since inferiority complexes are
subconscious and lead to a wide range of negative thoughts, they manifest in people very

Build self-confidence

Treat yourself better. Act confident. Do what you love. Embrace yourself. Is there anything in
your body that you don’t feel confident about? Maybe your smile, your nose or your hair? The
trick here is to either accept yourself the way you are or do something about it. Like you can get
dental implants in Mobberley, to feel confident about your smile. If you have curly hair, get your
hair straightened. Do whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

 Surround yourself with people who uplift you

It’s important to realize that your inferiority complex might be linked to the people around you.
It might be your relatives, your friends at college, your siblings or your colleagues. Analyze your
interactions with them.

 Stop worrying about what other people think

One major cause of inferiority complexes is constantly thinking about what others are thinking
about us. We seek validation from them for every action of ours. Sometimes we are thinking
about their actions, while sometimes we are imagining what they think. Disassociate yourself
from their judgements. It’s ultimately your opinion about yourself that matters. When we feel
good about ourselves, others feel good about ourselves.

 Do not be harsh on yourself

There is absolutely no need to be harsh on yourself. Practice self-care. Love yourself. Be kind to
yourself. Do not over analyze situations. Do not expect yourself to change overnight. Give
yourself time to heal.

 Self-talk
Practice positive self-talk. Encourage yourself. Praise yourself for all the good traits that you
have. People who have an inferiority complex tend to do negative self-talk to themselves. Try to
change the tone and words that you use for yourself.
Importance of Self Confidence

 Less Fear and Anxiety

The more confident you become, the more you’ll be able to calm the voice inside you that says,
“I can’t do it.” You’ll be able to unhook from your thoughts and take action in line with your

 Greater Motivation

Building confidence means taking small steps that leave a lasting sense of accomplishment. If
you’ve ever learned a language, mastered a skill, reached a fitness goal, or otherwise overcome
setbacks to get to where you wanted to be, you’re well on your way.

 More Resilience

Confidence gives you the skills and coping methods to handle setbacks and failure. Self
confidence doesn’t mean you won’t sometimes fail. But you’ll know you can handle challenges
and not be crippled by them. Even when things don’t turn out anywhere close to what you
planned, you’ll be able to avoid beating yourself up.

 Improved Relationships

It might seem counterintuitive, but when you have more self-confidence, you’re less focused
on yourself. We’ve all been guilty of walking into a room and thinking, “They’re all looking at
me. They all think I look dumpy and that every word I say is stupid.” The truth is, people are
wrapped up in their own thoughts and worries. When you get out of your own head, you’ll be
able to genuinely engage with others.

 Stronger Sense of Your Authentic Self

Finally, confidence roots you in who you really are. You’ll be able to accept your weaknesses,
knowing they don’t change your self-worth. You'll also be able to celebrate your strengths and
use them more fully.
Ways to Develop Self-Confidence

 Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Whether you compare how you look to your friends on Facebook or you compare your salary to
your friend’s income, comparisons aren’t healthy. In fact, a 2018 study published in Personality
and Individual Differences found a direct link between envy and the way you feel about yourself.

 Surround Yourself With Positive People

Pay attention to how your friends make you feel. Do your friends lift you up or bring you down?
Are they constantly judging you or do they accept you for who you are?

Take Care of Your Body

It’s hard to feel good about yourself if you’re abusing your body. On the other hand, if you
practice self-care, you know you're doing something positive for your mind, body, and spirit,
and you'll naturally feel more confident.

 Be Kind to Yourself

Self-compassion involves treating yourself with kindness when you make a mistake, fail, or
experience a setback. It's a way of relating to yourself that allows you to become more
emotionally flexible and better able to navigate challenging emotions, and enhances your
connection to self and others.

 Practice Positive Self-Talk

Using self-talk that is optimistic can help you foster self-compassion, overcome self-doubt, and
take on new challenges. On the other hand, negative self-talk can limit your abilities and lessen
your confidence by convincing your subconscious that you "can't handle it" or that something is
"too hard" and you "shouldn't even try."

 Face Your Fears

Stop putting things off (like asking someone on a date or applying for a promotion) until you feel
more confident. The best way to build your confidence is by facing your fears head-on.

 Working on Attitudes

It is a tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain idea, object, person, or

situation. It influences an individual's choice of action, and responses to challenges, incentives,
and rewards. An attitude can be as a positive or negative evaluation of people, objects, events,
activities, and ideas.

• Individuals who have a positive attitude will pay attention to the good, rather than bad in
people, situations, events, etc. These persons always see opportunities.

• People with a negative attitude ignore the good and pay attention to the bad in people,
situations, events, etc. These persons see only limitations.


Attitude is responsible for the way person thinks or feels for someone or something. Behavior
implies the actions, moves, conduct or functions or an individual or group towards other persons.
 A person’s attitude is mainly based on the experiences gained by him during the course of his
life and observations. On the other hand, the behavior of a person relies on the situation.
 The way of thinking or feeling is reflected by a person’s attitude, Attitude is defined by the
way we perceive things. On the contrary, a person’s conduct is reflected by his behavior,
it is ruled by social norms.

Root Cause of Negative Attitude

• Low self-esteem
• Fear or uncertainty
• Unresolved conflict
• Work/things are not satisfactory

Influence of Positive Attitude

 Positive Thinking
 Creative and Constructive Thinking
 Expectations of Success
 Motivation Towards Goals
 Inspired
 Optimism
Technique in Professional Development Stage II: Leadership in the Hospitality and
Tourism Industry

Leaders in hospitality management education face diverse challenges in today's competitive

and changing environment. Evolving demands from superiors, financial challenges, and faculty
and students increasing demands, create a turbulent environment in which administrators must
thrive. One of the keys in being effective leaders is the application of the necessary leadership

Introduction to Leadership

Leadership can be defined as one’s ability to influence and motivate others to bring the best out
in them. It focuses on encouraging individuals to add more to the overall effectiveness of an

Leadership is often defined as a process wherein an individual, influences and encourages others
to achieve the organizational objectives and directs the organization so that it becomes more
coherent and cohesive to work.

Moreover, a person who can bring out the change is the one who possesses the ability to be a
leader. A good leader is the one who always looks out after others before himself and is
proactive. Proactive refers to a leader’s tendency of being three steps ahead of others, thinking of
all the possibilities of a scenario.

Leadership is all about developing people, in turn helping them to reach their maximum
potential. In the simplest of terms, Leadership is an art of motivating the people to help achieve a
common goal.

Leadership Style

Generally, an autocratic leader believes that he or she is the smartest person at the table
and knows more than others. They make all the decisions with little input from team

The authoritative leadership style is the mark of confident leaders who map the way and set
expectations, while engaging and energizing followers along the way.

The style describes a very driven leader who sets the pace as in racing. Pacesetters set the bar
high and push their team members to run hard and fast to the finish line.
4. Democratic
Democratic leaders are more likely to ask "How do you see it?" And, wherever possible, they
share information with employees that affects their work responsibilities. They also
seek employees' opinions before making a final decision.

5. Coaching
A leader who coaches views people as a reservoir of talent to be developed. The leader who
uses a coach approach seeks to unlock people's potential.

6. Affiliative
Of all the leadership styles, the affiliative leadership approach is the most up close and
personal. A leader practicing this style pays attention to and supports the emotional needs of
team members. The leader strives to open up a pipeline that connects him or her to the

7. Laissez-Faire
The laissez-faire leadership style is at the opposite end
of the spectrum from autocratic. Of all the approaches, this one involves the least amount of
oversight. You could say that the autocratic style leader stands as firm as a rock on issues,
while the laissez-faire leader lets people swim with the current.

Group Dynamics in the Workplace

1. Strong leadership is important within a group

A leader should guide the development of the group and the path to the goal that needs to be
reached. They can do this by defining specific roles and responsibilities for members of the
group, as well as a timeline for the common project so members can understand their role within
the timeline.

2. Recognize how personalities affect team dynamics

This practice can also provide an opportunity for managers to note any gaps in experience or
behavior — and the necessary coverage with additional team members — for the group to
accomplish its goal.

3. Understand the life cycle of a group

The way a group comes together can be demonstrated in five steps:

 1.Forming: The coming together of a group.

 2.Storming: Members of the group seek out like-minded members. At this stage,
conflicts between different sub-groups may arise.
 3.Norming: Members become invested in the group as a whole and its common goal.
 4. Performing: The members of the group now function as a unit, contributing to
complete the task within the standards defined in the previous steps.
 5. Adjourning: If the group has formed to meet a specific goal, then the group will
disband after the completion of the task and any subsequent needed evaluation.
4. Communication is the key

It’s imperative for all members of a group to understand and utilize the chosen methods of
communication. Open and transparent communication builds and maintains a sense of trust
within the group and helps maintain focus toward the goal. Side conversations via separate
emails or instant messaging chat features can be detrimental to the group’s overall trust.

5. Diversity and Cultural Sensitivity

When it comes to diversity, there are many factors that influence the full and complete spectrum.
Race, gender, and sexual orientation perhaps immediately spring to mind. To create a truly
positive group dynamic in a particular cohort, it’s important to make sure people from all
backgrounds, identities, and views feel accepted and validated.

Team Building
Team building in the workplace is the process of creating a team that is cohesively working
together towards a common goal. The importance and main purpose of team building is to
create a strong team through forming bonds and connections. Creating these bonds through
team building is very beneficial to businesses and organizations. The benefits of team building
include increased communication, planning skills, employee motivation, and employee

Fun activities that help people see each other in a different light allow them to connect in a
different setting. People on your team are asked to think about the implications of these
activities at their workplace.

One of the most powerful reasons for team building is to get results. Through a series of planned
team building that are fun and motivational, teams build skills like communication, planning,
problem-solving, and conflict resolution. These team building activity ideas help to facilitate
long-term team building through fostering genuine connections, deeper discussions, and

The Importance of Team Building


Trust plays an essential role in building effective teams. For teams to work together, they need to
know they can trust each other. That they can fall back on each other if the need arises.
Moreover, when you build trust among teams, they give each other space and autonomy to
accomplish their tasks and make their own decisions.

Communication allows employees to understand their roles and what their peers are doing. When
employees know what their team members are doing, they can check up on the progress made
and help each other out if someone cannot reach their goal.


Teams share the workload. This means that if one member has relatively less work, she can help
another team member complete their work. This allows the project to be finished faster, thereby
increasing productivity and improving the overall bottom line.


One of the most important benefits of team building is that it improves interpersonal
relationships between employees. When people work together, they share experiences and both
failures as well as victories. It brings them closer and makes them trust each other. When team
member A helps team member B, team member B is sure to return the favor at some point.


Successful team building motivates employees to learn from each other and build on each other’s
talents. As compared to working solo on a project, teamwork allows room for fresh ideas and
new perspectives. It brings together individual experiences combined with new, innovative ideas
which makes the work more fun and efficient. As a result, everyone can bring something new to
the table and learn from each other.


It’s proven that when you make a task a competition, people achieve more. In the workplace,
conducting team building activities can be a great way to bring out the competitive side of
your employees. Team building exercises are fun games where employees participate in
completing their challenges while competing with other games. The main objective of
conducting these games to inculcate team spirit among employees, letting them work with other
teams and acquire skills like problem solving, communication and collaboration along the way.


With workplaces becoming more inclusive towards cultural and gender diversity, your
employees need to do their bit too. It is always a good idea to form teams with people from
different ethnicities and background. Such groups are often more creative as they are more
accepting and understanding of each other's differences. It makes them realize their preconceived
judgment of an individual is completely wrong and that that team member is a lot of fun to work

When people work together, there are sure to be disagreements. It's up to team members to
resolve the conflicts amicably and not let them turn into full-blown disputes. But conflicts aren't
always a bad thing. Conflicts can sometimes turn into constructive and valuable work.
Disagreements, especially, might arise if people with diverse experiences are grouped rather than
those with similar experiences. The key to resolving such conflicts is that people should be open
to hear and accept diverse opinions and perspectives. If team members can group their diverse
opinions, skills, and experiences, they can achieve more than a group formed on similar


Working in a team helps employees take on leadership roles and see their team members fulfill
their responsibilities. To perform and achieve their goal, they need to arrive at a consensus
before making any decisions. This requires employees to hold discussions, communicate and
actively listen to each other. Teamwork enables problem-solving capabilities, strategizing, and
decision-making skills. It also teaches team members to hold responsibility and accountability
for their decisions and actions.


When teams work together, it fosters creativity and innovation in the workplace. Employees
communicate and collaborate more. This improves their performance and efficiency, resolves
conflicts and misunderstandings and makes people more accepting towards each other. More
people start getting recognized which motivates them and others to achieve more and better the
next time. This improves the company’s overall bottom-line and simultaneously fosters a
positive and motivation workplace culture.

IV. Technique in Professional Development Stage III: Guest Relations in the

Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Taking care of the customer is the heart of the hospitality business. Doing so means
understanding and anticipating what the customer needs and then knowing how to meet and
exceed those needs. Adopting an approach with insights from all areas of hospitality, Guest
Service in the Hospitality Industry explores the intricacies of quality guest service with solid
and proven concepts across the industry. By providing several frameworks for thought, this
book opens readers’ minds to the idea of taking care of the guest. Integrating quality service into
the identity and individual operations of the overall business is the key to success in the
hospitality industry. Guest Service in the Hospitality Industry prepares hospitality managers to
meet and exceed guests' expectations through quality service that is evident in all of the
operation, its people, and its plan.


Guest relations in the perspective of the hospitality industry, can be defined as a series of
activities designed to enhance the level of customer guest satisfaction.

Characteristics of Good Service

 Promptness: Promises for delivery of service must be on time. Delays and cancellations of
products should be avoided.

 Politeness: Politeness is almost a lost art. Saying 'hello,' 'good afternoon,' 'sir', and 'thank you
very much' are a part of good guest service. For any business, using good manners is appropriate
whether the guest makes a purchase or not.

 Professionalism: All guests should be treated professionally, which means the use of
competence or skill expected of the professional. Professionalism shows the guest they're cared

 Personalization: Using the guest's name is very effective in producing loyalty. Guests like the
idea that whom they do business with knows them on a personal level.

Eleven basic skills of hospitality will serve as a beginning to achieving this excellence.
 Smiling
 Greeting
 Conversing
 Using proper telephone etiquette
 Providing assistance
 Giving attention
 Providing positive endings
 Following through
 Maintaining a positive attitude
 Making positive decisions
 Keeping a sense of humor

Guest Service in Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Guest Services is directly related to Tourism because Travel Industry is based on Money and
without customer there is no income. Good customer service is required at every part of tourism
either it is hotel, restaurant, travel agency, flight etc. Regardless of how rude and demanding the
customer can be it is more important to keep positive attitude and be friendly with the customer.

Tourism is the industry in which passenger contact us to get what he/she dreams of for their
holiday. Travelers at the end of the day go on a vacation to relax and to have a good time. Every
airline, railway company or travel agency emphasize a strong customer service as to those who
get service are more likely to return for their future travel arrangements. If tourists get good
service in a well-known hotel then they will consider that hotel chain first whenever they will
travel again and would recommend it to others within their social circle.

Poor customer service can ruin the reputation of that hotel, restaurant, airline or a travel
agency. If customer gets bad experience then neither he will use that supplier again nor will
he advises anyone to use it again. So directly that supplier will lose that customer revenue in
future and indirectly he will lose the prospective client which could get them a lot of business in
the future.

Customer care is an essential part of the hospitality industry.

Tourism is the industry that helps a country to get economic stability.
Tourist generates business in a country and plays a key role in achieving the socio-economic
goals of development plans of the nation. Good customer service ensures more opportunities for
business for the service providers.

Customer care is the base of any industry and its growth. It helps us develop a loyal customer
base and improve relationships with our customers. Tourism is such a wide industry and
customers have many alternatives available for their requirement.

Good service helps to turn customer into ambassador of our business. They will buy our product
and service regularly and will give valuable feedback which will generate more revenue to the
supplier in his good or bad time.

Keys to good customer service:

 Understand customer need.

 Make him feel special or important customer for the company.
 Deal with him patiently.
Guest Relation Skills

1. Customer service skills

It should never be forgotten that it’s the customer who provides the funds to pay salaries and
other expenses which allow a hotel or restaurant to remain profitable and reinvest in its
infrastructure. Thus, it is essential that employees and managers succeed in satisfying and
even delighting customers. Excellent customer service skills are all about understanding the
customer’s needs and being able to deliver a positive customer service experience.

2. Networking skills

One of the key skills needed in the hospitality industry is to be able to network effectively.
Unlike many other sectors of business, networking in this field is not about job-hopping, but is
rather a way to stimulate repeat business from customers. Building a loyal clientele who are
interested in returning to the hotel/restaurant/tour will, in the long run, also enhance one’s career.
Of course, it’s also important to be able to demonstrate to employers that customers are returning
thanks to the relationship cultivated with them. Learning to use language that employers like to
hear, such as ‘client relationship management’ and ‘guest relations’ during job interviews, can
enhance one’s chances of being hired.

3. Communication skills

Exceptional communication skills are highly valued in most industries and the higher up one
gets in the hierarchy, the more important they become. In the hospitality and tourism business,
each day can involve contacts with people of a variety of backgrounds, ages, nationalities and
temperaments. Thus, it is important to be able to communicate in a way that represents the
business while at the same time speaking to customers in a way that they can understand and
relate to.

4. Flexibility skills

Compared to other professions, hospitality and tourism jobs often demand that employees work
odd hours like nights and weekends. It is also necessary to be able switch rapidly from one task
to another as the situation may arise. Thus, flexibility is an essential attribute to succeed in the
hospitality and tourism sector.

5. Organizational skills

Organizational skills are at a premium in the hospitality and tourism trade. Given the need to
multi-task and respond to spur-of -the-moment requests, it is necessary to maintain an
organizational structure so as to be able to accomplish daily tasks in an efficient manner. One
piece of advice: plan each day ahead keeping a checklist of things that need to be done. This will
also help you develop strong time management skills.
6. Language skills

Language skills are a particular plus in the hospitality field as they increase one’s value as an
employee. Speaking clients’ language enables one to establish a more intimate relationship with
them which promotes customer satisfaction and loyalty.

7. Commitment

It may sound trite to mention this one, but it can be noted that many young people start out in the
hospitality field with an enthusiastic outlook, but don’t realize how demanding the work is and
consequently get bored quickly. If they fail to understand that their job is to keep clients happy
no matter the cost, such individuals will never progress beyond entry-level jobs.

8. Can-do attitude

It is essential that hospitality professionals be prepared to accept challenges in the workplace no

matter how difficult the task may appear. Resolving a difficult situation for an employer boosts
one’s chances of getting a pay rise and /or a promotion. Exuding enthusiasm for one’s job,
instead of being sour, will enhance one’s esteem both from customers and employers.

9. Multitasking skills

Being able to fulfil multiple roles in a hospitality or tourism enterprise is a way for employees
to render themselves indispensable to their employers. It’s important to be able to juggle
different tasks simultaneously, while completing each task assigned. Thus, the ability to
multitask may be one of the most important skills in this industry. One way for students to get a
head start in developing their ability to multitask is to work on the side while pursuing their

10. Cultural awareness

Hospitality and tourism enterprises are more likely than most to deal with customers of a variety
of nationalities and cultural backgrounds. The ability to be culturally aware and get past one’s
own cultural norms is crucial to building a successful career in this sector.

Activity #3
Direction: Make a reflection paper about Guest Service in Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Criteria Performance Indicators Points
Content Provided pieces of supporting details and factual scenarios. 15
Grammar Used grammar, punctuations, spelling and capitalization. 10
Organization of Ideas Expresses the points in clear and precise ideas in paragraph 10

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