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TIME SHEET Santa Susana Mural

Date Started: 5/12/2022

Created: 6/20/2022

Date Activity Time Taken Notes

Main brainstorming process and getting permission + figuring out the logistics of how it will be done 1 hr
Mon 6/20 Created the spreadsheet and wrote down main ideas and how it will work + research 1 hr
Mon 6/20 Briefly worked on thumbnails and pallets 1 hr
Sun 7/3 More research and thumbnails 1 hr
Tue 7/12 Verbally brainstorming with friends 30 min
Thu 8/11 Worked on thumbnails + color research 1 hr 20 min
Fri 8/12 Gathered more inspiration with updated ideas regarding color 20 min
Mon 8/15 Compiled thumbnails with explainations into presentation to show 1 hr around this time, we started discussing other ideas if the mural didn't work out
Tue 8/16 Meeting with Mrs. Spurbeck-Boian + more work 50 min
Sat 10/1 worked on final thumbnails and exploring different designs 1 hr
Tue 10/4 Meeting with Mrs. Spurbeck-Boian discussing alternatives to the wall -
Wed 10/5 Research on large scale prints 30 min
Tue 1/10 new idea brainstorm and sketches 3 hr Had to restart the brainstorming process, looked at references and started sketches. fell in lov
Fri 1/20 Took pictures of some teachers 45 min
Sun 1/22 Started drawing teachers 4 hrs 30 min Mrs. Timmons, Duda, Mortine, Mr. Timmons, Rusnack
Mon 1/23 continued taking pictures and started stylizing the people 1 hr
Tue 1/24 style exploration 20 min
Mon 1/30 style exploration 1 hr
Wed 2/1 building website 2 hr
Sat 2/11 adding more to the website 1 hr
Wed 2/15 adding more to the website 3 hr
Thu 2/16 website 2 hr
Sun 2/19 Started final drawing 3 hr Mr./Mrs. Timmons, Golden, Nurse
Mon 2/20 continued drawing 4 hr Cora, Adam, Volchok, Pluto, Slotar, Mortine
Tue 2/21 drawing 2 hr Mia, Oliver, Lillyan, pink jacket, grey fuzy
Wed 2/22 drawing 2 hr sketched 10 people instead of coloring
Thu 2/23 drawing 1 hr Decided that I didn't like the artstyle and worked to redraw the 15 people
Mon 2/27 drawing 2 hr
Tue 2/28 drawing 2 hr
Thu 3/2 drawing 30 min
Sun 3/5 drawing (beginning the restarted sketch) 5 hr 45 min
Mon 3/6 drawing (continued sketching peopl) 3 hr
Tue 3/7 drawing (I'm on person 38) 2 hr
Wed 3/8 took more picture references + drawing 3 hr 40 min
Sat 3/11 coloring 3 hr
Sun 3/12 coloring + finalizing 5 hrs
Mon 3/13 discussed print options with teachers + presentation + editing website 2 hr
Wed 3/15 worked on presentation 1 hr

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