HW - Uniform Flow in Rigid Boundary Channels

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Assignment 1 ECV3412 Hydraulics 2 Sem 2 2021/2022

Topic: Uniform Flow in Rigid Boundary Channels

1. Water flows in a trapezoidal channel 20 m wide at the bottom and having side slopes of 1:1.
The discharge is 60 m3/s, 𝑛 =0.02 and bed slope is 1 x 10-4. Find the normal depth of flow. Is
the flow subcritical or supercritical?
2. Determine the discharge in channels having the following sections for 𝑦=2m, 𝑛 =0.013 and
𝑆= 3 x 10-3.
a) Rectangular section 2 m wide;
b) Triangular section with bottom angle of 45°;
c) A circular section 4.5 m in diameter; and
d) A trapezoidal section 6 m wide having side slopes of 1:1
3. The cross-sections of two rivers may be idealised as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. Find the
discharge carried by each of these rivers if 𝑆 = 2x 10-4 in both cases. For Figure 2, use Cox
formula to find the equivalent roughness.

Figure 1

Figure 2

4. What should be the bottom width of a trapezoidal canal (side slopes 2H: 1 V5) having a
uniform slope of 1 × 10-3 if it is to carry 60 m3/s at a depth of 2.5 m? Take 𝑛 = 0.015.
5. Find the normal depth of flow in a triangular section with a bottom angle of 60° for 𝑄 = 3
m3/s, 𝑛 = 0.014 and 𝑆 = 2 x 10-3. Also find the value of Chézy's coefficient.
6. A trapezoidal canal (side slopes 2 H: 1 V) has a base width of 3 m and is required to carry 3
m-3/s at a mean velocity of 0.6 m/s. If 𝑛 = 0.018, find the required slope.
7. A sewer pipe is proposed to be laid on a slope of 1 in 3000 and is required to carry a
discharge of 2 m3/s. What size of circular pipe should be used if the pipe is required to flow
half full and 𝑛 = 0.014?
8. Find the depth of flow in the most economical triangular section carrying a discharge of 0.2
m3/s on a slope of 1 in 2500 if 𝑛 = 0.011.
9. The wetted perimeter of a most efficient rectangular channel is 3.80 m. If the channel has a
value of 𝑛 = 0.012, and slope of 1 in 2000, find the discharge as well as the state of flow.
10. Find the dimensions of the most efficient rectangular channel which will carry 2.5 m3/s on a
slope of 1 in 4000. 𝑛 = 0.013.
11. A discharge of 2.5 m3/s is to be carried in a rectangular channel (𝑛 = 0.02). It is desired to
maintain a velocity of 1.3 m/s. Find the most economical dimensions and the slope required.
12. The depth of flow in a trapezoidal channel is to be restricted to 1.5 m. If the section is to be
most efficient, find the slope required to carry a discharge of 15 m3/s. The side slopes are 12;
H: 1 V and 𝑛 = 0.015.
13. Design the most economical trapezoidal section to carry 35 m3/s on a slope of 1 in 5000.
Assume side slopes to be 2 H: 1 V and 𝑛 = 0.013.
14. The area of cross-section of flow in a channel is 6 m2. Calculate the dimensions of the most
efficient section if the channel is (a) triangular, (b) rectangular and (c) trapezoidal (2 H: 1 V).
Which has the least perimeter?
15. Design a lined channel to carry 40 m3/s on a slope of 1 in 2000. The permissible side slope is
1.4 H: 1 V and 𝑛 = 0.015.
16. Design a lined canal to carry 120 m3/s on a slope of 1 in 2500. The maximum permissible
velocity is 2.2 m/s and side slopes 1.2 H : 1 V. 𝑛 = 0.014

***********************************Question Ends***********************************

Kindly show all calculation steps in solving these problems. The deadline is Friday 29 April 2022,
before 12pm.

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