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Excellent (4 pts.) Good (3 pts.) Fair (2 pts.) Poor (1 pt.) Score

Basic Tools and All components Some of the Most of the

components/Parts materials are are present and components are materials are
for a complete complete, and visible with low missing i.e. all missing and the
salad salad is complete quantities. purpose cream salad is not
it was handled complete
Cleanliness Workplace is Workplace is Workplace is not Workplace is
very neat and neat and clean. clean and not messy and not
cleaned after the Some of the well organized cleaned after the
activity. materials and after the activity. activity.
Materials and ingredients are Materials and
ingredients are not kept. ingredients are
well kept in their not kept after
designated the activity.
places after the
Texture All ingredients Some of the Texture of the Most of the
are mixed ingredients are product is not as
ingredients are
appropriate not mixed very expected i.e. not
over processed
doneness as per well as per menu enough dressing compared to the
menu specification. on the salad. desired
specification. doneness.
Texture is Texturally,
appropriate to product did not
the desired meet
product. expectation i.e.
fruit cocktail are
mashed and too
much dressing
on some of the
making it
Taste & The product is Product is Product is Product is under
Temperature well seasoned seasoned but marginally seasoned or over
and balanced in does not have a seasoned but seasoned.
flavor. Product complete lacking in one Product is not
temperature is mouthfeel. As aspect of the served at its
what is expected for temperature taste profile. appropriate
of the desired plate was chilled, temperature at
item for service the ingredients all.
i.e chilled. were at room
Overall Product Presentation is Presentation is Presentation Presentation is
Presentation attractively acceptable and needs lacks of appeal.
displayed. Shows some creativity improvement
creativity. is displayed.
and lacks of


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