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Tripartism means reliance upon the advice of the three parties to the industrial
relations and disputes: the unions, employers, and the government. Under
Tripartism, these three do not decide anything, but they try to advice about
everything. Their representatives sit together, in one kind of meeting or another,
and strive to reach at consensus; they study problems, and when they can agree
they make recommendations. Of the three, government is the most active, for
although it decides nothing as one participant, it does take the initiative in calling
management and labour together; and sometimes it cracks the whip over them a

 Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976. ILO-

(a) Tripartism means where the government consults and involves representatives
of employers and workers in forming socio-economic policies at national and
industry level and in particular on the legal framework of labour relations and
labour related policy.

(b) Ensure that social partners’ views and concerns are reflected in the policies and
laws formulated.

(c) Provide social partners with opportunity to contribute to socio-economic


 The first important document in context of Tripartism in India was the Code of
Discipline, 1958 (the keystone of the tripartite arch). Under this document, parties
pledged to refrain from going on illegal strike/declaration of illegal lock-out and to
avoid coercion and victimization. Government was recognised as a third party for
the facilitation of the settlement of Industrial Dispute by way of Arbitration &
Conciliation or other methods.

 Features of Tripartism–
A. Three Parties B. Absence of Authority

C. No finality of settlement, only recommendation

D. Not specifically enforceable

 Need of Tripartsim in India –
1. Weak Trade Unions 2. Business friendly approach
3. Govt. interference 4. Labour Welfare
5. Prevents Unfair Labour Practices

 Requisites of Successful Tripartism –

(i) Employees/Employers Unity (ii) Skilled Staff Representatives
(iii) Favorable Labour & Social Policy
(iv) Willingness on the part of Government

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