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Section 5

Circle the correct answer.

1. A permit required confined space is one that:

a. contains or has a potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere.
b. contains a material that has the potential to engulf an entrant.
c. has an internal configuration that might cause an entrant to become trapped or
d. contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazards.
e. All the above.

2. The confined space permit must be signed by the verifying that pre-entry
preparations have been completed and the space is safe to enter.
a. the attendant
b. the entry supervisor.
c. an authorized entrant
d. the safety supervisor.
e. All the above.

3. A confined space entry permit must identify:

a. the space to be entered.
b. the purpose of the entry.
c. the authorized entrants.
d. the hazards of the space to be entered.
e. All the above.

4. The confined space attendant

a. may work on jobs at another location while acting as attendant.
b. may enter the confined space to perform rescue duties.
c. must inform the authorized entrants and entry supervisor of entry by
unauthorized persons.
d. take lunch orders from entrants and bring the food to them.
e. All the above.

5. The confined space entry supervisor must:

a. know the space hazards.
b. ensure operations remain consistent with the entry permit.
c. verify permits, tests, procedures and equipment before allowing entry.
d. All the above.
6. The confined space entrants
a. must wear a body harness with a lifeline attached to the back.
b. must wear wristlets with a lifeline attached if a harness creates a greater hazard.
c. need not wear the harness or wristlets and lifeline but have it readily available.
d. All the above.

7. A permit required confined space may be reclassified to a non-permitted space if:

a. the entry supervisor feels it is unnecessary.
b. the entrants smell no gases inside the space.
c. permits are on order but not on site.
d. inspection data proves the hazard no longer exists.
e. a & d above.
f. All the above.

8. The permit for a confined space must not exceed:

a. the time required to complete the job task.
b. the year in which it was issued.
c. the shift in which it was issued.

Circle "T" if the statement is True, and "F" if False

9. T F Effective measures must be taken to prevent unauthorized employees from

entering the permit space.

10. T F Permit required confined spaces must be evaluated for potential hazards before
entry is made.

11. T F If hazardous conditions are detected during entry the entrants may continue to
work as long as the attendant remains at the entry site.

12. T F The permit need only identify the entry supervisor.

13. T F Rescue service personnel must practice rescue exercises annually

14. T F Since entrants will view the hazards while in the space, it is not necessary that
they know or review the hazards prior to entry.

15. T F If a chemical storage tank is empty, it would not be considered a confined space.

16. T F An attendant should be available to be the first person into the space to conduct a
◆Examination Answer Key

1. e. All the above.

2. b. the entry supervisor.

3. e. All the above.

4. c. must inform the authorized entrants and entry supervisor of entry by

unauthorized persons.

5. d. a & b above

6. d. a & b above.

7. d. inspection data proves the a hazard no longer exists.

8. c. the shift in which it was issued.

9. T

10. T

11. F

12. F

13. F

14. F

15. F

16. F

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