R13-013B01-TJS-PLN-HS-0007 Risk Assessment Plan Rev.02 PDF

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Owner’s Engineer




Red Sea Utility Assets and Infrastructure Project



02 Issue for approval Yangbo Zhang Pengyin 22/05/2021

01 Issue for approval Yangbo Zhang Pengyin 21/03/2021

00 First submission Yangbo Zhang Pengyin 20/03/2021


DOCUMENT No.: R13-013B01-TJS-PLN-HS-0007 Rev 02
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Risk Assessment Plan 1 / 19

Revision Record
Version Date Section Page Description of Modification and basis

00 20/03/2021 All All First submission

01 21/03/2021 All All Revised according to ACWA comments

02 22/05/2021 All All Revised according to ACWA comments


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Table of Content

1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................................3

2. Definitions.......................................................................................................................................4

3. Roles and Responsibilities...........................................................................................................4

4. Guidance for Implementation...................................................................................................... 7

5. Scope the Risk Assessment........................................................................................................8

5.1 Identify equipment, materials, activities/tasks and processes............................................. 8

5.2 Identify consequences............................................................................................................... 9

5.3 Estimate likelihood of occurrence.............................................................................................9

5.4 Estimate consequence severity................................................................................................9

5.5 Calculate risk............................................................................................................................... 9

5.6 Identify and implement risk control measures........................................................................9

5.7 Compile risk control action plan............................................................................................. 11

5.8 Monitor and review risk assessments and control measures............................................11

5.9 Communicate risk assessment results and risk control information.................................13

6. Analysis and Review.................................................................................................................. 13

7. Training.........................................................................................................................................13

8. Records........................................................................................................................................ 13

9. Appendix.......................................................................................................................................14

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1. Introduction
Risk assessment is a technique for evaluating the chance or likelihood that the harm from
a hazard will occur, and the probable consequences if it were to occur. Likelihood refers to
the probability or chance that an incident will occur while consequence refers to the
outcome of an incident in terms of injury, loss, damage or harm.

The aim of risk assessment is to establish the level of risk to enable the evaluation or
judging of the acceptability of the level of risk. The objective of risk management is the
reduction of the (level) of risk “as far as is reasonably practicable” – to an acceptable level.

Hazards are things with the potential to cause injury, loss, damage or harm and are
inherent to equipment, material, activities/tasks and processes. Equipment, material,
activities/tasks and processes are therefore examined in detail through risk assessment, to
a) How they could cause injury, loss, damage or harm (incident);
b) What the resulting injury, loss, damage or harm would be (consequence);
c) How bad the injury, loss, damage or harm would be (severity); and
d) The probability/chance, with existing controls taken into account, that the injury, loss,
damage or harm will occur (likelihood).

Risk assessment provides a means for discovering and evaluating hazards to identify the
hazards that must be controlled. Hazards can be controlled in two ways, namely:
a) Limiting the chance (likelihood) of an incident occurring through preventive measures
such as training and machine guarding; and
b) Limiting/controlling the consequences of an incident if it does occur, using fire
extinguishers and first aid treatment.

Risk is a quantified combination of the abovementioned two factors. It is calculated by

combining estimated values for the likelihood of an incident occurring and the severity of
the consequence of an incident if it were to occur.

The formula for calculating risk is:

Risk (of a particular hazard) = Likelihood (of an incident occurring) x Severity (of a
particular consequence).

Although the resulting risk value is a subjective estimation, it gives an indication of the risk
level on which an evaluation or judgement of the acceptability of the risk can be based.
Such a judgement is made during a structured risk assessment session by an informed
group that includes persons actually exposed to the hazards.

The risk value also allows for the prioritisation of unacceptably high risks so that attention
can immediately be focussed on critical/unacceptable risks, so that immediate and
imminent danger can be treated first to prevent critical incidents from occurring.

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The next level of risk is treated once the critical risks have all been dealt with. This phased
approach ensures that risks are treated and eliminated methodically, according to their

2. Definitions
“Simply a careful examination of what, in the workplace, could cause harm to
people, so that a decision can be made as to whether the precautions taken are
satisfactory or whether more should be done to prevent harm”.

OHSAS 18002:2008 defines risk assessment as the:

“Overall process of estimating the magnitude of a risk and deciding whether or not
the risk is tolerable” Where a tolerable risk is one that “Has been reduced to a level
that can be endured by the organisation having regard to its legal obligations and its
own occupational health and safety policy”.

The key terms of hazard, harm and risk have been simply defined by the UK HSE as

Hazard: Anything that may cause harm, such as chemicals, electricity, working
from ladders, or an open drawer;

Harm: Includes ill-health and injury; damage to property, plant, products or the
environment; and production losses or increased liabilities; and

Risk: The chance, high or low that somebody could be harmed by a hazard,
together with an indication of how serious the harm could be. Other definitions of
hazard and risk include:

• “Source or situation with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill
health, damage to property, damage to the workplace environment or a
combination of these” (OHSAS 18002).

3. Roles and Responsibilities

3.1 Project Director
 Reviews and approves the present procedure and provides his support and
leadership in promoting its implementation;

 Ensures sufficient resources (human, financial, equipment) are made available for
the proper implementation of and abidance to the measures contained therein.

 Allocate resources and assign responsibilities for the implementation, operation and

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on- going improvement of the Project’s risk management system including all
requirements of this Plan.

 Ensure that adequate resources including competent personnel are provided, and
processes are in place for the achievement of risk objectives.

 Visibly lead by personal example the implementation of the Project Risk

Management Plan.

 Ensure that Project Risk Assessments are programmed and performed, the relevant
outcomes are recorded and necessary risk reduction measures are incorporated
into the Project practices.

 Ensure that any proposed or approved Project Change is assessed for risk impacts.

 Set expectations and hold functional and discipline managers accountable for
delivery of risk related deliverables and meeting agreed performance metrics.

 Monitor risk registers monthly. Review and report on risk performance metrics to the

 Escalate risk related issues as required to the TIEJUN Management Committee and
the Engineer as necessary.

3.2 Construction Manager

 Has the primary responsibility for ensuring the requirements of this plan are properly
implemented in all project areas;

 Ensures the construction staff is adequately aware of the measures of the risk
management procedure, all workforce passed induction and everyone work
according to statutory requirements;

 Participates directly in the review of Risk Assessment and Method Statement, and
of the documentation submitted by Subcontractors.

 Construction Managers provide Project direction to Site Supervisors, HSE personnel

and sub-contractors in the application of this Project Risk Management Plan and
associated programs.

3.3 Field Engineer

 Filed engineer shall involved in the process itself in various ways –
identifying hazards, analyzing probability of occurrence and severity of
consequences, assessing the level of risk in relation to company policy or an
externally mandated standard, or implementing and monitoring risk

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reduction measures.

 Ensure HSE Briefing about approved Risk Assessment shall be communicated to all
Crew Member / Formans & availability of hard copy at work location.

3.4 HSE Manager

 Reviews the present document before its submittal for approval, and ensures its
proper distribution to all concerned parties after approval;

 Holds a briefing (directly or through personnel on his behalf) with all interested
management and staff, to ensure they are properly aware of the measures therein,
and ensures that measures of this document are included in relevant training and
awareness programs, control the construction risk by applying necessary safety
control measures.

 Verifies compliance with this plan through regular inspections and audits, any
deviation to take appropriate corrective/disciplinary measures;

 Facilitates the arrangement of third party qualification training and required


 Provides his assistance in the implementation of the plan, acting as an advisor as

needed and required, to ensure workplaces meet the requirements set forth in the

 Promotes safety campaigns and/or similar activities to promote and spread

awareness concerning project requirements.

3.5 HSE Engineer/ officer

 Have the responsibility to monitor the application and implementation of this plan in
the region of their competence, carrying out daily checks and inspections at the
worksite, and reporting to the HSE Manager any detected non conformity, and to
provide advices to the Site Management concerning best techniques and solutions
for its correct implementation;

 Review the Risk Assessments and Safe Work Method Statements prepared by the
Construction Management, and provide their related comments and suggestions;

 Verify the competencies of the personnel working in their area, and, if needed, point
out workers requiring specific Third Party qualification for carrying out a particular

 Timely report to the HSE Manager any detected non conformities, suggesting
related actions to immediately rectify the NC (correction), and eventual corrective

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and preventive actions, if any.

3.6 Employees
 Their own safety and the safety of Company assets used to perform their duty;

 Understand fully and apply correctly this plan in the course of their work.

 Strictly abiding to the instructions described in this document and those provided by
their direct site managers/supervisors;

 Every worker shall report to his supervisor any possible anomaly regarding
machinery, plant, equipment, working procedures or any other acts or conditions;

 All employees are expected to study, understand and comply with these rules and
regulations regarding risk management. No one can plead ignorance of the same.

 Everyone is required to read all notices appearing on the bulletin boards and to
attend toolbox talks and safety awareness course, and shall be responsible for any
matter appearing in such notices, which may concern them.

4. Guidance for Implementation

Risk assessments, through the identification of hazards and an analysis of the risk it
presents, indicate where HSE management efforts have to be focused and therefore play
an integral part in the development and fine-tuning of the organisation’s HSE management
system and plan.

Risk assessments are performed for all work that is done to ensure that:
a) Everyone involved in the work is aware of the hazards and risks; and
b) Risk reduction measures are proactively identified and implemented before an
incident has the chance to occur.

In order to achieve this, the risk assessment programme consists of the following actions:
a) The identification of all hazards to which persons may be exposed or that may harm
the environment;
b) The analysis of the risk related to the identified hazards;
c) Documenting a plan to mitigate, reduce or control the identified hazards and risks;
d) Developing a plan to monitor and review compliance to the risk-reduction measures.

These actions are broken down into the following eleven risk assessment process steps:
a) Scope of the risk assessment
b) Identify the equipment, materials, activities/tasks and processes included in the scope
c) Identify the incidents that could conceivably occur

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d) Identify the likely consequences of the incident, i.e. injury, damage, environmental
impact such as soil pollution
e) Estimate the likelihood of the incident occurring
f) Estimate the severity of the incident’s consequences
g) Calculate the risk
h) Identify and implement risk control measures
i) Compile a risk control action plan
j) Monitor and review risk assessments and control measures
k) Communicate risk assessment results and risk control information.

5. Scope the Risk Assessment

Risk assessments are scoped to set the boundaries of a risk assessment by defining what
will be included in and excluded from a particular risk assessment.

The subject of the risk assessment in question is considered and the risk assessment is
scoped according to one of the following options:
a) Geographically – a physical location such as the engineering workshop, loading area,
offices, manufacturing plant or a chemical store;
b) Function/discipline – a function/discipline such as Engineering, Logistics,
Procurement, IT or Security;
c) Hazard/issue – hazards or issues present throughout the organisation/facility, such
as electricity, fire, hazardous substances, machinery, heat and cold. This approach
may only be followed by adequately trained professionals such as a fire fighter or
occupational hygienist.

5.1 Identify equipment, materials, activities/tasks and processes

Since hazards are present in the equipment, material, activities/tasks and processes
involved in work, the equipment, material, activities/tasks and processes contained in the
scope of the risk assessment are identified and listed.

Appendix 1 provides a form for defining the risk assessment’s scope as well as listing the
equipment, material, activities/tasks and processes involved.

The necessary care and attention is paid to this step to ensure the identification of all the
equipment, material, activities/tasks and processes contained in the risk assessment
scope as the omission of anything at this stage would result in its exclusion from the
remainder of the risk assessment.

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5.2 Identify consequences

Consequences are the outcomes or effects of the incident in terms of the
injury/loss/damage/harm that was caused. Establishing the consequences of incidents
subsequently allows for the evaluation thereof.

Each incident is evaluated and the possible consequences of such an incident identified
and listed in the appropriate column in Appendix 1.

5.3 Estimate likelihood of occurrence

The likelihood of an incident occurring is estimated according to the table known as the
Risk Matrix, provided in Appendix 1.

5.4 Estimate consequence severity

Each consequence’s worst possible outcome is considered when the severity of each
consequence is estimated, which is also done in accordance with the Risk Matrix.

5.5 Calculate risk

The formula for calculating risk is:

Risk (of a particular hazard) = Likelihood (of an incident occurring) x Severity (of a
particular consequence).

The risk of a consequence related to a particular hazard occurring is calculated by

multiplying the estimated values for the likelihood of the incident occurring, by the severity
of the consequence if were to occur.

The risk value is obtained by tracing the row (severity) and column (likelihood) in the Risk
Matrix that corresponds to the likelihood and severity values estimated in the previous two
steps. The row and column is traced to where they meet and the value in that cell is the
risk under consideration.

5.6 Identify and implement risk control measures

Risk control measures are applied step by step by HSE staff and work in charge, and in
the sequence of the hierarchy of risk control:

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a) Elimination – Modifying a design to eliminate the hazard, e.g. terminate the use of a
substance or terminate an activity;
b) Substitution – Substituting a less hazardous material or reduce the system energy
(e.g. lower the force, amperage, pressure and temperature);
c) Engineering controls – Installing ventilation systems, machine guarding, interlocks
and sound enclosures;
d) Signs, warnings, and administrative controls – Safety signs, hazardous area marking,
photo-luminescent signs, markings for pedestrian walkways, warning sirens/lights,
alarms, safety procedures, equipment inspections and access controls; and
e) Personal protective equipment (PPE): safety glasses, hearing protection, face shields,
safety harnesses, respirators and gloves.

High and medium risk exposures (those with a risk rating corresponding with the red and
amber bands in the Risk Matrix) are examined and measures that would effectively control
the identified risks are identified in the order prescribed by the hierarchy of risk control.
Existing and planned control measures are considered, but additional controls are
introduced and existing or planned controls are improved if it is suspected that they would
not control the risk effectively.

Existing and planned controls are evaluated according to the following:

a) What more can be done to reduce the likelihood of the consequence occurring?
b) What can be done to limit the severity of the consequence?

Measures that would simultaneously control likelihood and severity are considered first,
then measures that would control the higher of likelihood and severity, and lastly measures
to control the lower of the two.

The following prompts are considered in the identification of control measures:

a) Is it possible to eliminate the equipment/material/process/activity completely?
b) Is there a safer alternative?
c) Is there a way to prevent the incident from occurring entirely?
d) Is there a way to reduce the risk mechanically or with additional hardware?
e) Is there a way to draw attention to the risk or raise awareness of the risk or instruct
workers on how to work safely?
f) Is there PPE that can reduce the severity of the consequence?
g) What more can be done to reduce the likelihood of the incident happening?
h) What more can be done to limit the severity of the consequences of the incident?

Risk control measures are implemented according to risk value, with the highest of the
high being treated immediately, followed by the next level, and so on. Risk exposures with
a high likelihood of occurrence and possibly severe consequences are treated without

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delay. The next group of risks are treated once the critical risks have been treated and are
under control. High risks (red band) must be treated immediately and medium risks (amber
band) as soon as possible thereafter. Low risks (green band) do not require any specific
treatment, but monitoring of existing controls, where applicable, continues.

5.7 Compile risk control action plan

A risk control action plan is compiled by capturing the organisation’s risks in a document
such as the one provided. All high (red) and medium (amber) risks are included in the risk
register and are ranked from high to low according to their risk values.

The action management reference numbers of the risk control actions that will be taken in
accordance with paragraph 5.6 Identify and implement risk control measures, are
referenced in the appropriate column in the risk control action plan. This is done for
reference purposes and to enable the efficient tracking of actions.

The action plan is used as the basis for the risk monitoring and review programme, which
is discussed below.

5.8 Monitor and review risk assessments and control measures

Risk control measures are monitored continuously and reviewed from time to time to
ensure their ongoing effectiveness. Risk assessments are reviewed periodically to ensure
their ongoing validity.

4.8.1 Monitoring
Implemented control measures are monitored to establish whether they are effective in
controlling the risks they are intended to control.

Monitoring includes evaluating whether a control measure is:

a) Properly implemented and complied with;
b) Effectively controlling and reducing the risk, as it was designed and intended to do;
c) Still adequate to control and reduce the risk; and
d) Still the most suitable way for controlling and reducing the risk.

Control measures and compliance with control measures is monitored continuously

through audits, inspections and observations.

4.8.2 Review

Risk control measures are reviewed regularly to establish whether they are still effective in
controlling the risks they were intended to control; in the way they were intended to control
them. Routine reviews are conducted at predefined intervals but are also conducted if it
becomes evident that a control measure is no longer effective.

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A risk control measure review plan is established to ensure that control measures are
 Changes occurrence; and
 When they are found ineffective through monitoring or due to an incident or non-

Task specific risk assessment are reviewed weekly. Baseline risk assessments are
reviewed in their entirety at least annually. Changes to the equipment, materials,
activities/tasks and processes in the workplace are taken into account and considered in
risk assessments to ensure that the new and altered risks brought about by change are
identified and controlled.

Risk assessments are reviewed as part of the management of the introduced change to
ensure that new hazards and risks are identified before they are introduced and controlled
as soon as they are introduced.

Risk assessments are also reviewed following incidents and the detection of non-
conformities to establish where the fault was, in order for it to be corrected immediately to
prevent the recurrence of the incident or non-conformity.

Risk assessments are reviewed in order to:

a) Identify newly introduced equipment, materials, activities/tasks and processes and
associated incidents and consequences;
b) Confirm that the changes mentioned before have been appropriately addressed;
c) Confirm that control measures have been adequately implemented;
d) Confirm that control measures have been effective;
e) Incorporate the findings of audits, inspections and observations; and
f) Incorporate lessons that may have been learned from incidents and industry

A risk assessment review programme is in place to facilitate and ensure the review of risk
assessments. The programme provides for tracking of the reviews to ensure that they are
done when they should be done.

The risk control action plan is used as the basis for risk assessment reviews. The results
of such reviews such as the review date, decisions taken and additional/amended actions
required are captured in the appropriate column of the action plan.

Where the need for additional action(s) or changes to current action(s) is identified during
such reviews, the required actions are implemented in accordance with paragraph 5.6
Identify and implement risk control measures.

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Additional actions that may be required are included in the action plan and their action
system reference numbers captured accordingly. Changed action system references are
captured where required changes to current actions affect an action’s system reference.

The reference to an action is retained in the action plan for reference purposes when
required changes to actions result in an action being closed out or when an action has
been successfully implemented. Successfully implemented actions are marked as such in
the action plan.

5.9 Communicate risk assessment results and risk control information

Risk assessment results are communicated to the workforce by work in-charge firstly to
make them aware of the hazards and risks they need to be aware of and secondly, of the
measures taken to control the risks. The workforce is also made aware of how control
measures function and what their role is in making the control measures effective.

Risk assessment results are included in the HSE communication programme to ensure
that it is delivered as part of induction, HSE training and on-the-job training and coaching.
It is also included as an agenda point for formal and informal communication and
discussion forums such as Toolbox Talks.

Approved risk assessment will be available at site for all construction activities. No
activities shall commence without the risk assessment.

6. Analysis and Review

Risk assessments and risk control measures are monitored, analyzed and reviewed as
specified in paragraph 4.8, Monitor and review risk assessments and control

7. Training
Risk assessors and risk assessment facilitators are formally trained for risk assessment,
but preferably more, formally recognized risk assessment techniques.

Facilitators are additionally trained in facilitation skills and techniques about risk

Risk Management Team Members must be trained by the appointed Trainer. Risk
Management Team Members from TIEJUN/Subcontractor site management staff, process
or various departmental engineers, technical personnel, supervisors, operators,
maintenance and service staff etc. where available.

8. Records
The records generated as a result of this procedure are:
a) Risk assessment results;

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b) Implementation of risk control measures; and

c) Risk control measure monitoring.

9. Appendix

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Appendix 1 Risk Assessment

Contract No.
Project Title
RA Reference
RA Date
RA Revision No.
Task / Activity


Please Note
If the severity rating lies between 4 to 25, then corrective actions
needs to be taken by concerned persons with documentary evidence
provided in conjunction with WI HSE 001B and 001C
Health Safety Loss & Environmental Impact
Probability (P)

OH&S Environmental 1 2 3 4 5

1 1 2 3 4 5

Severity (S)
1-3 Acceptable Low – L Minor / <3 Days Injury Minor 2 2 4 6 8 10

4-9 Before task commences Medium – M Moderate / >3 Days Injury Moderate 3 3 6 9 12 15

10-16 Before task commences High – H Major / Permanent Disability Injury Major 4 4 8 12 16 20
20-25 Immediate Very High - VH Catastrophic / Fatality Catastrophic 5 5 10 15 20 25

Working group Designation May

Unlikely Likely Very Likely Certain or Imminent

Fill in & enclosed herewith WI HSE 001B and 001C

Note: *Mandatory

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Verified by: Approved by:

Project Manager: Client
Signature:________________Date Name:_________________Signature:_______________Date: / /

Project Manager Consultant Approval:

Signature:________________Date: Name:_________________Signature:_______________Date: / /
Safety Officer:

Signature:________________Date: - DISTRIBUTION: Original to: Site HSE File Copy to: HSE Department

Task: Risk Assessment Date

Rating (see Risk Rating (see Risk Applicable Sign.

enclosed Value Existing Controls Existing Controls enclosed Legal &
SN Activity Hazard /Aspect Risk / Impact Value Resp.
legend page (OH&S) (Environmental) legend page Other
for details) R=SXP for details) Requirement Person

Description Type
Hazard is anything with Risk is the harm
potential to cause harm resulting from the
or loss. hazard. SXP SXP S X P SXP
(R/NR) S P S P S P S P


R – routine / NR – non routine


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Appendix 2 Tool Box Talk


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Appendix 3 Briefing on HSE

Red Sea Asset Utility and Infrastructure Project

Briefing on HSE

Form No.

Project subcontractor
Work in

Briefing on



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