Emcee in Service 2023

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NICK: Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for


YNNA: those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the
change that is inevitable.

NICK: Our supportive school principal IV, SIR ERNESTO P. CABUDOY

YNNA: Our equally active and responsible head teachers, ma’am Rosalie B.
Ancheta and sir Theodore Louie S. Braga.


YNNA: ladies and gentlemen, good morning and welcome to the DISTRICT MID-
YEAR in-service training 2023

NICK: Before we formally start our program, let us all stand to give respect as
we sing our Philippine national anthem, to be followed immediately by a
prayer through an audio-visual presentation.

Ynna: Please remain standing for the singing of Region 1 Hymn and SDOI
Pangasinan Hymn

Nick: Let us hear words of welcome from our school principal IV, sir Ernesto P.
Cabudoy. A round of applause please.

Ynna: At this moment, let us hear a message coming from our dedicated and
hardworking Public Schools District Supervisor, Dr. Leane B. Boston. A warm
round of applause pleaase.

Nick: Thank you so much Ma’am. At this moment, may I call on Sir Theodore
Louie S. Braga, Head Teacher III, to do the Roll call and Activity Orientation.

Session Proper

Ynna: Thank you so much sir Theo. To start the session proper, may we call on
our very first speaker all the way from Malasiqui, the woman of the hour, Dr.
Jennylyn M. Bibal Master Teacher II of Malasiqui National High School. A warm
round of applause please.

Nick: Thank you so much ma’am Jen for sharing with us today a very timely and
informative topic about primals. Once again let’s give her a big hand.

Ynna: At this juncture ladies and gentlemen, we will turn over the stage to
Ma’am Pamela and ma’am Aljane for the surprise part of this morning’s

(after send-off)

Nick: Ladies and gentlemen, let us have an hour break. We will continue the
session this afternoon.


Ynna: We hope everyone is now settled and ready to lend their ears for our
next speakers. To begin our afternoon session let us have Ma’am Arlyn Narciso
Teacher III of Filipino Department to discuss to us Primals in Filipino. Let’s give
her a big hand.

Nick: Thank you ma’am Arlyn. Now to share her expertise about Reflective
Teaching let us have ma’am Pilar Ann B. Bonao Teacher III of Science
Department. Let’s give her a round of applause please.

Ynna: Thank you ma’am Pilar. This time let us be educated by Sir Ian Jone V.
Boston Teacher III of Science Department about SLIDE in Science. Let’s give a
round of applause please.

Nick: Now, to put everything that we have learned in action, let us proceed to
the workshop on the implementation of different teaching strategies.

Nick: Learning and innovation go hand in hand.

Ynna: The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be
sufficient for tomorrow.

Nick: so, let us continue being fed knowledge as we resume our session
tomorrow. That ends the first day of the District Mid-Year in service training

Ynna: See you all again tomorrow for another fascinating learning experience.

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