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Kaizza: We all have heard news of volcanoes erupting, right?

It startles us, it frightens us, and we worry

for the people living near volcanoes. But has curiosity ever hit your mind about what causes a volcano to
erupt? Or how are volcanoes formed? Let me ask you: how many of you know why volcanoes erupt? Or
how are volcanoes formed? Raise your hands beh. (Let the audience respond) Okay.

Kyle: So, the objective of today's topic is to further analyze why volcanoes erupt and the volcanic

Gabriel: Slide 3

Atasha: slide 4

Rhailey: slide 5

Kyle: slide 6 (orange part)

Rhailey: slide 6 (white part)

Jam: slide 7

Kaizza: slide 8

Atasha: slide 9

Kyle: slide 10

Gabriel: slide 11

Rhailey: slide 12

Jam: slide 13

Kaizza: slide 14

Kyle: Do any of you have any questions concerning our topic for today before we start our quiz?

(Let the audience respond first)

Atasha: So, for our quiz today there will be 15 items. (read slide 15)






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