Guide 10 Activity 1 - Mateo - 1edfil2b

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1.) What do you think are the challenges faced by religion brought about by
- I think it is the colonization, being colonize by other nations were forced
to convert on what they believe or what are their religion, great example
of this is the great voyage of Ferdinand Magellan who converted many
native Cebuanos into Christianity.
2.) In your own perspective, how does religion influence global politics, the
global economy, and global governance?
- In a way, religions have a great impact for the innovating world, some of
its example back then was, catholic were widely spread all over the
world, and some of the leaders who have high authority over economy
were the priest back then, it also affected the global politics because they
are far more powerful than politician, today, as a member of Iglesia Ni
Cristo, a Christian religion, we vote as one or what we all know as bloc
voting, we decide who will we vote and support according to people
survey among our members, and I think it has a great impact in politics.
3.) What do you think is religion’s major role in the contemporary world?
- I think that the religion were the one that unites people with the same
beliefs, all over the world religion are all over the place, and a person
must join one if he believe on something and it align with other people,
religion is faith for something that you believe, and I think it is the major
role of the religion, to unite the people with same beliefs.
4.) What do you think is the interconnectedness between religion and
- The one that interconnected the religion is the globalization is that it has
the same purpose of being an independent group, and in globalization, its
purpose is to be an independent country with relation all over the world,
and in religion, it is the interconnectedness of people who have the same
beliefs or align to globalization of uniting people.
5.) In your own words, why do you need religion in this globalized world?
- We need religion in this globalized country, because of this deceiving
world full of mistakes, crimes and corruption, we need something to
believe in, in order to live, faith is the one thing that every people who
have religion has, faith that the savior will save us someday, anyways,
religion is the one holding us to keep our living, people often be depress
because of their situation, but for some people, religion is the one that
saves them from depression and despair.

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