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英文練習 tense-1(小三適用)

Finish the conversation with the correct form of the given words.(1 mark each)

Peter : What do you usually do at weekends?

Mary : I usually (1) (play)basketball with my cousin.

Kay : I (2) (not/be)good at sports. I always stay at home at

weekends because my parents (3) (be)busy. Sometimes

they (4) (go)to work on both Saturdays and Sundays. My

uncle usually(5) (come)to my home and

(6) (take)care of me. I usually play games at home. What

about you, Peter? (7) you (play)

basketball at weekends?

Peter : No, I (8) (not/like)playing basketball. My sister

(9) (not/like)playing basketball either. On Saturdays, our

parents (10) (take)us to the park. My sister usually

(11) (fly)a kite. She (12) (be)good at

flying kites. I usually ride a bicycle.


英文練習 tense-1(小三適用)-答案
Finish the conversation with the correct form of the given words.(1 mark each)

Peter : What do you usually do at weekends?

Mary : I usually (1)play (play)basketball with my cousin.

Kay : I (2)am not /’m not (not/be)good at sports. I always stay at home at

weekends because my parents (3)are (be)busy. Sometimes they (4)go (go)to

work on both Saturdays and Sundays. My uncle usually(5)comes (come)to my

home and (6)takes (take)care of me. I usually play games at home. What

about you, Peter? (7)Do you play (play)basketball at weekends?

Peter : No, I (8)do not like /don’t like (not/like)playing basketball. My sister

(9)does not like /doesn’t like (not/like)playing basketball either. On

Saturdays, our parents (10)take (take)us to the park. My sister usually

(11)flies (fly)a kite. She (12)is (be)good at flying kites. I usually ride a




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