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CrossCulture Programme
Letter of Recommendation

Reference person
Full Name

Organisation Proedu




1. Recommendation for
Nela Widiastuti

Please indicate in what capacity, how well and for how long you have known the applicant. (max. 1.500 characters)
I personally know Ms. Widiastuti very well as she has been voluntary giving her valuable contribution to my organization since
2020 as a speaker in our monthly online program education. I remember that she was introduced and offered herself to our tam
as a speaker in our program. Time flies really fast and she has been with us for two years and still counting, strengthening our
educatin program. From my close collaboration with her so far, I can see that she has every non-profit social organization need to
have from its member; a passionate dedication. Not only she has proven experiences and skills on radio, public speaking and
communication, but she has been showing her best effort to give invaluable supprt to my organization on a regular and voluntary
basis. I have also learned that she is exceptionally active in social activitites in her home city in Bandung, Indonesia. This ensures
me that she really demonstrates a social-type of character that always strive to offer the best contribution to society, including to
my organization.

Why would you recommend the applicant to participate in the CrossCulture Fellowship Programme?
(max. 1.500 characters)
Ms. Widiastuti has proven that she has a high passion in many voluntary social activities, including her active and dedicated
involvement in one of my organization programs for years. Equipped with soft skills of strong public speaking and management in
communication field of expertise, she also demonstrates proven hard skills of communication science as she is currently also an
academic in a private university in her home city. From both social and professional viewpoint, she will be an exceptional
participant in the Cross Culture Fellowship Programme. She will bring a lot of valuable experiences and knowledge to share and
to discuss, let alone to transfer her knowledge to the host organization and community in Germany. Her participation in cross
culture forum will enrich the interculrural topic with positive lesson learned in performing a collaboration with a social organization.
Last but not least, I also foresee that her particular position as tenure-track academic will ensure a multiplication effect, meaning
that she has a capcaity to spread any impactful messages from what she will receive from Germany to her students mainly.
Further, her active role in her local/ social community activities will make the Cross Culture Fellowship Programme more visible
for much wider Indonesian community or social organization.

How would you assess the benefit for the home organisation or community if the applicant would
be granted a professional fellowship in Germany/the host country? (max. 1.500 characters)
I strongly believe that any knowledge gained from the fellowship in Germany will have positive impacts for Ms. Widiastuti
institution, where she is currently teaching as an academic, as well as social community in her network. Her home institution
and/or community understanding in particular knowledge in public communication, radio or any media or even in intercultural topic
will be much imrpoved. Moreover, the community in her network or home institution can utilize the improved knowledge for their
own needs. Her new experience working together within the Cross Culture Fellowship Programme can be adopted and
implemented in local community service, in her teaching syllabuses and methodology, or improving Proedu program service. Also
imporant is that the home institution as well as local community in Indonesia will learn a positive aspect on the woman active
leadership or woman role figure from Ms. Widiastuti’s active participation in the Cross Culture Fellowship Programme in
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Is your organisation already in contact with a partner organisation in Germany/the host country? If
yes, please state further details and name a contact person. (max. 500 characters)
No, my organization is not in contact with any host organizations.

2. Consent to grant the applicant’s leave of absence

We hereby agree to grant the applicant’s leave of absence for the length of eight to twelve weeks for the
participation in the CrossCulture Programme in the period betweenSeptember
(month) andNovember
_____________________ (month) 2023.

I hereby declare that the information provided above is true to my belief and knowledge.

Jakarta, 14th. Nov. 2022

Place and date Signature and stamp

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