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History Honours - Sem4 Paver : CC-S8 Rou No: 192032-11-O0109 KReaisteation No: 032-12- ON0-19 ae : History Honours ‘Course Name : HSA Course Cove: CC-8& Numeee Or Pames : Dave : O04 - OF - 202) 1 Answer the Following Questions : WV ; cred a Tohannes Gutenberg is a icaeannRunRnTa tage Press (at ihe Inventor} the Printing [T+ was Invented in Mainz , Germany | sed in [Mus , but came to be & in the 1450s. b. ae he. Invention & Gun Powder — by mndfog Setph Sulphor, Saltpetre and. Gofturcod Charcoal , Pe about a Charge. in War technique in Lurope. Ans e. | Me Spanish economy fared oO |decdine a2 & Result ra the (Fth ars |@conomic = crigic - = Spain = could §~— not | itive the American Bultion for felting up Eee unitt and — ingtead took the ilver 2upply to be endlerc, thus, eas do the bank huptey aL Spain. ® Ane d. 9.8. Gardiner in We work — ® [G03 ~ 656" deswbed “ History OY Engtand Ane English Revrolwtion as a Puritan Reuotution . Ans e. Jonn Lilburne and John were the popular _—_Leveller leaders . Wildman Ane. f. Gerrard Wingranley war the (leader | and one & the founders 9 the | Engle qreer known as Diggers oc True Levetlere. He wos a politcal lactivier and neugious hopormer Ane q- | Johannee Kepior was a German | astronomer >» Mathematician and astologe,. | Kepter — pnepounded the Laws 9 | Planeta Motion , and authored the book “Astronomia nova”. Are h. Galiteo Galilei tne Taian astronomer > Phyticict and enginerred invented -the eles wpe. ® Arc i. The“ Principia Mathematica " was wonitten by Tasae Newton. Gt te & work In three volumes wuritren in Latin and published In 1684. Ane j- Jean — Baptiste Colbert, the French General 4 Finance, had stvaied foreign trade etonomie theories and was oniquely Positioned do execute his ideas . Ans K. | che iret Industrial Revolution began in Great RBnitain in tne mid-to-late | Ee | [400g when Innovation led to qoode pei Produced In large. qantities due. to Maa «= Machine Mmanufactoe ing Ang L | The Gloriove Revolution C168e- 89) led to 4 ahife rom absoture monarch, doo a Constitutional monarehy in England, mal Engueh Phitosopher John locke ie | Phopounded the idea gq liberal state. based en the Lodal contract that man jhe natural night +o Life, ibery and Ang: © ; Property . Ang. n. Frederick the Great of Prussia (1440- &6) wea an Eouabten ed Despot Ane 0. Jean - Jacquee Rousseau waco & Genevan philosopher, , waiter and | Ompore,. He believed that oe and | govern ment created a focral Contract when their qoale were freedom and | benepit vbue . He | ch Ppuouc NM = mast {arsous | | uwore te: ‘The Sova! Contrack? Q. SuHoret Notes: Ang (a): Mititary REvoLuTION ? » Miuitagy Revolution ; The explosive result mixin Saitpetre , uiphuc and chaszea ine | the ditcouery & Gunpowder in | nevotutio invention led to # bee use ax a pnotellant in metal eas in Europe. According to John Mertionan, the innovation enpowder and its vse In warfare fipped the batance - O - Power from the nobili: do the Crown “Tne new technology led +o the mule) 9. jarchebue dune which Wat too _expencive er tne feudal _lorde and nobles fo aforel, | However, this hevolutonar. uxeapon could be made we 9, by the Monarchg _ Hence, the Nobles no longed Maintained anus ‘ne. arguebucer were more. foyal to the Monarch. Thur, the. “Mituary Revolution Royalized Warfase and encour aped Absotutict Mlonacehut © "Moreover, Arvind Sinha add that the Mik’ Military Revoltion —aleo led to Proletarianization § war ve . Thit Ie because the -gune urere usted by indantry — foot foldiere who wuld easily Shor a Cavalry man at howe baw - ‘Mhve, the Miltary Revoution no lonaet meant the ehitvalry tne nobleo ane lentghts and the petey “ofan « | Guted tne batte. field | Aawrating to Jeremy Black, with ithe invention 9 fany cannon baile, the forts = Were, no longer eae - Tic | vutnera bility led to a modification in [the Consivuction 8} forts . Star-chaped forts | [uth moats and earthen _twork emerged fat defence agatnet the new Technology . Thue, dhe invention Gun powder woo Indeed —hevoluutvonary. “the. Militar [Rerotution In burope no owl hogatired) and Protetarianized Usos fare, bub ir aleo Mode wor more. qruesome » Ik led +o nevotution in medical academy and it algo led +o exploitation citation 8) meal mines . Arc @® “The Levellers « The leveitere were a Hadical pees ideotogieat. aroup that flounsched tn London waitwin the” fim Army porontanty offer the deteak @ the King . he Leaders 9 Hhig movernent were John bib _Lilburne ond John wild man, ‘They pProuided an intellectual content 1 the mouvement by formulating a Gem demouathe and todical programme Professor Lawrence “tone stateo thot their hoaical Plane were almed ak Paerecttog mats entre preneurs and their arguement< UWLLLe bared On the law Ratere mathe, ‘than on any heligton . Housever, Tonn Miter adde -+thak dhe Leveners Prajected themselves ae hecoverert 8 andent Sights and fused Bibucat and Polittcal = theorien to getnes Accarding +o John Mesniman, the levettere produced thetic Program under tne name 8} Agreement 9 the People ** — a tonept OQ modern demouacy They Stood more or leec rr hoveeholde’ Suttrage . Women were aleo prominent in Leveller — Campai ne, but their enfranenigemenk was extremely noe. The Leveliers, aceording to Arvind Sinha were agatnat military ongcription and Opposed = all forme g Trade Monopoly and = lorporate, = Pxiviled > and betteved that Partroment Should aleo be bound by fundamental laure . Chrietopher Hill States that Levetlere demanded Constitvtional equality » equal Clectoral lonetitvencies , Annaual election and jaeottion 8} property ae a criteria for Maite, (However, they dtd nor attack Private property inetitution Henve, Marxtet waitere Call thelr concept — a “bourgeaigie democrauy” “Therefore >» the levellere Were seen aoa rove whieh dried to provide an opportuni for eeonomic ind endenve fer all. The Leveltere thue conatituted , Bctording fo Hill, the Peck _qraes hook Politi cal party In Englith Hictory - Ane (c) Mercantilisms ey to CH. Wilson, Mercantiusm may be defined at Oo Pout vernment thak expressed in the economic Sphere , the {pirit a Nationagm that animated the growth the National “tate in the enc | modean Htmeg . | The urord ‘mercantile’ was Coined /by a Ppromment Brittsh poiteal economist — Adam Imith, in his work " wealth 6). Nationg” (1476) . Aeocding do €. Heckecher this Somer Potiey aimed cto ein or the Nation a high degree q seunity oc Self = Sutficentey , erpectalty asith negpad cto od tupply , favs materrate der jBsentiel —indurtries and the Lineuue War. Thie goal faaoiae a wat to be achieved — in large meatures by Meany q an effective — venivol over the externa] Activites and = Resources ’PoNn wna the nations Lune, dependent. Rienara 2. Dunn tates that the mercanhusys were a patriots. Ever Mercantius+ State hod i own brand A Mercantiusm — the Portquere mercantilicm wat bared on {pice Trade , Spain's economy. sag atrectty nelated to the American. bution, the ‘Detch concentrated on Shippin and Cargo trade, ‘the &nglich weed Ow Colonial and manufacture negulations , vont le the French were ocupred vith industries, Colonies and navy. Aceoraing to Mc. Andercon,e the mereantuet States emphasired on balance - 2 -dtrade — le, inereased export ‘and dlecreaged imports . “therefore, they fowsed on coptening dolonite Which woud Luppl Row materiale td them and alto ewe ao markets fer thelr _produck . Naval _pouser was essential for malntaining Wlonies . “herefore, Mereantliem Franeormecf tne earuer System §) ctoune and Quilde ao Ccnomig, vunifs and made the entire “tal driven cowardg etonomic paetpestiy “hae development feriner led “fo Nattonaltet * deotings and ertablished Absolutistiom in europe Ane (2) | Contribution of Coperniwe Bee ere Oe pera ee Aer | 1 The nouoltion in Luenndic thin ing moved erward becaune Qe +y cleric , uno kept hig eye towards tne heaven, but nor Necomsarily in Pidus Contemplation. Nicolaus Gopernioss (143-1543) launched rong attack againet Aristotelian View 9 Onivesce According to Jenn Merriman, Copernicug wot troubled = by Palemic System and theories negarding Planetary motion Hie observations = Contradicted the tu. Okeumptions 5 Prolemny and Artetotte Gopernicwe Observed that i+ was the Gun and not the arth which [ico ar , the = lwentre Q the ontuerse 5 and that the Garth nototen on its axic Once aw day and = Renowes anound the fon | one, every 265 daye . Me theory QR the central position fon came to be Fnown an +ne ‘Heliocentric Theory’. Morepve,, the notion that Carin Woo just One the Man @® | planets , orating aound the Lun, angered tne Catnotte, Pnotesrank and Tenich, theologians - H. Butter frotd adde +tnat it Seem unbelievable that mere mortals | Peesing into the heavens were themeelweo raautng Aapidly ‘thspugis the _vnivewe - Martin Lutnes remarked, "Tic fool wants to tern dhe whole Bj astronomy upsicde down |" However, Copernicus , being @ pious |“ Chsishan, seemed uninterested tn i jour he dun tystemafic Observations , ladde we Arvind dinha. Moreover, Copernieue Sometimes Sought +o clear | dovpts bo duraing towasde gihealoatea teachings) | Moreover, Thomas $. Kuhn stateo that | Copenitun — Woninved to auept that the “phatcal univewe wae faite , and that! it pesraps waa Unated by stare fixed iw heaven . Copernieue's “Concerning the Revolotion, ‘Q the Colertial Lphereo" waco not Publiched ~ ont he lay dying In 1643, ao he dtd not want to offend tne Church . Copernieves Dksewations urere Paoven by Geatetto Galileo Galitei , using Sctentic Metnod and Mathematice, LonG@ ANgweRs : Rignificance of Parting Revolwtion - power, at the Knowledge le Sorts gee and the tnveotion Cae mechanical ‘movable metal ype , in the Ist ‘enery heiped dicgeminate knowledge tuider ane aster dhan ever before . Civivaation never looked back Aevording to Ree and Grafton, the German jeainits TJonannes Gvtenbes ts credited uth Jnventing the partion Prese in (436, howeve,, it came Into vse fom the % 1450s. he Printing Prose p helped pull €vrope our gq the Dark Age and ateelerated human progres Me atgniftaance } 4the Prtnting Revoustion are oa qottows : Pieatuy , the Phinting Press reduced error = and Increase Aewracy q the | | date painted . Tonn Merriman

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