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Volume …, Issue …, (April, 2022)

ISSN 746-9719 (online)



Ajeng Pramesthi

Faizah Afi Lestari

Hestuningtyas Adil Sulistyo

Nafisa Putriya Ramadhan

Syalsabilla Tricia Aldamifamas

Aris Prio Agus Santoso



ABSTRACT; The market is a meeting place for buyers and sellers of goods or services. The
hallmark of a market is the activity of buying and selling transactions between sellers and
buyers. Consumers come to the market to shop with money to pay the price. BBM is a type of
fuel produced from crude oil refining. The increasing burden of subsidies and the inaccuracy
in the targeting of fuel subsidies are the causes of the current increase in fuel prices. This
study aims to determine the impact of rising fuel prices on sellers at Pasar Gede
Hardjonagoro and determine the impact of sellers experiencing difficulties when fuel prices
increase. This research method uses qualitative research methods by collecting data results
and conducting interviews with informants in the market. The results of this study indicate
that the impact of the increase in fuel prices affects the sales turnover of traders at Pasar Gede
Hardjonagoro which tends to decrease, there are fewer buyers, less goods are sold, and there
are changes in the prices of goods sold.


The market is a meeting place for buyers and sellers of goods or services. The
hallmark of a market is the activity of buying and selling transactions between sellers and
buyers. Consumers come to the market to shop with money to pay the price. In a broader
sense, these are people who have a desire to be satisfied, money to spend, and a willingness
Volume …, Issue …, (April, 2022)
ISSN 746-9719 (online)

to spend it. In the relationship between one human being and another human being to meet
needs, there must be rules that explain the rights and obligations of both based on an
agreement. Buying and selling is a contract that is commonly used by the community because
buying and selling contracts cannot be separated from human life in fulfilling their needs, for
example someone wants to own goods but cannot fulfill their needs so they need other
people's intermediaries and the market is one place to do all that.
Travelers who come to the city of Solo are sure to have set foot on Pasar Gede
Hardjonagoro, or better known as Pasar Gede. Not without reason, Pasar Gede can be said to
be a traditional market that serves a complete variety of staple needs, from groceries to a
variety of traditional culinary delights typical of the city of Solo. Not surprisingly, one of the
oldest markets in Indonesia is always crowded with visitors. This market is called "Gede"
because the building resembles a fortress with an entrance like a palace with a large and
magnificent roof. Meanwhile, "Hardjonagoro" is taken from the name of a Chinese
descendant who received the title KRT Hardjonagoro from the Surakarta Palace. Physically,
there are many diverse elements of Javanese, Dutch and Chinese culture in this market
building which is almost a century old. Built in 1927, Pasar Gede Hardjonagoro was
inaugurated in 1930. Historically, this market was established during the time of Paku
Buwono X with the help of a well-known architect from Europe named Ir. Herman Thomas
Kartsen. During that time, this market has gone through three periods of government, namely
the royal period, the postcolonial period, and the period of independence. Several buildings in
Pasar Gede and its surroundings are also part of the Indonesian cultural heritage. Therefore,
not only as a silent witness to the stretching of the economy in the city of Solo, Pasar Gede
Hardjonagoro can also be said to be a symbol of the harmony of socio-cultural life that is
developing in the city of Bengawan. For example, not far from the Pasar Gede location, there
is a Chinese settlement complete with the oldest pagoda building in Solo, the Tien Kok Sie
Pagoda. At every Chinese New Year celebration, the Pasar Gede area is transformed into an
attractive place and an attraction for tourists to visit Solo.
Based on news from, East Jakarta, information was obtained that
traders in Rawamangun Market, East Jakarta, complained that the increase in fuel prices had
made the market price unstable, increasing the capital they had to spend. Walam said that
both buyers and traders found it difficult because of the increase in prices for basic
necessities after the increase in fuel prices. They complain that the price of goods has gone up.
Another food seller at Rawamangun Market, Romjana, said that there were fewer buyers after
the increase in fuel prices. Even though income has fallen, Romjana claims he cannot
increase food prices. The reason is that he doesn't want buyers to have more trouble because
of the increase in fuel prices. The prices of a number of basic necessities have begun to be
affected by the increase in fuel prices. Secretary to the Central Leadership Council of the
Indonesian Market Traders Association (DPP IKAPPI) Reynaldi Sarijowan asked the
government to share in the burden of the increased distribution costs. Reynaldi stated that
there must be a price distribution subsidy so that the distribution burden is not only borne by
producers or traders. Commodity prices at the market level are starting to climb.
Volume …, Issue …, (April, 2022)
ISSN 746-9719 (online)


The impact of the fuel price increase on Pasar Gede Hardjonagoro sellers?

Research Methods

1. Course of Research
1.1. Preparation phase
The preparatory stage is carried out by preparing and compiling questions during the
interview, then researching, taking and recording data in the field and determining the
right time to conduct the interview.
1.2. Implementation Stage
At this stage the researcher conducted interviews with informants which lasted
approximately 45 - 60 minutes. Data taken from interviews are non-public. During the
interview process the researcher also wrote down the most important things aimed at
completing the interview.
1.3. Termination Stage
At this stage the researcher ensures that the questions asked by the informant are valid
and have been answered correctly.
2. Location Selection
2.1. Research design
The research process uses qualitative methods and collects field data as primary data,
namely interviews and observations. The resource persons in this study were the
sellers of Pasar Gede Hardjonagoro.
2.2. Research sites
The research location was conducted at Gede Hardjonagoro Market, Jl. Gen. Urip
Sumoharjo, Sudiroprajan, Jebres District, Surakarta City, Central Java Province 57129.

3. Data Collection Tools

The research was conducted by collecting direct data from interviews with informants.
Interviews were conducted with informants who supported the research results. The ability of
researchers in resource persons can be seen from the questions asked to the resource persons.

4. Data analysis and conclusions

Data analysis was written qualitatively, namely to determine the effect of rising fuel prices on
buying and selling activities at Pasar Gede Hardjonagoro.


The research result from this observation is to know that there is an effect of the
increase in fuel prices on several sellers. The first seller was a pottery trader who said that the
increase in fuel prices affected the selling price, because fuel oil was needed to ship the
pottery. Since the government raised the fuel price, pottery sales turnover has decreased,
affecting buyers' interest.
From the seller's point of view:
Apart from selling at the market, the pottery seller also accepts orders via Whatsapp
and the pottery seller can deliver the order to the recipient's address with additional postage
Volume …, Issue …, (April, 2022)
ISSN 746-9719 (online)

costs outside the city of Solo. Sales turnover when fuel prices fluctuate from Rp. 1,000,000.00
to Rp. 300,000.00-400,000.00.
This proves that the increase in fuel prices greatly affected sales turnover at Pasar Gede
Hardjonagoro. In the opinion of the pottery seller, the increase in fuel prices is a Government
policy for the good of the State, and is targeting the use of fuel, which the government should
be able to manage fuel properly.
The second seller is a vegetable seller, as is the case with the first seller who said that
the increase in fuel prices greatly affected sales turnover because vegetable traders need fuel
to take their merchandise out of towns such as Pekalongan, Magetan and Bogor.
The increase in fuel prices not only affects price changes but replaces higher selling
prices and decreases buyer interest because the market is quiet. Sales turnover fell from the
price of Rp. 3,000,000.00 to Rp. 1,000,000.00.
In the opinion of vegetable traders, with the increase in fuel prices, traders can only
accept the Government's decision and suggestions from vegetable sellers to the Government
in order to normalize the situation as before so that the market can be busy again with
subsidies from the Government.
The third seller was a fruit seller whose opinion was different from the first and
second sellers, because he only took fruit from Pasar Gede Hardjonagoro. Fruit sellers also
sell Via Whatsapp and Grabfood by sending orders to the recipient's address.
The increase in fuel prices replaced the selling price of fruit but did not affect sales
turnover and slightly reduced buyer interest. Even though the fuel price has gone up, fruit
sellers do not add to the postage fee for Via Whatsapp buyers with a minimum purchase
requirement of 5 kg.
In the opinion of fruit sellers, the increase in fuel prices will not affect their sales
because the increase in fuel prices is not too high.
From the buyer's point of view:
After the increase in fuel prices, the majority of buyers at Pasar Gede Hardjonagoro
tended not to want to shop, were lazy to leave the house to save gas, buyers only bought 1
The following is a comparison table of turnover before and after the increase in fuel prices:
Volume …, Issue …, (April, 2022)
ISSN 746-9719 (online)









Pottery Seller Vegetable Seller Fruit Seller

before the fuel price hike after the increase in fuel prices


The increase in the price of fuel oil currently only affects a few sellers at Pasar Gede
Hardjonagoro, but most of the sellers feel the impact of the increase in fuel prices, because in
buying and selling activities at the market there is the distribution of goods/delivery of goods
that require fuel oil. Delivery of goods outside the city adds to the postage due to rising fuel
Such as decreased sales turnover per day, decreased buyer interest, few items sold,
and changes in the prices of goods sold. In the opinion of several sellers at Pasar Gede
Hardjonagoro, the government's decision to increase the price of fuel, the sellers can only
accept it and hope that the government will find a solution to normalize fuel prices soon.
However, some sellers did not feel the impact of the increase in fuel prices because
the sellers only took goods from Pasar Gede Hardjonagoro, for example fruit sellers.
According to the buyer's point of view, after the increase in fuel prices, the majority
of buyers at Gede Hardjonagoro Market tended not to want to shop, were lazy to leave the
house to save gas, buyers only bought 1 staple.


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