Simplification Questions TNPSC Exams

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Simplification Questions for Competitive Exams Pdf

1. 1148 ÷ 28 × 1408 ÷ 32 =?

a. 1800

b. 1804

c. 1814

d. 1822

Ans: B

2. Question

a. 63
b. 69
c. 84
d. 109
Ans: C

3. One third of the boys and one half of the girls of a college participated in a social work
project. If the number of participating students is 300 out of which 100 are boys, what is the
total number of students in the college?

a. 500

b. 600

c. 700

d. 800

Ans: C
4. The cost of 36 kg of rice last year was Rs.1044 and the cost of 24 kg of rice this year is
Rs.768. What is the difference between the cost per kg of rice last year and the cost per kg of
rice this year?

a. Rs.3

b. Rs. 4

c. Rs. 5

d. Rs. 6

Ans: A

5. What is 304 times 141?

a. 39640
b. 38760
c. 42864
d. 45942
Ans: C
Question : 6

a. 200

b. 2444

c. 2000

d. 2512

Ans: C

Question: 7

224 + ( - 314) x (- 9) = ?

a. – 547

b. – 2602

c. 547

d. 2602

Ans: D

Question: 8
a. 1
b. 2
c. 6.65
d. 7.75
Ans: D

Question: 9

a. 2
b. 2.5
c. 3
d. 3.5
Ans: A

10. A man earns Rs. 20 on the first day and spends Rs. 75 on the next
day. He again earns Rs. 20 on the third day and spends Rs. 15 on the
fourth day. If he continues to save like this, how soon will he have Rs.
60 in hand?

a. on 17th day
b. on 27th day

c. on 30th day

d. on 40th day

Ans: A

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