Writing - Scary Incident - Unforgettable

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In your class, you have been talking about scary incidences.

In about 120 words, write an essay about a scary incident you witnessed.
You may use the notes below to help you.

Write your story.


I was walking home from school last Friday. I saw an eightyear-old boy walking along the opposite
side of the road. Suddenly, a few big boys appeared and surrounded the little boy.

The big boys looked mean. One big boy pushed the young boy to the ground and shouted at him.
Another mean-looking boy grabbed the young boy's wallet from his pocket. The big boys laughed
loudly as they took the money. Then, they ran away.

I took note of the boys' faces. Then, I ran to help the young boy. The boy was crying and bleeding
from his leg. After asking his name, I quickly took the young boy, Steven to my house. My mother
was surprised and angry to hear about what happened. She immediately cleaned the wound on
Steven's leg and fed him some food.

As soon as my father returned home, we took Steven to the police station to make a report. I
confirmed Steven's story. I even helped to draw the faces of the boys, who had hurt Steven. The
police assured that they would look into the matter and make sure that these boys do not harm
others. We sent Steven home. Steven and his parents thanked me and my family for our help and
It was a very cold morning as it had been raining very heavily the previous night.
As my mother was feeling a little under the weather, my sister volunteered to drive
me to school.

My sister was driving carefully down the slippery road. I was lucky she was such a
careful person because a few hundred metres away from the school, we witnessed a
tragic accident. It all happened very quickly. A car full of school children had
made a left turning without signalling and as a result a school bus crashed into it. A
few cars behind the school bus rammed into the bus as they could not brake in
time. The road became jammed with vehicles that came to a crawl. I told my sister
that I wanted to help the victims and she nodded silently. She stopped the car not
too far from the accident spot.

The scene was something I would never forget. Three school children were
plunged out of the car. The lady driver lay lifeless on the steering wheel. I rushed
to the children who were pre-schoolers. Two of them were seriously hurt and
bleeding profusely from the head and hands. They were conscious but too weak to
realize what had happened. The other one appeared unconscious. I think she was
killed on the spot. A few passers-by had called the ambulance and while waiting
we tried as best as possible to help the victims.

The passengers in the school bus were injured too. The driver had severe injuries
on the head. The children were crying and screaming for their parents. We had to
hug them to keep them quiet.

Meanwhile, two ambulances had arrived. A traffic police car was there too. Two
policemen took down statements from eye-witnesses. The injured and the dead
were taken away to the hospital. My sister and I later told the police what we saw.

I was late for school. I informed my teacher of the accident and we both felt that it
could have been prevented if the drivers had been more careful.

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