Lesson Exemplar Viewing Genres

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Teacher LEDY C. CARAIG Learning Area ENGLISH

Teaching December 5-9, 2022 Quarter SECOND
LESSON Teaching 10:30 – 11:30; 1:00 – 2:00 No. of Days 5

At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:

a. identify the different viewing genre;

I. OBJECTIVES b. describe the features of each genre;
c. determine the message conveyed of a material viewed; and
d. discuss how viewed materials differ from each other.

A. Content Standards

B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies or Objectives

D. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) Identify the genre of a material viewed.
(If available, write the indicated MELC)

E. Enabling Competencies
(If available, write the attached enabling competencies)

Viewing Genres


A. References
K to 12 Curriculum Guide (May, 2016)
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages
PIVOT Learning Module pp. 18 – 24
b. Learner’s Material Pages

c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials from Learning Resources

B. List of Learning Resources for Development and

Engagement Activities

A. Introduction Task 1. True or False
On a half-sheet of paper, write T if the
statement is true according to what you
know and F if it is false. Be ready to
explain your answer with a partner.
_____ 1. Genre organizes literature into
_____ 2. Genre comes in similar formats
and is limited to written or spoken.
_____ 3. “TV Patrol” is an educational
formatted television program.
_____ 4. Youtube is an internet –based
platform which provides viewing of
shows, movies and documentaries.
_____ 5. Genre remains the same as the
time passes by.
_____ 6. Genres are constantly changing
and evolving in new forms.
_____ 7. Learning about the features of
different viewing genres helps viewers
identify what they are viewing.
_____ 8. Viewing genres have the same
intended purpose.
_____ 9. The audience for each viewing
genre varies entirely according to
_____ 10. Television is the only gadget
and medium for viewing various viewing

Match the viewing genres in Column A

with their corresponding descriptions in
Column B. Write the letters of the correct
answers in your notebook.

programs that
1. Movie trailers a. provide factual record of
report on
various issues
short clips of movies or
Internet-based any short videos
2. b.
programs used in advertising them
in advance
an item of important
news that is
3. Documentaries c. separately broadcasted
and often
interrupts programs
online learning videos,
activities or
4. News flash d. programs which can be
through the Internet
a subprogram that tells
5. Weather report e. and foretells
weather conditions
One of the basic known types of viewing materials is a video.
Videos are moving visual images, which may be spontaneous or
craftily planned, are recorded, reproduced, or broadcasted.
In Grade 7, you have learned about the different genres of
viewing. A genre is a type of art, literature, or music characterized
by a specific form, content, and style.
Viewing genres, therefore, are the classifications of materials
that can be electronically viewed according to form, content, and
style of delivery. The skill you have gained in Grade 7 will be useful
in developing your viewing comprehension. Presented below are
some of the known classifications of viewing genres.

Genres Descriptions
short clips of movies or any
short videos used in
Movie Trailers
advertising or promoting them
in advance
movies or television programs
Documentaries that provide factual record of
report on various issues
News Flash a single item of important
news that is separately
broadcasted and often
interrupts programs
online learning videos,
programs and activities which
Internet-based Programs
can be assessed through the
a subprogram within a program
Weather Report that tells and foretells weather

Viewing Genre is another type of genre which is in a form of

visual. Meaning, something that it is seen or viewed especially that
of found in television screen or in
an internet-based programs. We have learned in the introductory part
of this lesson that most of our activities, especially with the advent
of the internet, gadget and
digital revolution, are spent on watching TV, surfing net and
watching videos on Youtube, Netflix, and the like. Remember, we
do not simply watch or view these materials to be entertained or
merely because we want to watch them. More importantly, an
understanding of the material viewed help us navigate the
information we want to find. Also, through learning the different
features, purpose and intended audience for each particular genre,
help us learn the needed information easily and efficiently.
Like any other genre, the materials we view on screen come in
different forms, purpose and intended audience. Learning about
these features and forms helps the viewers understand what they are
viewing and adjust how they will process the information presented
in the material. This will allow the viewer to become actively
engage, think critically and creatively on the material viewed.

C. Engagement Learning Task: Identify the BEST GENRE of viewing materials to

watch given the following situations. Write your answers in your
1. To save time, your friend wants to check the best film to watch
before heading to the mall.
2. Andrew is a Science Teacher. He wants to improve his
knowledge and skills in using an editing software like
Photoshop. Getting a teacher for face-to-face tutoring is not
ideal nowadays. So, he wants to do it online.
3. Cassandra, a party planner, wants to know if the chosen day of
her client for a garden birthday party will have a fine weather
4. Lola Amy’s grandson is working in Quezon City. She is
worried about his safety due to COVID-19. She wants to know
the current updates regarding the situation.
5. Caridad watches a program that features collections of
different stories of COVID-19 heroes in various countries.

Learning Task. Using the graphic organizer below, write at least

two keywords to define each of the Genre of Viewing. After this,
think of two examples for each genre.

Internet-Based Weather
Movie Trailer News Flash Documentaries
Programs Report

You are almost ready to perform application of the things you have
learned from our lesson. But before going on, list down on the
umbrella the learnings or activities you have enjoyed most. How did
it help you understand and appreciate the lesson?
Summing It Up
Write True if you agree with statement below and False if you
1. Everyone needs to be a thoughtful viewer.
2. Documentaries are non-fictional genre.
3. Knowledge Channel is an example of Internet-based programs.
4. Genre does not change over time.
5. Movie trailer is an excerpt of full-length film.
6. Weather report is a subprogram within a program that tells and
foretells weather forecast.
7. News flash a single item of important news that is separately
broadcasted and often interrupts programs
8. News flash is a short clips of movies or any short videos used
in advertising or promoting them in advance.
D. Assimilation 9. iWitness is an example of documentaries.
10. One of the basic known types of viewing materials is a video.

Watch It.
Get ready to tune in your eyes on the video from the internet. Here is
the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcIVPWnKiKY . Click
the link and watch the material. After viewing, answer the following

1. What is the material all about?

2. What is the genre used in the material viewed?
3. What significant information did you get from the material?
4. Are these information essential to you as a student? Why?
5. How do these information affect the Filipino culture?

V. REFLECTION The teacher asks the learners to write in their notebook, journal or
I understand that _______________________. portfolio their personal insights about the pretest using the prompts
I realize that ____________________________.

I understand that __________________________________.

I realize that _______________________________________.

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Checked by:


Master Teacher I Master Teacher I

Head Teacher III

Noted by:


Principal IV

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