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Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Electrical Engineering

Reactive power compensation using STATCOM in a PV grid connected

system with a modified MPPT method
Tarek A. Boghdady ⇑, Youssef A. Mohamed
Electrical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Commonly Static Synchronous Compensators (STATCOMs) are employed extensively as voltage regula-
Received 7 August 2022 tors and VAR compensators in transmission networks in power systems. This research proposes the inte-
Revised 17 October 2022 gration of STATCOMs in distribution networks, particularly in PV grid-connected systems that use
Accepted 12 November 2022
distributed energy resources to reduce active and reactive power demand from the grid by supplying
Available online xxxx
variable reactive power from an alternative supply which adapts to the load demand. This decreases
the dependence on the utility power supply and promotes the integration of STATCOMs with renewables.
Complete case studies between the differences in application of a fixed reactive power compensating
Maximum power point tracking
condenser and STATCOM for dynamic VAR compensation to loads connected at the point of common cou-
Photovoltaic cells pling in a grid connected Photo-Voltaic (PV) system is presented. The scope of this research is to examine
Reactive power compensation the behavior of dynamic loads, such as an induction motor, at steady state operation when the reactive
STATCOM power demand from the supply increases, as well as the effect of this demand variation on the network
that supplies such loads. Complete system modeling and analysis for both scenarios, the fixed reactive
power compensator and the STATCOM, supplying various load demands, have been developed. The sim-
ulation is based on a 100-kW rated PV grid-connected system to simulate behavior and performance of
such study. Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Particle Swarm Optimization was used to
extract the maximum power point of the PV array proceeded by a sliding mode controller. MATLAB/
Simulink was developed for modelling and analysis. Various load dynamics with varying solar irradiance
and increasing reactive power demand of the associated load were simulated to evaluate various chal-
lenges and disturbances on the power supply.
Ó 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams Uni-
versity. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction extensively with various benefits and application areas. Moreover,

the type of batteries used with the grid affects the stability and
Globally, distributed energy generation in conventional power performance of the network. As explained in [3], effective cooling
networks has risen considerably [1]. This growth is mostly due to system for common lithium-ion batteries increases the age of the
the use of renewable energy sources for clean energy provision system which makes it more reliable with grid integration. It is
and sustainability. Renewable energy is integrated nowadays in widely known that fixed capacitors are commonly employed for
the grid. Such integration in the grid with electrochemical battery reactive power compensation in distribution networks. The new
storage system which provides a resilient power supply was tendency which is discussed in literature as in [4–7] has recently
reviewed as presented in [2]. Such integration was discussed been to use voltage source converters utilizing power electronic
devices to manage reactive power flows in power systems. Such
trend which could be reflected by the STATCOM was proposed as
⇑ Corresponding author. a reactive power compensator with full design and control of the
E-mail address: (T.A. Boghdady). voltage source converter, integrated in a photovoltaic grid-
Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University. connected network to optimize the usage of on-site energy
resources. In literature, as mentioned in [8,9] reactive power com-
pensation had been discussed for a localized load in a three-phase
single stage grid connected system. The method used was a reac-
Production and hosting by Elsevier tive power compensation unit implemented by a Digital Signal
2090-4479/Ó 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article as: T.A. Boghdady and Y.A. Mohamed, Reactive power compensation using STATCOM in a PV grid connected system with a modified
MPPT method, Ain Shams Engineering Journal,
T.A. Boghdady and Y.A. Mohamed Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Processor (DSP) to supply the reactive power demand of the con- of the system disregarding the disturbances in the solar irradiance
nected load. Such method is quite challenging to be applied in util- during the whole day. Such control schemes were validated
ity grids. This is due to the stability of the network in case of any through simulation with MATLAB/ Simulink with comprehensive
disturbances in the input signals supplied to the DSP, this would overview of the used ANFIS controller and control topology.
cause instability in the reactive current supplied. The rest of the paper is organized as follow. Section II presents
Another approach for supplying variable reactive power while modelling of system components represented by the PV module
integrating renewables is to use the theory of instantaneous reac- and its mathematical derivations. Moreover, this section repre-
tive power as presented in [10]. This technique was utilized by sents the maximum power point tracking technique proposed. Sec-
controlling the amplitude and phase of the output voltage of the tion III explains reactive power compensation using fixed capacitor
inverter to supply both active and reactive current to the load. Such in the simulated model of the 100-kW grid connected system
approach was validated through simulations. The approach proved which is connected at the PCC with different test cases. Section IV
its robustness, but it had the same challenges as discussed earlier discusses usage of STATCOMs for reactive power compensation in
since the control algorithm for the reactive power is mainly imple- general and its application in the simulated model with different
mented by a DSP. test cases and disturbances applied. Finally, conclusions are out-
STATCOM was integrated with Photo Voltaic (PV) module to lined in section V.
optimize the reactive power flow as discussed in [11]. Such inte-
gration was made directly without requiring a DC-DC converter 2. Modelling of system components
since STATCOM can regulate DC voltage. Such approach had opti-
mized the reactive power flow in the network, but had lost the 2.1. PV mathematical modelling
maximum power point tracking capability of the PV array which
is provided mainly by the DC-DC converter. The integration of Equivalent circuit of a PV cell is defined by Fig. 1.
STATCOM with photovoltaics had been discussed in [12] as an The used symbols in the following equations are defined as fol-
opportunity for providing support to the grid relating to distribu- lowing in Table 1.
tion systems. Such integration had been achieved using the smart The modelling mathematically can be derived as per the given
inverter concept with different control schemes as mentioned by equations analyzed in [16,17] which are as follow:
the author. The trend of integrating renewable sources or espe-
cially Distributed Energy Resources (DER) with Flexible Alternating
I ¼ IPhoton  IDiode  IParallel ð1Þ
Current Devices is increasing [13]. As a result, a thorough case
study of a 100-kW rated grid-connected PV system providing var- IPhoton ¼ ½ISc þ K i ðT  T R Þ  ð2Þ
ious load demands from both active and reactive power demand 1000
was simulated in this work. The simulation is based on the use    
q  ðV OC þ IPV  RSeries Þ
of a fixed reactive power compensator in the network and the anal- IDiode ¼ IS exp 1 ð3Þ
NSeries  A  K  T
ysis of utility behavior in the context of fluctuating reactive power
demand of the connected loads. This simulation is repeated by 2  3
 3 1
employing the STATCOM as one of the FACTS devices to evaluate T TR
the system’s performance and the impact on utility in case of vari- IS ¼ IRS   exp 4q  Eg  5 ð4Þ
able reactive power demand supplied. Integration of STATCOM
with utility distribution networks had been discussed in [14] to
control the flow of reactive power by utilizing a voltage source IRS ¼ h i ð5Þ
qV Oc
converter supplying reactive current to the network. exp NS KAT
The objective of integrating DER with FACTS devices in this
study is to simulate and assess the overall system performance ðV PV þ I  RSeries Þ
using robust control methods in order to maximize the use of those IParallel ¼ ð6Þ
energy resources and extract the maximum produced power from
them. The nameplate of the PV module used in the simulation is as
To determine the maximum power point of the PV array, an presented in Table 2.
Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) with Particle By Simulating the mathematical model previously defined in
Swarm Optimization (PSO) was applied. The optimization is used MATLAB Simulink environment by implementing the previously
to tune the weights of the tunable layers in the neural network defined equations. PV current and voltage characteristics are
of the inference system as well as the center of the gaussian mem- obtained as following in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 at different solar irradi-
ber ship functions generated by the fuzzy controller utilizing seven ance levels. Fig. 3 depicts the PV module’s output power, which
interval type-2 membership functions for each input to the con- is the same as shown in Table 2. Table 2 shows that the maximum
troller in the ANFIS. Another approach for obtaining the maximum
permissible output power is as mentioned in [15]. This method
works by using low concentrator photovoltaic system with cooling.
This method increased the output PV power three times as
explained which also saves the area required by the PV panels. This
method is considered to be one of the most economical and effi-
cient methods.
In the previously discussed proposed method in this research,
the controller generates the reference maximum photovoltaic volt-
age based on the instantaneous value of the solar irradiance and
temperature, which is then processed by a sliding mode controller
for maximum power point tracking of the photovoltaic array. The
purpose of integrating the sliding mode controller with the ANFIS
is to ensure fastest time response to ensure optimum performance Fig. 1. PV cell exact equivalent circuit.

T.A. Boghdady and Y.A. Mohamed Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1
Nomenclature of symbols used.

ISc Short circuit current (A) at standard test conditions

Ki Short circuit current temperature co-efficient = 0.0017 A/°C
G Solar irradiance (W/m2 Þ
q Electron charge = 1:6  1019 C
A Ideality factor for silicon = 1.6
K Boltzmann constant = 1.3805  1023 J=K
T Operating temperature (K)
Eg Silicon band gap = 1.12 eV
N Series Number of series cells per module
V OC Open circuit voltage of module (V)
TR Reference operating temperature = 298 K
RShunt Shunt resistance in equivalent circuit (ohm)
RSeries Series resistance in equivalent circuit (ohm)
V PV PV module output voltage (V)
IPV PV module output current (A)

Table 2
Nameplate of reference solar module.

Module rated power (P r ) 213.15 (W)

Fig. 3. Output module power as a function of solar irradiance.
Voltage at rated power (V r ) 29 (V)
Current at rated power ðIr ) 7.35 (A)
Open circuit voltage (V OC ) 36.3 (V) promising. This injection is used to compensate for the
Short circuit current (ISC ) 7.84 (A)
non-linear behavior of grid-connected loads. Not only that, but it
Number of series cells / Module (N s ) 72
also provides active power to the connected loads.
Another efficient strategy mentioned in the literature is as dis-
cussed in [19]. Based on several frames, the suggested technique
computes power differentiation values. This method was success-
ful in removing the zero sequence and negative components. It also
achieved grid-side power flow management and power balancing
The PV system could similarly be linked to the grid using a dual
level boost converter, as presented in [20], which is applied to a
transformer-less grid-connected PV system. This technology is
regarded as one of the most cost-effective since it minimizes sys-
tem costs while also supplying excess energy to the grid.

2.2. Maximum power point tracking

Because of the continuous variation in maximum attainable

power from photovoltaics owing to atmospheric conditions [21],
The usage of a robust controller for Maximum Power Point Track-
ing (MPPT) is essential. In literature, several approaches are intro-
duced as mentioned in [22–24]. The objective of MPPT techniques
is to ensure harvesting the maximum attainable power from avail-
able resources.
A flexible control technique for grid connection and grid failure
Fig. 2. Generated current–voltage characteristics by varying solar irradiance. scenarios is presented in [25]. It is based on the perturb and
observe method to obtain the maximum output of the energy
resources. This approach is considered to be very stable. Another
permissible PV power is 213.15 W at 29 V, as shown by the name advantage of this method was its ability to minimize overall har-
plate.This figure indicates that with a terminal voltage of 29 V monic distortion on the load side.
between the PV module’s two terminals, we may acquire the max- Implementing the proposed technique in [26] might improve
imum permitted output power. Those findings were achieved by energy extraction capabilities. The approach is based on the
inserting the aforementioned data into the previously stated equa- Dynamic Cuckoo Search Algorithm, which is an enhanced opti-
tions in a MATLAB function. mization method (DCSA). The DC-DC converter’s switching pulses
In accordance with literature, the operation of a PV grid- were adjusted using this technique. It was successful in securing
connected system is possible utilizing a zero-sequence current the maximum amount of available power. Such method might be
injection-based power flow control approach, as shown in [18]. expanded and used with PV systems.
This technology is considered as reliable and efficient since it In this paper ANFIS is utilized as well as PSO technique for tun-
addresses the issues of unbalanced loads connected to the grid in ing the parameters of the tunable layers of the ANFIS such as tun-
power systems. Most connected loads, as stated in this study, use ing the standard deviation and the center of the generated gaussian
power electronic equipment that are considered non-linear. membership functions of the fuzzy inference system to get the
Because it offered a modified power flow controller approach with minimum mean square error in the output reference voltage that
zero sequence current injection, this technology is thought to be is generated from the controller.
T.A. Boghdady and Y.A. Mohamed Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

The output of the ANFIS is the maximum reference voltage that strengths, the third layer’s role is to normalize the calculated firing
should be generated from the photovoltaic array based on the strength by dividing the value of each node by the overall firing
atmospheric conditions. strength. The fourth layer is an adaptive node that takes the nor-
The generated reference voltage is used as an input stage to the malized output from the third layer and a set of consequence
sliding mode controller, which transforms the output to the appro- parameters that are tunable during the learning process. This is
priate sliding surface trajectory. also one of the reasons for using PSO for training such adaptive
The sliding mode controller is used to obtain a fast response. In neuro fuzzy networks.
the boost converter architecture, the final output, which is the The values from the fourth layer’s output are considered defuz-
switching pulses generated by the sliding mode controller, is sup- zied values, and they are transferred to the fifth layer, which
plied to the gate of the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT). returns the final output. The ANFIS network architecture could be
Such design had been validated through simulation. The control displayed as in Fig. 5.
algorithm can be clarified as given in Fig. 4. The input membership functions for both inputs to the ANFIS
As illustrated in Fig. 4, ‘G’ represents solar irradiance and ‘T’ rep- controller is clarified by Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. Seven interval type-2
resents operational temperature. Because the adaptive neuro fuzzy gaussian membership functions generated by the controller were
inference system combines neural networks with fuzzy logic, it has used for each input as shown below.
the ability to attain the benefits of both. The inference system is As observed in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, each interval type-2 member-
made up of a collection of rules that apply to both external inputs ship function generates two fuzzy values. The fuzzy operator is
and have the capability to approximate nonlinear functions then used to the fuzzified values to create a set firing strength rule
through learning [27]. Because the PV system is non-linear, this [32] to generate the desired output. The generated surface for the
approach was the ideal choice to choose. fuzzy controller is depicted in Fig. 8.
The architecture is made up of five fundamental layers [28]. The The control algorithm implementation inside the MATLAB func-
fuzzification layer is responsible for determining the member ship tion algorithm can be clarified by Fig. 9 which is implemented by
functions for the given two inputs, which are the temperature and the ANFIS controller block optimized by PSO displayed in Fig. 4.
the solar irradiance. Each input node is allocated seven gaussian This algorithm is implemented during the learning stage of the
membership functions with adjustable parameters such as the ANFIS by a MATLAB function. It is applied for 100 iterations for
standard deviation and the center point of each membership both inputs to the controller. The stopping criteria is when the dif-
function. ference between the output generated from the controller during
These adjustable parameters promote the usage of an optimiza- the learning process and the actual value defined in the learning
tion approach to obtain the optimal value that corresponds to the process to train the ANFIS is below the minimum defined tolerable
least square error in the output of the controller. In this study, error in the algorithm.
interval type-2 membership functions [29] with lower and upper Upon obtaining the reference maximum voltage from the ANFIS
gaussian membership functions are employed. controller, the objective is to create a sliding surface that causes
For the identical input values, the lower gaussian membership the sliding variable to slide upon to the reference point in finite
function is smaller than or equal to the upper membership func- time [33,34]. The primary reason for selecting this controller is
tion. The zone of uncertainty is defined as the area in between as its finite time convergence and decreased order compensated
discussed in [30]. The advantages of using type-2 membership dynamics [35]. Upon creating the sliding surface by MATLAB func-
functions over type-1 is as mentioned in [31]. The PSO, which tion implementation and applying the controller for the 100-kW
demonstrated its ability to find the optimum solution for each tun- grid connected PV system, the controller was able to capture the
able parameter, is used to tune the standard deviation and center maximum power of the PV array in less than 3 ms as illustrated
point of each membership function. This tuning is applied for each in Fig. 10.
input during the learning process based on having the minimum The controller settled at the maximum attainable output power
mean square error in the output of the controller as an objective from the PV array without oscillations, which is the primary bene-
function to be minimized through the learning process. fit of utilizing a sliding mode controller. The result below and as
The second layer in the ANFIS is primarily in charge of produc- displayed in the case studies validate the speed and accuracy of
ing the firing strengths for the rules [32], which is why it is usually the controller to capture the maximum output power. Fig. 10
referred to as the ‘‘rule layer”. Following the computation of firing depicts the output power of the controller at different solar irradi-
ance levels.

Fig. 4. MPPT control algorithm. Fig. 5. ANFIS network architecture.

T.A. Boghdady and Y.A. Mohamed Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 6. Interval type-2 membership functions for the first input (solar-irradiance

Fig. 7. Interval type-2 membership functions for the second input (temperature

Fig. 9. Control algorithm flow chart structure.

3. Reactive power compensation by fixed capacitor

Fixed capacitors are commonly utilized as reactive power com-

pensators. Lately, STATCOMs are largely utilized as in voltage sta-
bility of power systems as well as a reactive power supply or
source [36]. The integration of a PV grid-connected system with
STATCOM for reactive power compensation is the main focal point
of this paper.
For both situations, a full model simulation, as well as various
load demands for reactive power, will be simulated and analyzed.
The simulation is based on an induction motor which is represent-
ing a dynamic load to simulate variable demands in both active
Fig. 8. Generated surface for the fuzzy controller. and reactive power from the supply.

T.A. Boghdady and Y.A. Mohamed Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

tor bank had been sized according to the rated reactive power
demand of the induction motor which could supply the required
power indefinitly.

2) Case (2):

Upon decreasing the loading on the induction motor, the power

factor deteriorates as discussed in [37]. This causes variations in
the reactive power consumption of the induction motor which is
represented by the magnetizing inductance in the equivalent cir-
cuit. By increasing the mechanical loading on the induction motor,
the supply current increases. Such increase causes a slight increase
in the reactive power consumption which is represented by the
voltage drop across the leakage inductance in the equivalent
Upon considering large-scale loads connected at the point of
common coupling for the PV grid connected system, the reactive
power demand will be variable depending on the operating loads.
Fig. 10. The proposed controller’s output power for the PV array under solar
The increase in the reactive power demand above the nominal
irradiance disturbances.
rating of the capacitor bank will lead to reactive power consump-
tion from the grid even for very short duty loads which increases
First approach utilizes a fixed capacitor in conjunction with a the dependence on the utility sources.
100 KW peak PV grid-connected system. Consider an induction This motivates the finding of alternative solutions for resiliency
motor linked at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) that demands and independence on loading conditions of the connected loads for
both active and reactive power as discussed below in the test cases. reactive power compensation which will be clarified by the
upcoming approach using the STATCOM.
1) Case (1): Upon considering the increase in reactive power demand to 150
kVAR as a simple representation of the overall reactive power
Induction motor power sizing is as following: 100 KW rated demand of all loads connected at the same point of common cou-
active power, 70 kVAR reactive power demand as depicted in pling while maintaining the same active power demand as illus-
Table 3. trated in Table 4 and maintain the same rating of the capacitor
The simulated network block schematic can be clarified as bank.
shown in Fig. 11. Upon increasing the reactive power demand, the characteristics
Since the rated reactive power demand for the induction motor obtained for both real and reactive power share from the grid are
is 70 kVAR, capacitor bank has been sized as 70 kVAR as a fixed as follow in Fig. 14. The additional 80 kVAR is supplied by the util-
step compensator. Upon simulating the above parameters of the ity as the capacitor bank cannot supply such additional demand.
network as given in Table 3. The following power characteristic’s The active power demand is still the same, that’s why same results
for both the grid and the PV array are obtained. The simulation is are obtained for the active power consumption from the grid. The
based on a low voltage three phase 400 Volts 50 Hz grid. The PV primary issue is that the fixed capacitor architecture is not adapt-
output power is as displayed in Fig. 12. able and cannot manage fluctuations beyond its limit for dynamic
As observed the output power of the PV array is in proportion loads requiring varying reactive power. The disadvantage is that
with the solar irradiance. The controller is capturing the maximum the capacitor bank can’t supply additional reactive power even
attainable power from the PV array with minimum transition time. for very short time duration to avoid oversizing.
This behavior is mainly due the usage of the sliding mode con-
troller which gives a fast transient response. The accuracy in cap- 3) Case (3):
turing the maximum power is mainly due to the ANFIS which
provides the maximum reference voltage of the PV array to the Upon varying the reactive power demand consumption from
controller based on system parameters. The power characteristics the nominal rating as shown in Table 5 to represent the behavior
of the grid is as observed in Fig. 13. The output power of the grid of different dynamic loads connected at the PCC. This fluctuation
is measured at the PCC for both active and reactive power. This is simulated to study the effect of variable reactive power demand
measurement is done in all test cases to study the effect of inte- consumption on the grid.
grating both fixed capacitor and STATCOM with the grid. The load profile is as given in Fig. 15. Where the reactive power
As clearly seen in Fig. 13, the grid doesn’t supply any reactive demand for each time interval is displayed. This profile mainly rep-
power to the induction motor as expected since the reactive power resents lumped loads at the PCC which require different reactive
demand is within the capability of the capacitor bank. The capaci- power for various time durations.
Since the capacitor bank is sized at 70 kVAR, it is expected that
load will consume the remaining of the reactive power from the
Table 3
grid to compensate the difference in the required demand as the
Load Simulation parameters (Case 1). capacitor bank can’t supply any additional reactive current even
for very short time durations.
P (kW) 100
The real and reactive power supplied by the grid are illustrated
Q (kVAR) 70 as follow in Fig. 16. The configuration of the upcoming topolgy is as
Solar irradiance (G) (k W=m2 ) 1 : 0 < t < 0:2s
0:7 : 0:2 < t < 0:4s
depicted in Fig. 17. This topology will be furthur discussed in the
0:4 : 0:4 < t < 0:6s upcoming sections.
0:1 : 0:6 < t < 0:8s The active power share for the previous case from the grid is the
same as discussed in Fig. 13(a).
T.A. Boghdady and Y.A. Mohamed Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 11. Fixed capacitor PV grid connected schematic.

Fig. 12. PV output power at different insolation levels.

As observed, since the capacitor bank is sized at 70 kVAR, the

grid supplies the differences in reactive power demand required
for all short time durations. As noted, the capacitor bank is non-
adaptive. For the fluctuations in reactive power demand, the load
had to draw the required reactive power from the grid. This is
due to the capacitor bank doesn’t allow any type of control to adapt
to disturbances applied on the power supply. Oversizing capacitor
bank is also not economical since the additional demand is for
small time duration.

4. Reactive power compensation using STATCOM

4.1. Introduction and motivation

The STATCOM is considered to be a member of the Flexible Fig. 13. Grid output power supplied a) Active power (b) Reactive power.
Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS) [38]. It is com-
posed of a regulated voltage source converter linked to an energy
storage device at one end. The storage device consists mostly of a power based on system needs. Furthermore, it is frequently uti-
capacitor, with the other end linked to the alternating grid through lized to increase a network’s voltage stability.
a reactor to act as a harmonic filter [39]. The main motivation for including STATCOMs in distribution
It is primarily utilized in transmission networks as a reactive networks, particularly in grid-connected PV systems or renewables
power balancing device, either injecting or absorbing reactive in general, is that overall connected loads have dynamic behavior,
T.A. Boghdady and Y.A. Mohamed Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 4
Load simulation parameters case (2).

P (kW) 100
Q (kVAR) 150
Solar irradiance (G) (k W=m2 ) 1 : 0 < t < 0:2s
0:7 : 0:2 < t < 0:4s
0:4 : 0:4 < t < 0:6s
0:1 : 0:6 < t < 0:8s

Fig. 15. Load profile case (3) a) Active power b) Reactive power.

Fig. 14. Grid output power supplied case (2) a) Active power b) Reactive power.

Table 5
Load simulation parameters case (3).

P (KW) 100
Q (kVAR) 70 : 0 < t < 0:1s
125 : 0:1 < t < 0:2s
150 : 0:2 < t < 0:3s
70 : 0:3 < t < 0:4s
Solar irradiance (G) (k W=m2 ) 1 : 0 < t < 0:1s
0:7 : 0:1 < t < 0:2s
0:4 : 0:2 < t < 0:3s
0:1 : 0:3 < t < 0:4s

which means that a fixed compensation method for reactive power

consumption is not necessarily the best solution.
A fixed compensator, in particular, can never sink excessive
reactive power. Because STATCOMs are controlled by power
switches made of insulated gate bipolar transistors, they can adapt
to changes in load. Furthermore, STATCOM has the capacity to pro-
vide the maximum output of its capacitive current regardless of Fig. 16. Grid output power supplied case (3) a) Active power b) Reactive power.
system voltage [40], which is mostly employed during failures
when voltage falls.
The operation is as follows: if the converter’s output voltage is If the converter’s output voltage is less than the voltage level at the
larger than the network voltage, the converter generates capacitive PCC, the converter absorbs inductive reactive power from the point
reactive power, and current flows from the converter to the PCC of connection and the current direction is towards the converter,
through the reactor; in other words, the STATCOM acts as a source. indicating that the STATCOM is acting as a sink source. If the out-

T.A. Boghdady and Y.A. Mohamed Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Controlling such a converter is primarily accomplished by

adjusting the direct current energy storage voltage level such that
the produced alternating voltage at the converter’s output has the
necessary amplitude for the required reactive power. In order to
provide or absorb reactive power solely, the controller must guar-
antee that the generated alternating voltage is in phase with the
system voltage.
In certain situations, a slight phase difference is created
between the two voltages to compensate for active power losses
in the converter, which are represented by switching and conduc-
tion losses [42].

4.2. STATCOM control strategy

By measuring the positive sequence components of the load

current and voltage source converter currents. The time domain
measured values are transformed to the d-q axis to apply the con-
trol strategy mentioned in [43].
Fig. 17. STATCOM connection with the grid. The reactive current reference required, which is the reactive
component of current demanded by the load, is compared with
the generated reactive current from the converter to determine
put voltage matches the PCC voltage, the reactive power exchange the error between the two values. A Proportional Integral (PI) con-
is zero, and the converter is said to be in a floating condition. troller was used to process the error and generate the control sig-
When used in reactive power generation mode, the STATCOM nal as discussed in [44].
converter can maintain the energy storage capacitor charged to In the same manner, another control loop is set to compare the
the necessary voltage level [41]. This is accomplished mostly by reference direct energy storage system voltage, which is repre-
delaying the phase angle of the converter’s output voltage behind sented by the capacitor, with the necessary voltage level for the
the system voltage by a small angle. DC capacitor which is set at 800 V reference in the simulation.
Such an angle would allow the converter to absorb a little por- These two control loops are programmed to work with the sug-
tion of active power in order to overcome internal losses and main- gested method. The previously described control strategy is imple-
tain the capacitor voltage at the appropriate state of charge. Fig. 18 mented in MATLAB SIMULINK.
illustrates a typical V-I characteristic of STATCOM.
Not only can STATCOM supply reactive power to the system, 4.3. Design aspects
but the converter can also supply active power to the system from
its direct current energy storage, provided that the converter out- Because the reactive power flow is mostly controlled by the
put voltage is set to lead the system voltage to which the converter voltage magnitude difference between the converter and the grid.
is connected at the point of common coupling [41]. Once the con- The rated voltage and reactive power of the STATCOM are assigned
verter’s output voltage is equal to the system voltage, the exchange by the operator. The inductance of the reactor preceding the con-
of reactive power is zero. verter is determined using the formulas provided in [45] as well
The voltage source converter might be a multi-pulse converter as the design values. The STATCOM configuration to the PCC is
composed of numerous six-pulse voltage source converter circuits. illustrated in Fig. 19.
The use of multi-pulse converters has the advantage of reducing !
lower order harmonics. V St  V Nw V St  V Nw V2
S¼ sin ðdÞ  j cos ðdÞ  Nw ¼ P  Qj ð7Þ

Fig. 18. I-V Characteristics of STATCOM. Fig. 19. Simplified STATCOM diagram.

T.A. Boghdady and Y.A. Mohamed Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Such as V St , V Nw , X L , d, S, P, Q are defined as STATCOM output Table 6

voltage, network voltage, inductive reactance, phase angle Load parameters case (1) using STATCOM.
between the STATCOM output voltage and the grid phase voltage, P (kW) 100
apparent power generated, active component of power and reac-
Q (kVAR) 70
tive component of power. Solar irradiance (G) (k W=m2 ) 1 : 0 < t < 0:1s
The simulated model block diagram can be illustrated as given 0:7 : 0:1 < t < 0:2s
in Fig. 20. 0:4 : 0:2 < t < 0:3s
0:1 : 0:3 < t < 0:4s
V 2  V  V
Nw Nw St
XL ¼ ð8Þ
Using equations (8), (9) and (10) to calculate the reactor’s induc-
XL ¼ x  L ð9Þ tance and resistance. By computation L ¼ 5:092  104 H and
R ¼ 0:016 Ohms by considering the quality factor of the coil to
Such as x is the angular frequency based on 50 Hertz which be 10.
equals 314 rad /second. The STATCOM rating is determined by specifying the maximum
XL ¼ q  R ð10Þ value of current flowing through the power electronic switches in
order to size the rating of those switches.
Such as q and R are the quality factor for the reactor and the The STATCOM can provide more reactive power than its rating,
resistance of the coil. but it will inject greater current values through the converter. If the
Because the goal is reactive power compensation, the phase converter can manage such high current applications, its rating
angle between the STATCOM output voltage and the grid phase will increase and it will be able to deliver as much reactive current
voltage is set to zero to eliminate the active component of power as the load requires.
in equation (7). The network voltage is set to 400 V as a root mean
square value. The multiplicity factor, which may be adjusted by the
operator, is used to define the converter output voltage in terms of
4.4. Model simulation
the network voltage. Since the aim is to provide reactive power, the
multiplicity factor in the following equation is 20 percent higher
The STATCOM as the reactive power compensator is used for
than the nominal system voltage as a design value as mentioned
the previously described 100 kW PV grid connected system.
in [45,46].
V St ¼ 1:2  V Nw ð11Þ 1) Case (1):
As previously explained, rewrite equation (7) by setting d to
The load requirements are as given in Table 6.
! Upon simulating the above-mentioned load parameters, the
V St  V Nw V 2Nw STATCOM output power characteristics are as shown in Fig. 21.
S¼  j ð12Þ As observed in Fig. 21, the STATCOM compensated the 70 kVAR
required by the load. The STATCOM injected currents at the PCC,
Consider the STATCOM’s nominal reactive power to be set at terminal voltages waveforms and the DC capacitor voltage is illus-
285 percent of the nominal load demand reactive power. As a trated by Fig. 22. The STATCOM generates such reactive power
result, the STATCOM rating chosen is 200 KVAR (i.e., =200kVAR). demand by controlling the amplitude of the reactive current drawn

Fig. 20. STATCOM Grid Connected Photovoltaic Schematic.

T.A. Boghdady and Y.A. Mohamed Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 23. PV output power as a function of solar irradiance.

from the converter. Such control technique is based on measuring

the load current to estimate the required reactive power demand.
As illustrated by Fig. 22, the STATCOM injected currents has an
approximate peak magnitude of 162 A. As the reactive power
demand increases, the STATCOM injected current increases accord-
ingly to satisfy the demand. The PV output power can be illustrated
Fig. 21. STATCOM output power supplied in case (1) a) Active power b) Reactive by Fig. 23.
power. The grid output power characteristics can be clarified by Fig. 24.
The grid doesn’t supply any reactive power to the load since the
load reactive current demand is supplied by the STATCOM.

Fig. 22. STATCOM output characteristics a) STATCOM terminal voltages b) Fig. 24. Grid output power characteristics case (1) a) Active power b) Reactive
STATCOM injected currents c) STATCOM DC capacitor voltage. power.

T.A. Boghdady and Y.A. Mohamed Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 7
Load parameters case (2) using STATCOM.

P (kW) 100
Q (kVAR) 150
Solar irradiance (G) (k W=m2 ) 1 : 0 < t < 0:1s
0:7 : 0:1 < t < 0:2s
0:4 : 0:2 < t < 0:3s
0:1 : 0:3 < t < 0:4s

2) Case (2):

The load requirements are as given in Table 7.

Upon increasing the reactive power demand of induction motor
to 150 kVAR to study effect of this demand increase on the net-
work. The STATCOM output power characteristics are given as
below in Fig. 25. The STATCOM supplies and adapts to the reactive
power demand of the load. As a result, the reactive power demand
from the grid is zero.
It is expected that the injected currents from the STATCOM to
increase complying with the increase in reactive power demand.
The STATCOM injected currents at the PCC, DC capacitor voltage
and terminal voltage waveforms are as given in Fig. 26.
It is observed from the above cases that the increase in reactive
power demand of the load complies with increasing the amplitude
of the current injected by the STATCOM. This puts the limitation on
the reactive power rating of the STATCOM depending on the rating
of the switches used to handle such high currents.

3) Case (3):

Upon varying the reactive power demand to study the effect of

this fluctuation on both the grid and STATCOM. The load parame-
ters are as given in Table 8.
The load profile is the same as presented before in Fig. 15. The
STATCOM output power characteristics are presented by Fig. 27.
Fig. 26. STATCOM output characteristics a) STATCOM terminal voltages b)
STATCOM injected currents c) STATCOM DC capacitor voltage.

Table 8
Load parameters case (3) using STATCOM.

P (kW) 100
Q (kVAR) 70 : 0 < t < 0:1s
125 : 0:1 < t < 0:2s
150 : 0:2 < t < 0:3s
70 : 0:3 < t < 0:4s
Solar irradiance (G) (k W=m2 ) 1 : 0 < t < 0:1s
0:7 : 0:1 < t < 0:2s
0:4 : 0:2 < t < 0:3s
0:1 : 0:3 < t < 0:4s

As observed, the STATCOM adapts to the variable reactive

power demand of the load by supplying the required reactive cur-
rent within the specified time durations. This makes the STATCOM
very suitable for shor duty loads requiring high reactive power
demands for very small time durations.
The output reactive power of the grid is clarified by Fig. 28.
As noted from Fig. 28, there is no reactive power consumption
from the grid.
The STATCOM injected currents and terminal voltages are
shown in Fig. 29.
As observed the STATCOM supplied extra reactive current to
mitigate the reactive power demand of the load without any load-
Fig. 25. STATCOM output power in case (2) a) Active power b) Reactive power. ing on the grid.

T.A. Boghdady and Y.A. Mohamed Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 27. STATCOM output power in case (3) a) Active power b) Reactive power.

Fig. 29. STATCOM output characteristics a) STATCOM terminal voltages b)

STATCOM injected currents c) STATCOM DC capacitor voltage.

Table 9
Load parameters case (4) using STATCOM.

P (kW) 100
Q (kVAR) 200
Solar irradiance (G) (k W=m2 ) 1 : 0 < t < 0:1s
0:7 : 0:1 < t < 0:2s
Fig. 28. Grid reactive power consumption case (3). 0:4 : 0:2 < t < 0:3s
0:1 : 0:3 < t < 0:4s

4) Case (4): ified by Fig. 30. The voltage sag is simulated on phase -a with 70 %
of nominal voltage value.
The load requirements are as given in Table 9. The STATCOM output reactive power waveform during the volt-
Consider a single line to ground fault in the network which lasts age sag can be clarified by Fig. 31.
from 0.1 to 0.2 s, such line to ground fault mainly affects the reac- As observed in Fig. 31 the STATCOM was able to mitigate the
tive power capability supplied by capacitor banks due to variation voltage sag disturbance and maintain the supply of reactive power
in voltage level. to the load. The load doesn’t absorb any reactive power from the
Upon considering this fault with the load demand of 200 kVAR grid as shown in Fig. 32.
to test the resiliency of integrating STATCOMs in distribution net- The STATCOM both three-phase injected currents and DC capac-
works especially with DER. The grid voltages at the PCC can be clar- itor voltage in this case are depicted in Fig. 33.

T.A. Boghdady and Y.A. Mohamed Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 30. Voltage sag on the PCC due to L-G fault in the network (phase-a).

Fig. 33. STATCOM output characteristics a) STATCOM injected currents b)

STATCOM DC capacitor voltage.

5. Conclusion

In this work, reactive power compensation for a 100 KW rated

grid-connected system was investigated utilizing the most recent
innovative technology STATCOMs and comparing it with the tradi-
Fig. 31. STATCOM output reactive power.
tional fixed capacitors.
Load dynamics for both scenarios have been modelled and
explained. Maximum power point tracking of PV modules was
achieved in the proposed design by combining the adaptive neuro
fuzzy inference system with interval type-2 membership functions
and the PSO technique to provide the adaptive reference voltage to
the sliding mode controller.
The limitations of STATCOM applications originate mostly from
the high cost of the system owing to the use of power electronic
components. Future implications might include employing low-
cost dependable switches to generate the reactive power required.
This work may be expanded by applying it to a fully grid-
connected/islanded microgrid and examining power flows
throughout the network by incorporating the STATCOM, as well
as partially shading the system to analyze the impacts of various
disruptions. The STATCOM was integrated with the network to
provide adaptive reactive power supply to the loads. Such integra-
tion was successful in maintaining reactive power load needs
while minimizing undervoltage disturbances on the power supply.
The control algorithm and simulation were validated, with a
transient response of about three milliseconds to stabilize at the
desired captured maximum power level supplying load demand
Fig. 32. Reactive power consumption from the grid case (4). from active power and adapting to various reactive power

T.A. Boghdady and Y.A. Mohamed Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Tarek A. Boghdady: received the B.S.,M.S and PhD

degrees in Electrical power Engineering from the faculty
of Engineering Cairo University, in 2004, 2010 and 2016.
From 2004 to 2016, he was a Teaching Assistant in
Electrical power Engineering Department in the same
university. Since 2016, he has been an Assistant Pro-
fessor. Since 2022, he has been an Associate Professor in
the electrical power engineering department, Cairo
University. His research interests include wind energy,
optimization, power quality, neural network, fuzzy
control, solar energy, sliding mode control, HVDC, and


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