Genetic Code of Homoeopathy - Volume-1 - by Praful Vijayakar

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VOL : 001 - Feb 2011

G enetic C ode Of
H omoeopathy

An e-journal based on the teachings of

Dr. Prafull Vijayakar’s Predictive Homoeopathy


An e- Journal based on the teachings of Dr. Prafull Vijayakar's
Predictive Homoeopathy

1. Editorial

2. The Lesser known facts about Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

Honorary Advisor
Dr. Prafull Vijayakar
3. About the magazine

4. Pledge of a true Homoeopath

5. Predictive Homoeopathy Editorial Board

6. Journey of Dr. Hahnemann Dr. Dipali Gupte
7. Organon section Dr. Kavita Sawant
a. Explanation of Aphorism 1
b. In depth case taking.
Dr. Bhakti Poojara
8. Materia Medica section
a. Study of the group Ophidia with a detailed drug picture
of Lachesis.

9. Repertory section
Thorough understanding of the rubric 'Abusive' with
differentiation of the remedies.

10. Study of systems and organs with clinical correlation

of their pathology with miasms,
embryology, anatomy and pathophysiology of skin.

11. Clinical section

Exclusive cases of Dr. Vijayakar for this issue
a. Case of acute appendicitis
b. Case of hamartoma
c. Case of retinal detachment

Designed by 361 degree solutions


'Necessity is the mother of all inventions'.

This proverb has been the inspirational force behind the inception of this e- magazine
“The Genetic Code of Homoeopathy”.

Just like every old thing is replaced by an updated, advanced and an “in” thing, similarly
we as Homoeopaths should be proud that our science, Homoeopathy is the most recent,
advanced and highly scientific, being only 200 odd years old!

So what do we infer from this? - That Homoeopathy is the latest of all sciences whether it
is Unani, Ayurveda, Allopathy and so on. Infact, Homoeopathy is an offshoot from
allopathy because it was a MD allopath who discovered it.

Here, there are 2 factors to be considered:

1) Dr. Hahnemann, the founder was a German to the core, who are known to be
dogmatic and true to their work.

2) Being the youngest science, it has to be the best. Why?- If you buy a new laptop or
mobile, all these technologies have to be one up on the previous one and
eliminates the shortcoming on the previous one.

Similarly, if Homoeopathy has come from an allopathic doctor, it had to be better than
allopathy, therefore Homoeopathy is better and advanced than the other sciences and it
had to be more certain and dependable as it came from a German brain.

If so much is expected from this new science, why has this science lagged behind or called
'mystic'? It has been criticized to the extent of being called a 'placebo therapy' and there
was a demand from certain quarters to band it. But, where there is smoke, there has to be
If this pathy has not only lasted for 200 years, but also progressed in countries like India,
that means there was something true which was not understood in this science.

Then why hasn't this advanced science picked up popularity?

Why don't we as Homoeopaths have the confidence to treat challenging cases like comas,
cancers, autism and so on?

The answer is simple and shameful- We have not understood our Master Dr. Samuel
Hahnemann, who had feared that his followers would not be able to understand this
wonderful science to the fullest and would only be superficially understanding and
applying their half learned knowledge practically in treating their patients, thereby,
bringing down their success rates in curing cases.

It is only a few handfuls like Dr. Prafull Vijayakar who has not only gone into the depth of
Dr. Hahnemann's teachings in his Organon, but has also understood the modern sciences
and has bridged the gap between the two by scientifically explaining their co-relation.


He has understood “The Herring's Law of Direction of Cure” to the fullest and uses it day
in and day out to assess his failures and successes. He has gone to explain it in
embryological and growth gradients as explained in Grey's anatomy. It is because of this
conviction that he insists that this law of cure can only be observed if the prescription is
right and based according to the Hahnemanian principles.
This has embolded him to take more serious cases and has passed this courage to his
students and followers who get astounding results in these cases as well.

It is he who feels that Homoeopathy is a Superspeciality meant for curing incurable

diseases as he treats them in his clinic with great conviction and confidence.
What brings this confidence is his soundness of principles, earthliness in the methods of
practice and scientific ness of his teachings. There is no grey area and he calls
'Homoeopathy as Mathematics'.

It was therefore the “necessity” of the hour to bring to light his incredible work and
understanding that he has gained by working day and night in his clinic over the past 35
'Genetic code of Homoeopathy' is an Organon based journal . It is based on concepts
developed by Dr Prafull Vijayakar. It explains the genius of Dr Hahnemann's work in the
light of today's scientific and modern discoveries. Absolutely clinical oriented it is richly
illustrated with cases.
We are sure 'Genetic Code of Homoeopathy' will serve as a tool for accurate prescription
and bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Every issue will cover an Organon section in which aphorisms will be explained, Repertory
section in which rubrics will be explained with remedy differentiation, a section on
Materia Medica which will have remedy details with remedy pictures as confirmed in
practice. There is also a section on organs and systems, their embryology, anatomy,
physiology, and pathology correlated with miasms.

This issue covers 'aphorism 1', case taking in the Organon section, the Rubric 'Abusive',
Remedy Lachesis and the Ophidia group and the topic skin along with cases by Dr.Prafull
A special thank you to Dr Rachana Bagadia for helping us with certain sections in this

This e magazine 'The Genetic Code of Homoeopathy' is an attempt to spread

Dr. Prafull Vijayakar's understanding, so that we Homoeopaths all across the globe can
be confident and proud of our science and “Dare to be Wise” in taking up challenging
cases and showing the world with our results that Homoeopathy is not an alternative
form of medicine, nor is it a “witchcraft” as quoted by some of our fellow friends, neither
does it require the crutches of any other form of medicine and is a complete science in
it's self.

So, wake up fellow Homoeopaths! It's time to rise and shine!!

Aude Sapere
Towards Unity in Homoeopathy


The Lesser known facts about
Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

Do great people make history or does history make great people?

Difficult to answer.

Sure enough, if one has to understand a Great person or his greatness, one has to peep into
his history. It is this history that tells us the making of that man or the journey of that person.

It is his history that depicts the events or the episodes that helped him change the history of
the world. History is never made by extraordinary people. History is made by people doing
extraordinary work. History tells us that the great work and the history of that great person
inspire the generations to come and help them sow seeds for a new history.

Here is some first-hand information, straight from Dr. Prafull Vijayakar. One day, when we
were showing him the e-journal, when he just went down the memory lane. We thought a
lot of people who know Dr. Vijayakar and follow his teachings would also like to know this
interesting lesser known side about him.

Dr. Prafull Vijayakar was born in Mumbai on 4th of August 1952. He studid in Dr. Antonio
D’silva High school. He completed his higher secondary studies from Ruparel college, one of
the renowned colleges in Mumbai.

It is very interesting to know that Dr. Prafull Vijayakar was called ‘Dr. Prafull’ way before he
actually became a doctor. Coming from a family of Doctors, his father, his paternal
grandfather all being famous Doctors, little Prafull got his so called Medical title not only
from his family, but also from his teachers.

Dr. Prafull was an average student, far from being a studious child. When he was in the 6th
grade, his father said, “I will buy you a cycle if you stand first in class”. A cycle in those days cost
` 200 which was a great deal of money in those days. His father just happened to say this,
sure that he would not have to shell out the money for the bicycle. Dr. Prafull took it up as a
challenge and studied so hard that he stood 3rd in standard 7 and 1st in standard 8.


He used that cycle to win several races, fast and slow cycling even in intercollegiate
competitions. He also participated in the marathon. His penchant for taking up challenges is
in his genes. Probably this is the reason why he takes up and solves extremely difficult,
hopeless cases with such ease. His penchant for taking up challenges is in his genes .
Probably this is the reason why he takes up and solves extremely difficult, hopeless cases
with such ease.

His mother believed a lot in astrology, a lot of astrologers said that he would be a very famous
surgeon. People from all over the world would come to get operated by him. On account of
this Dr. Vijayakar was sure that he would get into MBBS.

Little Dr. Prafull

Dr Vijayakar was keen to pursue medicine and practice allopathy. A tryst with destiny he
missed the MBBS seat by only three marks. Whilst he was contemplating where to go dental
or homoeopathy, it was his father who advised him to join homoeopathy. Thus he was
destined to be a homoeopath and lead a large number of homoeopaths into following the
right homoeopathy.

In his homoeopathic college days, he hardly attended classes. He carried no books. He

carried only one small diary to write notes all the subjects. Ironically Dr. Prafull failed in
Materia Medica in the first year. The Materia paper was very difficult. All other students took
out their Materia Medica books and copied but his conscience did not allow him to copy.
Although he could not write the paper he chose not to copy.


Dr. Vijayakar’s Family

When he failed, he expected his father to scold him but unlike other fathers his father said,
“Failure is not something you should be afraid of. It is like a bus if you miss one bus you can
always catch the next. I know you have studied. I too have failed, yet today I am a leading
physician, you have to be street smart.”

Dr. Prafull Vijayakar has passed the same philosophy to his sons and his followers. As
homoeopathy did not interest him he had no intention to practice. So he also wrote a
paradoxical poem joking and cursing homoeopathy. He was just about to leave homoeopathy.

After graduating from medical college he started practicing allopathy. The turning point came
when he was offered a homoeopathic posting at Sarvodaya hospital. He started attending
patients at Sarvodaya Hospital for mere ` 200 per month. There he met his first teachers;
Dr. Pravin Shah and Dr. Dave. It was from them that he learnt the power of single remedy and
single dose. He was also practicing in his father's clinic at Andheri West, Mumbai. He
practiced part time homoeopathy and part time allopathy. He was not successful in his
homoeopathic practice.

There is a little anecdote in his early days of practice. One day a young lady came to him along
with her younger brother. As is a common practice amongst homoeopaths, he opened the
repertory to search for the remedy. The puzzled, younger brother questioned his sister why
doctor was referring a book. To which his sister replied “As he has just completed his studies.”

His first successfully treated case was a case of ankylosing spondylitis.

Whilst he was practicing with his father , a patient came to him with his son. The boy had
warts on his hands. Knowing that Dr. Prafull Vijayakar was a homoeopath he asked him to
prescribe some homoeopathic medicine for his warts.


At first Dr. Vijayakar said there is nothing he could do about the warts and referred him to a
skin specialist for cauterisation. They were cauterised 2-3 times and they were back. The
father had heard about the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment in cases of warts and insisted
Dr. Prafull Vijayakar to give some homoeopathic medicines.

Dr. Vijayakar looked in the repertory, at the rubric ‘warts on the back of hands’, mixed a few
homoeopathic remedies and the warts vanished. The father was so happy he said “ Why
don't you practice homoeopathy? To this Dr. Vijayakar said “Give me a place I will practice

Next day the man came and handed a key to Dr. Prafull Vijayakar. No deposit ,no rent just a
place to practice homoeopathy. That was the beginning of the journey into homoeopathic
practice for Dr. Prafull Vijayakar . Initially he prescribed just specifics.
The first 2 years were heart breaking. His first month's income was ` 7 and 50 paise. The
second month's income was ` 21 . At the end of 1 year, practice improved and he earned
` 1500 in a year. When income went to ` 200, he bought a saree for his mother. After 1 year
he kept a compounder.

The clinic had a partition to which he put a small ply and a glass so that he could see his
patients. He had brought an old desk from his father's clinic. One day a girl came to his clinic
and asked young Dr. Prafull whom she mistook as the compounder, “ Is the doctor in?” From
then to make doubly sure there was no mistake, he started wearing a tie.

In the early days of practice, Dr. Vijayakar recalls how he would open shutters of his clinic at
8am. He would broom the place himself, clean the chairs with a cloth and light an incense
stick. In 1978, he booked a place for his own clinic nearby, in Vile Parle. Yes that is the famous
place which is thronged in large numbers from people all over the country and also from all
parts of the world. At that time he did not have ` 1,00,000 that the place cost. He borrowed
money from family and friends and went in for that place. The opening of his first as well as
second clinic was done by honorable Ex Chief Minister of Maharashtra Mr. Sushil Kumar

In 1979, when their family was travelling in a car, they met with a major accident. His father's
car was finished. The car tumbled down into a valley and caught fire. As the car went
tumbling down, where there was a sign board; 'Thank you limit ends’.

That made him go in for a new car, which was second hand Standard super in the year 1980.
Everyday they had to push the car to start it but at least the HOMOEOPATH started
travelling in car. He purchased it for ` 5000, spent ` 20,000 on it and sold it for ` 2000.

In 1981 he went in for a fiat. In 1985 came his new Maruti Suzuki. Then came his Contessa,
Lancer, Honda Accord, Passat and now a Mercedez Benz. Here a special mention is made
about all his cars as he is passionate for cars.


He was appointed as an Honorary Doctor in the government homoeopathic hospital. There
he would see 100 patients in the OPD (Outdoor Patient Department) at one time in a span of
4-5 hours.

He started taking homoeopathy seriously. He started practicing single remedy, single dose.
He admitted a lot of patients to the IPD (Indoor Patient Department) and managed them
solely on homoeopathy. It was in those OPDs that so many students actually got to see
fantastic results with single remedy, single dose. His OPD was always crowded with students
and interns who came to learn from him.
He gave his first lecture in Smt. C.M.P. Homoeopathic Medical College. There he spoke on
Sulphur. The second lecture was arranged in Juhu Jagruti auditorium. There he was forced by
his students to give a lecture knowing well that he was a very good prescriber. When it was
time to lecture, he just sat on a chair and said, “ I am not prepared and I am not a teacher. I
am a clinician. Ask me questions and I shall answer.” He also spoke on combination
homoeopathic prescription in Raheja hospital. Those were some of his initial lectures. This
may be hard to believe for all those who have heard his present lectures. Today he goes on
for hours and days together and people still want more.

Dr. Vijayakar says, “Eventually I metamorphosed and then there was no looking back. That
was the conviction I developed. If I am not getting results I am wrong I need to work harder.”

His conviction in Hering’s law of direction of cure is enormous. Be it Cancer, Autism or

Schizophrenia law of direction of cure has to be seen in every case. ‘Chang comes when you
start thinking. When you are sure science is correct, I am wrong let me find it where I am

He says “One by one doors started opening.” He is humble enough to admit that 7 layers of
suppression and understanding of Miasm in relation to defenses of our body just came to him
in his dreams.

Dr. Vijayakar has always been an avid reader. His subjects of interest have ranged from
physics, astrology, philosophy to cellular biology, molecular biology, genetics etc. Getting to
the crux of the matter that he reads and application of it in other areas cuts him above the
rest. It is on account of this trait that he has been able to explain in such detail ‘Organon of
Medicine’ as put forth by Dr. Hahnemann. It is also on this account that he has been able to
explain Hering's law of cure and apply Miasms in practice.

Long working hours have always been a part of Dr. Vijayakar's schedule. It was quite a
common sight till a few months ago to see a queue of patients in his clinic even at 1 and 2 am
at night. In spite of this he is always up in the wee hours of the morning, reading and studying
a ritual he has made for himself. Maybe it is his cheerful nature, a great sense of humour,
passion for his work; seeing patients as well as teaching that pumps so much energy in him
that one can see him smiling and enthusiastic at any time of the day.


About The Magazine
What is genetic code? its own
Science has now proved that every living being has a genetic
code. Genetic code is the blue print of whatever that particular
living being is desired to be ,to do, to feel .This is the very basic plan-often
thing about existence. described as a sort
of “blue print” for
In every living being including man the physical and mental building the
design is all encoded in organism. - which
the genes which are present in all cells of the body.
is encoded in the
DNA molecules
present in its cells.
plan determines
the characteristics
that are inherited.
Thus whether it is
a bacteria, fish or
human being all of
Just as an architect needs a proper plan in front of him for them have a plan
building a house, similarly the body has a blueprint in the laid out before
“Genes” of all the information about the particular living thing,
hand which we
its structure , size, shape, function. A civil engineer will not start
erecting walls as the first step. This was not even done during age call genetic code
old times of Vastushastra.

Even today weight bearing, structural strength , columns &

pillars, are all calculated according to the stress the building is
going to take. The layout needs to be made as to where the
bedroom, kitchen etc need to be. This scientific and
mathematical approach leads to a long sustaining structure.
Thus just as an architect needs a proper plan of dimension of
every room, layout of bedroom, kitchen, pillars, loadbearing and
so on properly designed and calculated, similarly each species
has it’s own developmental plan-often described as a sort of
“blue print” for building the organism .-which is encoded in the
DNA molecules present in its cells. This developmental plan
determines the characteristics that are inherited. Thus whether
it is a bacteria, fish or human being, all of them have a plan laid
out before hand which we call genetic code.


In our journal, we are trying to emphasize that the science of homoeopathy also has certain
blue prints laid down by Dr. Hahnemann which unfortunately are undergoing mutation
because of certain homoeopaths who are making new additions and deletions and their own
interpretations. This indeed is doing great harm to homoeopathy. It is our endeavor through
the medium of this journal to go back to the concepts laid down by Dr. Hahnemann which
were so futuristic. Every latest scientific invention confirms his beliefs and hypothesis . With
this let us go 'back, …. to the future' in completely understanding this futuristic science. Truly
Dr. Hahnemann can be called ' Nostradamus of medical science' .

So what are genes ?

Genes are the functional unit of inheritance .They are

the blueprints of the physical and mental make up of
the man. Each gene is a nucleic acid sequence that
carries information representing a particular protein.
Proteins are the building blocks for everything in our
body like bones and teeth, hair, earlobes, muscles and
so on. These proteins help our body to grow, work
properly, and stay healthy.Each and every aspect of the
individual and his tendencies has their origin in the
Genetic Code and this is exactly what gives rise to

The essence of Homoeopathy is also “Individualization”

Dr. Hahnemann has laid down before the world in great detail the method of how to practice
this wonderful science and art of Homoeopathy. To this date not many homoeopaths have
completely understood the ideas Dr. Hahnemann has put forth. The entire science that he has
formulated is based on Genetics.
When Dr. Hahneman talked about individualization, some of his followers started
understanding mind as the identity of the man, some thought disease as the identity of the
man and some thought generals as the man's identity .His followers did not understand him
in toto. They started misinterpreting him as per their whims and fancies. This caused
homoeopathy to go into chaos and mockery. That is how homoeopathy became non
standardized. Cures were sporadic .Nobody was able to show law of cure in cases treated .


Homoeopathy is the only science which is based on
fundamental universal laws .This is the only science which Genes are the
follows the direction of cure. This is the Individuality of functional unit of
Homoeopathy. They are the blueprints of Homoeopathy inheritance. They
are the blueprints of
.These laws are like the proteins that form strong pillars on
the physical and
which the solid structure of homoeopathy is built. These laws mental make up of
form the genetic code of Homoeopathy which means if you the man.
are not following or violating any of the principle, you are not
practicing Homoeopathy correctly. Each and every
aspect of the
From here comes the name of the magazine “Genetic code of individual and his
Homoeopathy”. The journal is based on this genetic code. tendencies has their
origin in the Genetic
Every Homoeopath has to follow this code of conduct. Code and this is
exactly what gives
rise to
Then and only then can he cure the curable and incurable cases
with ease.
The essence of
Then and only then can he widen the scope of Homoeopathy. Homoeopathy is
Then and only then can he dare to tread untrodden path of “Individualization”.
curing cases like blind, deaf , dumb, autism etc.

He who is a true Hahnemannian Homoeopath should necessarily

have the following traits :


About The Magazine
 The Genetic code of Homoeopathy

 (Genetic Trait of a true homoeopath)
1. Prescription has to be based on the Law of 6. Every Homoeopath should practice with
Similars. an intention to see “ Reversal of Disease” or
Hering's Law of Cure. Homoeopathy is the
2. Patient as a whole is to be considered, only medical science which has a law of
Physician has to treat the “Man in Disease” direction of cure. This differentiates
and not the ' Disease in man'. As Dr Homoeopathy from all other sciences,
Hahnemann has mentioned in Aph. 1, worse they do not even understand
Restore the 'sick' to health. exteriorization.

3. Every Physician has to cure by stimulating 7. Homoeopaths should have the

the immune system so that person is cured knowledge of how different miasms express
not by action of remedy but by reaction of in mind and body differently ( Trimiasmatic
immune system of patient. Thus single or picture in disease) and the trimiasmatic
minimum dose is to be used, repetition is not pictures of remedies.
8. No combinations or mixtures should ever
4. Genetic Constitutional Simillimum , Single be used. No medicated ointments or
remedy should be given in every case based lotions should be allowed. No eye ,ear or
on miasm. It sets in the curative process. nasal drops should be used.

5. Every physician has to treat Miasm and 9. As mentioned in Aph 144 of Organon of
not the disease or symptoms. Eg he or she medicine, a homoeopath should never
should not give Merc sol for ulcers, Kali- Ars, interpret patient's symptoms in terms of
Ars Alb and Blatta Orientalis for Asthma. illusions, delusions which is malignant to
Should not give specific medicines for homoeopathy.
diarrhea like Aloe, Podophyllum e.t.c or
medicines like Glonoine, Cactus specific for
heart or give specific medicines to remove a
tumour. Doctor should try to establish
reversal of miasm or compensation to lesser
important organ.

“Genetic code of Homoeopathy” is not just a journal . It is a complete clinical guide for
every Homoeopath..We at Predictive Homoeopathy wish to impart Dr.Vijayakar's
teachings and his latest developments and research to the readers and update them
through the medium of this journal.


Pledge of of HOMOEOPATH
a TRUE a true Homoeopath

My sole objective will be to restore and maintain health among my fellow-beings and to
accomplish this noble mission

I solemnly pledge that

1. I shall practice True and Right Homoeopathy as advocated by Dr. Hahnnemann

2. I shall follow the 'Law of direction of cure' as advocated by Dr.Hahnemenn and Dr.

3. I shall treat the MIASM which is the cause and the underlying process of the chronic
disease and not only the symptoms arising out of it. Thus I shall not give Merc sol for
ulcers, Kali- Ars, Ars Alb and Blatta Orientalis for Asthma. I shall not give specific medicines
for diarrhea like Aloe, Podophyllum e.t.c or medicines like Glonoine, Cactus specific for

4. I shall individualize every patient and give him a minimum dose of a single remedy of
the similimum.

5. I shall not keep any knowledge a secret to myself. I shall share it with the world for the
betterment of the human race and homoeopathy.

6. I shall try to learn and understand 'Organon of medicine' in the light of the latest
developments in the medical sciences.

7. I shall strictly exclude everything that is conjectural, all that is mere assertion or
imaginary from Homoeopathy and from my practice. Everything should be the pure
language of nature carefully and honestly interrogated.

8. I shall put in newer and scientific ideas which would contribute to the knowledge of the
principles of Homoeopathy.

9. I shall do everything in my capacity that will help to spread the right Homoeopathy.

10. I shall dissuade people from practicing wrong homoeopathy and persuade to practice
right homoeopathy


About Predictive Homoeopathy
Predictive Homoeopathy is an Institution based on the teachings of Dr. Prafull Vijayakar.

It is a registered Organization and Institution established for the development of the science
of Homeopathy. It is based on the teachings of Dr. Prafull Vijayakar, who has tried to explain
the principles of practice of Homeopathy on the basis of cellular Biology, Embryology and
Genetics. In doing so he has succeeded to a great extent in removing the tentativeness and
uncertainty in homeoopathic practice thus making young homoeopaths more sure in their

The Need: Why Predictive Homoeopathy?

The great Master Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, MD physician, discovered this science 200years
ago, as an alternative to conventional science which for years has not been able to cure or
eradicate any chronic disease that has plagued mankind from times immemorial. Man has
suffered from illnesses that never leave him.

Once an asthmatic, always an asthmatic; once a diabetic, always a diabetic; once a

hypertensive, always a hypertensive. Once an individual suffers from thyroid or psoriasis or
arthritis or heart problem, he is always a patient dependent on controlling medicine
throughout his life. In this sad state of affairs in human health and medicine, it was
Dr. Hahnemann who provided a ray of hope to the suffering mankind.

He discovered this new science that could eradicate most, if not all these illnesses, if practiced
properly. Dr. Hahnemann had himself promised this science to be of mathematical certainty.
But to this date various tumors, cancers, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, manias,
schizophrenias or even ordinary cases of hypertension are not within the scope of curability
of many homoeopathic practitioners.

There is no consensus amongst Homoeopaths as regards diagnosis and methods of

treatment. This shows lack of standardization in application of principles and approach to
prescribing thereby resulting in chaos.

Dr. Hahnemann insisted that if a chronic illness was to be eradicated and recurrence to be
stopped, one should treat the MAN IN DISEASE and not the disease in man.

He thus formed a method of treatment where-in importance had to be paid to Genetic Traits
of a patient thus incorporating Mental as well as Physical make-up of the patient that
constitute a man and are directly or indirectly responsible for the patient's illness.

To this he added that if at all a disease has to be cured, the order of disappearance of
symptoms should always follow a pattern that can be gauged by a 'compass' called LAW of
direction of CURE.


Forgetting this basic difference which is by itself identification of Homoeopathy,
homoeopathic physicians have been seen to treat the disease in man rather than man in
disease, which means with the orientation of allopathy. Many of them have been removing the
symptoms without affecting permanent cure. Relapsing of symptoms are common as the law
of cure is not followed. Moreover the limitations of Homoeopaths are today the same as
their Allopathic counterparts. All this due to the fact that practice of homoeopathy is not
standardized. Every Homoeopath tries to establish his new theory and hypothesis in absence
of such scientific standardization.

Dr. Hahnemannian Quotes: Dr. Hahnemann has mentioned in the preface of his book The
chronic diseases “ we have no means of reaching with our senses or of gaining essential
knowledge as to the process of life in the interior of man……..therefore we have to draw
speculative conclusions….., we are unable to furnish conclusive proof of our explanations and
hence I furnished indeed a conjecture about it.” At the time of Dr. Hahnemann, science was
not advanced . There were no electron microscopes or no means to study in details about
human physiology; human biochemistry or molecular biology namely Genetics. Hahnemann
confessed that he was helpless because he could not prove his theory concretely and had to
put forth only hypothesis and conjectures.

Dr Prafull Vijayakar states: Science and human related discoveries have advanced today. We
are fortunate enough to have the knowledge of these modern advances and study of human
being. Let us now understand and apply the advances made by modern sciences to the
theories and principles put forth by the great master Dr Hahnemann so that there will be
standardization in Homoeopathy. We should be able to say who is a right Homoeopath and
who is a wrong Homoeopath because no one has the right to play with the most prized
possession of a man, and that is his Life.

The four and a half year course in Homoeopathy in India is a very comprehensive course that
gives knowledge of homoeopathic principles as well as in depth knowledge of human related
sciences like Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Gynecology, Medicine and Surgery etc.
Unfortunately the science of Embryology and Genetics that are very important not only to
understand the basic development and behaviour of a human but also for the understanding
of homoeopathic laws and principles has been omitted from the University Degree Syllabus.
This has made homoeopathic students difficult to understand the principles of homoeopathic
practice resulting into failures and lack of conviction. This has also had an adverse effect on
admissions to the main course.

In order to counter this, Predictive Homoeopathy has designed this course that not only
enhances the knowledge of homoeopathic graduates but instills confidence and success in
their practice. Those who have been associated with Predictive, have automatically attracted
and cured serious and incurable cases in their practice.

Thus this science that is very economical compared to the prevalent modes of treatment has
got a Phillip in rural based India and has now started taking deep roots in the interiors of many
states thanks to courses conducted by Predictive Homoeopathy.


Predictive Homoeopathy courses are being conducted for over ten years in India and abroad.
They are being conducted in the form of Module-I, Module-II and Module III. Till date more
than 35000 doctors have been trained and most of them reported to have extremely good
success and practice from Himachal Pradesh and Punjab in the north to Andhra and Kerala in

What have our students gained?

Realization:- of what is right and what is wrong result so that they

correct themselves if they make a mistake .
Confidence:- In the science of Homoeopathy and more
importantly confidence in their own selves that was lacking.
Many Homoeopaths who had resorted to allopathic mode of
practice and were doing illegal practice (as per supreme court
ruling of 1998), have started practicing homoeopathy again with
renewed confidence after attending predictive homoeopathy
Predictability causes Job satisfaction: when we see what we
expect and know what we are doing, there is tremendous
Exhilaration of being associated with the therapeutic science
based on Genetics.
In the bargain they also become good Human Beings!

This is besides the fact that most of our family of Predictive homoeopaths have increased
their incomes manifold!
Most IMPORTANT gain has been that all like-minded Homoeopaths who wanted
Homoeopathy to grow and prosper have come together to form a really big family called the
Predictive Family.
Many of them have provided Hope for the Hopeless patients- with Impossible Cures.
Hope for the Hopeless was provided to Doctors too- Those who were fighting for survival in
the homoeopathic field and wanted to leave Homoeopathy, have now turned back and
become flourishing homoeopaths.



Samuel Hahnemann
April 11, 1753 - 1843

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, founder of homoeopathy , had the courage, conscience and the
prudence to walk away from the beaten path of the then existing practice of medicine.
Standing tough and combating single handedly the strong opposition and criticism of an entire
medical fraternity he walked on create a legacy , a complete system of medicine which
will heal for generations to come, liberating mankind of unfathomed miseries.

Dr. Hahnemann switched on to a new science because he was not satisfied with the practice
of medicine in those days. He was disheartened with the ruthless, cruel methods of
venesection along with the other prejudiced and thoughtless ways of medical practice.

He believed that the methods then used were doing more harm than good. He believed there
have to be principles of cure and certainty in treating diseases. Other sciences have principles
of practice but no principles of cure. Over years of careful experimentation, thoughtful
reasoning and deductions, Dr. Hahnemann pioneered a complete system of medicine…..a
futuristic science based on rock - hard principles and laws that are timeless and infallible. A
science based on genetics to which the medical world is just about opening its eyes to.


He was the one to realize that disease can begin and proceed as a chain reaction affecting more
and more important organs. The chemistry of our day is more and more approaching Dr.
Hahnemann, with its colloids and ions ,its ferments and vitamins. The infinitely little is
becoming the infinitely potent, and bulk and energy of particle are seen to be in inverse ratio.

Dr. Hahnemann insisted that if a chronic illness was to be eradicated and recurrence to be
stopped, one should treat the MAN IN DISEASE and not the disease in man. He thus formed a
method of treatment where-in importance had to be paid to Genetic Traits of a patient thus
incorporating Mental as well as Physical make-up of the patient that make a man and are
directly or indirectly responsible for the patient's illness. To this he added that if at all a disease
has to be cured, the order of disappearance of symptoms should always follow a pattern that
can be gauged by a 'COMPASS' called LAW of CURE.
Homoeopathy is the only science where there is a direction of cure.

To understand homoeopathy, one has to understand Dr. Hahnemann. Following is a brief

sketch of his character, all the important events in his life, his travels to different places and the
incredible work he pursued in perfecting this complete system of medicine, all by himself.

At Hettstedt, at 24 years of age, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, Doctor of Medicine, commenced

his first practice as a qualified doctor. At the end of nine months, in 1781, a new home was
made in Dessau about 50km from Hettstedt. Here Dr. Hahnemann got engaged to Johanna
Leopoldine Henriette Kuchler and married her a couple of years later.
In Gommern, Dr. Hahnemann started his translation of two volumes by the French chemist
Demachy. This contribution to science marked the commencement of his own career as a
chemist in which sphere he was to win distinguished recognition. Besides foot notes he added
supplements giving independent references. Here in 1783 his first child was born, a daughter

At this point of life, he started getting dismayed at the ignorance with which the medical
profession appeared to be content. He moved to Dresden . Here he made friendship with the
famous chemist Lavoisier. He became a locum medical officer here and continued translation.
He would treat and medically supervise inmates of i) Military hospital (ii) Workhouse (iii) Cross
school ( iv) Orphanage ( v) Prisons.
Here he got an insight which led him later to become an ardent advocate of prison reform. He
had a great sense of justice and compassion and wanted to improve the prisons.

1789, he moved to Leipzig. Here he was mainly engaged in literary work. He was the first to
discover that sulphuretted hydrogen in acid solution precipitates arsenic, lead, antimony,
silver, mercury ,copper, tin or bismuth but not iron. Besides this he worked on “ Poisoning by

Leipzig 1789-1792, Here the first volume of “Friend of health” was published, here he writes
on hygienic. Also handbook for mothers , authored by the great Rousseau was translated.
From Leipzig, he moved to a little place Stotteritz.


“I am too conscientious to prolong illness or make it appear more dangerous than it really is.”
This God-like science Practical medicine is reduced to a wretched bread- winning. Profoundly
apprehensive of the harm that could be done in countless cases by restoring to the current
medical methods, Dr. Hahnemann in anguish and uncertainty of mind withdrew altogether or
partially from their use.

On account of the mounting expenses, Dr. Hahnemann moved out of Leipzig into its
neighborhood. He was thus drawn from one township to another ,sometimes by reason of
the need of fuller laboratory opportunities, or sometimes to earn a sufficient earning, or to
reduce expenses or to get healthy conditions for his family.

Birth of Homoeopathy

1790- Dr. Hahnemann stumbled upon a line in Cullen's material medica which read
“ Cinchona cures malaria because of its astringent properties”. Refusing to take the statement
at face value, he tested it on himself by consuming the dose . He developed symptoms of
malaria . He was astonished and tested other substances on himself and others.
Thus he came to the conclusion that “ A substance which produces a set of symptoms when
taken by a healthy person can cure the same set of symptoms in a diseased individual. Thus
was formulated the “ Law of Similars”. However for 6 years, he continued experimenting with
different substances to ascertain their effects on himself and others.

In the words of Dr. John Clarke , Cinchona bark was to Dr. Hahnemann what the falling apple
was to Newton or the swinging lamp to Galileo. Far-sighted, unprejudiced, with courage and
zeal Dr. Hahnemann fought all the opposition and condemnation that came up. Great men in
the history of medicine had said that the whole nature of the medical science is such that it is
not capable of any certainty.
“ What a shameful, blasphemous thought- I struck my brow that the Wisdom of the Infinite
Spirit ,animating the Universe should not be able to create means to pacify the sufferings of
diseases which He, after all , allowed to arise !”
Dr. Hahnemann elsewhere also had strong observations on the use of the term incurable
except as a measure of human ignorance.

“ Yes , I hear the medical school whisper with a seemingly compassionate shrug, there are
notoriously incurable evils ,our books tell us they are incurable. As if, indeed ,it could comfort
the millions of sufferers to be told of the impotence of our art!”
“ Would he , the father of all, coldly survey the torments of disease in his dearest creatures?
Would he leave open no way to the genius of mankind otherwise so infallible no easy, certain
and dependable way of regarding disease from the right angle ,


of determining the use and the specific, Hahnemann profoundly. It became for him
safe, and dependable results obtainable something approaching the revelation of the
from medicines? creative mind.
Well then I thought, there must be a safe
more dependable method of healing ,as 1792-1793 Georgenthal - Hahnemann as
sure as God is the wisest and most Physician of the mentally disordered. Dr.
beneficent of beings. Slowly then Dr. Hahnemann's dealing with mentally ill
Hahnemann arrived at the assurance that a patients was humane and compassionate
demonstrable “ Law of cure” existed. unlike the treatment given by other doctors.
“ The Physician in charge of such unhappy
The new principle declared- people must indeed have at his command an
Konigslutter, near Brunswick , attitude which inspires respect but also
1796-1799 creates confidence; he will never feel
insulted by them ,because a being that
The first of these essays was “On a new cannot reason is incapable of insulting
principle for ascertaining the Curative anyone”. He has written about mental
Powers of Drugs”. illnesses in the Organon of medicine.
Second “ Are the Obstacles to Certainty and
Simplicity in Practical medicine Dr. Hahnemann traveled from point to point ,
Insurmountable?” living in villages or townships. Between
1793 and 1796, he lived in Molschleben,
Thus formulation of the law of Similars saw Gottingen, Pyrmont, Wolfenbuttel .
the birth of Homoeopathy, the first cardinal
principle of Homoeopathy. In 1793 he penned, “ Apothecaries Lexion”,
in four volumes. This work in Chemistry was
As large doses started producing very well appreciated. Also at this time,
aggravations in the patients, Hahnemann second volume of “Friend of health”
devised a method by which quantity of the appeared. Dr. Hahnemann has written on
medicine used became smaller and smaller Epidemics and Hygiene and all matters
thus “ Law of Dynamisation or concerning Public Health. He has also given
Potentisation” was formed by which his views on town planning.
medicinal properties were tapped from
substances like plants, minerals and even In 1797 Dr. Hahnemann was already able to
substances like common salt which had no state that for several years he had never
medicinal value in their crude state. As the prescribed more than one medicine at a
dose got smaller even poisons could be time. To give the right remedy , not the many
used as wonderful medicines. As medicinal mixed were the stroke of art.
virtues were undoubtedly increased by the
process of attenuation, trituration and
succussion, Dr. Hahnemann called those
processes Potentisation, making more
potent for cure. The discovery of a
heightened power to cure with an
increasing smallness of dose affected Dr.


In those days, giving mixtures was in fashion and single remedy was absolutely unheard of.

Thus “Law of Simplex” i.e Single remedy was formulated.

“ I have never repeated the dose until the effect of the previous one had been exhausted,.”

Dr. Hahnemann showed a succession of migrations

1799-1811Hamburg- Altona, Molln, Machern, Eilenburg, Dessau, Torgau From Konigslutter
where he stayed till 1799, Dr. Hahnemann went to Hamburg- Altona. From there to Molln and
then to Machern and Eilenburg, near Leipzig retiring from there to Dessau.
1804- Dr. Hahnemann came to Torgau and stayed there for 4 years, Here he penned
“Aesculapius in the balance” and “Organon of the Rational art of Healing”.

Torgau was being made the scene of military activities on the command of Napoleon. For his
family's peace and well being, which Dr. Hahnemann cared for a lot, he moved to Leipzig
leaving behind his pretty house with a garden ,where he said “ I think I have puzzled out many
things for the good of man.”
His house in Leipzig, in the Burgstrasse, bore the name “The Golden Flag” and Dr. Hahnemann
hoped that it would become a medical institute some day.
He lived in Leipzig from 1811 to 1820.

1805- “Fragmenta De Viribus” was published. It contained the first collection of remedies
which had been proved on a healthy subject. Later a band of provers was formed that is of
persons willing to test drugs on themselves. It included names of Stapf, Gross, Hornburg, Franz,
Wislicensus,Teuthorn,Hermann,Ruckert, Hartmann and Dr. Hahnemann himself.

Dr. Hahnemann proved hundred remedies on himself.

In Lipzig he faced with a lot of opposition from apothecaries and was not allowed to prepare
his own medicines. 1821 Dr. Hahnemann moved from Leipzig to Kothen. Here he was allowed
to establish himself as a practicing physician and also prepare his own medicines.

Around the year 1823, in a letter to royal Prussian Consultant general Baumgartner, Dr.
Hahnemann has written, “I have striven night and day for the last four years to discover the
missing keystone and thus find the means of stamping out the old chronic diseases, this
invaluable discovery , the worth of which to mankind exceeds all else that I have ever
discovered”. Thus “Theory of Miasm” was born.

In a letter of Dec 18, 1826, Dr. Hahnemann wrote while treating Staph's daughter, The
frequently repeated doses ,although small became in your daughter's case , a wrong and
therefore injurious medicine, on account of the repetition.
In the year 1828, Dr. Hahnemann's “Chronic Diseases” appeared in print. 1830-1832,
Hahnemann was at Kothen . Around this time Homoeopathy started spreading to other
countries like Switzerland, the United States, and Russia .


On 18 Jan 1835, Dr. Hahnemann married for the second time, Melanie D'Hervilly .He was eighty
years old.

1832-1843 Paris
Second edition of Chronic diseases and Sixth edition of Organon of Medicine was written by
Soon after his 88 birthday, on which the doctor was in excellent health and spirits, he became
affected with a bronchial trouble and at 5am on July 22nd, 1843, Dr. Hahnemann breathed his

Unusual capacity for work, energy, industry and zeal. This is an example of the great versatility
and mental elasticity of this man . Such magnanimous work of unearthing and erecting an
entire science of therapeutics with one mission , such passion coming out of true compassion
for the sick.
No wonder Dr. Hahnemann could sit back and really say “ I have not lived in vain .”
Let us keep the torch strongly lit and remember ; 'Aude Sapere', “ Dare to be wise”.

He was the first one to establish that there is something in common between different diseases
occurring in different organs and systems. A skin ailment can metamorphose into a respiratory
ailment which in turn into a rheumatic ailment and finally the patient can land up with a cardiac
problem. Thus all these looking apparently different were told by Dr. Hahnemann to having its
root in the same process and exhibiting it in different places. Hence Dr. Hahnemann insisted
that if there was an order in the disorder ,cure also has to have an order but in the reverse
manner- ' To restore the sick to health'.

Dr Samuel Hahnemann dared to shun away the existing methods of practice which were
followed even by the celebrated physicians of yesteryears and those of his time. He had the
prudence to observe and reason and from that experimentation, reasoning and deduction
was formulated an entire science of medicine.

Courtesy: Various books on the life of Samuel Hahnemann



“Organon of Medicine” ------------The most neglected subject in the Homoeopathic

colleges…… most neglected because it was less understood even by those who taught it. It
was taught without its practical applicability in the clinical practice. Most of the
Homoeopaths felt that knowledge of Materia medica is enough to practice Homoeopathy.
Yes, we can practice Homoeopathy only with the knowledge of Materia Medica…………but
to some extent. The scope gets limited only to minor ailments. That is not what
Homoeopathy is meant for. If we want to widen the scope, experience the limitlessness of
Homoeopathy and explore the newer areas of treating so called Incurable diseases,
knowledge of 'Organon' is essential.
As Dr.Vijayakar puts it, “Any new gadget, for e.g. new mobile, without its user's manual is
useless, as we do not know the operations, the different functions of the mobile. It is the
manual that gives us all the information of our phone. It guides us about the different
functions of mobile, how to operate it .When we read the User's manual we can use the
mobile to the full extent. For any new gadget coming in the market User's manual is
important as it gives us guidance regarding the maximum utility of that gadget.
We need to know that 'Organon of Medicine' is our Manual.
When Dr.Hahnemann introduced a new therapeutic science 'HOMOEOPATHY', to the world,
he gave all its utilities, functions and operations in 'Organon'. It teaches us how to use our
gadget 'Homoeopathy'.”
'Organon' is the manual ,where Hahnemann tells us what is essential for a Physician


`Organon' is the base on which the entire therapeutic system of Homoeopathy is built.
Without understanding the meaning of Aphorisms, we can not proceed in treating different
cases with success. Dr. Hahnemann was futuristic. He was way ahead of his time. Theories he
had put forth 200years ago in Organon, come true in the research work of scientists of the era.
This section will deal with understanding the meaning of aphorisms in the light of modern

Aphorism1 and Hering's law of direction of cure

Since Dr.Hahnemann's time, Homoeopathy is been practiced in various ways. There are
Homoeopaths who give single dose of single remedy , some give multiple doses of single
remedy ,others give multiple doses of multiple remedies ,some give mother tinctures
.Everybody practices as per their whims and fancies and everybody claims cures.
Homoeopaths practicing single dose or multiple doses or polypharmacy claim that they have
been curing patients.

Then the biggest question is “What is Cure?”

After giving Homoeopathic medicines to a patient , his symptoms disappear. Does that mean
the patient is cured?

Is cure just the removal of symptoms?

Just to remove symptoms? It can be removed by Allopathy, Ayurveda or Unani too. Then why
did Dr. Hahnemann establish the entire therapeutic system? What is the difference between
Homoeopathy and other existing therapeutic systems?

When the symptom is removed, where does it go? It just can not disappear in thin air
.Everything in this world has a precursor and a follower. It is only the keen observer who sees
where the symptoms go. It always goes from one system to another. Disease always travels or
transfers. Therefore, only time can tell whether the patient is cured or not after the

Master Homoeopath Dr. Hering, had keenly observed this transfer of disease. He had
followed the direction of this transfer of disease from one system to another on the way to
cure and formulated the 'Law of Direction of Cure'.
Hering's law of direction of cure states that
Cure takes place with symptoms disappearing


• From Above
• From within
• Center to
• From more
important to
less important
• In the reverse
order of
appearance of
the symptoms

It means that if the symptoms are going as per the Hering's law of direction of cure, patient is
progressing towards cure, but if the symptoms are going in the opposite direction i.e. either
below upwards or from outside to inside, it means the patient is getting suppressed.

This 'Hering's law of direction of cure' sets Homoeopathy apart from all the other existing
therapeutic systems. None of the other therapeutic systems have any direction for the cure.
All of them concentrate on giving just a symptomatic relief to a patient .None of them follow
the journey of disease in a human body. It is only Homoeopathic science that traces journey
of disease in disease axis and in cure axis with the help of Hering's law of direction of cure.
This law gives a solid footing to Homoeopathy in the medical field. Such an important law but
neglected by most of the Homoeopaths. Reasons given by them are

Such a law does not exist.

In modern days, you can not see such direction of symptom.
Newer diseases are cropping up, they don't have any direction.
This law is obsolete.
Hahnemann has never mentioned it anywhere in Organon. We follow Hahnemann,
if he has not mentioned it means it does not exist.
The real reason behind not following this law is that they have not understood it.

The great master, Dr.Hahnemann was a keen observer of the symptoms. He has always
talked about the transfer of disease and causing suppressions. If he has established the
relationship between the disappearance of the symptoms in one system and appearance
of grave disease in another system (suppression), is it possible that he has missed the
symptoms going exactly in opposite direction while getting cured?????
He was a genius!!!!!
The problem is that we have not understood Dr.Hahnemann. We have not understood the
exact meaning of Aphorisms.


It is Dr.Vijayakar, the firm believer and the staunch follower of
the Hering's law of direction of cure has found out where Hering's law given by
Dr.Hahnemann has mentioned this law hidden in Aphorisms. Dr.Hahnemann in
In the Aphorism 1.Dr.Hahnemann says The aphorism1.
Physician's high and only mission is to restore the What is the meaning
sick to health, to cure as it is termed.
'Re' as in
reversal, retrieval,
replays, and
rewind is generally
To Restore The sick associated with
return or playback
of certain things.
To Re-store means
MAN something which
was shifted is to be
Dr.Hahnemann had discovered a new therapeutic system, Something which
Homoeopathy. He was introducing this system to the world. was shifted, is to
He was putting forth his research work in the Organon. be …..Put back in
He could have said that Physician's high and only mission is to place.
In case of patients we
CURE THE DISEASE….. have to shift the
REMOVE THE SYMPTOMS… diseased state to the

He did not start his book with either of these; instead, he

begins that “Physician's high and only mission is “TO RESTORE
Why did he mention this word “RESTORE”?
What is the meaning of “RESTORE”?
Hahnemann invented the new science not just for the
disappearance of the symptoms but for complete restoration
of the health of the individual.
It was clear for him that disease symptoms convert and go
deeper and deeper. He wanted to 'Reverse' and 'Restore' the
persons health that has deteriorated.
He did not start his book with either of these; instead, he
begins that “Physician's high and only mission is “TO RESTORE
Why did he mention this word “RESTORE”?
What is the meaning of “RESTORE”?


Hahnemann invented the new science not just for the disappearance of the symptoms but
for complete restoration of the health of the individual.
It was clear for him that disease symptoms convert and go deeper and deeper. He wanted
to 'Reverse' and 'Restore' the persons health that has deteriorated.

'Re' as in reversal, retrieval, replays, and rewind is generally associated with

return or playback of certain things.
To Re-store means something which was shifted is to be reinstated. Something which was
shifted , is to be …..Put back in place.
In case of patients we have to shift the diseased state to the healthy state. The
symptoms have to shift back to the system or the organ from where it started or
originated. We have to reinstate or restore or put back the disease in place.
This makes Dr.Hahnemann's intentions very clear that every disease, whether acute or
chronic, when getting cured should show reversal and this direction of disappearance of
symptoms in reversal is real cure.
This is nothing else but the Hering's law of direction of cure that states
 Cure takes place with symptoms disappearing from
Above downwards
Within outwards
Center to periphery
From more important organ to less important organ or system
In the reverse order of appearance of the symptoms

In aphorism 1, when Hahnemann says 'restore the sick to health', he is actually talking
about the reversal of the symptoms or the direction of the cure.
Therefore, one has to understand that law of direction of cure has to be given utmost
importance in each and every case.
One has to realize that Disease symptoms disappear only to reappear in a different system
,tissue or organ.
 If reappearance is in progressively lesser important organ or system, it is proceeding
towards “cure”
If its progress is towards more important system or organs it results in

Then, how do we decide which is a more important organ and which is a lesser important?
What do we mean by above downward? What is the meaning of within outward?
These are the questions that haunt us even if we want to follow the law diligently .These
question did not allow many homoeopaths to follow the law.
It was Dr.Vijayakar who has simplified this law by explaining it on the basis of
embryological development of the organs and the systems and formed a chart of 7 layers of


Seven layers
neuron dis./parkins dis./ cancers

Epilepsy /diabetic neuritis,peripheral

neuritis,vestibular nerve neuritis


monary kochs,renal parenchymal disease

jaundice/urinary infn.

Here 7 layers are put as per their development in the embryo. Organs and systems are in
each layer as per their origin. If the symptoms are going in upward direction of the chart it is
suppression and if it is coming down the ladder it is cure.
The disease travels from one system to another in certain way. There is always an order in
disorder. In every case one has to trace this journey of disease from its beginning. After
giving the similimum reversal of the symptoms is seen in the same manner. Similimum is
nothing else but the stimulus to the nutritive gradient of the body.
It is seen that the growth of embryo shows a certain pattern. In an embryo, first to develop
is the prochordal plate which forms the head.

Development of Embryo
end 1 st to develop
is th e
prochor dal

T his forms th e


Central- axis



This shows presence of a GROWTH-AXIS with APICAL dominance

Then develops primitive streak or the tail end. There is a flow of nutrition from
prochordal plate to primitive streak.

P rim itive strea k at tail-e nd is nex t

to d eve lop

• H ea d- en d TH IS show s e xiste nce of a

flow of N UTR IT IO N from
HEA D to TA IL e nd

T h is ax is o f
N u tritio n is
Primitiv e stre ak C EPHALO -
Tail-e nd

THIS shows existence of a flow of NUTRITION from HEAD to TAIL end. This axis of

Development of MESODERM
Above- Procordal

Axes of NUTRITION is called

from centre to periphery

After primitive streak develops mesoderm invaginates between ectoderm and endoderm
dorsoventrally. This shows axis of nutrition from dorsum to ventral.
Growth of the embryo shows that there exists a FLOW of nutritive or metabolic products
which are the building material. They flow in certain directions only.


Gustafson,Woolpart,&Wadington discovered the animal growth gradients which they
called Morphogenetic gradient.
Gradient of APICAL dominance
Proximo-Distal Gradient


From Above downwards
From more important to less important
Center to Periphery
From inside out.




Supply nutrition
Remove or eliminate toxic proteins
Promote health & growth.

• Are passive gradiants
• Are directed towards skin
• Do not require energy
• Promote elimination
• And promote LIFE

• Are passive gradiants
• Are directed
Are passive gradiants
Are directed towards skin
Do not require energy
Promote elimination
And promote LIFE




• From Above

• From more
important to less

• Center to

• From inside out.

1. Downwards …………..CURE


• We stimulate a 'CURE' by adjusting the electrical potential High inside to low


• Are transferred actively

• Required A.T.P from mitochondria

• Leads to disease and death

• Are opposite to morphogenetic gradients




Therefore, as Dr. Vijayakar always says that giving the first prescription is very easy, but what
happens after giving the remedy is very important. It's only the time or the follow up will tell
us if the remedy was the similimum or not.

It's only the direction which the symptoms take can tell us if the patient is on the way of
recovery or suppression. It's possible only with the help of Hering's law of direction of cure.

If a hypertensive patients gets the similimum, he should come up with a backache or some
joint pains once his BP is normal, later he should come up with acidity and finally some
eruptions on the skin. This is a right direction of cure. If the patient comes up with increased
blood sugar or thyroid problem while getting treated for BP ,this is definitely a suppression
.We know this is wrong direction only because of Hering's law of direction of cure and
Dr. Vijayakar’s embryological chart of suppression. When we know we are on the wrong path,
we can immediately take the right actions i.e. change the remedy and save a patient of his

Hering's law of direction of cure acts as a compass to know weather the direction is right or
wrong. As a compass guides sailors in the deep sea with the direction and keeps them on a
right path , Hering's law guides us in the maze of symptoms whether we are on the right
direction or not .
It acts like a conscience pricker .Its only this law that tells us if our remedy is wrong .If it is
wrong we can take corrective measures. We can reassess the case and find out the right

That is why in Predictive Homoeopathy how to take Follow up is taught first. Dr. Vijayakar
insists on knowing Follow up criteria well than case taking before starting Homoeopathic
practice. It is only abiding by Hering's law of direction of cure that leads to the successful
cures in practice.


Our Master, the Great Dr Samuel Hahnemann has given this advanced science
‘HOMOEOPATHY’ to us. He has spoon fed us at each and every step as to how we should
follow this science.
The question which arises to our minds is ‘How do we practice Homoeopathy’?
The answer is very simple - It can be divided into:

To practice Homoeopathy
• We try to • We try to • We try • WE try to
understand understand to apply assess the
the the
the patient materia
and his medica
problem by /drug
a materia pictures
comprehen to the
sive /Drug
patient’s • follow
• case and
as up
history. similimum
(Stimuli mum)

The next question which comes to our mind is- ‘Why do we have to understand the
patient and his problem’?

In Aphorism 1, Dr Hahnemann mentions:

The Physician's high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure as it is termed.

He uses the word “sick to health” (and not sickness). This means that we treat the man who is
sick and not his sickness; that is we treat the Man in Disease and not the Disease in Man.

The answer lies in the fact that all are different Individuals with different constitutions who
react differently to one given situation. Hence, by case taking, we individualize every patient
and find out what is peculiar, strange or rare in his constitution which differentiates him from
another person in the same given situation.

At each and every step, we have to remember that we treat the man in disease and not the
disease in man.


Let us now understand the 1 basic step of practicing Homoeopathy which is Case Taking or
History Taking.

In Aphorism 5, our Master beautifully explains to us that

Useful to the physician in assisting him to cure are the particulars of the
most probable exciting cause of the acute disease, as also
the most significant points in the whole history of the chronic disease, to
enable him to discover its fundamental cause, which is generally due
to a chronic miasm
In these investigations, the ascertainable physical constitution of the
patient (especially when the disease is chronic), his moral and intellectual
character, his occupation, mode of living and habits, his social and domestic
relations, his age, sexual function, &c., are to be taken into

Here, he tries to tell us that for prescribing one needs to take into account the exciting cause ( in
acute disease) and the fundamental cause in chronic disease. He says that when the disease is
especially chronic, the patient's moral and intellectual characters , his occupation, mode of
living and habits, his social and domestic relations, his age, sexual functions etc are to be taken
into consideration.

The next question which comes to our mind is ‘how do we get this information from the
Here, he explains to us that the information can be derived from the patient, but it is an
“art” and it is definitely not methodical.

Why is it an art?
Just as an artist, who is creative in his field, with his perfect, different strokes and colours
carefully makes a picture which resembles something or someone very closely , similarly we
Homoeopaths have to have the art of History Taking. Like the artist, we have to elicit
information from the patient regarding his illness very carefully, Individualize the patient and
form an Original Unmodified picture of the disease. We then match this picture with the
picture of our drugs from the Materia Medica and give the patient his Similimum or
Stimulimum as we could call it.

We then think…..How do we take a Case?

This has been further explained by our master in Aphorism 82- 99.
He tells us that there are certain requisites a physician has to follow which are general
directions, of which the practitioner will bear in mind only what is applicable for each
individual case. He adds:-


The physician should be free from prejudice and have sound senses, attention in observing
and fidelity or faith in tracing the picture of disease. These are the qualities required by an
individual to be a good physician.

The method of Case Taking requires:

At the beginning of Case Taking, the physician should educate the patient
regarding the importance and purpose of Case Taking.
He advises them at the beginning to speak slowly, in order that he may take
down in writing the important parts of what the patient says.

The physician takes the details of the patient's sufferings from him, from those ( friends or
family members who have accompanied him) who have heard him complain, seen him
behaving and what they have noticed in him.The physician sees, hears and remarks by his
“senses” what is altered/unusual or characteristic in the patient.
He accurately writes down whatever the patient and his friends/family members have told him
in the “very expressions” used by them.

He keeps silent and does not interfere or interrupt them( patient and relatives) unless
they wander off to other matters which are not important for the history or relevant to
He should start every new symptom on a new line, one below the other and leave space
in between so that just in case the patient has earlier mentioned a symptom vaguely,
which he realizes then in detail, it can be added by the if he remembers
certain modalities like <4-8pm < eating > rest, these can be added to the complaint in
the same place.
Once the patient and his relatives have finished narrating the symptoms, the physician
should go back to each symptom and try to elicit more details regarding the location,
sensation, modalities or concomitants if they are not narrated properly by the patient .
eg if there is pain in the head- he could ask regarding where the pain in the head
is?what type of pain it is? What < or > the pain etc

The physician should not ask leading questions- which the patient answers in yes or no
or else he will be misled as the patient might answer something which is untrue, half
true or something which is not correct either from indolence or to please the
physician, hence the physician would form a false picture of the disease and give the
patient a wrong remedy.

Once the patient has answered fully and the physician has traced a tolerably perfect
picture of the disease, Dr Hahnemann mentions that the physician is then at liberty and
obliged, if he feels


he has not yet gained all the information he needs, then he can ask more precise,
special or leading questions.
Eg. What time in the evening is the headache more? Does he like warm food?
With the help of these direct questions he elicits a perfect picture of the disease.
After the physician has finished writing down these particulars, he makes a note of his
observations about the patient and ascertains how much of that was peculiar to the
patient in his healthy state.
eg. His observations regarding the patient- if he was anxious, sad, haughty,
quarrelsome etc.
He also says that those symptoms which are present before the use of medicines or
after they have been discontinued for several days, give the true fundamental idea of
the original form of disease, which the physician should make note of.
Dr Hahnemann also mentions that certain qualities or complaints of the patient say,
disappointment-in-love, suicidal tendency, embarrassment or physical complaints like
impotency, veneral disease etc will not be easily confessed by the patient or his
accompaniments voluntarily and have to be skillfully questioned by the physician or to
be asked in privacy.

Then what is the difference in the Case Taking in Acute Diseases and Chronic Diseases?

Dr Hahnemann in Aphorism 5 and Foot note 120 tells us that in Acute diseases, the
particulars of the most probable exciting cause is useful to the physician in assisting
him to cure, whereas, in a chronic disease, the fundamental cause which is generally
due to the chronic miasm is most important to be elicited.
Eg If a patient comes with an acute episode of say asthma, the physician can find out if
there was any anger, embarrassment, indignation which preceded the attack and if so,
it would be important for the case.

Hence, in case taking for acute diseases, we try to find out the causative factor
In chronic diseases, we find out about the patient's occupation, his diet, his mode of
living, domestic situation as these could be maintaining causes and may be hampering
cure in the patient, hence they have to be carefully removed.

Also, in chronic diseases, the minutest details of the disease are to be elicited from the
patient, as these are long standing diseases and the patients become so used to their
sufferings , that they pay little or no attention to the accessory symptoms, which are
characteristic at times and important for the physician in prescribing.
They consider these signs and symptoms as healthy conditions and do not see the
connection of these symptoms to the chief complaint, which has to be done by the
physician with his skillful case taking.

Also, the physician has to differentiate between the two sets of patients- one which is
hypochondriacal, where they exaggerate their symptoms, so that the physician gives
them relief and the other set of patients who are opposite in character- partly from


false modesty or timidity do not mention a number of their symptoms or describe them very
Hence, to sum it up, in the chronic diseases the physician needs to find out the true, complete
picture of the disease, he requires the tact, knowledge of human nature, caution in conducting
the inquiry and patience to a great degree whereas in acute diseases, since the disease onset is
shorter in duration, it is easier for the physician to elicit the signs and symptoms as they are
fresh in the memory of the patient and his relatives and easily volunteered by the patient,
therefore, the physician doesn't need to probe much into the case as compared to a chronic
disease history.

Aphorism 189 tells us

And yet very little reflection will suffice to convince us that no external
malady (not occasioned by some important injury from without) can arise,
persist or even grow worse without some internal cause, without the co -
operation of the whole organism, which must consequently be in a diseased
.It could not make its appearance at all without the consent of the whole of
the rest of the health, and without the participation of the rest of the
whole (of the vital force that pervades all the other sensitive and irritable
parts of the organism);(a) indeed, it is impossible to conceive its
production without the instrumentality of the whole (deranged) life; so
intimately are all the parts of the organism connected together to form an
indivisible whole in sensations and functions.
.No eruption on the lips, no whitlow can occur without previous and
simultaneous internal ill - health.

Here, we understand that nothing in this It is the genes inside the cells which are the
body or mind occurs without the co- only factor that connect the body completely
operation of the whole organism and and are responsible for every little thing that
nothing can appear in the body and makes occurs in the organism.
its appearance at all without the consent Genes are the functional unit of Inheritance.
of the whole of the rest, and without the They are the blueprints of the physical and
participation of the rest of the whole. mental make up of man e.g. the height of a
person, the characteristic nature, the hair, the
What is it that is responsible for shape of the face, even the emotions that an
everything in this body and mind and individual feels are a result of various proteins
what is it that pervades all the parts of the in the form of neurotransmitters which are all
body? under the direct influence of genes.
Is it the nerves?
Could it be blood?


To individualize the patient, each and every aspect of the patient and his tendencies have to
be elicited by the physician, which has their origin in the Genetic Code of every individual.
A drug which matches the characteristics of the genetic code of an individual can be called
The ‘Genetic Constitutional Similimum’.

How do we find the Genetic Constitutional Similimum?

In order to find the Genetic Constitutional Similimum or G.C.S. in a given case and to
make a genetic based prescription, the presentation of the gene in the human body which
is individualistic for that body and differentiates it from another individual has to be
understood in depth. This can be done by a “skillful “ history taking where a specific
pattern and system of questions are followed in each and every case. Since every
emotion, every look, every disease presentation and so on are all representations of the
gene, but the proteins which are being coded will govern the presentation of the gene by
it and will also depend upon the MIASM( the underlying fundamental defense process),
we can broadly classify Case Taking as:
1. Case Taking
2. Observation


Disease make up
Mental make up Physical make up General make up Defense mechanism








2. Observations

a. Physical eg movements, gait, speech, activity

b. Mental- eg timidity, anxious etc

“ “
1. Case Taking

A) Mental Make up:- Here, we take the very innate characteristics of every
individual which is the presentation of the gene.

1. Introverted/Extroverted: This is an innate characteristic as an analogue to genetics where

the genes which are not expressed are recessive genes whereas the ones which are expressed
are dominant genes. Hence, in humans, we have Introverted people( non-expressive) or
people who do not mix or do not share their feelings with others and Extroverted people
(expressive) who mix easily and express their feelings easily to others.

Introverted ness could be because of:

Timidity like, Baryta carb, Calc carb, Puls, Sil,

Haughty like in Plat, Lyco, Sulph, Verat
Secretive like in Ign, Sep, Baryta carb
Stasis like most carbons
Indifference like Anac, Nat Mur, china etc
Dull in intellect like Baryta carb, Calc etc

Extrovertedness: Here, we think of:

Vivaciousness e.g. Aurum, Croc, Ign, Lach, Phos, Stram, Teucr etc
Talk Wandering Bell, Hyos, Lach, Lyco, Nat Mur
Jesting Croc, Lach, Ign
Childish Baryta Carb, Cicuta, Baryta-Mur
Boaster Plat, Lach, Sulph
Lewd Hyos, Lach, Phos, Plat etc

2. Will: It is defined as the faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action and
depends on the fundamental miasm. It can be divided into:

a)Positive Will: because of positivity, pertinacity, audacity etc

e.g. Most of the Metals and Ferrums


b) Negative Will: because of timidity, fearfulness,
lack of confidence etc.
e.g. Most Carbons, Sulphs, Kails, Calc

Will can be elicited by asking the individuals what their reaction is in a crisis and also
trying to find out what measures they take to avoid this crisis.

3. Intellect : It is the capacity of a person to think , understand, comprehend and react to

a particular situation.

Eg. In Lach, Hyos and Coffea, the memory is active and can remember, understand and
comprehend easily, whereas in Baryta Carb, Bufo etc, the memory is dull and
compromised due to different reasons and therefore, the individual is dull in
comprehending and reacting to a situation.

4. Morals: Our society accepts and does not accept certain types of behaviour by
individuals which are taught to us in our early days or formative years.

Then why do we have so many criminals and terrorists around us? It is

because of the proteins which are responsible in every individual which are
instrumental in bringing out these values.


Good Morals Bad Morals

eg. Anx conscience, eg Gambling, Perversion,
Obedience Criminal Tendency

5. Sensitivity: Every individual on this earth is sensitive or not sensitive to something or the
other which is peculiar to him and him only.

eg. A Carcinocin will be sensitive to reprimands whereas a Nux Vomica could be sensitive to
The sensitivity belongs to a constitution , but the reaction of this sensitivity will depend on the
fundamental miasm.


6. Emotional Reactions: Every individual experiences anger, sadness, grief or some
emotion depending on the neurotransmitters that are synthesized and released by
the individual.

Eg. A Nux Vomica reaction would be more of anger whereas that of an Ignatia or Acid
Phos would be grief or sadness.

7. Conscience : This is that quality of an individual, to which he owes his

existence and progress in life. To remain a healthy individual, the basic unit of life that
is the genes have to function regularly, religiously and deligently. If this happens, then
the individual serves the purpose of existence that is progress.

“ “
Therefore, Diligence or Conscience makes an individual exist and progress in life.

B. Physical Make-up: The physical make-up or the appearance of the patient is

another important part of History Taking. It is an observation which is made by
the physician.

Here, we look for certain physical appearances as mentioned below as every

individual is different from another, depending on his basic genetic make up.

1. Hair: The different types of hair, can be interpreted differently by the physician.

a) Thin, smooth and well placed hair as in Arsenic, shows the fastidiousness of the
remedy even at the level of the hair.
b) Thick and raised hair as seen in Mercury and Opium, tells us how defiant these
remedies are.
c) Magnesiums will have hair which is thick, tough and stuck to the scalp which
shows the history of suppression in the childhood.
d) Ophidia Group will have curly, wavy hair.
e) Messy and untidy hair is seen in Sulphur, Tarentula , where the uncleanliness
comes forth.
f) Timidity and Lack of confidence of a Baryta carb, Silicea and Tub are seen by the
fact that their hair is Thin and they have premature balding.
g) The Brittle hair of a Kali Carb, Psorinum and Flouric Acid shows that these
remedies have fear of poverty.


2. Face Type:

Faces can be broadly divided into 3 main categories as follows:

a) Mental : This is a pear shaped, pointed ,thin face, with sharp features and a
tapering chin. This type of face represents people who are sensitive,
intelligent, consciencious and artistic. eg Phosphorous. This is a more Psoric type
of face.

b) Vital: People with this kind of face, have a round, chubby face with thick, bushy
hair as seen in Lachesis, Opium etc. These are Sycotic people who are money
minded, precarious, cheerful with good oratory qualities.

c) Motive: These are strong, courageous, positive people with leadership qualities.
These are mostly Syphilitic. Most metals, Calcareas, Barytas would fall in this
group. They have a squarish face, with prominent cheek bones and strong jaw.

3. Height:
The height of a patient can be broadly classified into 2 major groups:
a) Tall: like Calc Phos, Kreosote, Mag Phos, Tub and Phosphorus.
b) Stunted, Dwarfish: like Baryta Carb, Calc Phos, Medo,Syph, Sulph

4. Muscle Fibres:
This can be of 2 types:
a) Rigid as seen in Barytas and
b) Soft as seen in Calcareas

5. Built:
Here, we have
Lean, thin( Calc Phos, Secale Cor, Natrum Mur,Sulphur)
a) Short
Obese (Baryta Carb, Medorrinum)
b) Obese: Calcarea Carb, Capsicum, Graphites, Ferrum, Phytolacca
c) Obese yet active: Opium, Mercury


6. Posture:
Every posture would lead the physician to some valuable information regarding
the nature of the patient e.g.

a) A Platina, would be sitting erect with a slight tilt towards the back, showing
its haughtiness and diligence
b) An Argentum Nitricum on the other hand would be sitting erect with a
slight tilt forward, showing it's anxiety
c) A Kali, Calcarea Phos, Phos or Sulphur on the other hand, would show it's
anxiety by sitting erect, but at the edge of the chair
d) A Sulphur on the other hand, shows his casual attitude by sitting in front of
the physician with stoop shoulders, one hand on the other chair with or
without one leg over the other knee

Hence, we come to know how useful these physical make ups of a person is to the

“ “
physician in helping him arrive to a Genetic Similimum.

C. The General Make up of the patient we see:

1. Speed: Every individual has a speed with which he/she does his daily work.
Some people are:

a)Slow like Baryta, Calcarea, Helliborus, Alumina, Carbons, Gelsimium etc.

b) Fast like Nux Vomica, Arsenic, Lachesis, Aconite, Merc sol etc.

Here, speed and activity have to be differentiated. A person can be working the
whole day, but their speed might be slow and a person who works fast might not
be active.

2. Side Affection: Side affection has a basic relation with the behavior of the
patient, hence it is an important tool for a genetic based prescription. It is a
valuable tool to enhance the technique of case taking and prescription.
It is particularly important in 'Sycotic' patients, where it is difficult to identify
the innate characters as everything is a 'façade' or 'hidden'.
The side affections can be either right or left.

Right sided people are governed by the Left brain and Left sided people are
governed by the right brain.

Right Sided people are generally strong, dominating, angry, achievers, analytical,
Positive, logical, industrious, have a good command on languages, money-minded,
calculative and have a thrust.
These are mostly Metals like Alumina, Argentum Met, Aurum Met, Palladium,
Stannum Met etc.


They could also be Positive remedies like Arsenic, Hepar sulph, Nux Vomica, Sepia
and so on.
They could also be Money minded remedies like Calcarea, Lycopodium, Sulphur,
Pulsatilla etc.

On the other hand, Left sided people are generally mild, sensitive, timid, creative,
imaginative, artistic, poetical, spiritual, philosophical, hysterical and have a lot of
illusions and delusions.

These left sided people could be Oversensitive metals like Cuprum Met, Ferrum
They could also be Hysterical remedies like Ignatia, Cyclamen, Viola O, Cimicifuga.
They could also be sensitive,hysterical remedies like Asafoetida, Asarum, Capsicum,
Crocus, Moschus, Phosphorus etc.

If however we find a timid, sensitive and mild person with right sided affections, we

Similarly if we find a strong, dominating personality with left sided affections, we can
think of Platina, Ferrum, Lachesis and Sulphur.

It is important to know that side affections should be taken into consideration if a

particular side has been affected for more than 2 or 3 instances for eg warts, boils,
corns and one time affections are not to be considered.

5. Thermals: By thermals in a patient, we mean his 'tolerance towards heat or cold.'

Hence, a Chilly patient would be able to tolerate the heat better, and a Hot patient
would be able to tolerate the cold better.

6. Thirst: Thirst in a patient is another factor which is different in every constitution.

Some constitutions would require only sips of water while few constitutions would
require water whole day long by their side, while a few would not feel thirsty at all.

7. Appetite: Some constitutions eat well but do not put on weight, while some have
a ravenous appetite. Hence, the appetite of a patient is important to consider.

8. Sleep: The pattern of sleep, position in sleep is important. Dreams, if any which
are significant can be considered for remedy differentiation.


9. Discharges: Graphites would have sticky, gluey discharges whereas the particular

“ “
discharges in Kali Bi would be stingy and ropy.

D) Defense Mechanism: In each and every case, we have to find out the Miasm

Psora: which is the primary or physiological defense at work where the 1st line of
defense is by inflammation

Sycosis: which is the second line of defense where morphological or structural

changes take place.

Syphilis: which is the third line of defense where destruction takes place.

2) Observations:

While the case taking is going on, the physician observes certain traits in the patients

Physically: what is the speech of the patient, what is the gait and so on

Mentally: We have to see the expressions on the patients face or their behaviour
which tells us whether they are anxious, timid and so on.

Hence, we see how Dr. Hahnemann has simplified our job as a physician, by giving us
guidelines for case taking. If we as true homoeopaths, follow his guidelines in each
and every given case to the core, we would be able to reach to the Right Genetic
Constitutional Similimum in a very easy and simplified manner.


Materia Medica
Remedy Pictures
Dr. Kent has said that remedies have to be studied as individuals with emotions, walking and
talking as if they are live people. To arrive at the Genetic Constitutional simillimum one needs
to be well versed with the trimiasmatic pictures of remedies. Man is made up of mind and
body hence it is very important to consider both these factors for an accurate prescription.
The materia medica section comprises of drug pictures as confirmed by Dr. Prafull Vijayakar
over the last 30 years of his clinical practice. In this issue we are dealing with the Ophidia

The Ophidia group Snakes

“ “
After the 'Law of Similia', it was 'Drug Dynamisation' - the major break through in the field
of Homoeopathy. Dr. Hahnemann in footnote 146 mentions,

This wonderful physical and especially physiological and pathogenic law of

nature had not been discovered before my time. No wonder then, that the present
students of nature and physicians (so far unknowing) cannot have faith in the
magical curative powers of the minute doses of medicines prepared according
to homoeopathic rules (dynamized).

Physicians could not believe in Dynamisation, but it was this principle with which the most
'deadliest venoms' of the deadliest snakes were turned into 'life saving remedies.' Today
remedies prepared from the Snake venoms are an integral part of the Materia Medica. All
these remedies are put together in the group “OPHIDIA”. All these snake remedies have
certain common features which we term as group symptoms of the Ophidia.


Group symptoms of Ophidia

1.Intolerance of touch on throat • Intolerance of

Patients who don't like neck tie touch on throat
Ladies or girls who can't take dupattas around the neck • Tight clothing
Ladies who do not like to wear any chains or necklace
intolerance of
Ladies who remove the mangalsutra at night
Children who don't like to wear a tie in school. • Extroverted
If it is compulsory, they tie it very loose or keep the first • Vivacious,
button open loquacious ,
cheerful ,jesting,
2. Tight clothing intolerance of jovial patients
Patients who always like to wear loose clothes • Timidity
As soon as they come home ,they have to change clothes
and wear loose clothes • Jealousy,
Ladies who stitch blouse very loose, if it is tight they feel suspicious ,
suffocated malicious
Ladies who tie petticoat knot very loose • Sleep < most of
Gents who don't like to wear belt the complaints
• Bleeders
3. Extroverted people
Patients who talk a lot

4. Vivacious, loquacious , cheerful, jesting , jovial patients

5. Timidity
6. Jealousy, suspicious, malicious
7. Sleep < most of the complaints
8. Bleeders, Hemorrhagic diathesis

What is the difference between snake group and spider group?

Ophidia( Snakes) Arachnida (Spiders)

1. very loquacious Not so loquacious

2. very jealous Not so jealous
3. very suspicious Not so suspicious
4. malicious but with Malicious but with
verbal revenge physical revenge
5. not so much of effect Music >
of music
6. not so cruel Very cruel


A complete drug picture of Lachesis
Lachesis,the bushmaster is the prominent representative of
the serpent family(Ophidia group) in our materia medica. It is
! Talkative
one of the important polychrest remedy of Materia. This
! Foppish
Surukuku snake is found in South America.
! Left sided
! Hot
The first trituration, and dilution in alcohol, of the snake
! Sensitive to tight
poison, Trigonocephalus Lachesis, was made by Dr. Hering, on
July 28th, 1828. In 1837,this remedy was introduced in our
! Intolerance of touch
Materia Medica.
around the neck.
! sleep <
Lachesis: ! <waking up
! >Menses
Entry points: ! Haemorrhagic
1. When talkative patient comes to the clinic think of lach, tendency
sulphur or any snake discharges
2. Females who are foppish ,dressed elegant with bright ! Vivacious,
colours, with lot of jewellery, big kumkum. They love to dress loquacious , cheerful
up, showing off ,jesting ,jovial patients
3. Left sided complaints then going to right side
4. Hot patient
5. Sensitive to tight clothing
6. Intolerance of touch around the neck. Cannot bear clothes
or night dress to touch the throat or abdomen,not because
sore or tender, but because it causes uneasiness, makes her
7. Wants to be fanned slowly and at a distance
8. > Hard pressure
9. Sleep is difficult. Sleep <, all complaints are aggravated as
soon as patient sleeps
10. < Waking up from sleep. Wakes up in panic as if breath has
11. > Menses. Symptoms aggravated few days before menses
.As soon as she starts menstruating she feels better
12. Haemorrhagic tendency, bleeder, heavy bleeding. Blood
dark coloured or black, clotted blood from nose, stomach,
lungs, uterus & bowels
13. Primarily affects circulation and heart. Headache, varicose
veins, haemorrhoids & all kinds of heart ailments
14. > Discharges. Uterine pain > after menstrual flow starts
15. Over stimulation of the sexual sphere, lascivious, lewd
,obscene. One of the main remedies for masturbation again
because the patient is better after discharges
16. Vivacious, loquacious , cheerful ,jesting ,jovial patients
17. Complexion, dark, dark eyes or fair, lax, fiber with red hair


Side affection of Lachesis:

Lachesis is predominantly a left sided remedy. That means it is right brain dominant .It is
mainly hysterical & sensitive remedy. (arg.nit, asaf, asar, caps, cina, clem, crocus, graph,
kreos, mez, phos, sep, sul)

Miasmatic expressions of Lachesis:

In Psora, Lachesis is initially timid but once they mingle up they become Vivacious,
loquacious, cheerful, jesting, jovial Witty. Jesting with loquacity.
Intellectual, very intelligent & quick to react.

Psoric & syphilitic Lachesis is left sided.

In sycosis ,Lachesis patients are well dressed or overdressed with lot of make up &
jewellery. They wear bright colours.
They are dominating, egoistic & haughty. They are very competitive & ambitious ,who like
to hold top position either in any organization or company. They'll use any means to get
It is one of the Positive remedies. Brain is used to go ahead in life or get work done,
making him manipulative.
Therefore they are contemptuous & hard with inferiors & soft with superiors. Ladies who
are very sweet talkers when talking to Doctor but with your compounder they behave
very rudely & contemptuously.

They have very high self esteem. They keep boasting about self. Always keep comparing
with others & are jealous about others. Censorious & critical about others. Sarcastic,
mocking out of jealousy.

Females who are more into gossiping. Quarrelsome who usually start the fights.
Housewives who enjoy attending & arranging kitty parties. Like to be center of attraction.
Where they get chance to flaunt their richness, show off.
Increased sexuality. They talk more about sex without you asking them anything. Tell you
vulgur jokes. Or takes out double meaning of anything. Amativeness.
Get offended easily. Keep the grudges against the person who has offended .Malicious. It
is more of verbal malice.

Very intelligent remedy. Make poetries, verses.

Very Religious .They are very particular about doing their rituals without fail. They feel
connection with God, are Spiritual.

Common clinical conditions covered by this remedy are tumours, heart & circulation,
hypertension, varicose veins, carbuncle, dropsy, flushes of heat, climacteric complains
When a Lachesis constitution comes to you with a sycotic tumour, it will be on the right
side. So nature also will be different.


This Lachesis is somewhat like Lycopodium quiet, non talkative,
fat, flabby, rounded features, keeping quiet in a huge gathering Psora-
or party where everyone is laughing. If someone asks him “what
is the time?” he will say, “exactly 24 hours since yesterday's Timid
time”. Cheerful
He will give such small petty answers to joke & make people
laugh , but they themselves are quiet, shy and do not laugh, not Sycosis-
very extrovert as Lachesis is supposed to be. They are very
conscientious unlike the left sided Lachesis. Haughty
In syphilitic state, lachesis becomes very violent & vindictive Positive
.Where they have desire to kill. Very cruel & inhuman Foppish
,destructive. Censorious, critical
Those who are into spirituality & religious things, have the Mocking
feeling of being under the superhuman control. Clairvoyance & Religious
Hysterical females .Sensitiveness increased. All senses become Syphilitic-
Syphilitic physical conditions are Haemorrhages, malignant & Del. under
septic states, gangrene, diphtheria, ulceration, paralysis superhuman control
,bubonic plague, hysteria Cruel, vindictive
Acrid, offensive discharges, blueness of the affected parts Nymphomania
excess sensitiveness to touch, tight clothing intolerance of touch
around the neck, bleeding of dark, thick blood.


Lachesis Child

We can recognize Lachesis as soon as it enters the clinic. A Lachesis child comes always
behind his mother trying to gauge the surrounding in the room. Is the doctor or assistants
dangerous? It is like a snake coming out of its hole. First it will see & when there is no
danger ,he will come out & as the case progresses , they start their sly mischief. Next time
when he comes , he will directly sit on table. He knows you are not dangerous to him .So
,the sensitive ,fearful Lachesis later on becomes the boss- hard on inferiors and soft with
superiors. Superiors for him is someone whose mind he does not understand enough.
Inferior is the person on whom he can dominate because they will not do him any harm.
So, grandmother, mother is inferior to him & father is superior to him.

Very intelligent. Aptitude for maths. Like to stand first in class . Competitive. Talkative even
in class. Desire to be magnetized. friendly with teacher. Always like to go & meet teacher
,touch the teacher. Lachesis child, once is friendly with you, comes & sits on the arm of
your chair, like to touch you.

Lachesis in acutes
During fever start talking too much Even in sickness their speed is fast. In fever state it is
hot ,never takes covering but the pulse is normal. All the activities increased especially
verbal. Speed is fast too. Sensitive to tight clothing especially around the neck.

LACHESIS in theory of acute chart


1) Jesting with complaints.
2) Increased sensitivity to clothes.
3) < Sleep after/ during.

1) Eructations, hiccoughs with fever,
2) Speech becomes fast.
3) Jesting with pain and acute complaints.
4) Quick in action and perception.
5) Night or sleep<; waking <.


Activity. Abusive, insulting. ABSENT, MINDED,
Activity, mental. Ailments, from death of a (UNOBSERVING).
Affectionate. child. Ailments, from bad
Ailments, from anger, A/F dipsomania. news .fright.
vexation. A/Fdisappointment. Anger, violent.
Ailments, from A/Fdiscords chief and Anguish.
anticipation, foreboding subordinates. Anxiety, conscience (as
Anxiety, (in general). A/Fdiscords parents if guilty of a crime).
Capriciousness. friends. Aversion, everything,
CHEERFUL, (GAY, A/Fexcitement, to.
MIRTHFUL). A/Femotional. A/FGRIEF. Aversion, women, to.
Company, desire for, A/F jealousy. Clairvoyance.
aversion to solitude. A/F love, disappointed. CLIMACTERIC,
Conscientious, about trifles. A/F reverses of fortune. Clinging, held, wants to
EXCITEMENT, A/F work, mental. be.
(EXCITABLE) Adulterous. Clinging, held, wants to
Horrible, things, sad stories Amativeness. be, > being.
affect her profoundly Ambition. Business, averse to.
Hurry, (haste). Amorous. Company, aversion to,
Impatience Amusement, desire for. presence of others <.
Industrious, mania for work. Anger, (irascibility). CONFUSION, (OF
Irritability. Anxiety, fear, with. MIND
Impulse, morbid ANXIETY, SALVATION, Cruelty, inhumanity.
Loquacity ABOUT Death, desires.
Mathematics, apt for. Audacity. Death, presentiment of.
MEMORY, ACTIVE. Avarice. Dementia.
Mood, agreeable Avarice, alternating with DESPAIR,
Quick, to act. squandering RELIGIOUS, OF
Restlessness. Boaster, braggart. SALVATION.
Sensitive, noise. Boaster, rich, wishes to Destructiveness.
Sensitive, odors, to. be considered as. Dipsomania,
Sentimental. Brooding. alcoholism.
Sympathy, compassion Business, desire for. Duty, no sense of duty.
Timidity, talk in public, to. Censorious, (critical). ECCENTRICITY
Travel, desire to. Communicative, Ecstasy.
Work, desire for. expansive. Ennui, tedium.
Company, desire for, Exhilaration.
aversion to solitude. FANCIES,
Contemptuous. EXALTATION OF.
Contemptuous, hard for FANCIES, VIVID,
subordinates & LIVELY
agreeable. Frivolous.
DECEITFUL, (SLY). Gestures, ridiculous or


Dictatorial, domineering, Godless, want of
dogmatical, despotic religious feeling
Discontented, always. Hatred, revenge, and.
.Egotism, self-esteem. .
Egotism, speaking Hypochondriasis.
always about HYSTERIA.
themselves. IMBECILITY.
.Fear. Idleness.
Foolish, behavior. Insolence.
Forsaken, feeling. Irony, satire, desire for.
Gossiping. Kill, (desire to).
Grief. Kill, poison, impulse to.
Hard, for inferiors kind for LASCIVIOUS,
superiors. (LUSTFUL)
Hatred. Loquacity, cheerful,
Haughty. exuberant.
desire to. Love, with one of own
Homesickness. sex (homosexuality).
Ideas, abundant, Malicious, (spiteful,
clearness of mind. vindictive).
Impertinence. Marriage, seemed
INDOLENCE, unendurable, idea of.
(AVERSION TO WORK). Meditation.
JEALOUSY. Misanthropy.
LOQUACITY. Mistakes, calculating,
CHANGING QUICKLY Moral, feeling, criminal,
FROM ONE SUBJECT. disposition to become.
Magnetized, desires to Nymphomania.
be. Obscene, lewd
Mocking. Rage, (fury).
Mischievous. Self, control, want of.
Obstinate, (headstrong). Senses, acute.
Offended, easily, takes Senses, dull blunted.
everything in bad part. Senses, vanishing of.
Play, desire to, dirty trick Sensitive,
on others or their. (oversensitive).
Positiveness. Slander, disposition to.
Quarrelsome, (scolding). Torments, those about


Revelry, feasting. ABSENT, MINDED,
Rudeness. .
Selfishness, egoism. Unfeeling, hardhearted.
Sensitive, external Ungrateful.
Sensitive, (oversensitive). impressions, to all. Violent, (vehement).
Sensitive, mental Will, two wills, feels as
exertion, after. if he had.
Revelry, feasting.
Selfishness, egoism.
Sympathy, compassion.
Verses, makes.
Weeping, (tearful mood).


Crotalus Horridus and Naja

Crotalus Horridus ,poison of Rattle snake is also proved by Dr.Hering.

Naja ,poison of the Indian Cobra is proved br Stokes and Russel.

Differentiations between these 2 snakes Crotallus hor and Naja.

Crotalus horridus Naja

1.Right sided Left sided
2.Hot Chilly
3.Sycosyphilitic Psorosyphilitic
4.lacks activities,weakness from Activity desire for
slightest exertion.
5.Very Sluggish slow snake Graceful & fast snake
6.Slow sycosyphilitic diseases Fast syphilitic diseases
7.Destruction of blood is gradual no destruction of blood
sycotic as thick blood
8.vascular system affected Nervous system affected
,cerebellum is involved.

9. Motion <
10.Loquacious Quiet disposition
11.Anger is increased,easy anger Anxious ,not so angry
with snappish answers
12.attacks others Attacks oneself ,Anxiety
conscience of
13.thinks people are troubling Neglected feeling,but does not
him talk to anyone,only broods
14aversion to family Del .neglected his duty
15.If questioned ,answers Sudden & sad , averse to


Crotalus horridus Naja
16. Brooding
17 Censorious
18. obstinate,quarrelsome Want of confidence. self
,scolding &precautious. depreciation
Feels himself a failure.(multiple
sclerosis, autoimmune diseases)
19.Slow Active
20.No fancies Fancies, exaltation
21.Very open Secretive
22.memory weak Capacity is weak,weak
mind,Incapacity for mental
exertion leads to headache
23.Bleeder,haemorrhage from all Non bleeder.
24.blackish skin of face
25. hunger aggravates.



The venom cenchris contortrix of Copperhead snake of North America

Drug picture:
Lachesis + chilly+ Libertinist ( like to go against the existing social norms) .
Girls who like to wear clothes more exposing. Wear indecent dresses that expose
shamelessly in name of fashion.
Ladies who do not like to do domestic duties , household work. Ladies who refuse to cook
at home , wash clothes.
Wants to do outside work.
Avoids routine work. Doesn't mind cooking something like delicacy at home like
chocolates, cakes ,something different .
Almost revolting but can't revolt as they are timid.
Hatred for parents. Do not care for, no attachments with parents or children..
More sexually oriented with dreams of sex and being raped.
Timid, selfish ,self centered & ungrateful.
SOA ---liver ,spinal cord

Desires, bacon.
Desires, cold drinks.



Animals, biting.
Animals, copulating. UNIQUE.
Animals, wild, pursuing him.
Autopsies, dissecting dead bodies.
Bitten, snakes by being.
Bodyparts, teeth pulled out being.
Dead bodies-dissecting dead bodies.
Dead, (of the).
Dissecting, dead bodies.
Drunken, people. UNIQUE.
Men, following to violate her.
Naked, people. UNIQUE.
Pursued being-animals by.
Pursued being-man to violate her by a.
Rape, pursued for rape being.
Snakes, biting him.
Teeth, pulled out.
Terrapin. UNIQUE.

Elaps corallinus.

Venom of Brazilian Coral Snake.

Main features :
Desires ice or icy cold things,butter milk, milk
Bluish discolouration of the skin.
Loves nature, rain
Timid, anticipatory
Side left to right


Crotalus Cascavella Crotallus Horridus
Right side
Venom of Brazillian rattle snake. Hot
Main features:
Snake characters with clairvoyance
Fancies exaltation of Naja
Involuntary moaning Left sided
People who see ghosts, spirits or hear them Chilly

Aversion to domestic
Dreams of sex and
being raped

Desires ice,buttermilk
Loves rain

Crotallus Cascavella
Sees ghosts and spirits


Repertory is an index to the materia medica. The homoeopathic materia medica is so
vast that one can get easily lost in the maze of symptoms. Also it is not easy to
remember the symptoms of all the remedies. Hence Dr. Hahnemann felt the need of a
repertory. The repertory is a very useful tool in arriving at the simillimum. It is also
very useful in the study of materia medica.
In the following section, the topic for this issue is abusive, insulting remedies. Let's look
at the meaning of the word abusive.

ABUSIVE, insulting
Abuse stresses on harshness, unfairness of verbal attack, wrongly
used or perverted.

Abusive (W)
"Using rude speech, reproachful language, offering harsh words or ill-treatment". With
"Abusive" the behaviour is definitely addressed at individuals where "Cursing" is simply a
matter of being inclined to intersperse one's speech in general with "profane" language.

Abusive is hurting somebody purposefully with wrong words, bad words, unconstitutional

Let us see what kind of people can be abusive? When would somebody abuse?
If Abusive is a harsh verbal attack it can be done

In anger So Angry remedies can be abusive.

In a quarrel- So quarrelsome remedies can be abusive.

When somebody looks down upon others- So haughty ,contemptuous remedies can be

Rude remedies can be abusive

Dictatorial remedies can be abusive.

Critical, censorious remedies can be abusive.

People who have a tendency to shout at others, reproaching remedies can be abusive.

Hard-hearted can be abusive.


Cross reference

Cursing , Insolent, Quarrelsomeness , Reproaches others , Rudeness , Slander disposition to

Cursing , swearing, blasphemy, profainity

Cursing is to call upon divine or supernatural power to send injury upon
To use profanely insolent language against
To bring great evil upon
Blasphemy act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God

Insolent haughty attitude or insulting act, arrogant in speech or conduct towards the higher

Quarrelsomness Apt or disposed to quarrel; given to brawls and contention; easily irritated
or provoked to contest; irascible; choleric.
Syn: Pugnacious; irritable; irascible; brawling; choleric; fiery; petulant. -

Reproaches others to find fault with (a person, group, etc.); blame; censure. Blame or
censure conveyed in disapproval

Rudeness Uncultured, ungentle, discourteous, unmannerly, crude, coarse. W.: "Coarseness

of manners; incivility; rusticity; vulgarity". cf. Insolent (qv).

Slander disposition : tendency to maliciously recount false rumours and tales about others



Most of the abusive remedies are hysterical.
All domineering remedies are abusive except chel, cupr met, androct ,apis, bamba ,allox
,phos, thymol, thyroid
All positive remedie are abusive

Some of the abusive remedies


It is a very sensitive and angry remedy. Sensitive to every impression; sensitive to

surroundings; sensitive to persons; and above all sensitive to pain. Quarrelsome, abrupt and
snappish. Easily affected by mortification , by chagrin. She forgets all about her prudence and
her diplomacy. Loss of generosity; she has no consideration for the feelings of others. She will
simply enter into a quarrel or dispute regardless of the feelings of anybody. Angry and
abusive, uncivilized.

In the child, the child whines and cries and sputters about everything.
It wants something new every minute. It refuses everything that it has asked for.
If it is for something to eat for something to play with for its toys when
these are handed to the child it throws them away; slings them clear across the room.
Strikes the nurse in the face for presuming to get something or other that
the little one did not want yet had asked for. Capriciousness. Child is better only by carrying.
Otherwise shrieks and screams. The Chamomilla child cannot be touched.
Wants to do as he pleases. Never satisfied. It seems to have no peace Wants to change; wants
to do something new. The answer from both the adult and the child are snappish.
Complaints come on from contradiction; from anger.
Bad effects of having the feelings wounded.
Redness + impatience + anger


It is a chilly remedy but appears to be hot due to lot of heat in the body. Face is flushed ,
redness of cheeks and lips. Hot face redness of one side.
Much redness; when the mental state is present.
Great thirst for cold water and desire for acid drinks.
Unquenchable thirst.
Aversion to coffee warm drinks to soups and liquid foods. The aversion to
coffee is a strange thing.


It is a remedy of esteem and ego . Though Lyco personality is domineering and haughty,
basically it is timid . Haughtiness is over people who are inferior to them and they are soft
with superiors. Lyco abuses and insults those who he feels are inferior to him. That is the
reason Lyco abuses his parents too. Lyco is usually dominating at home but outside he is
timid. Kids who fight with siblings at home but outside they can not fight with friends
.Toddler who comes with mother to the clinic ,expresses his anger on the mother. He always
hits mother, he does not have guts to hit the doctor .More you try to pull his cheek on one
side ,more he pulls it to the other side and hits mother in anger or slowly starts crying.
ABUSIVE, insulting imaginary persons, at
Abusive, fever, during typhoid. UNIQUE.
A very conscientious person in doing his duties .
Ambitious in his life.
Right sided affection.
Desires warm food, sweets


Discontented, dissatisfied, unsuccessful person. Silent, serious looking, angry, introverted.

It’s a mixture of irritability of Nux V., haughty and silence of Platina and sadness of Nat.Mur.
There is sensation of shortness everywhere. Anger is short, courage is short –cowardice,
happiness is short –morose. ‘Things don’t happen in my life, everything was going fine but
something falls short that things don’t happen.’ He is short of his positivity – ‘something has
to go wrong.’ This makes him discontented, angry, morose. Aversion to certain persons.
Misanthropy, aversion to family members. Abusive and insulting to his parents. It goes to an
extent of cursing. This anger calms down after eating. Bad things or memory remain with
him, things hurt him a lot, and he goes back and remembers only the bad things, never good
things .Must stretch with yawning. Can not lie on back straight, legs have to be flexed. He has
to put pillow under the knees. Bathing or washing >.



Hyoscymus is a very intelligent ,quick ,vivacious and witty ,mischievous remedy. It is all the
time playing antics , inciting others.
It goes into a state of rage because of jealousy and suspicion. In the state of rage it is angry
and abusive but the violence is not so sustained as that of Bell.
It causes a perfect picture of mania of a quarrelsome and obscene character.
Inclined to be unseemly and immodest in acts, gestures and expressions.

Suitable to nervous; irritable excitable persons.
Emotions and bad news aggravate, also, thinking of fluids. Fright disappointed love.
Jealous ,Suspicious .

Fears; being alone being pursued; of water; being poisoned being bitten
Angry and impatient .

In syphilitic state violent temper, impelled to do reckless things, [such as throwing a child
through the window.] Rude, abusive, bites and strikes. Ill-humor. Rage; with desire to strike,
bite, fight, insult, scold and to kill.

It causes a perfect picture of mania of a quarrelsome and lascivious

nature. Begging and entreating, somewhat in the level of Platina. Anger coming with force,
threatening, begging but dictatorial. Fear of becoming mad. Rapid speech.
Roams about. Strange notions and apprehension during pregnancy. Feels he cannot
physically endure his fears much longer. Hypersensitiveness of all senses.
Does not hear or see persons around him. The mere sight of a drinking vessel containing
water is intolerable. Thinking of fluids of any kind, even of blood, brings on convulsions.
Laughs at everything foolishly.


In sycosis it is timid, industrious, duty conscious, responsible, contradiction intolerant of, A/F
In syphilitic state there is anxiety conscience, self reproach, depression, hopelessness, disgust
of life ,loathing of life, suicidal thoughts .
In hysterical state ,it becomes vivacious, loquacious, quarrelsome ,abusive and insulting
Sunset to sunrise



Psoro syphilitic remedy

Nux is pre-eminently the remedy for many of the conditions incident to modern life. The
typical Nux patient is rather thin, spare, quick, active, nervous, and irritable. He does a
good deal of mental work; has mental strains and leads a sedentary life, found in prolonged
office work, overstudy, and close application to business, with its cares and anxieties. This
indoor life and mental strain seeks stimulants, coffee, wine, possibly in excess; or, again, he
hopes to quiet his excitement, by indulging in the sedative effects of tobacco, if not really a
victim, to the seductive drugs, like opium, etc. These things are associated with other
indulgences; at table, he takes preferably rich and stimulating food; wine and women play
their part to make him forget the close application of the day. Late hours are a consequence; a
thick head, dyspepsia, and irritable temper are the next day's inheritance. Now he takes some
cathartic, liver pills, or mineral water, and soon gets into the habit of taking these things,
which still further complicate matters. Since these frailties are more yielded to by men than
women. Nux is pre-eminently a male remedy. These conditions produce an irritable, nervous
system, hypersensitive and over-impressionable, which Nux will do much to soothe and calm.
Especially adapted to digestive disturbances, portal congestion , and hypochondriacal states
depending thereon.

Zealous fiery temperament. Nux patients are easily chilled, avoid open air, etc. Very irritable:
sensitive to all impressions.

Ugly, malicious. Cannot bear noises, odors, light, etc. Does not want to be touched or
disturbed . Even the least ailment affects her greatly. Disposed to reproach others.
Sullen, fault-finding. Abusive, drunkenness, during. Abusive, husband insulting wife before
children. Abusive, insulting.


Preeminently a sycosyphilitic remedy.

The most cruel and inhuman remedy of materia medica. There is always dilemma going on in
person's mind where one moment he gets thoughts of doing good deeds second moment he
gets thoughts of doing bad deeds .This is very well described in Materia medica as “He is
persuaded by his evil will to do acts of violence and injustice but is withheld and restrained by
a good will.Hallucinations: a demon sits on one shoulder and an angel on the other.” There are
thoughts of salvation continuosly on his mind . Suspicious ,hatred and malicious.
He is abusive and insulting .He is disposed to malice and has an irresistible desire to curse and
swear. There is imbecility and irresolution. Sense of good and bad is abolished.
laughs at serious things remaining serious when anything laughable occurs.
In the syphilitic sphere there is absolutely no moral feelings, person does not understand
what is right and what is wrong. Unsocial; unfeeling ,Slight causes make him excessively
angry. A strong feature is that all moral feeling is taken out of him.He becomes cruel.
Can do bodily injury without feeling. Cruel malicious wicked. Bad effects of mental
excitement. Consequences of fright and mortification. Suitable in religious mania when the
conflict between the external and internal will is kept up.


Many complaints are ameliorated by eating.
Sensation here and there of pressure described as of a plug all through the body in the head
eyes in the navel and down the spine.


It is especially adapted to the nervous temperament-women of

sensitive, easily excited nature, dark, mild disposition, quick to
perceive, rapid in execution. The abusiveness comes on account of hysteria ,
A woman when over wrought and overexcited and emotional will do things
that she herself cannot account for. Chilly, thirstless. In psora, Ign is very conscientious,
dignified and well behaved.

10. SEPIA-
Is an industrious, conscientious remedy. Chilly and thirstless. It is courageous and > busy also
with violent exertion, exercise and dance. In the sycotic and hysterical state it becomes
abusive and insulting. The abusiveness comes because she is angry; sensitive; irritable; easily
offended and miserable. It also comes from indifference to work and to people. In the
syphilitic state there is marked indifference.


It is a lean, thin, restless person who cannot sit in one place. Always wants a change wants to
travel; does not want to remain in one place long, wants to do something different
Abusive, insulting. Fits of violent temper; wants to fight, throws anything at any one; even
without a cause . Anger, waking, on. Desire to use foul language, curse and swear.
Shrieking in children. There is destructiveness and desire to break things.
Emaciation inspite of eating well.


The patient in restless fidgety; hurried; in constant motion though.

Anxiety and restlessness are words that prevail through all the conditions
in it. Desire to run about, to dance and jump up and down. In the hysterical symptoms she is
better from music.
Great fantastic dancing. He becomes violently excited from music.
Sometimes music ameliorates all the symptoms and at other times it
aggravates them. Fox-like cunning and destructiveness.
Violence is a strong feature of the remedy. Violence with anger. Symptom appear suddenly;
Tears his clothing. Constantly complaining and threatening; threatens her nurse and her
attendants; she strikes her head with her hands; she strikes her body;
strikes her attendants and her best friends.



Is a haughty, pompous and a courageous remedy. There is great need to show and display
their wealth. Hence squanders wealth. Very concerned about their social position . Abusive,
insulting, Abusive, husband insulting wife in front of children. Cursing in rage, Cursing and
Hot, Desire for ice, chilled drinks and sour fruits and juices. Cold sweat.


Study of systems and organs with clinical
correlation of their pathology with miasms
To be successful in practice, it is important to be well conversant with the language in which
disease manifests as also the normal structure and functioning of all organs and systems of
the body. Thus a thorough knowledge of anatomy, physiology, embryology and pathology of
every organ and every system of the body is important. Is the disease getting pushed deeper
or is it being thrown out? This is a very important judgment that a physician needs to have.
Embryology gives us understanding of the Hering's law of direction of cure.

Many times diseases on the skin may be manifestations of systemic diseases. Is Leucoderma
a good sign after asthma getting treated? Is urticaria a good sign after diarhhoea is treated?
The answer is though both are manifested on the skin the pathology is deeper. So they
cannot come as exteriorization even after asthma or diarrhea.

The study of pathophysiology helps us in understanding the miasms. It tells us what is the
defense process going at the genetic level. Therefore, in depth study of each organ and
system is essential.

This section will be dealing with the anatomy, embryology, physiology, pathology of each
system and organ and classification of its diseases on the basis of miasm.
This issue deals with the outer most layer of the body, Skin. Following is the anatomy,
physiology, embryology and miasmatic classification of the various skin manifestations.
Below are a few skin diseases with their miasmatic explanation, pathology and the layers
involved. When diseases in an organ or a system are studied in this manner one can be sure
whether we are proceeding in the right direction or not.




In general, skin is composed of 2 layers, the epidermis and the dermis, separated by an
irregular border.

Epidermis: Is composed of 5 layers from base to the surface.

Stratum germinatum forming junction between dermis and epidermis having
Melanocytes and Langerhans cells.

Stratum spinosum has many layers of squamous cells containing PAS- precursor of

Stratum granulosum containing kerato hyaline basophilic granules.

Stratum lucidum present in palms and soles as a thin homogenous non nucleate zone.

Stratum corneum contains eosiniphilic layers of keratin and Intraepidermal nerve

endings in the form of merkel cells which are touch receptors.
Functions of Epidermis and its Embryological origin-

Epidermis which has the function of Protection, Heat regulation, Sensation and
Respiration. It is derived from surface ectoderm, at first single layered, later giving rise to
stratified squamous epithelium by proliferation. Melanoblasts are derived from the neural

Dermis: Has 2 parts namely Papillary Dermis and Reticular Dermis, containing blood
vessels, lymphatics, nerves, cutaneous appendages like sweat glands, sebaceous glands,
hair follicles, arrectores pilorum and nails. It has the Pacinian corpuscles concerned with
pressure, Meissner corpuscles as touch receptors and Ruffini corpuscles as cold receptors.

Functions and Embryology- Dermis has function of Sensation and Secretion, is formed
from condensation and differentiation of mesenchyme (Derived from dermatome of
somites) underlying the surface ectoderm.

Sweat glands: Developing as a solid downgrowth from the epidermis which later gets
canalised and lower end becoming coiled and forming secretory part is of 2 types- Eccrine
present all over deep in the dermis and Apocrine present in some areas only like external
ear, axillae, anogenital region, eyelids and breast.

Sebaceous glands: Which are formed as a bud arising from ectodermal cells are found
everywhere on the skin except on palms and soles, in association with hair but can be
seen in the external auditory meatus, nipple and areola of breast, labia minora, prepuce
and meibomian glands of eyelids.

Sebaceous glands and Sweat glands helps in Secretion making skin soft-pliable, regularize
the body temperature and gives out waste material.


Hair: Having function of protection, hair grows from the bottom of the follicle which consists
of epithelial and connective tissue components, derived from surface ectoderm, proliferation
of germinal layer forms cylindrical mass, growing down in dermis, lower end of which expands
and invaginated by mesoderm forming the papilla.

Arrectores Pilorum are bundles of smooth muscle attached to each hair follicle. When muscle
contracts, hair becomes more erect, producing 'Goose skin'.

Nails: Develop from surface ectoderm which gets thickened to form primary nail field
migrating from tip to the dorsal aspect with multiplication of cells of germinal layer to form
thick matrix, forming the nail substance. Thickenings of the deeper part of stratum corneum
that develops at specially modified portion of the skin called nail bed.

What is the Importance of knowledge of Embryology in skin?

Knowledge of Embryology in skin is very important because Embryological origin of the

various parts helps us to understand which organ is more important and which is less
important. This in turn helps us to understand whether we are in the right direction or wrong
direction while treating any case.

eg- Diseases of epidermis are all ectodermal in origin as seen above. Hence any disease like
asthma ( endoderm) when getting better is followed by skin eruptions ( ectoderm) but if
asthma while getting treated is immediately followed by leucoderma ( layer 5 disease) or
psoriasis ( dermis- layer 3, mesenchyme) it is going in the wrong direction and steps need to
be taken to change the course of the treatment.

Structure Embryological origin

Epidermis Surface ectoderm

Melanoblasts Neural crest

Dermis Dermatomes -Mesenchyme


Clinical manifestations on skin
1. Acute inflammatory Dermatoses Urticaria - Commonly called hives

Pathology- It is characterized by localized mast cell

degranulation and resultant dermal microvascular
hyperpermeability , culminating in pruritic
oedematous plaques called wheals. It results from
antigen induced release of vasoactive mediators from
mast cell granules via sensitization with specific
immunoglobulin E antibodies.

Layer -4 Since urticaria occurs because of vasoactive

mediators present in the blood, layer involved is
Mesenchyme ( Blood).

Miasm- Psoro-sycotic ( Sensitivity, itching of Psora

and oedema of sycosis) Syphilitic if angioneurotic
2. Acute Eczematous Dermatitis

Eczema is a clinical term that comprises of a

number of pathologically different conditions. All
are characterized by red, papulovescicular, oozing
and crusted lesions at an early stage.

Layer- 1 - Ectoderm

Miasm- Psoric when there is more redness and

itching. ( Inflammation Means psora)
Sycotic when oozing , crusted lesions are more
(excess- means sycosis)
Types of eczematous dermatitis-
With persistence they become raised, scaling 1. Allergic contact dermatitis
plaques thus forming chronic dermatitis. (eg. poison ivy and laundry detergents)
(hyperkeratotic) 2. Atopic dermatitis
Miasm- Sycosis ( hardening is sycosis) 3.Drug related eczematous dermatitis
4. Photoeczematous dermatitis
When cracks and bleeding occur miasm is 5. Primary irritant dermatitis


3. Chronic Inflammatory dermatoses-

These include persistent inflammatory dermatoses where skin surface becomes

roughened as a result of excessive or abnormal scale formation and shedding
( desquamation).

These include syco-syphilitic diseases.


It is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis where the most typical lesion is a well demarcated,
pink to salmon colored plaque covered by loosely adherent scales which are
characteristically silver-white.

It is sometimes associated with arthritis, myopathy, enteropathy, spondylitic heart disease

and the aquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

In rare variant called pustular psoriasis, multiple small pustules form on erythematous

Layer- 3 as it is a disease of the dermis(originated from the dermatomes of the


Miasm- It is a trimiasmatic disorder, Psora ( Itching), Sycosis( scales and flaking) and
Syphilis ( cracks and bleeding).


Lichen Planus

Pruritic, Purple, Polygonal papules are the presenting signs of this disorder of skin and
mucous membrane. Cutaneous lesions consist of itchy, violaceous, ,flat topped, papules
which may coalesce focally to form plaques.

Pathogenesis though not clear it is possible that antigens at the level of the basal cell layer
and the dermoepidermal junction may elicit cell- mediated cytotoxic immune response.

Pathology- Dense continuous infiltrate at the dermoepidermal junction. Basal

keratinocytes show degeneration and necrosis.

Layer- 3- dermis.

Miasm- Sycosyphilitic

4. Blistering Diseases-


is a rare autoimmune blistering disorder resulting from loss of the integrity of normal
intercellular attachments within the epidermis and mucosal epithelium.
Pemphigus vulgaris is the most common type involves mucosa and skin. Primary lesions
are very superficial vescicles, bullae that rupture easily, leaving shallow erosions covered
with dried serum and crusts.


Bullous Pemphigoid

Lesions are tense bullae, filled with clear fluid on normal or erythematous skin. Bullae do
not rupture as easily as in pemphigus and if uncomplicated by infection heal without

Layer- 7th(autoimmune)
Miasm Syphilitic

Benign and Premalignant epithelial lesions
Seborrhic karatosis
Verrucae ( warts)
Actinic Keratosis


Malignant epidermal tumours-

Squamous cell carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma


Tumours and tumour like lesions of melanocytes-

Nevocellular nevus ( pigmented nevus) mole -sycotic

Dysplastic nevi -sycotic
Malignant melanoma. -syphilitic


S.N Diseases Psora Sycosis Syphillitic

1 Acanthosis Manifestation of endocrine

Nigricans disorders like PCOD,
Acromegaly, etc.,having
5th layer brown black plaques with
papillated surface on skin
2 Acne Bright red
Rosacea papules with
1 flaring
3 Acne Follicular papules with
Vulgaris central plugs, erthematous
1st papules, nodules and
pustules of adolescence
4 Acute Lateral nail
Paronychia fold infection
1st causing
erythema and
5 Albinism An autosomal recessively
7th transmitted defect in melanin
synthesis, having white hair
and skin, refractive errors
and photophobia
6 Alopecia An autoimmune disorder of
Areata hair follicles having well
3rd defined patches of non
inflammatory hair loss
7 Androgeneti An autosomal dominant trait
c Alopecia common in males, where hair
3rd becomes thinner starting
from forehead-vertex and
gradually lost

8 Angioneurot Sudden diffuse non tender

ic Oedema swelling of subcutaneous
3 tissues and mucocutaneous
9 Aphthous Cause of recurrent oral
ulcer ulceration with rounded
ulcers with slough on cheeks
2nd and inner lips


S.N Diseases Psora Sycosis Syphillitic

10 Basal cell Known as Rodent

carcinoma ulcer, is a
7 malignant
neoplasm having
smooth surfaced
which tends to
11 Bowen's Carcinoma in situ
disease of epidermis
7 having rounded,
solitary and
reddish brown

12 Candidiasis Opportunistic infection

caused by Candida
1st albicans thriving on
humidity in bodyfolds,
having erythema,
pustules and curdy
white discharge
13 Carbuncle staphylococcal infection
1 affecting group of
follicles reaching
subcutaneous fat, shows
tender, indurated
erythematous plaque
discharging pus through
it's sieve like openings
on pressure
14 Dermatophyt Fungal infection with
osis Dermatophytes has a
1 ring shaped
erythematous papules,
vesicles and pustules
divided into many types
according to the site like
capitis, pedis, etc.
15 Eczema Inflammation of skin iduced
1 by variety of agents causing
itching, erythema with
oedema, oozing and scaling.
Has various clinical types like


16 Folliculitis Staphylococcal infection of Staphylococcal infection
1st the hair follicle having of the hair follicle having
papulopustules papulopustules
17 Furuncle A common boil of
1st staphylococcal infection
of terminal follicle upto
fat has painful
erythematous nodule
with central pointing

S.N Diseases Psora Sycosis Syphillitic

18 Herpes Syco- Syphilitic Reactivation of dormant Varicella

1 –simplex Zoster virus having grouped vesicles
6-Zoster on erythematous base, in unilateral
segmental pattern, with clinical types
such as H.simplex and H.genitalis

19 Hirsuitism Excess of androgens causing hair

5 growth in male distribution in females
20 Icthyma Deep streptococcal infection forming
1 rounded ulcers with thick crusts over
21 Impetigo Begins as vesicles/pustules
1st turning into erosions
covered with thin honey
colored crusts
22 Leprosy Syco- Syphilitic Caused by Mycobacterium leprae, is
3 &6 of 3 varieties and characterised by
hypopigmented, atrophic patches,
with sensation may or may not lost
23 Lichen Autoimmune disease having Autoimmune disease having pruritic,
Planus pruritic, flat topped papules flat topped papules with a violaceous
3 with a violaceous hue and hue and scanty scales
scanty scales

24 Melanoma Malignant tumour of melanocytes

7 with dermal involvement showing as
pigmented macule growing into
25 Miliaria Heat rash characterised by
1 fluid filled vesicles or deep
seated papules due to
blockage of sweat pores by
tiny plugs


26 Molluscum Smooth dome shaped,
1 pearly white and shiny
papules caused by Pox virus

S.N Diseases Psora Sycosis Syphillitic

27 Mycetoma Actinomycetes/true fungi

3 transmitted through
penetrating trauma causes
subcutaneous infection
producing multiple grouped
nodules on foot discharging pus
28 Pediculosis Parasitic infection by head
1 louse having erythematous
pustules, pruritus, crusts and
lymphadenopathy. 3 types
according to site like Capitis,
Corporis and Pubis
29 Pemphigus An autoimmune
7 bullous disease
having acantholysis,
involving skin and
mucosa.Is of 4
30 Periporitis Staphylococcal infection of
1 facial skin of malnourished
children has multiple sweat
gland abscesses
31 Prurigo Allergic response to
mitis mosquitoes and flea
1 having vesicular and
32 Pruritus An uncomfortable
1 sensation with
uncontrolled desire
to scratch because of
any skin diseases
33 Psoriasis Syco-Syphilitic Papulosquamous
3 disorder with
papules covered
with thick silvery
white scales


34 Scabies Contagious parasitic
1 disease caused by mite,
Sarcoptes scabiei
having nocturnal
pruritus with papules in
finger web spaces,
axilla, genitals, thighs
and buttocks
35 Scrofuloderma Multiple discharging sinuses
4 related to any part has
undermined edges with matted
lymph nodes

S.N Diseases Psora Sycosis Syphillitic

36 Squamous cell Malignant neoplasm

carcinoma leading to death by
7 metastasis, having pink,
papillomatous nodule at
mucosae with ulceration
and serosanguinous
37 Tinea Fungal infection
Versicolor causing
1 hypopigmented
macules and patches
covered with
powdery scales
accentuated with
38 Urticaria Hypersensitive
3 reaction to allergens
involving dermis and
having transient
pruritic pale colored
papules with


39 Varicella Known as chicken pox
1 caused by Varicella
zoster virus having
vesicles with clear fluid
with erythema

40 Verrucae Warts are caused by

1 Human papilloma
virus having greyish,
rough, dry papules
having varieties like
plana, palmoplantar
and condyloma
41 Vitiligo Autoimmune disease
5 killing melanocytes with
milky white patches
which can be localised,
generalised, universal or

42 Xanthoma Tumour like lesions

3 associated with high
cholesterol levels and

43 Xerotic Dry, hypopigmented

Eczema patches with fine
1 scales, later on oozing,
crusting and fissuring

Courtesy: Textbook of Pathology - Kumar Coutran & Robin


Clinical Section
Dr. Vijayakar…….the master prescriber. His analysis starts as soon as the patient enters his
cabin. Many Homoeopaths believe that his prescriptions are intuitive. If we try to
understand, we find that there is an analytical, logical, mathematical thinking behind
every remedy he prescribes to a patient. Every homoeopath needs to understand his
logical thought process in every case and try to follow his footsteps. Here ,he is explaining
how to go about even in most difficult cases.

From the desk of Dr Prafull Vijayakar....

Case of Acute Appendicitis

Lady age 28 years.

This young lady was admitted to the hospital for acute pain in the abdomen more
on right side. She was suspected of having acute appendicitis and the surgeon
wanted to operate upon her without any delay. The date of operation was fixed on
Thursday morning and on Wednesday afternoon her husband came to our clinic
to ask whether this operation could be avoided with Homoeopathy.
One of the assistant doctor was sent to the hospital immediately to gather as
much information as it was possible so that we could save this operation.

The following is the extract of the history that he could gather on which we had to

The reports of the hospital showed she had been empirically diagnosed as acute
exacerbation of chronic long-standing appendicitis. The circumstances that had
led them to this diagnosis was recurrent pain in the right iliac fossa for last 6 to 8
months with high white blood cell count and high number of Neutrophils and pus
cells in urine. The patient was initially treated for urinary tract infection with
antibiotics but the pain that came in paroxysms did not respond. Though the
Barium meal X-ray did not show any signs of appendix inflammation it was
decided by team of doctors that since no other positive findings were found she
must be having a hidden appendix which will have to be knocked out.

The patient gave the following history:

She was married at the age of 23 years i.e. 5years back. She gave birth to a baby girl
when she was 24 years. This girl was now 4 years of age.


About a year back this lady got an episode of acute pain in the right side of the abdomen with
tossing and turning and vomiting. She was admitted in the hospital and was diagnosed as a
pain due to cystitis. She was treated with antibiotics and pain killers and the pain subsided.

The pain recurred after 40 days and a similar line of treatment was administered. In the last
one year this pain had occurred about 3-4 times.

The pains were so bad and excruciating that she had to be admitted to the hospital for relief.
She was treated with antibiotics for urinary tract infection recurrently.

This time she was tired and was not happy with the diagnosis made by the doctors every time
because, though they were able to control the pain, they were not able to get to the root
cause and prevent the recurrence. “What was the guarantee that after they knock out my
appendix this pain will not appear again after a few months?” was the question asked by her.

She was firm that this time she wanted to take homoeopathy.
But the pain was so severe that doctors would not allow her to take discharge form hospital
and threatened her that the appendix would break open.

The pain in the abdomen was predominantly on right inguinal region. The pain was stitching
type. It used to come in paroxysms. The paroxysm would start suddenly and go down
gradually. It was worse when she was travelling, especially due to any jar in the car or

She was chilly and required woolens even in the warm weather of Mumbai. She was

Her childhood: she was a very diligent girl, studious, always scoring good marks in school.
She was quiet and disciplined and was appointed the leader of the class because she had a
good girl image.

She grew up in an orthodox atmosphere. As she grew up she became very angry girl.

She was a resident of Delhi and was married to a businessman from Mumbai (Bombay). She
was quite happy with her husband.


After marriage: she had to live in an Indian joint family. She was not happy with the
attitude of her mother-in-law and her un-married sister-in-law, who were very
demanding. She would be having altercation and arguments with both of them and she
would not hesitate to fight with them when angry but always maintaining respect for
the mother in law. She never could yield to them especially if she thought she was right.
What angered her very much was anyone saying a lie or doing wrong to anyone. In spite
of not getting along well with both of them she did not tell her husband to separate and
have an independent house for them selves. She was thus very tolerant.

Her reaction to this situation in the house was that I have to ultimately live for my child
and my husband and I don't mind to bear this irritation if it is going to make my husband

Her reaction to this acute disease and now impending operation:

she had lost faith in allopaths and was not convinced with their diagnosis. She said I am
intelligent enough to know that the doctors are groping in the dark and have no clue
whatsoever to why this pain is relapsing. They are just experimenting.

My assistant Dr Ravi came and told me that sir the remedy is clear she has to be given
I asked why?

He said she is CHILLY + THIRSTLESS

She is frank outspoken, she is carrying on to live with joint family in spite of not being
happy with them.

From the above history it was clear to me that today's pain is no different from the
pains that she had been getting again and again for the last one year. This could not be
treated as an acute episode or acute illness. She had to be treated constitutionally.

Then I asked him tell me what is the cause of the pain.

“Sir, probably recurrent urinary tract infection or appendicitis”, he said.

This means Inflammation. And this inflammation is occurring again and again for the
last one year. i.e the tissues are defending themselves Psorically for one year without
going into sycosis or chronic inflammation. But as the pain is very excruciating,
stitching, stinging the other miasm in the constitution has to be Syphilis. So the
remedy has to be Psoro-Syphilitic.


It is still coming in form of acute high intensity pain and makes her so restless that she
has to be admitted to hospital. If she was a Sepia she would have gone into a chronic
slow low intensity continuous pain.(sycosis)

Some of the answers that I did not get from this information were:

When did she first get this pain? Was there an emotional cause?

If there was an emotional cause, was it also responsible for the other episodes?
What was the syphilitic symptom during the attack of pain?

I rang her up in the hospital and got further information:

I asked her tell me more about your pain.

She said it is as if some sharp needle is poking me.

“Where is the pain exactly?” I asked.

She said: doctor when you are standing and if you keep your hands on your hips or
waist where the index finger is placed there is this painful spot.

What? Can you please repeat what you said?

And she said the same thing again.

I was surprised at her intelligence! Very few patients will direct you or explain to you so
vividly on the phone and that too from the ICU of the hospital.

This gave me two clues: (i) this remedy or constitution is really sharp in intellect; (ii) it
has to have spotty pains;
I asked her when did these pains start was it immediately after you delivered the baby

No, she said. She was absolutely OK even when her first child was born.

Was she disappointed because she got a baby girl or was she criticized by anyone for
that? No was the answer.

The pains had started when this girl was 3 years of age.

I asked her: Do you remember the day you got your first pain?

I think Yes. It was in the month of April last year.


Why do you remember this day.

I remember this day because this was “open house day” in my child's school.

Oh can you tell me why do you remember this day? What happened on that day?

The teacher of my child asked me why was I treating my child so badly? I was shocked!
How can I be bad to my own child?

I asked why do you say so?

The teacher said that your child says so. The child says that her granny and the aunty
are very good and my mom is very bad.

I was shocked to hear this. I thought I was a very ideal mother giving her all the love
and care and why should such an impression be formed in the mind of my child?
I was disturbed. When I went home I asked my daughter very nicely why she said so.
She replied that the aunt had taught her to say this.
The aunt that was this lady’s sister-in-law was not on good terms with her but used to
stay with them. She would give the child everything that the mother refused like too
many chocolates, outside junk food, ice-creams etc. all this the mother was refusing
because her doctor had advised.

On that day she got angry on her sister-in-law for misleading her child.
That very night she developed the pain for the first time.

Now the question was:

What had precipitated the pain this time?

She said: yesterday I was told by my mother-in-law to bring some vegetables from the
market. After I bought them, she ridiculed me in front of the maid and my sister-in-law
saying that I have wasted money by buying useless vegetables and that I had no sense
and could not do good marketing. I got angry but I did not say any thing. Later at night I
got this pain and I was admitted.

Do you remember of any such incidences just before your previous attacks.
May be other times that I got this pain I may have had some incidence affecting me
but I don't remember.

My next question was, does getting angry always cause you problems.
No, she said, I am an angry person and I get angry so many times but this does not
affect me so much.


From the above information I came to the conclusion that some emotions had
affected her but it was not anger. Once it was expressed once it was suppressed.

If it was not anger then what affected her?

What reduced her immunity?
It had all started form the day she attended the open house session in daughter's
school. She was alright till then. What caused her to succumb to infection whether it
was in the urinary tract or appendix or peritoneum or ascending colon or cecum or
may be the ovary on right side?
Our next question was “What hurt you the most on that day
a)Was there any grief because the child had no love for her and complained about
her though she was good to her?
b)Was she angry on the sister-in-law because she was teaching wrong things to her

None of these, was the answer.

What hurt me the most was the teacher said all this in front of all other parents. I was
embarrassed. For me my image and position is very important. Till then I was known to
be an ideal mother. and that complaint spoiled my image in every ones eyes.
Even in the second instance my image was spoilt in front of the maid and vendor, and
my sister-in-law by my mother-in-law.

The cause was now clear. loss of reputation and embarrassment was the cause. This
indicated that she had a lot of ego and self-esteem.

Her basic need was esteem.

We needed a remedy that was:

Which is affected by wounded honor
With sharp Intellect
Having stitching pains, pain in spot;
Worse by jarring;
Chilly + thirstless
Conscientious and diligent in childhood


The remedy given was Ignatia 200 single dose

Case II

Case of R.O.P. (retinopathy of prematurity)

Baby of Anita
Treatment started on : 21-9-03
Date of delivery 23-6-03; delivered at 27 week; expected date of delivery was 23-9-03
Birth weight = 900gms

A case of a premature child suffering from R.O.P (retinopathy of prematurity) observed in

both the eyes, more in the right than in the left. Four sittings of laser treatment given before
15 Sept. 03.

15/09/03, Observation of Ophthalmologist:

Left Eye: Stage 2. Good regression of blood vessels.
Right Eye: Extra-retinal blood vessels rapidly progressing with tortuousity. (Rush Disease);
Partial detachment of the retina
SUMMARY: Abnormal growth of blood vessels in the retinal area.

Report as on 21.9.03


Doctor's Observations-

Child's growth is good though premature child.

1] Child drinks milk very fast initially but latter very slowly. Very frequent requirement of
feeds during night.
2] Frequent urination. Weeps before urination and after bed-wetting.
3] Child drinks the milk initially fast then becomes sleepy and falls asleep before finishing the
whole bottle.(observed by mother).
4] Sleepiness while drinking milk.
5] Child is breast-fed 4-5 times a day and also bottle fed of baby food 5-6 times a day.
The child pushes the bottle or breast away by hand if the child is not willing to drink.
6] Flatulence is loud and frequent nearly 10 times a day.
7] Child plays & smiles when touched on scalp, cheeks or lips.
8] Likes company of mother or someone (observed by mother)
9] Better when wrapped. Wants to keep the arms away from the body, wants to keep them
aloof (observed by mother).
10] Strains for stool but passes normal stools.
11] Child sleeps comfortably on the lap of mother or nurse. Keeps awake more at night and
towards early morning than in day time.
12] Startles now & then about 3-4 times a day.
14] Hiccough now & then.
15] Twists and turns frequently as if shrugging laziness.
16] Keeps changing position of arms & legs.
17] Keeps the mouth open.
18] Often keeps the hand above the head.

Ailments treated from birth: Recurrent Apnoea, Sepsis, Neonatal Necrotizing

Enterocolitis, Bronchopneumonia.
This was psora it has now developed into syphilis.

Side AFFECTION : right to left

The child was not looking 3 months old but 6 months. Whatever is peculiar, we
have to take into consideration. So we want a fast growing remedy.

Within 3 months the child had suffered from bronchopneumonia, enterocolitis and
finally ROP, a remedy that was syphilitic, so we have Merc, Iod, Nit-ac, Tarent, Fl-
ac, Hep, Tub. It is difficult to assess thermals in this case.

Now we have to find out what was syphilitic in this?

Appetite was increased and also at night and after drinking, the child had
overpowering sleep; overpowering is syphilitic.


SLEEPINESS eating during (8)
1 agar, 1 bov, 1 calc-p, 1 cham, 3 KALI-C, 2 phos, 1 puls, 1 sarr

Puls, Kali-c, Bov are slow, the rest fast.

Can she be Cham,. She is not angry
Agar, the seat of action in agar is Nerves.

Complete - Generals
SIDE right left, then (43)
1 acet-ac, 1 acon, 1 am-c, 1 ambr, 1 anac, 1 androc, 1 ap-g, 2 apis, 1 ars, 1 ars-met, 1
aspar, 1 bar-c, 1 bell, 1 benz-ac, 1 bry, 1 calc-p, 1 canth, 1 carb-ac, 2 caust, 1 chel, 1 choc, 1
cupr, 1 graph, 1 hydrog, 1 lil-t, 3 LYC, 1 merc-i-f, 1 mez, 1 ol-j, 1 ox-ac, 2 phos, 1 ptel, 1
rheum, 1 rumx, 3 SABAD, 1 sang, 1 saroth, 1 spong, 1 sul-ac, 1 sulph, 1 syph, 1 thiop, 2

Can she be Phos, what does she like? Caressing of the mother!
Calc-p.and phos both are fast growing, both are timid. Both are tall. Both are right to left.

What is the seat of action? Eyes, retina!

DETACHMENT retina, of (13)

1 abel, 1 apis, 1 aur, 1 dig, 2 gels, 1 jab, 1 napht, 1 naphtin, 1 nat-sal, 1 nuph, 1 phos, 1
piloc, 1 ruta

Calc-p. is more on the bones less on the blood vessels, more on the muscles and

Phos. more on the respiratory tract and the blood vessels.

Phos. 200 single dose was given.

After Phos something peculiar happened, the doctor didn't stop the next operation .... if
the remedy is working, a surgeon can never touch our patient, so this time, when she was
given anaesthesia, she had to be taken out of the operation theatre, she reacted so badly
Our remedies, if right, are like a protection shield against any bad influence!

With the left eye she can see and with the right eye a little bit.
No vaccination, no antibiotics given so far.

Next Follow-up
She is very fine, She developed eruptions on her body, her eyesight has come back.
Today she is going to a normal school, normally growing up.


Case III

A case of Multifocal Hamartoma

Master A.J., age 3 years

This boy was brought to us with swelling in the scrotal region. Biopsy showed relapsing
mixed tissue tumor called Hamartoma. One month back the child was operated for
similar tumor in the right perineal region on August 2nd 2002.

On the day of birth the child was given BCG vaccination. The child developed rash on the
right leg and thigh.

The child developed physiological jaundice after birth and was treated with photo-

When the boy was 6 days old, he started passing black stools and started crying incessantly.
He was diagnosed as mal-rotation of intestines and operated when 8 days old. The boy was
admitted for acute Gastroenteritis with dehydration several times in 2001-2002. In June
2002 developed swelling in perineal region. The boy was operated in first week of August
2002 Within 15 days of the operation another swelling appeared in right side of scrotum.
Another operation was advised. Patients parents were in no mood to follow the surgeons
advise as he told them bluntly that this tumor could recur even seven times and would need
operations again and again.

The child had craving for Sweets and Fried things. Thirst: was for sips of water at short
intervals. Perspiration: Always profuse on the neck and scalp sleep during. Cannot
tolerate heat as well as cold Ambi-thermal.

Physical make-up of the child: The boy was lean, thin, with long, neck, sharp vigilant
eyes. He looked intelligent.

Mental make-up:

Physical Activity: The boy was very active, restless, did not sit in one place.
He was playful and liked to play active games. He was a careful child and would never play
games where there was a possibility of getting hurt. Throughout his three years of childhood
he never got injured. He never took risks, never a climbed onto a windowsill or never jumped
from windows or any high places.
His Intellect was sharp. He was intelligent and good in picking up knowledge. He was
interested in general knowledge and very inquisitive about every new thing.
His Will: He was very obstinate and angry child. Angry when contradicted. When angry he
may throw things and throw tantrums but never hurt anyone nor break valuable things. He
was not a fearful child but since his surgery he started getting fear of injections. He was
careful about his health and loved to take medicines.


His Morals: He respected his elders very much. He had many friends
His relations with friends: His father said “he loves to make friends, loves to play amicably but
cannot bear any contradiction which makes him angry and then he indulges into a fight. He
does not follow his friends blindly.”

His emotional reactions: First reaction to any stimulus was anger but not very destructive.
Fear of taking risks and recently of injections.
Let us now try and solve this case.
Step 1- Try to ascertain the diagnosis. This gives us the insight into the physio-pathological
process going on inside the constitution. What was the chief complaint here?

Hamartoma is a mixed tissue tumor. This tumor involves all three germinal layers ectoderm,
endoderm and mesoderm.
The chief complaint or the diagnosis will tell us what is the MIASM. This means we will
come to know what is the process going on at the genetic level that has given rise to this
disease manifestation.

Now the question arises why should we first try and find the pathological diagnosis?
Let us try and understand the instruction given by the great master in the organon.

APH-189 - And yet very little reflection will suffice to convince us that no external malady
(not occasioned by some important injury from without) can arise, persist or even grow
worse without some internal cause, without the co-operation of the whole organism,
which must consequently be in a diseased state. It could not make its appearance at all
without the consent of the whole of the rest of the health and without the participation of
the rest of the whole (of the vital force that pervades all the other sensitive and irritable
parts of the organism);(a) indeed, it was impossible to conceive its production without the
instrumentality of the whole (deranged) life; so intimately are all the parts of the organism
connected together to form an indivisible whole in sensations and functions.
No eruption on the lips, no whitlow can occur without previous and simultaneous internal
ill - health.

In this aphorism Hahnemann clearly emphasizes that any disease in the human body can
exist, arise, persist and grow only because of an internal cause. ( theory of cause-effect
relationship). The cause he attributes to certain processes going on inside the whole
organism collectively in all the cells and tissues. In aphorism 74 he has enumerated the three
processes that give rise to chronic diseases. He named the three processes of chronic
diseases as Psora (process of irritation and inflammation), Sycosis (process of growths,
indurations, accumulations) and Syphilis (process of destruction, ulceration etc.).
Coming back to Aphorism-189, he says that whatever was happening inside the human body
was not due to any local cause. No symptom or sign or pathology can exist without the
permission of the other cells and tissues. If some process that of inflammation, growth or
ulceration has occured anywhere in the body, the indivisible whole as he calls it- was aware
of it. So intimately are all the parts of the organism connected together to form a whole. In
modern terms we now know that


the only common link that was present in the whole body irrespective of system,
organs or tissues was the Genetic Code. It was the genetic code of an individual which was

At the genetic level the individual organism decides the production of Itch, Wart or Ulcer or
for that matter a benign boil, a tumor or some destruction of tissues.
Therefore he mentions -No eruption on the lips, no whitlow can occur without previous and
simultaneous internal ill - health.

In APH-204 he says and emphasizes again that whatever chronic that was happening in the
organism was due to Miasm ruling that organism.

Aphorism-204: says most of the remainder of chronic diseases result from the development
of these three chronic miasms, internal syphilis, internal sycosis, but chiefly and in infinitely
greater proportion, internal psora, each of which was already in possession of the whole
organism, and had penetrated it in all directions before the appearance of the primary,
vicarious local symptom of each of them (in the case of psora the scabious eruption, in
syphilis the chancre or the bubo, and in sycosis the condylomata) that prevented their

Thus every chronic disease that occurs in a patient was invariably due to the process at the
genetic level (miasm) and should not be treated by local ointments or operations. Neither
should these be treated with homoeopathic specifics. For example if this hamartoma was
treated as a tumor to be cut or removed, with homoeopathic specifics or compounds for
tumors like calc-flour or conium or baryta-mur with interposing of tuberculinum, carcinosin
etc. was a gross unforgivable violation of Homoeopathic principle of Similia Similibus

This is an unhealthy habit of some physicians who have not understood homoeopathy and its
universal principle. They may remove the tumor but damage the patient further or even be
responsible for shortening his life as Hahnemann mentions further in the same aphorism

Aphorism-204(contd)....and these chronic miasmatic diseases, if deprived of their local

symptom are inevitably destined by mighty Nature, sooner or later, to become developed
and to burst forth, and thereby propagate all the nameless misery, the incredible number of
chronic diseases which have plagued mankind for hundreds and thousands of years, none of
which would so frequently have come into existence had physicians striven in a rational
manner to cure radically and to extinguish in the organism these three miasms by the internal
homoeopathic medicines suited for each of them, without employing topical remedies for
their external symptoms. (see note to Aph 282).


Some homoeopathic physicians even do not hesitate to refer such cases as “out of purview of
homoeopathy” or name it as 'surgical case' and gladly shun off their responsibility by
referring them to a surgeon! This was the greatest tragedy of homoeopathy. Their failure or
inability to understand homoeopathic principles and putting them into practice in curing
such advanced diseases was translated unfortunately as failure of this magnificent science.
They will never refer or ask a senior Homoeopathic physician his help in treating such a case
because their ego prevents them from bending down to a fellow-homoeopath but these
pseudo-homoeopaths, perhaps from the mongrel sect, (as Hahnemann himself would like
them to be called-see footnote 108) do not mind bending and bowing and surrendering to an
allopathic surgeon, who was an exponent of a science that Hahnemann left, shunned and
wholesally criticized as a wrong and harmful science till the end of his long life.

What have most of our Homoeopaths not understood?

Answer is: they have not understood Hahnemann's theory of chronic diseases. They have
never understood that we as Homoeopaths should treat the miasm or process at the genetic
level if they want to make this tumor disappear. If the underlying process or the cause i.e.
Miasm is not treated the cut-off tumor will recur in an inner organ. It can also translate itself
into a neurological symptom or leukemia endangering the life.

In aphorism-205 Hahnemann warns what a homoeopathic physician should not do and what
he should do.

Aphorism-205: The homoeopathic physician never treats one of these primary symptoms
of chronic miasms, nor yet one of their secondary affections that result from their further
development, by local remedies (neither by those external agents that act dynamically, nor
by those that act mechanically) but he cures, in cases, only the great miasm on which they
depend, whereupon its primary, as also its secondary symptoms disappear spontaneously

This means homoeopathic physician should first and the foremost find out what was the
diagnosis and what was the process or miasm that has given rise to it as he has to cure this
miasm. If he does not take cognizance of miasm his limitations will be the same as allopathic
physician. He will therefore find complete cure impossible in diseases like diabetes,
hypertension, fibroids, thyroid problems, tumors and cancers etc.

This was true not only in physical cases but was equally true in diseases of the Mind. The
genetic code of the individual governs both physical attributes as well as mental attributes.
The mental behavior and mental diseases also change with change in miasmatic process at
the genetic level. ( Details in Predictive Homoeopathy Book-III, End of Myassumptions of


Coming back to the case of Hamartoma we now understand that the process going on inside
this child at present was that of growth i.e. sycosis.

But whether it was sycocis or syphilis, the original miasm or process has to be Psora. Psora is
the mother of all the miasms. No man can be free of Psora said the great master Hahnemann.
All the complicated chronic diseases or in-curable diseases have to build up on primary Psora.
All chronic pathology before developing will have to start as inflammation. The books of
pathology tell us that every induration or destruction was consequential to inflammation not
treated properly. Every growth or destruction was a result of Psora not treated properly.

This child was already having tumors (growths) meaning that sycosis has already set in. we
need to find out where and how Psora started and how and when it got transformed into
sycosis. This was what we call as journey of disease.

Journey of disease
Birth history of the child:- The child was given vaccination of BCG i.e. for Tuberculosis. On
birth the child developed Neo-natal or physiological jaundice. This was treated with photo-

Understanding the above in terms of Miasms:-What was the miasm of neo-natal jaundice?
Illness developed due to 'change in physiology' was generally a psoric illness. When there was
'excess accumulation'(or growth) or 'excess synthesis' of any pigment (like bilirubin here), it
points out towards trait of Sycosis process. But here we observe also 'destruction' of RBCs
and destructive element points to Syphilis factor. Thus at this stage the child showed that it
was born with genetic traits of developing Psora-Sycosis-syphilis illnesses. The child's genetic
code showed pollution of all three miasms or disease processes inherited at birth.

A child born with physiological jaundice at birth, though the gynaecologists and pediatricians
call it normal, was an indication to us that this child was a potential time-bomb that may erupt
easily into any chronic sycotic malady (like tumors) or a potentially dangerous destructive
illness (like cirrhosis, physical or mental handicap or even leukemia), if primarily any
inflammatory condition or psora was suppressed with local treatment of disease like photo
therapy, anti-biotics, or partially indicated homoeopathic similimums etc!


Journey of disease
Physiological Jaundice (Psoric disease)>>> day of birth BCG vaccination.>>>treated with
When 8 days old: black stools, and operated for malrotation of the intestines, ( After jaundice
had disappeared or the effects of vaccination the psoric defense changed it's location of
expression to Intestines. Psoric defense with underlying Syphilis trait caused black stools and
the excessive irritation of intestines reacting to psoric mode caused malrotation of intestines.
Without treating the cause of the malrotation (Psora with syphilis trait), the effect was
corrected by operating upon. This results in suppresion.
For year and a half the child suffered from recurrent diarhoea and had to admitted in hospital
several times.
This recurrent suppression of psora has to finally convert into sycosis and

The child was operated for removal of tumor in first week of August. Again a folly of the
surgeon. Without treating the process that was leading to tumors the end product of the
disease process was chopped off. A new tumor had to develop sooner or later. New tumor
developed inside scrotum within 15 days of the operation. (see organon footnote 118).The
child was brought to us at this stage, which was in SYCOSIS.

We are called on to treat here not the tumor or hamartoma but to return the child from
Sycosis to Psora.
N.B. It will be observed by a keenly observing physician that when a child was in sycosis he will
not suffer from any inflammatory conditions. That means the previous attacks of colds and
coughs or diarrhoeas that the patient suffered before he developed tumors (sycosis) will
either be completely absent or may be infrequent and or transient. Our duty was to bring him
back to psoric illnesses by giving him the right similimum along with subsequent
disappearance of Tumors.


Aphorism 205-contd:- the primary symptoms have already been destroyed by means of
external remedies, and that the homoeopath has now to do more with the secondary
ones, i.e., the affections resulting from the breaking forth and development of these
inherent miasms(here sycosis) especially with the chronic diseases evolved from internal

Now how do we find the similimum that can reverse the process at the genetic level? Was
it really possible to cure a patient accordindg to the Law of Cure as mentioned in our
books? We take the help of organon to proceed.

Aphorism 5:Useful to the physician in assisting him to cure are the particulars of the most
probable exciting cause of the acute disease, as also the most significant points in the
whole history of the chronic disease, to enable him to discover its fundamental cause,
which was generally due to a chronic miasm. In these investigations, the ascertainable
physical constitution of the patient (especially when the disease was chronic), his moral
and intellectual character, his occupation, mode of living and habits, his social and
domestic relations, his age, sexual function, &c., are to be taken into consideration.

Here he says that if we want to cure we should take into consideration

a) Exciting cause-ailment from
b) Fundamental Cause Miasm
c) Physical make-up
d) Mental make-up which includes moral-intellectual character
e) General make-up his Likes-Dislikes, Tolerances-intolerances, sexual functions his reactions
or social behaviour
This indirectly indicates gentic make-up of a person!

In this case:
a) Exciting cause = ? vaccination ;
b) Fundamental cause: SYCOSIS;
c) Physical make up : Lean, thin, excessively active
d) Mental make-up: Very cautious does not play dangerous games. Very fearful of
jumping from high places like window sill or compound wall or even bed. Never gets
hurt and takes care of himself very well. In play-school has many friends. Good in
picking up knowledge. Interested in general knowledge and very inquisitive about
every new thing. Respects his elders very much. On being contradicted gets angry
and can throw tantrum. Fear of injections: Since surgery before that never used to
get scared of injection. Loves to take medicines.
Mental make-up shows the disposition of the child to be : Cautious, Angry when
contradicted, Conscientious.
e) General make-up: Ambithermal Thirst not specific. The remedies that came
common in the repertorization were- Arsenic, Sepia, Silicea, Thuja


Sept 2002---------THUJA 200 one dose given

Follow-up October 2002: Tumor size reduced to half the size.

Follow-up November 2002:

Tumor in the scrotum reduced to half the size. Father was very happy.
A fistula developed at the place of previous operation. Some blood started oozing from it.
Father said “ Sir his nature has changed. He has become very irritable and aggressive” He has
become destructive;
He started hitting his father back. He hits back father hits him; He points out threatening
finger at father;

Good or Bad?

Tumor decreased to half the size.

Nature became aggressive, angry, threatening, defiant destructive.

No doubt the reduction in size of the tumor was a occasion to rejoice for the parents. But for
the right homoeopathic physician it is more important to know what other symptoms had
developed? Whether they were more dangerous or less than before? A perfect
understanding of physio-pathology vis-à-vis miasm can guide a physician here.

The child had developed a fistula! A fistula has more of destructive pathology. Thus the
growth process or pathology i.e. sycosis was getting less but destuctive pathology i.e. syphilis
pathology was on the increase! This by any means does not imply a Homoeopathic cure. This
is suppression. This is also confirmed by the fact that his nature became angry , aggressive,
threatening, defiant and harmful as in syphilis. If we continue with the same line of
treatment and still allow Thuja to work onthe child this child might develop malignancy! We
were on wrong track and we needed to change the remdy. We needed a remedy that should
bring the child back from the process of growth to the process of inflammation or in short this
child should start suffering from cough cold, tonsillitis or loose motions etc. This should be an
ideal cure.

Whenever we go wrong we need to analyse the case with reference to the previous
medicine given. An Hamartoma or an incurable pathology like leucoderma or psoriasis is
not easily removable. Even if the Pathology has moved in the wrong direction i.e from
sycosis to Syphilis giving rise to suppression we know that this remedy had worked


If the remedy has worked partially it means this remedy was very near to similimum but not
exactly similimum. And the right constitutional was in relation to Thuja.

Where did we go wrong?

Thermals in this cases not very clear. Chilly and not hot.
The hamartoma had recurred both the times on right side showing the constitution's affinity
to be affected on right side.

Mental make-up: In this case we needed a constitutional remedy that was angry and Very
The way he would point out a threatening finger to the father indicated that he was ready for
revolt any time. Rubric thus taken was Revolting (syphilitic mental attribute).

He seemed to be very cautious did not play dangerous games. Very fearful of jumping from
high places like windowsill or compound wall or even bed. Never got hurt and takes care of
himself very well. He loved to take Medicines. Instead of taking cautious (which is more
sycosis mental attribute), we understand this as taking care of himself like an adult. He was
good in picking up knowledge and interested in general knowledge and very inquisitive
about every new thing. He generally respected his elders very much unless he was
contradicted. All this amounts to more understanding and maturity to his age. This is taken as
Precocity. On being contradicted gets angry and can throw tantrum. Rubric is Contradiction
is intolerat of.


We needed a remedy for this child was of the constitution that was Right sided, precocious,
revolting,+ restless, + relation to thuja = Merc sol
This remedy incidently also covers ailment from vaccination from where the whole journey of
the disease had started.

Merc sol 200 single dose was given.

Follow-up after one month:

Child became less disobedient, less angry; fistula healed completely.
This indicated that syphilis miasm was taking a back seat.

Follow-up after four months:

Tumor gone --> black spots on skin--->Indicating that sycosis that was active in deeper tissues
was reducing intenally and manifesting on the skin.
He has become a good boy and does not get very angry nor does he revolt.
He developed loose motions almost similar to what he had suffered when he was an infant.
This was relapsing every few days but in a lesser and lesser intensity. The difference between
this and the previous attacks of enteritis was that the stools were not Black in color. ----This
showed return of Psora at endodermal level.
Tonsilitis and fever started recurring----This showed return of Psora at endodermal level.

Follow-up after six months: Mind improved.

Eruptions appeared on right leg. ---This showed us that the cure is complete as the Psora has
manifested on the ectodermal i.e. least important level.

The Cure was thus complete by reversal of Miasm from Syphilis to Sycosis to Psora.

Conclusion : A true Homoeopath is he who treats the Miasm in a patient and stops the
process at Genetic level and confirms the cure by reversal of symptoms by Hering's law of
cure. Just making symptoms disappear with homoeopathic medicine without application
of Law of Cure is Homallopathy i.e. allopathic treatment with Homoeopathic medicine!


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