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MIFD / MIFA principles

 MIFD: Material & Information Flow Diagram

 MIFA: Material & Information Flow Analysis

 MIFD is a picture that everyone can understand, of how

production actually works. It shows from Customer to Suppliers:
 the materials flow:
 the stages where diversity is created
 stagnation points (inter-process stock)
 how products move from one stage to another (means, manpower,
frequency, quantity)
 the information flow:
 the senders and the receivers
 the type of information (kanban, sequence, etc.)
 the transmission channels used

 MIFA includes a calculation of the lead time and other specific tools as required (JIT diagnostic tool, small train analysis, etc.).
It allows to identify the main obstacles to a lean production, defines objectives (target MIFD) and the necessary action plan.

 MIFD / MIFA is necessary as soon as a new project begins to:

 Define the target operating method,
 Understand the machine constraints,
 Define the layout.
In serial life, it is the starting point for optimizing processes.

 MIFD / MIFA guideline is getting updated to include new signs (e.g. pace maker), alert management, booking points, etc.
MIFD / MIFA principles

MIFD example (non JIS plant)

* Example of plant with 4 booking points

Example of alert system information:

1- Receiving
Who: Receiving clerk
Trigger: Truck is late or Qty received < qty on manifest / receiving list
Reaction rules: fill alert card + inform Material Planner
Alert level definition:
• yellow: material will be available at least 8hrs before Faurecia production shutdown
• orange: material will be available less than 8hrs before Faurecia production shutdown
• red: material will be available after Faurecia production shutdown.

 MIFD example
MIFD example (JIS plant)

* Example of plant with 3 booking points

Example of alert system information:

1- Production buffer
Who: Production GAP Leader
Trigger: when stock level is in red areas
Reaction rules:
• low stock: change line organization to N+1 until level is back in green area
• high stock: change line organization to N-1 until level is back in green area

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