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Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Vital Signs

 Explain and know the meaning of Nursing Profession

 Understood the Nursing Curriculum in the following areas:
o Duration
o Curriculum content
o licensure examination
 Identify the different scope and field of nursing practice
 Identify the different scope and field of nursing practice
 To orient in the different hospital setting
 The students will be able to understand and appreciate the various hospital setting and the procedures (Vital Signs)
that are being done in each area.
 To evaluate the student’s comprehension of the discussed topics
 To evaluate appreciation of the facets nursing profession
Computer device or smartphone with internet access (at least 54 kbps; average data subscription
will suffice)

Part I Instructions: Essay Writing. Based on the discussion and audio visual presentation, what field of nursing
do you wish to pursue and why? Minimum of 100 words. Submit your essay in the assignment tab provided in

Part 2: Vital Signs Questionnaire. Instructions: Answer the following questions using the assignment tab
provided in canvas.

1. It is an indicator of your patient’s health
2. What is the normal value of an adult’s pulse rate?
3. What is the normal value of an adult’s Blood Pressure?
4. What is the sequence/pattern that a nurse should follow in taking the vital signs?
5. It is the artery/pulse point of choice in counting/assessing the peripheral pulse

True or False:

1. You need to verify your patient’s identity using 2 identifiers prior taking the vital signs
2. You have to leave the door open if you are to take the vital signs of your patient
3. Digital thermometer should be disinfected before and after using it to your patient
4. You have to inform your patient of his/her vital signs result
5. No need to document the vital signs result if it is normal

Please enumerate the 4 vital signs

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