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Continuous Improvement

Supplier Management

9th of March 2016 (V4)

Supplier Management

Supplier non performance

 Supplier bad logistic performance wastes Material planner and Receiving clerk time and can
lead to production line / Customer shutdown.
 2 kinds of supplier non performance:

 MPM = non-respect of the quantity or timing of the expected delivery.

MPM = Misdeliveries Per Million

MPM = Nb of Defective Order Lines* x 1,000,000
Nb of Total Order Lines
* Lines delivered in the wrong quantity or at the wrong time, due to the supplier fault

 QP = non-conformance of the delivery (packaging, loading, information on delivery note /

label, incorrect information communicated, etc.)

PF (Perturbation of the Flow) = severity of the incident with regards to the disturbance
generated by the failure and the repetitiveness of the failure.

 MPM and QP are tracked by PC&L and SQA to force supplier getting better.
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Supplier Management

 Access
 = data entry application (request access to Laurence Durvel)

 Record MPM
 Faurecia Receiving clerks must record MPM just after every single delivery.
 Done by comparison of the physical delivery with the Manifest (or Supplier receiving list).
 If an order is modified after its Manifest is displayed in the Receiving board, Material planner must update the Manifest on
the Receiving board to reflect the latest information.
 When misdelivery is due to lack of packaging, space in trailer, it is not counted as defective line.
 See user guide .

 Countermeasures
 At Day +11, external suppliers can access GPS (Global Purchasing System) to review their performance.
 Results are part of Faurecia Purchasing Dashboard.
 Countermeasure actions are defined by plant.
 Each month, PC&L and SQA meet to agree and request countermeasure actions to non-performing suppliers.
 Countermeasure actions example:
Level 1 MPM < 49 Preventive Measures
Level 2 50 < MPM < 499 Standard warning via telephone or email
Level 3 500 < MPM < 4,999 Corrective action plan required
Level 4 5,000 < MPM < 49,999 Faurecia written notice, request for improvement, official audit carried out
Level 5 50,000 < MPM Strategic intervention

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Supplier Management

Example of MPM record

 Whenever the cause of MPM is known: add a comment (it will be
very useful to review the MPM status at the end of the month and
request actions to supplier)

Supplier had quality issue on part 187 and

decided (no communication to Faurecia) to fill up
truck with part 188.

1 under
+ 1 over delivery


MPM = 2 Defective Order Lines x 1,000,000 = 666,666

3 Total Order Lines
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MPM reporting
 MPM reports
 WEBI is used for analysis and reporting
 Account to be requested via IAM application: Need help: follow instruction.
 Access: for Europe or directly through link: for Asia for America
 E-training: http://group.intranet.faurecia/sites/quality/WEBI%20eLearning/story.html

1. Select a report
2. Filter data

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Supplier Management

MPM reporting
 MPM report: « MSU01 – Supplier MPM Monthy Analysis »
 Shows Top worst / best suppliers with MPM of the month + 6MR.
 This report answers to FES question 13.8.2. Level 3 - See example:

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Supplier Management

MPM reporting
 MPM report: « MSU01b – Supplier MPM – Month detail », tab « Month detail »
 Shows detail of each delivery (Date, Delivery note number, Cause, Nb of defective order lines,Total order
lines, Supplier MPM). These data are retrieved from
 This report allows Material planner to work with Purchasing and Supplier to improve delivery performance
based on detailed data and comments - See example:

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Supplier Management

Non-compliance (QP)
 Access
 QSS = Logistics Quality Claims application: (request access to Medy Bengana)

 Record a QP (non-compliance)
 QP are recorded by SQA or PC&L
 The causes of QP are listed below:
QP and MPM can add up:

• Reason codes L31, L32,

L34 QP + under / over
Incomplete ASN or DN. Multiple ASN or DN per Manifest. delivery MPM

• Reason code L36 QP +

late or early delivery

 Communication to the supplier

 The supplier is informed by email when a QP is recorded.
 An 8D is requested from the supplier for every occurrence; a debit alert can also be created to cover induced
internal costs.
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Non-compliance (QP)
 Example of QP report :

Incomplete ASN or DN.

Multiple ASN or DN per Manif

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Non-compliance (QP)
 Debit alert
 If judged relevant by Faurecia PC&L, a debit alert is created per Quality Performance Procedure FAU-S-SPG-3123.

Incomplete ASN or DN. Multiple ASN or DN per


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MPM and QP entry rules

Failure mode QP and / or MPM No MPM, no QP
Over / Under delivery on Initial (Initial) Manifest non respected without prevention from Supplier and / or - Mis-delivery communicated to Faurecia PC&L and recovery plan agreed.
Manifest without recovery plan accepted by Faurecia PC&L. (L34.3 QP + MPM) - Manifest does not match with Standard pack quantity or Standard packaging
does not exist.
- No space left in trailer.
- Releases and Manifests are not aligned.
- Manifest vs forecast variability is above the agreed level.
- Releases & Manifest standard lead times were not respected.
Over / Under delivery on Agreed Recovery plan not respected. (L34.1 QP + MPM) Agreed Recovery plan email or Shortage Manifest was not sent from Faurecia
Recovery plan PC&L.
Late delivery / Early delivery - In the case Faurecia is in charge of transportation and Supplier detained the Delivery window missed due to a problem not related to the supplier.
truck with no notification to Faurecia. (L36 QP + MPM)
- In the case Supplier is in charge of transportation. (L36 QP + MPM)
Packaging non compliant - Packaging (or pallet) not compliant with specifications. (L31.1 QP + MPM if In the case of back-up packaging shipped: if written notification sent to Faurecia
mis-delivery) PC&L and back-up packaging usage agreed.
- Packaging damaged (handling or safety problem). (L31.2 QP)
- Quantity per packaging not complaint with specification. (L31.3 QP + MPM if
Mis-delivery because of lack In the case of no communication from supplier and / or without recovery plan In the case of written notification sent to Faurecia PC&L.
of packaging accepted by Faurecia PC&L. (L34.3 QP + MPM)
Late delivery because of lack In the case of no communication from supplier and / or agreement of the delay In the case of written notification sent to Faurecia PC&L and delay due to
of packaging by Faurecia PC&L. (L36 QP + MPM) repacking activity agreed.
Labelling non compliant - Non compliant or missing label. (L32.1 QP)
- Label-item mismatch (wrong parts). (L32.2 QP + MPM)
Delivery document non - Manifest or Delivery note illegible or unusable. (L33.1 QP)
compliant - Manifest or Delivery note missing. (L33.2 QP)
- Manifest or Delivery note documentation incomplete or erroneous. (L33.3 QP)
Load non compliant - Load not compliant with loading plan. (L35.1 QP)
- Non compliance with safety instructions. (L35.2 QP)
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Supplier access to GPS (MPM and QP)

 At Day +11, suppliers can access GPS (Global Purchasing System) to review their logistics performance.
 Example of Supplier MPM performance report (month + 6MR):

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