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STUDENT NO. : BBA 21-30-321




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2) References MUST be included and taken from reliable sources. Please use the Harvard
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3) This assignment carries a 60% weightage toward final grade. 4) The submission
date for this assignment is 31.03.2022

I certify that this assignment is my own work and is in my own words. All sources have been
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College or elsewhere. I also confirm that I have kept a copy of this assignment.

Signed :
1. Chapter -1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study

1.2 Framework

1.3 Statement of the problem

1.4 Purpose of the Study

1.5 Significance of the Study

1.6 Summary 0 – 2000 words

2. Chapter 2 – Literature Review 00 – 3000 words

3. Chapter 3 – Research Methodology

3.1 Research Context

3.2 Data Collection

3.3 Research Participants

4. Chapter 4 – Analysis and Presentation of Findings (The results and

4.1 Descriptive analysis of strength

4.2 Descriptive analysis of weakness

4.3 Descriptive analysis of opportunity

4.4 Descriptive analysis of threats

4.5 Descriptive analysis of strength

4.6 Descriptive analysis of strength

4.7 Analysis based on the observation

5. Chapter 5- Conclusions
5.1 Conclusions

5.2 Suggestions
1. Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
Education plays a vital role as an individual right and a crucial aspect in the development of society and
nation as a whole. At present, the behavior and lifestyles of people rely upon the unprecedented
economic crisis that started since Covid-19 pandemic. The main objective of this research is to evaluate
the situation caused by the economic crisis upon upper secondary grades from ten to thirteen in School
of Excellence, Madurankuliya. This research focuses to diagnosticate the widened roles and
responsibilities of children to cope up the whole dynamics of education due to the evolution of
technology, to identify the family background economically, and advocating policies to execute feasible
learning methods. Students came across difficulties related to subjects and teachers faced challenges in
reaching the students during to the approach towards e-learning methods. Difficulties arose to both
parties’ students were unable to receive sharpened explanation where as teachers were unable to reach
the students to maintain the interaction. The recommendation of the study brings up facilities to
upgrade smart class, confess students to collective knowledge of approaching electronic devices for the
purposes of education and level up all the educational system towards digital system.

Sri Lanka’s current economic condition may be results of many years of misdirection, corruption,
shortsighted policymaking, and an overall lack of fine governance. Scarce foreign reserves at Sri Lanka’s
financial institution and loss of access to international capital markets resulted within the country
defaulting on debt for prime time in history. The present external borrowings, tax cuts that widened the
present deficit, the chemical fertilizer imports ban and also the explosive floating of the Sri Lankan rupee
are among many factors that contributed to the economic collapse. Tourism, along with attire and tea
exports – a number of Sri Lanka’s main financial gain sources – were affected in recent years because of
numerous internal and external factors like the 2019 Easter Sunday attacks followed by COVID-19 in
2020. Now, the economic condition presents multiple challenges together with severe threats to
nutrition, food security, healthcare, and education.

The ability to earn a wage is hampered by scarce fuel provides. This together with the increase in
transport prices and overcrowded transport left employees troubled to commute to figure. Daily wage
earners like three-wheeled drivers are in fuel queues for days losing out on productive work hours.
Regular interruptions to the facility are area unit moving small-business owners’ ability to conduct
business and with several fully closing down operations. Shortages in gas and kerosine oil for cookery,
rise in goods costs and provision shortages are ever-changing people’s consumption patterns forcing
several families to cut back their consumption and non-consumption expenditure. The shortcoming to
receive adequate nutrition because of rises within the price of living affects children’s health and should
result in multiplied rates of deficiency disease within the future. Aside from this, continuous shut down
of schools are hindering children’s education, particularly at the village level wherever most families lack
the technology for digital learning.
1.2 Framework
The National University of Singapore and also the Nanyang Technological University are rated as 2 of the
most effective universities in Asia. None of this was achieved over night however by a gradual
amendment over the years. Meritocracy and education work hand in hand in Singapore.

This figure illustrates however family effects on students learning method. In step with this, if a
student receives basic physical and mental desires properly from the family , he/she would be
grownup with sound physical and psychological state. Healthy kid has basic skills for learning and it'll be
automatically accumulated his/her intelligence rate. The intelligence rate affects completely for any
coaching given and contrariwise. Finally, of these factors have an effect on higher school learning?
However, currently, the family is dynamical as a system of economy further social structure and
emotional bond with the members of the family has diminished necessary because of varied family
problems. Sri Lankan youth provides proof of many personal and case history variables that recommend
bigger vulnerability to academic issues (Jayasena and Nastasi, 1997). Notably, monetary difficulties,
addiction to alcohol, family violence and lack of attention and less understanding of guardians
concerning frequent academic changes, parental replicate married affaires negatively influenced on
child’s education. The socio, economic and demographic background of the lower category
families relatively replicate the less aspiration of education for their school going students. As
Puttalam is a complicated town within the country, national capital recorded a better proportion of
youngsters who are at school age however not attending colleges belong to lower class broken families
(Police report, 2005). Broken family isn't an appropriate place that motivates youngsters to achieve
academic goals with success

1.3 Statement of problem

Sri Lanka is one of the countries that maintained some of the highest literacy rates in South Asia despite
the destruction of a 27 years civil war.

The education system of Sri Lanka was structured by the British Colony. The education system of country
has encountered many efforts upon reforms over the past 70 years. Hence, Sri Lanka has been playing a
vital role in enhancing the quality of education by providing free education. Unfortunately, Sri Lanka is
facing some adverse experiences by the ongoing economic crisis and COVID-19 outbreak. Education was
then in censorious state before the current economic conditions due to the COVID 19 outbreak. So, from
2019 Sri Lanka is possessing negative consequences in the education system. Since new normalcy
stimulates virtual learning, many repercussions happened. Due to the worst ongoing economic crisis the
education sector in Sri Lanka has gained comparatively declined concentration that resulted in the
critical state.
Hence, the general purpose of this research is to renovate the inefficient education system caused due
to crisis by evaluating the root cause to offer solutions by developing practical alternatives while
enhancing the teaching and learning practices. By conducting this research, empirical and experimental
means to cope up the current challenged can be evaluated. And also, it would provide the enhancement
in theories to provide better perception into the issues that pressure as we are feeling right now.

1.4 Purpose of the study

This research is conducted for the following objectives
 To identify the resilience of teachers to teach amidst the economic crisis of Sri Lanka including COVID
19 outbreak.
 To diagnosticate the widened roles and responsibilities of teachers to cope up the whole dynamics of
education due to the technological evolution.
 To evaluate the adverse experiences in schooling the teachers and students to possess dynamic
interaction with one another.
 To identify the current challenge on education system due to poor quality and inefficient education.
 To discuss the learning environment of students its relationship the issues of family based on the
poverty created by ongoing crisis.
 To examine the upcoming recovery strategy of education.

1.5 Significance of the study

As at of 2018, Government Expenditure upon education sector as of GDP percentage was
2.14%. this value is right down the critical citation point presented by the 2030. Education
framework for action which needs an apportionment of at least 4-6% of GDP upon the
educational sector. Whilst there were plenty of proposals to enhance the allocations of budgets
to the sector of education 2022, there is certainty that the present fortuneless of cash of Sri
Lanka will definitely have fellow precedence.
Hence, the Government of Sri Lanka should attempt define an inclusive action plan that
focuses upon student-centric, to bring up the education system of Sri Lanka and assist both
students and teachers to overcome the current crisis.
As per the global survey, there is a propensity for plentiful students to leave from country
seeking for fine opportunities in education during the economic crisis times. If the Government
fails to address the students’ burden, and offer instantaneous resolution to their needs, the
country will not only perceive the whole generation consisting of youngsters afflicted by lower
attainment of education in compelling development years, but also will come across a critical
brain drain in the upcoming years. Whilst the country manages the stabilization measures of
macro-economy, it is crucial to equip the educational crisis too.
The present economic crisis has affected the education sector of Sri Lanka critically. The entire
education system has been affected. Students, who are the main partners of education
experience a asymmetric burden by this crisis.
Categories of students

 Students from minimal income families

 Students from labor families
 Students from communities of oppressed caste
 Students from communities of fishing
 Students from rural plantation areas
 Students from North and East war affected areas.
Hence, education has become dangerously uneconomical for many, and there is a plenty of
severe threat to the concept of free public education as a path for social justice and mobility.
As we analyze avenues there is a requirement to resonate upon why free public education has
been severely affected in this way and why we have been incapable to take measures to forbid
students from being kicked out of the system.

1.6 Summary
Sri Lanka provides greater concern for the educational system through the policy of free
education from primary to the university level. However, it has been ineffectual to receive the
fullest advantages due to numerous struggles. Hence, this paper efforts to research some of
present issues on education generally within the country due to unprecedented economic
crisis, particularly in the sociological perspective. This academic work is bounded to the learning
environment of students along with the connection to the domestic issues due to the poverty
caused by the economic crisis. As per the recent media coverage by educational experts, they
did brief that the concentration of students towards learning have been significantly weaken
because of diversified issues they have to come across. Generally, both the academic and social
accomplishments of students and are intently account with their mental health.
2. Chapter- 2 Literature Review
The greatest scholars around the world have shared their perspectives upon the present health crisis
and economic crisis in different perspectives. When analyzing those articles, we can able to identify
general problems that have accelerated globally and the impacts of unprecedented economic crisis and
Covid-19 upon the educational system. This economic crisis has created a massive change to the
educational system which was conventional then. Upoalkpajor (2020) this research work disclosed the
impact of Covid-19 upon the present educational system and moreover discussed an analytical
introspection about the connection between the Covid-19 and the breakdown of conventional
educational system which then severely affected by the economic crisis. The data of this study was
gathered by distributing questionnaires among head teacher, teachers and Senior and junior students of
a high school situated in Ghana. Finally, this study suggested implementing an approach to offer
education healthily.

Bektursynova and Sarsnegaliyeva (2020) this study was made by aiming to investigate and explain the
perspectives of students, teachers and parents about the situations created by the social isolation and
the views of teachers and parents in connection to online learning or remote learning. To receive the
results of this study, semi-structured in interview were taken place.

Mustafa (2020) this research finalized that from starting to the end of this study, the analys is way about
the Covid -19 impact upon the educational sector, has identified and examined an obvious idea of the
impact of the school closure upon the childhood education, primary,secondary and higher education
individually. Additionally, it mentioned controversial issues such as advantages & disadvantages of
remote learning and posed challenges obviously.

Radwan (2020) this research has analysed the issues of household due to the closure of school followed
by the Covid-19 outbreak. The data for this study was collected by conducting an online interview
amaong many households in the Gaza strip. This attitude survey was conducted to estimate the impacts
economically of families and arguments of households by annotating upon the extent of school closure.

Additionally, these kinds of families are apprehending to restart and to recommence the education of
their children. Parallelly, they were endowed to observe the gradual burning of domestic violence.
Apart from the perspective towards family, this study’s author assumed to explore the impact of Covid-
19 upon the administration of school. They tried to determine the impacts upon teachers with overload
and principals during the shutdown of schools.

Khalif et al, (2020) this study examines the responses of middle school teachers for the shutdown of
schools in 3rd world war countries during the crisis times. This analysis was carried out in Afghanistan,
Libya and Palestine as developed nations among 22 teachers from these nations. Data for this study was
collected through interviews that are semi-structured and three representative survey group discussions
were helpful to collect data. Findings of this study was that the teachers enhanced their skills and
talents to adopt the technologies that are being emerged and drafted appropriate content in digital.

Farhana (2020) investigated the present scenario and adaptational challenges of conducting online
classes for secondary grades in the view of experiences of teachers. The method for this study was
conducted by consecutive exploratory mixed-method approach. The interview was conducted for five
teachers from secondary grades. Another 54 teachers were surveyed of secondary grades over
telephone, google form and E-mail from 17 districts in Bangladesh. The qualitative analysis was
conducted using Ms.Excel and the qualitative analysis was conducted using thematic analysis
approached. The results disclosed that a fine number of teachers have initiated online teaching using
the platforms of social media regardless of insufficient training or experience.

Lesturi and Gunawan (2020) this research targets to explain the pandemic impact upon the
implementation of learning for the school levels of primary and secondary. This study adopts the
descriptive content analysis method. The data for this research was gained is the outputs of various
scientific articles review, both the journals from nation-wide and internationally.
3. Chapter 3 Research Methodology
3.1 Research context
The present economic crisis, and how it is encountering the education system, can be indicated
to the careless open-economic policies that was adopted by Sri Lanka in 1977 and the mindset
with neoliberalism that administers the planning of education since. The considerable fee the
crisis is leading upon our students is a demonstration of the enduring failure. Our present
education system has deteriorated at the successive governments’ hands. Whilst considerable
money was spent upon pride projects, the sectors to be considered left neglected. Since the
Government failed to invest needed support system for education such as accommodation for
undergraduates else in enhancing rural schools or improving schools with plenty of A/L classes,
including the needed streams, these actions would have minimized the costs of transportation
and accommodation, who are suffering to accept this cost amidst this economic crisis.
As minimal-income, labor category families have been affected so hard, a quick fix to the
economic redistribution. Inside this framework, the approach the state apportions funds for
miscellaneous initiatives must be substantiated upon the basis of how the above said initiatives
could assist in building up an impartial and equitable society. This hypothesis must direct to
pave priority towards the enhancements of global free education and healthcare.

3.2 Data collection

The research was conducted using both approaches quantitative and qualitative by data from primary
and mostly from secondary. The primary data was collected by questionnaires and semi structured
interviews. This study follows a method of random sampling to select the hundred seventy nine
students who are chosen from grade 6-13 student and semi-structured interview was conducted for
selected teachers, the staff of the school. The secondary data collection was conducted using
corresponding websites, census and statistic reports and research articles.

The study analyzed the impacts of price hike in the families especially upon education and identified
present educational challenges faced by various interested parties. The samples for this study contained
in of hundred seventy-nine students from School of Excellence from the grade 6-13. Teachers were
involved directly into the study.

3.3 Research participants

This is a descriptive analysis study and methods of random sampling were involved to choose the
sample for this research. The analysis of collected data was conducted by SWOC (strength, weakness,
opportunities, challenges) study. SWOC analysis is considered as one of the strategic methods to assess
the impact of economic crisis lead by Covid-19 breakdown and then price hike ( Henzi, et, al.2007).
Additionally, Pearson’s Chi-squared test examined the inter-relation between SWOC factors and
analyzed relationship between internal factors and external factors additional cross section too. The
statistical programs namely SPSS 20.0 version and MS. Excel were involved to calculate the results
4. Chapter 4 Analysis and presentation of findings (The results and
As per the questionnaire survey, 42.3% of parents were manual labors in a daily basis. There upon,
29.2% of parents self-employed, 13% were foreign jobs employed, 10.1% were employed government
jobs and 5.4% involved in private jobs. The focal point of this research is the job shutdown during
lockdown and economic crisis. Self – employees and daily workers are the significantly affected parties
than fellow jobs since they continue despite the challenges using some mechanism of work from home
and online working.

4.1 Descriptive analysis of strength

The results discovered that the actual school had reached its most attending once the reopening. Shut
down of schools might negatively influence the continuity of education for all folks, together with teens
and deprived kids, who tend to be the foremost affected.

Due to the varsity closure following the COVID pandemic, the education of the students was utterly
interrupted. The school reopening gave an opportunity to the students, and students were fascinated by
attending school. The teachers were also terribly involved regarding reaching the competence level due
to that specific term, and a correct education system was maintained with the contributions of each
teachers and students.

Further, some students were ready to get entangled within the on-line education system that was
evaluated within the education system. This provided the students with concept of virtual learning.
Throughout that scenario, the support from families contributed to raising their self- development.
Although several struggles were featured, the above facts may be considered because the strength of
the shutdown of schools throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

4.2 Descriptive analysis of weakness

According to the table, once the school was reopened, the actual fact that was known because the main
weakness was the shortcoming of students to face the term exams and government exams.

Obviously, it may be considered as a serious weakness. Covid-19 effects on education, notably its effects
on the performance of school students who are sitting for the national examination (Sentem, 2020).
School prevalence is to continue the education through the e-learning method. As a preliminary step,
the schools tried facilitate through Zoom. Because of its failure, the schools sent learning materials
through WhatsApp, however because of the absence of data on the web, the scholars were unable to
access WhatsApp. A: because of shut down of schools, students lacked an interest in learning. Despite
their involvement in studies, they became demotivated and their education was discontinuous
4.3 Descriptive analysis of the opportunity
As per the analysis, 2 specific terms of the educational year were interrupted because of college closure.
Students used this as a chance to revise their previous lessons. Students found this technique as a
helpful method wherever they may overcome the obstacles they featured throughout the shut-down of
schools. Additionally, the preference of online education within the future was recognized as the second
chance. Students recommend that they like to continue the online education technique, and also, if any
crisis happens within the future, they may manage their on-line education by the e-learning process.
Further, students were able to interact with e-devices so as to perform their education. Students found
this as a chance to get information regarding access devices. They recognized it as an evolution within
the conventional education strategies.

4.4 Descriptive analysis of challenges

As per the analysis, students and teachers featured challenges in accessing a correct net connection
throughout the e-learning technique. Each area unit recognized as a main challenge. Teachers have
featured major challenges implementing on-line learning, for example, digital difference among
students, poor and unsuitable content and educational materials, the absence of support and coaching,
and also the problems with teaching quality (Rees & Seaton, 2011).

Furthermore, students featured subject-related difficulties throughout accessing the online education
method. Students did not acquire a much better understanding of subjects like art, arithmetic, science,
and literature. Additionally, some students lack family support each in face to face learning and in e-
learning ways. Throughout shut down of schools, students couldn't be concerned in educational
activities as earlier. The mentalities of students were thus down in education. The sudden reopening of
school was a challenge to students to mend their mentality concerning education, as earlier.

4.5 Descriptive analysis of SWOC

Even though the education of the students was fully interrupted because of the COVID-19 pandemic,
they were given some opportunities to beat those obstacles. According to the table, the shutdown of
schools extended for a protracted time and each student featured many obstacles. Moreover, students
featured subject-related difficulties throughout accessing the online education technique. Students did
not acquire a much better understanding of subjects like art, arithmetic, science, and literature like
subjects. Additionally, some students lack family support each in face-to-face learning and in e-learning
ways. Throughout shut down of schools, students couldn't be concerned in academic activities as earlier.

The main truth that might be thought of as a chance is that the revision of the previous year. Whereas
teaching chapters that ought to be instructed at the present and continued the teachings which were
stopped because of the shutdown of schools, this can be an enormous advantage for the students. The
majority of students most well-liked this technique and their involvement in studies are increasing
rapidly. Moreover, the fast increase at school attending was recognized because the main reality which
might be known because the strength academic closure. Resuming instructional activities after an
extended gap inspired students to interact in education with a lot of interest and activity than earlier.
This can be the rationale why continuous attending was discovered among the students in school.
In addition, when the school reopening, the very fact that was found because the main weakness was
the shortcoming of students to face the term exams and government exams. Obviously, it can be
thought-about as a significant weakness. A sudden step that was taken to stop the COVID-19 pandemic
was the shutdown of schools. Students, who had simply started their new grade, were fully

To measure and analyze the SWOC of secondary level education from grade 6-13 18 SWOC statements
up on Likert scale concept and a pilot study was carried out following formula was used to measure the
rank index for every statement of SWOC.

= 5* FSA+ 4* FA + 3* FN + 2* FD = 1* FSD

It is ,

1) SA = Respondents, Representation of Strongly agree

2) A = Who agree

3) FN = Who neutral

4) FD = Who disagree

5) FSD = Who strongly disagree

From the above data, it is obvious that the most promising strength in School of Excellence is that
towards sustained school attendance, conducting educational activities properly after reopening the
school and the subsistence of basic idea of virtual learning. Similarly the fundamental identified
weakness Is the challenges to attend the term examination, problems in access internet. Dissatisfaction
in the virtual learning process, adverse effects on educational activities due to shut day of schools and
absence of interest in education due to closure of schools.

Corresponding observed opportunities were previous year’s revision activities conducted after the
reopening of school, a greater degree of preference upon education via online in near future, usage of
electronic devices, assembling the knowledge received through the virtual learning process.
Conclusively, the identified challenges were the subject – oriented difficulty interruption of internet,
connection issues, absence of facilities at home.

How Sri Lanka’s economic crisis adversely affect education and future prospects of students
Sri Lanka is coming across the destructive economic crisis and it has created the shortage of
foreign currency, rising of debt repayments, greater inflation and shortages in medicine, food
and fuel.
The debt restructuring has gained more constriction but the education sector is in the critical
state since, it has gained comparatively less traction and this causes risks upon the future
growth prospects of Sri Lanka.
Education was by then in corruption and crisis before to the present economic
conditions because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Amid the pandemic peak, approximately 4.3
million Sri Lankan students were adversely affected by extended and concurrent closures of
school. Hence, the era of Covid switched to learn remotely, was distant from ethical, with
education based by internet that is being limited to only 45% of the whole student population.
This enraged socio-economic gaps and contributed to the compelling loss in learning. Whilst
school-goers experience some resemblance of new normalcy with the resuming of schools in
the last few months, this is currently being counter balance by the evolving economic crisis.
The most recent concern covering both students and teachers similar is that the surge in the
prices of petrol and diesel has created an unaffordable transportation to and from school. Past
few months ago, fuel prices have escalated, with the pricing rising for petrol was 33.1% and the
price rising for diesel was 64.2% by setting a record.
In return to these hikes in prices, a composite of government school principals and teacher’s
unions affirmed sick leave in early last week, as a part of strike indication. Further to the
increases in price, shortages of fuel have critically hampered functions of school transport
service providers since they were about to wait in never ending queues for hours at fuel sheds.
Temporarily, a solution was arranged to this issue by the Teachers’ Unions, to permit students
and teachers to represent schools that are in closest proximity for their living area whilst the
resolution seems an innovative one, during the implications it did sound unfamiliar to work,
since there was dissimilarities in educational quality across dissimilar schools. It possibly hard
for both students teachers to non-coupling conversion from one school to another school
temporarily. Hence, this proposal was consequently denied by the education ministry.
This crisis has made not only the fuel shortage, but also the other
needed import materials that are adversely affecting the education. The foreign currency deficit
to do import essential materials and the sharp Rupee depreciation have accounted
uncompromising shortages in import, containing the printing papers. In the middle of March,
2022, Authorities of education declared an indefinite pause for term tests that are scheduled,
due to the shortage of paper in the country and unable to print the exam papers. This disclosed
that there was an unnecessary exam papers. This disclosed that there was an unnecessary
pause in the fulfillment of accordant assessments; students should have utilized to follow
fellow activities.
Shortages of fuel have also directed to the electricity shortages. Recurring power cuts island
wide have depressed the constraints of learning for the students of Sri Lankan who are unable
to finish the school work, unable to iron their uniforms for school and even unable to get
proper sleep since the power cuts last between 6-10 hours daily at times.
The shortages of forex and rupee depreciation ( In April by over 30%) has unfavorably afflicted
those higher education following students abroad and at affiliation centers of foreign
universities within Sri Lanka. Since state funded tertiary education is restricted to few, several
students follow their higher education by private sector educational institutions. In many of the
cases, fees for tuition and for examination to be paid in foreign currency at these types of
Due to the shortages in the current forex, parents are confusing to safeguard the essential
foreign currency to settle for the tuition and examination fees of their children. People with
constricted finance left vulnerable. Few students intended to pursue their study in abroad have
had lost choice but to pause their education and come back to Sri Lanka, whilst the students of
local foreign affiliate institutions have also had to halt the academic follow-up, due to greater
rise in examination fees. The capability to follow up, tertiary education, which was by then
considerably contrary to the less who attained into state universities and those who can be
able, towards private collages, has become considerable more confining at present.

4.6 Analysis of practical study

In 2022, once the country shifted from the Covid crisis to the political and depression, chaos continued
to penetrate. The country disintegrated into riots, older state instigated violence, subject protests,
intermittent curfews, daily power cuts, fuel crises, transport problems, food crises, gas shortages,
parliamentary instability and astronomical rises within the price of living.

Our children’s lives – their physical security, psychological eudemonia, access to high school, happiness,
peace, stability – continued to be severely compromised. Even once school remained open, several
school going students couldn't attend school. Transport issues, food issues, school going students having
to require up jobs, families falling apart… these crises continue into the unpredictable future.

Access to education could be a right and a responsibility

The constitution’s directive principles recognize, as a central objective of the state, the “assurance to all
or any persons of the correct to universal and equal access to education in any respect levels”

However, the govt. Has persistently did not offer school going students with education and also the
necessary infrastructure to access education since 2020. In spite of not adhering to the present basic
responsibility, with no acknowledgement of this failing nor with any apparent thought for the injury
caused to children’s lives, the govt. Instead will increase pressure on school going students and families
by the demand of the ritual of arduous public exams.

In Sep 2020, six months into the pandemic, the National Institute of Education (NIE) made
comprehensive information of essential learning outcomes for all grades. This was discharged to schools
with the peace of mind that school going students at the O’Level communication can solely be tested on
an equivalent. In Jan 2021, (four months later and 6 weeks before 2020 batch O’Level exam), the
Ministry of Education (MOE) help school that school going students would, in fact, be tested from the
complete information at the O’Level exam. Nothing was done to challenge or expose this serious
malfunction. All crises in state result in the region of responsibility.

The tragedy of our bankrupt country is that any of the higher than 3 eventualities is plausible. The
change of integrity tragedy is that those accountable are ne'er command to account. In this manner we
have a tendency to move forward from crisis to crisis. Those in power create fateful mistakes. Those
higher than them, around them and below them shut one's mouth. The victims are invariably the
foremost helpless.
Children, destroyed by our education system, disappear from our schools, from our country, typically
from life itself. (Sri Lankan has one in every of the best rates of teenaged suicide within the world). For
many years currently we've all settled into our own very little corners of this broken mechanism. From
these places we've fed the thousands of unaddressed corruptions – the massive and small injustices, the
individual and collective silences, the general public and long farces. Of these games have, together,
cannibalized the system that runs our lives and currently we have a tendency to are within the middle of
an apparently never-ending catastrophe.

At this reckoning, with nothing still the understanding of total collapse before than United States of
America, we've a tendency to grown-ups have to be impelled to raise ourselves if those responsible of
our children’s education do not feel to be able of, curious about or committed to minding for our
youths, are we've a tendency to attending to still do nothing?

For times, honest, well- meaning Sri Lankans has learned the art of righteous palsy. We condemn the
system, blame politicians, condemn the lack of space and occasion for change. The further corruption
grows, the lower we make our circles of influence; the more blatant the political travesties, the further
submissively we set our own palms. Courage becomes attachment, compliance is confused with
concession, leaders come directors, big dreams and parlous battles are avoided at all cost. We've come
used to keeping our heads down, mouths shut, staying concentrated on our jobs in the stopgap that we
can make a small change within our own safe worlds. As parents, educators, leads or state officers with
a ethics, this means we do our best within a depraved system, without drawing too important attention
to ourselves. We find righteous purpose in still mopping up the damage caused by the big
misapprehensions we inherit. Still, we do little to actually stop these misapprehensions being made in
the first place or( indeed more ruinous) being repeated again and again.

The failure by government in reimagining the education

Still, over the once two months, the shape and compass of citizenship has been readdressed in Sri
Lanka. We've seen what can be achieved when ordinary people risk their lives and jobs and stand
together for a progressive cause. Citizens have shown politicians and each other those real power
falsities, not with the many small men who sit behind large divisions but among the numerous who dare
dream of and work towards a better future.

A space has unclosed up in Sri Lanka which utmost of us would not have envisioned possible. A space of
possibility – possibility for real change but change that requires real courage. Still, if we persist to
remain silent as our children’s lives and futures are destroyed, also regret on us, If the grown-ups of this
country don't use this space and occasion to call out this government and education system for the
detriment it's causing our children.

A failed government will strive to compartmentalize authority and normality through routine functions.
Hence, blatantly it prints tones of money to compensate State hires, it forms new Cabinets with
formerly degraded political gamesters, it conducts public examinations indeed as the education system
lies paralyzed. Political survival and tone- interest determine all these opinions.

As grown-ups, well apprehensive of these games, we can watch passively as we've in the history or we
can step by and cease a failed government ruining the lives of our children. There are numerous who
can unite under this thing – officers in the MOE, NIE, Exams Department, leads, schoolteachers,
educator unionists, child rights activists, child psychologists, religious leaders and parents – all of us who
are confidential to the wordless suffering and sadness of the children of this country.

We can begin by assuring that no child of the 2021 O’Level batch is failed at this lately completed test.
This will be a emblematic but important challenge to the system. Not assuring protection for the
children of Sri Lankan would be a discreditable moral failure on the part of the collaborative grown-ups
of this country.

Rebuilding education amidst the crisis

As per neoliberalism, we have been shaped to comprehend the education as a constant, a
historical, non-framework procedure breached from the realities of socio economy that
challenge communities. The present methods of curriculum and evaluation are, for the greater
extent, rigidly fixed in stone and densely templatized. The practice of Neoliberalism has
converted teachers as teaching machines that creates absence of imagination to cope up with
the curriculum procedure that match the conditions and requirements of a specific historical
At this point, there is a duty to enhance temporary evaluation and curriculum that are
inventively significant and less expensive for students. Although teachers are prepared to
embrace specific procedures and create needed adjustments, the said managements do not
display much stake in conferring these adjustments, let solely execute them.
Education during the crisis period must be given a cardinal place to the crisis of its content. The
curriculum for universities must be adjustable enough to carry the present moment of politico –
economy and its diverse impact upon varied communities ahead. Both the teachers and
students must enclose the process of education that we are involving in present as procedures
that should aid us comprehend the current crisis better and unlade the typical ideologies and
policies. These types of procedures should motivate both parties students and teachers to
engage with communities, protestors, trade unions and policy formulators in seeking the
suitable solutions.
Evaluation and examination practices should be restructured for both the schools and tertiary
levels. Proper standards for it should be widened and assorted so that the system of education
would enfold comprehension when current economic conditions are flattering greater brutal
towards the poor. Hence, even within the school structure, serving the students to pass the
next hurdle must be given the priority.
Undergraduates, specifically those who are in the final years have by then spent greater than
the designated years in university substantially due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
5. Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Conclusion
The finding of this analysis shown the factors influence the impacts on education of students and skilled
activities of teachers in School Of Excellence that is situated in Puttalam division of Puttalam district. The
primary goal of this study is to spot the factors that influence the consequences of COVID-19 on
secondary level (6-13) education. As per the SWOC analysis, the influencing factors were found.

According to the survey found, the influencing factors were shut down of schools for an extended period
of time, inability to access on-line education, job loss families, subject oriented difficulties, and fewer
contributions of families to the education of students. The specific objective of this study was to analyze
the link between these factors and investigate the impact of shut down of schools on the education of
secondary level students.

There were some democratic factors influencing the factors that area unit the reason for the challenges
featured such as parents' monthly financial gain, a scarcity of data in accessing electronic equipment,
and net connection problems. This analysis investigates the concepts of students supported education
throughout shut down of schools and when reopening school.

Besides, as per the responses of the teachers' cluster, they featured numerous obstacles in order to
continue the education of students who were affected because of the school's closure. Resuming
education activities in an alternate method of handling them has been the largest challenge visage by
teachers, that is that the method of implementation of on-line education.

While handling students through on-line education, teachers came across numerous struggles like,
gathering students at a specific time, issues associated with net connection, related connected
difficulties of the students.

5.2 Suggestion for future analysis.

According to the limitation of this analysis, during this analysis consist only 1 college in Puttalam
division. In future analysis should be, conducting a search as well as all the schools in this particular
division. Such as, government schools, semi government schools and personal schools, as per this
subject. Further, determine the all the challenges, issues and obstacles among the students. In future
analysis ought to be embracing the primary, secondary and higher level students.

Governments round the world began to adopt numerous distance learning solutions since pandemic
forced colleges and universities to suspend face-to-face learning. Despite commendable efforts to deal
with multiple challenges together with content delivery, teacher coaching, onboarding connection, and
accessibility and property problems, substantial learning losses are inevitable.

In country, schools are mostly dysfunctional for over sixteen months since the initial closedown in
March 2020. Classes were primarily conducted on-line and via tv broadcasts initiated by the Ministry of
Education together with the National Institute of Education.

However, in step with a study, solely forty eighth of Sri Lankan households with school-aged youngsters
possessed a smartphone or pc and solely thirty fourth had an online network in 2019. As such, not even
half of all households will take pleasure in e-learning or distance education opportunities. A survey
conducted among teachers in 2020 conjointly showed that whereas around forty fifth of students were
reached on-line, solely four-dimensional used advanced platforms like Zoom and Microsoft teams,
which provide a virtual room expertise. The remaining forty first got massive volumes of lesson notes
through social media platforms, like WhatsApp and Viber. This procedure reinforces a teacher-centered
education wherever students just absorb what's spoon-fed to them.

Despite the broader reach of TV lessons in remote locations, network problems are still at play with
solely twenty eighth of students disclosed to possess watched a minimum of one program in 2020.
Alternative problems clogging effective participation are the following:

Pedagogy: Lack of links between TV programs and teachers’ lesson plans, the passive teaching type of
broadcasted programs and absence of interaction with students, and risks of weaker students being left
behind given the shortage of follow-up mechanisms.

Logistics: Confusion concerning the temporal arrangement and period of various subjects and television
channels and poor communication of data concerning programs to schools, students, and guardians.
Parental guidance: neutrality because of poor economic conditions, lack of technical power, and cultural
practices, like in labor kids parturient or prioritizing entertaining activities over education. The
government’s strategy for recuperating learning losses within the long term conjointly remains such-
and-such. during times of temporary operations, there have been no systematic learning loss
assessments, knowledge assortment processes to observe students who giving up most in danger of
chucking up the sponge from college or curricula changes enforced at a formal level. Some better-
endowed schools initiated their own measures at ground level, investing access to resources and school
community networks. Excluding lack of access to resources, less-privileged featured moon-faced
constraints in creating and implementing similar school-level choices within the context of centralized

Distance education within the time of COVID-19 conjointly offers a chance to make new and simpler
strategies of teaching and learning. The pandemic has determined the necessity for effective academics
that may facilitate and support learning rather than just delivering content. in a very remote learning
surroundings, this is able to need effective “teaching presence”, involving delivering well-structured and
fascinating learning activities and frequent feedback, whereas at a similar time participating students in
their own learning, and inspiring them to require responsibility for his or her work. this can be a vital
chance for amendment in country to maneuver far away from the content-heavy and examination-
centric education system to at least one that encourages a lot of active student engagement with

Implementing blended learning might conjointly produce a richer learning expertise. This might become
a staple approach within the new traditional given periodic interruptions to high school operations.
supported studies from totally different country experiences, effective hybrid learning may be offered in
any setting by distinguishing the most effective combination of education modalities, learning materials,
and strategies of communication in line with accessible resources, skills, and technology.
Policymakers should,

 Take imperative action to mitigate this COVID-19 and unprecedented economic education crisis
and develop a strong system for education delivery within the new normal;
 Invest in technology to extend accessibility to on-line platforms in line with desired education
outcomes and resource capacities;
 Improve program style and pedagogy for remote and hybrid teaching, armament academics
with skills required to facilitate and support learning rather than merely delivering content;

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