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ID NO…………….

End Term Examination, Jan 2021

Unix and Shell Programming / CSG 738 T
B.Tech[4th Yr. / 8thSem]
Max. Marks: 80 Time:90mins

Note: Attempt all questions

PART – 1(Objective type) (10*2=20)

Q1. Do as directed

1. How does Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination work in LINUX?

2. List the steps used to create a working multi-OS system.
3. How do you switch from one desktop environment to another, such as switching from KDE
to Gnome?
4. What command would you use to check how much memory is being used by Linux?
5. Write a bash script to delete all the files in the current directory that contains the word
6. How we creating a Boot Disk.

7. What is the significance of the Shebang line in Shell Scripting?

8. How to pass an argument to a script?
9. How do you access partitions under Linux?
10. What is the syntax for different types of loops available in shell scripting?

Part-II Short Answer Type (Attempt Any Three) (3*10=30)

Q2. What is an orphan process? Write a program to illustrate orphan process

Q3 Write a c program that accepts two small numbers as arguments and then sums the two numbers in a
child process. The sum should be returned by child to the parent as its exit status and the parent should
print the sum?
Q4. Explain the booting process of the Linux operating system in detail
Q5 Why is it important to run LILO –t before installing the LILO boot loder?How do you boot a kernel
named something other then vm linux?

Q6. Which is best Raid level for performance and which Is best for redundancy?

Part- III (Attempt Any Two) (2*15=30)

Q7Explain how we are creating a group & how new user accounts are added to the groups.
Q8 What are three levels of permission of files & directories in Linux. Explain each of them.
Q9. Write is the current status of Linux development? Who are some of the key player? How is the
project managed?

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