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TOPIC: Documentary makers DATE: 13/03/2023of week 11

SUBTOPIC: Online Anonymity DURATION: 60 minutes


Know that web pages have addresses known as URLs, A set of incomplete or mixed up URLs.
and know how to bookmark these. Flash Cards

INTRODUCTION: Time allocation: 10minutes
Ask learners to list some of the websites that they visit and to describe how they access those sites.

How would you find a web page that you have not visited before?

Allow time for learners to discuss this question in small groups and then feed back to the whole class.

Explain that web pages can be found in three main ways:

•using a search engine (as they should already be aware)
•entering an IP address
•entering a URL.
MAIN LESSON: Time allocation: 40minutes
Demonstrate entering a URL, for example ‘’ is an invented URL which shows the main features. Demonstrate
using a real example that will be relevant to your learners (e.g. a page on your school website) Describe the different components:
•the protocol (www.)
•the domain name (myschool)
•the top-level domain (.org)
•the path (/stage4).

Repeat this process with a number of different websites, ideally with different top-level domains and paths so that you can effectively
model the difference.

Give learners a number of different URLs, all incorrect in different ways and ask them to rewrite them correctly. The correct URLs should
return real web pages but learners should write their corrected versions on paper. You should include mistakes that involve:
•spaces in URLs
•missing full stops
•URLs with components in the wrong order
•missing forward slashes.

Once learners believe they have successfully corrected their URLs, ask them to check them by attempting to navigate to the correct

PLENARY: Time allocation: 10minutes

Ask how could we save these in case we want to come back to them in the future?

Explain that learners can ‘bookmark’ URLs in their browser. Model this process and ask learners to bookmark some of their favourite
Key Vocabulary flashcard words Base Activity:
URL (uniform resource locator) Support learners to navigate correctly on websites. Use shortcuts to
• browser close, refresh webpages and adding new tabs.
• bookmark
• protocol Extended Activity:
• path Challenge learners to create a search engine ‘index’ which features the
• domain name URL and the keywords users might use to find that website.
• password/passphrase
Click start international book 4 Ask learners to identify the website domain levels .
Oxford International book 4

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