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NOVEMBER 14, 2019

Program Host: Cherylyn N. Perez

I. Call to Order
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I am Cherylyn N. Perez, your program host. It’s my
pleasure to welcome you to Jugaban National High School.
We are about to begin our opening program for this 2019 MUNICIPAL READ-A-THON FOR
SECONDARY SCHOOLS, so please stay on your seats and make yourself comfortable. Thank

II. Opening Speech

Honorable guests,who will also serve as judges for the 3 Read-A-Thon categories: Ms.
Jocelyn Obaob, Ms. Liza Tomale, Master Teacher II, Mr. Joel Japag Master Teacher I, Ms.
Adelfa P. Resilla, Ms. Melba Panim, Master Teacher I, Ms. Jocelyn B. Fabian;
our very supportive Head Teacher II, Ma’am Chandy Dangate, student contestants from
different schools in our municipality and their respective coaches, my fellow teachers from
the English Department headed by our coordinator Ma’am Yvette Mondal, ladies and
gentlemen, a very blessed morning and welcome to 2019 MUNICIPAL READ-A-THON

For today’s event, we have the following competitions:

A. Team Reading
B. Oral Interpretation
C. Story-Retelling

III. Program Proper

A. Opening Prayer
At this point, may I request everyone to stand for the opening prayer.

B. Welcome Message
Honorable guests, ladies and gentlemen, without further due, let us welcome
Ma’am Michelle M. Machete , our Reading Coordinator for English, to give her
welcome speech. A round of applause please.

Thank you for that inspiring message Ma’am Machete.

C. Orientation of the Participants

To give the mechanics for today’s Read-A-Thon Contest, may I call in Ma’am Janette A.
Liboon, our Phi-IRI Coordinator. Let us welcome her with a resounding applause.

Thank you , Ma’am Janette.

D. Introduction of the Judges

At this juncture, to present to us our panel of judges, please welcome, our Reading
Coordinator for Filipino, Ma’am Ma. Teresa F. Canadilla. Around of applause please.
Thank you, Ma’am Michelle.
E. Contest Proper
Now, we’ll proceed to the contest proper.
1. Team Reading
Venue: School Library
Judges: Jocelyn Obaob, Melba Panim, MT I, Liza Tomale, MT II

2. Oral Interpretation
Venue: T.L.E. Room
Judges: Joel Japag, MT I, Adelfa Recilla, Jocelyn B. Fabian

3. Story -Retelling
Venue: T.L.E. Room
Judges: Joel Japag, MT I, Adelfa Recilla, Jocelyn B. Fabian

F. Awarding of Winners

G. Closing Remarks

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