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Name: Marc Benedict P.

Section: C1
Date Submitted: March 30, 2022

Reflection No. 1

I stay positive with the help of viewing things in a bright way. Even if sometimes it’s
really hard I just use to think that maybe this challenge, these hardships that I am currently and
already faced will make me or build the better version of myself. Because I can say that
everything happens for a reason whether its good or not.
I engage myself with my daily activities, aside from engaging myself to different people
day by day I engage myself more to the chores and responsibilities that I have in life. Because in
that way I feel more alive and I still exist because I am still able to do those.
I have relationships with my family, best circle of friends and of course with God. First
with my mom and dad and my sister. Usually we try to discuss some stuffs and somehow, I am
trying to open my self to my family though I really feel that it’s a bit difficult because they might
probably get mad of me for some reason. Also communicating with your best buds or maybe
you can call soulmates are so elite. The feeling, the vibe, the bond and connection goes so well.
Being with them makes me feel and make me really a genuine person with no cap and just
show off my real personality. Third and last, with God so far so good. I am doing service at some
Sundays when it is my schedule to sing psalms during mass. I know that its quite not enough
that’s why I still talk to God maybe not regularly but I maintain my way of communicating with
him and I’m hoping that it will go better in the future.
For me, the meaning of life is meaningless. Because honestly there are a lot of words
that are being used to relate with the word life. It is quite fascinating that life is pretty
meaningless. Because of all meaning and various translations my view or how would I really
define life? Its still an abstract for me, quite messy no exact points or figures no sketches but
still it is beautiful.
As of now, my achievements are a little bit few than the others. At my age (19) If there
is something that I can be proud of is that I am able to step-by-step go out of my comfort zone.
Also speaking on an online conference which is really overwhelming. Also learning to play music
instrument and can bake brownies and cook different dishes. As the year might probably go by,
I want to take more risks in life, seek new learnings, take chances and opportunities and
become a person who is a better or maybe the best version of myself few years from now.
I can say that life is vital when I wake up in the morning to drink a hot cup of coffee,
taking a bath, eating breakfast and knowing that there are good things ahead of me. Every
other day gives different experiences, though I might be practicing the same routine still things
in everyday don’t go the same way how it used to be like. Life is vital, when? When you feel so
alive, just appreciating the world’s natural beauty. It feels different level of happiness if you
know your purpose in life. Having a purpose in life makes living so important and progressive.

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