4 Days Worshop Workbook

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Business Competence Assessment

Business Function Function Goal YES/NO/MISSING

To understand the right setup and structure to comply

1. Legal Setup
with govt. Policies.

To Find the right product to sell with less competition and

2. Product Research
high Demand that sells year long.

To Find your Target Audience and Build Multiple Products

3. Finding Niche for same single customer that targets one Problem of the

4. Brand Story To Build a story that our target Audience relate to

To Find Manufacturer that will provide you the product you

5. Product Sourcing
want to sell.

To Automate The whole shipping, packing, customer

6. Understanding Amazon FBA
service part.

7. Product Launch To introduce your first product with great Hype in Market

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Clarity Of Business Model

Normal Private Label Build a Brand solving a Problem

 

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Business goals

1) _______________________________________ (I want to start this business by May 21st)

2) _______________________________________(I want to make a sale of 4 lakh/month by August)

Goal Setting By Time By _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

1) I am going to Invest ______________ Every Day to learn about this Business.

2) I am going to invest _____________ Every Day in implementing what I am learning.

3) To Get To My Revenue Goal of _______________ I have to Launch ________ Products in next ____________At

an average price range of _____________ .

4) To Get To My Revenue Goal of _______________ I have to Invest ______________________ .

5) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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Understanding Amazon FBA Business

Expectations Reality

3 Reason Sellers Get Stuck in this Business

 _________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________

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Legal Setup Check list with costs

SL Documents Required
Step Where to get it done Cost





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Product research Criteria


Criteria RANGE

Things To Avoid while selecting a Product

 _________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________
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Product sourcing Criteria

Criteria RANGE

Things To Avoid while selecting a Factory

 ____________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________

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