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Types of immunity -> active -> produce naturally,

->remains for long period of time

-> passive -> does not produce antibodies,

-> obtained from external source
-> give immediate short term, temporary protection

Active immunity

1. Natural active immunity – immune system (acquired after an individual recover from an infection)

-pathogen attacks, lymphocyte produces antibodies

-recover from an infection, individual gain a permanent immunity against the disease

-if attacked again, the memory cells will produce antibodies rapidly to react immediately with the same

2. Artificial active immunity -immunisation , vaccines

-immunisation – process tht stimulates immunity against specific disease thru vaccination

-vaccine – suspension of weakened, dead or non-virulent pathogens

Process of vaccination

- When vaccine is injected, lymphocyte is stimulated to produce antibodies to fight the pathogen
- First injection – results in low level of antibody production which is insufficient to protect the
individual from disease
- Vaccine stimulates the lymphocyte to produce antibodies slowly
- A booster dose – increase the antibody production that exceeds the immunity level

Passive immunity

1. Natural passive immunity -acquired thru breastfeeding & mother to foetus during pregnancy
-mother’s antibodies diffuses thru the placenta into the blood flow of the foetus
- antibodies are also found in the mother’s milk / colostrum when breastfeeding (the first few
months after birth)

2. Artificial passive immunity – antiserum injection

-antiserum contains specific antibodies to fight with specific antigen
- gives immediate protection but only for a short period of time
- it is only given when antibody level in the blood drops below the immunity level and the
patient is still infected by the disease.
Health Issues Related to Human Immunity

- HIV ( human immunodeficiency virus ) -> disease is called AIDS ( acquired immunodeficiency

Individual affected by AIDS

- The first few years, the symptoms will not show although the HIV has been actively attacking the
immune system (?)
- Progressive destruction of the individual’s immune system
➢ Spreads in lymphocyte and destroys the lymphocyte
- Immune system of the patient is weakened, body can be easily infected by other diseases
- Immune system will be paralysed and the patient will die due to other infections
HIV transmission
- Enters the body thru the transfer of body fluids such as semen and blood or across the placenta
- Women infected with HIV can transfer the virus to the foetus thru pregnancy, birth or
- However, baby from a HIV positive mother can be prevented from getting HIV with proper
medical treatment
Ways of getting infected
- Having unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected individuals
- Sharing contaminated needles used to inject drugs/ tattoo ink
- HIV infected blood transfusion

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