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I. Multiple Choice. BOX the letter of the correct answer.

1. It implies that there is an equilibrium or uniformity among the parts of a design. This is essential to the total
design of your clothing.
a. Balance b. Asymmetrical Balance c. Symmetrical Balance
2. It is achieved when two sides of a designs are alike on either side of its vertical center.
a. Asymmetrical Balance b. Symmetrical Balance c. Informal Balance
3. The structure decoration, pattern and accessories are different both sides from the center of the design.
a. Emphasis b. Asymmetrical Balance c. Harmony
4. It is achieved when major parts of the garment design radiate from the central part of the garment, creating
a sunburst.
a. Radial Balance b. Asymmetrical Balance c. Symmetrical Balance
5. In design, it involves the relationship of one part to another. It refers to the pleasing relationship of all parts
of the object with one another.
a. Harmony b. Emphasis c. Proportion
6. It is the pleasing combination of hues, values, and intensities.
a. Harmony b. Emphasis c. Proportion
7. It means that one part of a design must be more important than the other parts. The eye should go first to
this part.
a. Harmony b. Emphasis c. Proportion
8. It is the movement of the eye from one part of the design to other parts.
a. Harmony b. Emphasis c. Proportion

II. True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your answer
on the space provided.

__________1. Emphasis means that one part of a design must be more important than the other parts.
The eye should go first to this part.
__________2. Harmony is the pleasing combination of hues, values, and intensities. The color wheel is
presented so that you will learn the arrangement and relationship of colors to the proper dress that is best
for your feature.
__________3. Proportion involves the relationship of one part to another. It refers to the pleasing
relationship of all parts of the object with one another.
__________4. Radial Balance is achieved when major parts of the garment design radiate from the
central part of the garment, creating a sunburst.
__________5. Balance implies that there is an equilibrium or uniformity among the parts of a design. This
is essential to the total design of your clothing.
__________6. Principles of design can help you carefully plan and organize the elements of art. Your
knowledge of the principles of design is essential in producing a better product.
__________7. Formal or Symmetrical Balance is achieved by using, space, color and the varying
importance of objects. Also refers to the structure decoration and accessories are different both sides from
the center of the design.
__________8. Asymmetrical Balance is achieved when two sides of a designs are alike on either side of
its vertical center. Balance in the use of color is essential for a pleasing effect.

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