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COM 3003

SCPI interface description


Copyright - ZERA GmbH, Königswinter 2003

ZERA Table of Contents LOH/10.03

1 Table of Contents
4.1 MEASure 6
4.2 CONFigure 8
4.3 READ 8
4.4 INITiate 9
4.5 FETCh 9
4.6 SENSe 9
4.7 STATus 11
4.8 CALCulate 16
4.9 SYSTem 18
5.1 *CLS 19
5.2 *ESE <NRf> 19
5.3 *ESE? 19
5.4 *ESR? 20
5.5 *IDN? 20
5.6 *OPC 21
5.7 *OPC? 21
5.8 *RST 21
5.9 *SRE <NRf> 22
5.10 *SRE? 22
5.11 *STB? 23
5.12 *TST? 23
5.13 *WAI 23
6.1 Command error -100 24
6.2 Execution error -200 24
6.3 Device-specific errors 24
6.3.1 Device-specific error -300 24
6.3.2 Queue overflow -350 24
6.4 Query error -400 24
6.5 Power on -500 24

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ZERA The SCPI Language LOH/10.03

2 The SCPI Language

For more and detailed knowledge of SCPI we prefer to read the book
„Automatic Measurement Control“ by John M. Pieper, which we think is a good
tutorial on SCPI and IEEE-488.2.
Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) describes how you
communicate with an Instrument from a IEEE Bus Controller. The SCPI language uses a
hierarchical structure similar to the file systems used by many bus controllers.
The command tree is organised with root level commands (Instrument models)
positioned at the top with multiple levels below each root level command. You must
specify the complete path to execute the individual lower level commands.
If you want to change the devices voltage range for example the command would be as


The short form of a level name consists of the first four characters. If the long form of the
name consists of more than four characters and the fourth character is a vowel, then the
short form is the first three characters of the long form. If the long form is 4 characters
long, the short and the long form are identical.


The colon(:) is used to move the path down one level in the selected instrument model.

A semicolon(;) can be used to separate two commands in the same command string.

A comma(,) is used to separate parameters if a command requires more than one


Whitespace(space) must be used to separate a parameter from a command keyword.

Query Commands(?) will instruct the instrument to send a response message. Queries
return either measured values or internal instrument settings.

Caution: If you send two query commands without reading the response of the first
query, the first response will get lost as the device recognises an interrupted action. In
this case the query error bit in the standard event status register will also be set.

Common Commands(*) are required to perform the identical function for all
instruments that are compliant with the IEEE-488.2 interface standard. These
commands are used to control reset, self-test, and status operations in a device.

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Input Message Terminators

Program messages sent to a SCPI instrument must terminate with a <newline>

character. The IEEE-488 EOI signal is interpreted as a <newline> character.

SCPI Compliance Information

The following commands are device specific to COM3003. Not all of these commands
are included in the 1997.0 version of SCPI standard. However, these commands are
designed with the SCPI format in mind and they follow all of the syntax rules of the

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ZERA Setting the IEEE address LOH/10.03

3 Setting the IEEE address

Each device on the IEEE-488 interface must have a unique address. The address range
is from 0 ... 31. Enter the configuration menu of the device to do the address setting.

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4 SCPI Commands

4.1 MEASure

With the measurement instructions of SCPI it is possible to make useful measurements

quickly, without having a complete knowledge of the instrument functions. In this case,
the advanced features offered by modern instruments are not used to their full potential,
but this is not initially necessary. When need arises, more precise details can be added
step-by-step to the application program. Therefore, within the measurement instruction
set, different levels of programming can be distinguished.
The MEASure? query occupies the highest level. It configures the instrument, performs
the measurement, and returns the result within a single operation. This is the level which
is easiest to use and provides best the compatibility among instruments. Unfortunately,
no additional commands can be added to more precisely specify the measurement.
Hence, flexibility is sacrificed for simplicity.
Sometimes it may be desirable to add more precise control over the measurement. For
that reason, the MEASure? query can be divided into the CONFigure command and the
READ? query. Similar to the MEASure? query, the CONFigure command causes the
instrument to configure itself for the best possible measurement. Before the READ?
query performs the actual measurement and acquires the result, additional commands
may be sent to customise the instrument for precise control. This lower level provides
greater flexibility and offers more control over the instrument functionality. However, the
penalty is less compatibility, because the desired re- configuration is instrument

The READ? query may be further divided into the INlTiate command and the FETCh?
query. The INlTiate command starts the measurement, and the FETCh ? query returns
the requested result. The FETCh ? query may be executed multiple times. This allows a
query to be made for several different signal characteristics from the same
measurement, such as the DC and AC component of a signal. The INlTiate and FETCh?
concept provides less compatibility because the programmer needs to know whether an
instrument configured for a particular measurement is capable of providing the
additionally requested signal characteristic. The properties of the different measurement
instruction sets are summarised in the following Figure.

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The following list gives an overview which measured values can be read out from the
device. The user must always specify the whole header to read out the values.
To read out the reactive power the command would be
MEAS:POW:AC:REAC ? (short form) or

As COM3003 is a 3phase meter , the device will put 3 values into the output buffer.


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4.2 CONFigure


4.3 READ


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4.4 INITiate


4.5 FETCh


4.6 SENSe

The sense instrument model contains the functions that perform the real data
acquisition. Its primary purpose is to convert analogue signals into digital data.
The functionality covered by the SENSe subsystem performs the real data acquisition
and converts the already-conditioned signal into internal data. There exists a broad
range of characteristics that can be measured from a wide variety of signal types, each
using different methodologies. Therefore, it is not surprising that the SENSe subsystem
is one of the most comprehensive subsystems of SCPI. Roughly speaking, this
subsystem can be divided in two major functionality groups.

The first group of functions can be best described as those dealing with the signal
oriented settings of the sensor. Sensors are used to measure a wide variety of physical
quantities and units from different signals, such as voltage, resistance, power, etc. The
setup needed for the functionality depends heavily upon the physical quantity and type of
signal to be sensed. For each quantity to be sensed, a subsystem is available within the
SENSe subsystem, which provides the setup functions appropriate for the given signal.
A typical instrument does not implement all possible sensor functions offered by the
SCPI standard, but will provide sufficient commands to set up the acquisition tasks for
which the instrument was designed.

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Within the SENSe subsystem, commands are provided to set up a sensor for such
quantities as voltage, power or resistance. Commands are also provided to set up a
sensor for amplitude, frequency or phase modulated signals.

For example, a sensor acquiring voltages would use the command

SENSe:VOLTage:RANGe to select its voltage range. Similarly, other characteristics
such as resolution, attenuation, or protection levels can be set. Sensors acquiring other
quantities, like power, frequency, resistance, etc., use similar commands to control their
The second group of functions improves the acquisition result by performing
mathematical operations on the acquired data. Examples are averaging and smoothing
of waveforms, correction for known external losses, different types of standard signal
filters, and digital signal processing windows for FFT analysers.

In COM3003 the following commands have been realised. The user can set and read
out voltage and current ranges, enable or disable range automatic or activate the range
automatic once. This means that first automatic is enabled, the best suitable range is
selected and automatic is switched off again.

:RANGe { <numeric value>}
:RANGe {<numeric value>}
:RANGe {<numeric value>}

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4.7 STATus
Covers all status reporting functionality. SCPI instruments implement three important
status groups. The first group is the Standard Status structure as defined by the IEEE
4882 standard. The next group, QUEStionable Status, gives an indication about the
quality of the signal being measured or generated. The third group, OPERation status,
provides information about the state of the normal device operation.

The status reporting system consists of register models and queue models, as shown in
above Figure. All status registers and queue structures are summarised in the Status
Byte register. The settings of the Service Request Enable register determine which
Status Byte bits will cause a Service Request (SRQ) to occur on the GPIB. A Status
Byte bit being set True will cause the device to generate an SRQ interrupt if the
corresponding bit position in the Service Request Enable register is also set True. This
is shown in above figure by the circled & (ampersand) sign, which represents a logical
AND operation.

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Service request and serial poIl

A controller receiving a Service Request interrupt poIls all connected instruments to

determine which instrument has requested service. This is called serial polling. In
response to a serial poll by a controller, an instrument will return its Status Byte.
Instruments which have previously issued an SRQ interrupt set the Request Service
(RQS) bit in the Status Byte True. After the device has been polled and the Status Byte
has been transferred to the controller, the RQS bit is set False again. By examining the
returned RQS bits from the polled instruments, the controller determines which de vice
has issued the SRQ interrupt By examining the other bit settings in the Status Byte
register, the controller can trace back to the event which caused the Service Request.

Status Byte coding

Bit7 OPER contains the summary of the OPERation status structure.

Bit6 RQS Requested Service indicates that the device has re quested service.
This means that an SRQ interrupt was issued. The RQS bit is sent at
bit position 6 in the response to a serial poll. It differs from the MSS bit
in that the RQS bit is cleared after the serial poll. It is only set True
again when a new event occurs that requires service.
MSS Master Summary Indicates that there is a Status Byte bit which
caused the device to request service. The MSS bit is returned at bit
position 6 in the response to the *STB? query. The MSS bit is cleared
only when the overlaying status structure being summarised is cleared.
It is also cleared when the Service Request Enable register, which
selects the Status Byte bits that will cause a SRQ interrupt, is cleared
by the *SRE command.

Bit5 ESB Event Summary Bit Contains the summary of the Standard Status

Bit4 MAV Message Available Indicates the status of the Output Queue is not
empty. This bit is set True when at least one byte is available in the
queue. It is set False when the Output Queue is emptied.

Bit3 QUES Questionable status contains the summary of the QUEStionable

status structure.

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Bit2 Error/Event Queue indicates the status of the Errorl Event Queue is not empty.
The bit is set True when at least one byte is available in the
queue. It is set False when the queue is emptied.

Bit1 Device Dependent status is entirely device-specific.

BitO Device Dependent status is entirely device-specific.

Commands to handle the Status Byte and Service Request Enable register

*STB? -Read Status Byte query

Returns the contents of the Status Byte register (STB). Bit position 6 holds the Master
Summary Status (MSS). Executing the *STB? query does not affect the Status Byte
contents. The contents are cleared only when the overlaying structures being
summarised in the Status Byte are cleared.

*SRE -Service Request Enable command

Programs the bit settings of the Service Request Enable (SRE) register. A bit value of 1
causes the occurrence of an event, which is reported at the corresponding bit position in
the Status Byte, to:
• issue a Service Request from the instrument
• be summarised in the MSS bit of the Status Byte register
This event occurs when the bit value in the Status Byte register changes from False to

*SRE? -Service Request Enable query

Returns the contents of the Service Request Enable register. The value at bit position 6
is always set to zero.

Parameter values associated with status registers

The parameter value associated with a command that programs the bit setting of a
status register (Transition Filter or Event Enable register) is an <NRf> or nondecimal
numeric data type . Expressing this value in base 2 specifies the bit values in the
register. The response to a query for the contents of a status register is an < NR1 > data
type . This value, expressed in base 2, reflects the bit settings of the queried register.
Some instrument, however, provide the FORMat:SREGister command. Programmers
may use this command to select other response formats, such as hexadecimal, etc.

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A returned response of 144, for example, specifies the binary value 10010000. This
indicates that the status byte bits OPER (bit7) and the MAV (bit 4) are set True.

*SRE 24
Since 24 is the decimal value of the bit code 00011000, this command causes the
instrument to generate an SRQ interrupt when the status byte bits QUES (b3) or MAV
(b4) are set True.

All SCPI instruments implement the OPERationable and the QUESTionable status
System. The figure below show the QUESTionable status as an example of status
structure in general. IF masked each bits change in the CONDition Register (positive or
negative transition) will set its corresponding bit in the EVENT register. If the
corresponding bit in the ENABle register is also set then the QUES bit in the Status Byte
will be set. If the corresponding bit in the Service Request Enable Register is also set
then the device will generate a Service Request.

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COM3003 uses the SCPI Status models to report overload conditions in the voltage or
current sense systems.
Bit8 of QUESTionable Status reports Overload in the voltage system.
Bit9 of QUESTionable Status reports Overload in the current system.

All Status model mask , event and enable registers can be set or read out by the
following commands

:ENABle {<numeric value>}
:PTRansition {<numeric value>}
:NTRansition {<numeric value>}
:ENABle {<numeric value>}
:PTRansition {<numeric value>}
:NTRansition {<numeric value>}


The device shall generate a Service Request when an overload condition occurs.

QUES:PTR 768 ; will set bit8,9 of PTRansition

QUES:ENAB 768 ; will set bit8,9 of ENABle

Each overload condition will set the QUES bit in the Status Byte.

*SRE 16 ; Service Request Enable Register bit 3 set

From now on Service Requests will be generated.

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4.8 CALCulate

Performs postprocessing on the acquired data, or pre-processes the data to be

generated by the SOURce subsystem.
Modem instruments may provide a wide variety of postprocessing functionality. Such
functions perform operations on the acquired signal after it has been converted into a
digital format by the SENSe subsystem. All postprocessing functions of an SCPI
instrument are grouped into the CALCulate subsystem. Several independent post-
processing functions may exist which perform operations on the acquired signal, or on
the outcome of another subsystem within CALCulate.
It is not the intention of this book to explain in detail all possible postprocessing functions
which could be provided by SCPI instruments. It does, however, give an impression of
the broad range of standard functionality available. Following Table provides an
overview of important groups within the CALCulate functionality.

Type of
Subsystem within
postprocessing Description
Mathematical :Math Allows for user defined expressions for
mathematical manipulation of sensed or
memorised data.
Filtering :FILTer Performs TIME or FREQuency filtering.
The filter process may operate on the
acquired data, or on the outcome of
another calculation process, such as the
frequency transformation of an acquired
waveform. Hence, the FILTer process
may operate in a domain which may not
be identical to the domain of the
acquisition signal.

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COM3003 uses the CALCulate model for setting the measuring mode and the devices
integration time as both functions can be seen as a kind of postprocessing of the
acquired voltage and current signals. The following table shows the commands

:NAME {<expression name>}
:TIME {<numeric value>}

CALC:MATH:EXPR:CAT? will put a list of all available measuring modes into the output
CALC:MATH:EXPR:NAME 4WA will set 4-Wire active measuring mode

CALC:FILTER:TIME 10 will set the integration time to 10 seconds.

CALC:FILTER:TIME? will write the value of the integration timer to the output queue.

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4.9 SYSTem
Includes the more general housekeeping functions of an SCPI instrument, which are not
directly related to the instrument performance. Functions which can be found in this
subsystem are time and date setting, configuration for GPIB, serial and Centronics
interfaces, help utilities, instrument security, and the retrieval of error messages.

In COM3003 only the VERSion and the ERRor Subsystems are implemented.


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ZERA IEEE-488.2 Common Commands LOH/10.03

5 IEEE-488.2 Common Commands

5.1 *CLS
The Clear Status command clears the device’s status structures. This includes the
• all event registers summarised in the Status Byte, including
- the Standard Event Status register
- the Operation Event register
- the Questionable Event register
• the Error/ Event Queue
• sets the device in the Operation Complete Command Idle state
• sets the device in the Operation Complete Query Idle state

Note: The *CLS command does not affect the Output Queue. However, when there is
data in the Output Queue, and a *CLS command immediately follows a Program
Message Terminator, the Output Queue will be cleared. The Message Exchange Control
protocol requires the controller to first read the response to a terminated query before
sending a new command. Therefore, a *CLS command which follows a Program
Message Terminator violates this protocol and causes the device to generate a Query
Error (Interrupted), which clears the Output Queue.

5.2 *ESE <NRf>

The Standard Event Status Enable command specifies the bit values of the Standard
Event Status Enable register. This register determines which events from the Standard
Event Status register are summarised in bit 5, the Event Summary Bit (ESB) of the
Status Byte register.
A bit value of 1 in the Standard Event Status Enable register selects the event at the
corresponding bit position in the Standard Event Status register to be reported in the
Event Summary Bit.
The parameter associated with the "ESE command is to be specified as a decimal
using the NRf format. When rounded to an integer value and expressed in base 2
(binary), the parameter represents the bit values of the Standard Event Status Enable
Note: Formally, a non-decimal numeric value is not allowed. However, rather than
generating a Command Error, instruments may accept a non-decimal numeric value as
a legal parameter data type. Because register bit settings can be best expressed as a
hexadecimal value, this is a more user-friendly programming practice.

5.3 *ESE?
The Standard Event Status Enable query returns a decimal value, which reflects the bit
values of the Standard Event Status Enable register when expressed in base 2. The
returned value is a NR1 response data type. SCPI instruments may implement the
FORMat:SREGister command and allow for the selection of other response data types.

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5.4 *ESR?
The Standard Event Status Register query returns a decimal value, which reflects the bit
values of the Standard Event Status Register when expressed in base 2. The returned
value is a NR1 response data type. The *ESR? query causes the Standard Event Status
register to be cleared. SCPI instruments may implement the FORMat:SREGister
command and allow for the selection of other response data types.

5.5 *IDN?
The Identification query is used to identify the instrument within a system. The response
to the *IDN? is an <instrument_identifier> which is organised into four fields separated
by commas (, 2Chex).
The overall length of the response is less than 72 characters. The returned fields may
use any ASCII characters in the range 20hex to 7Ehex, except commas (,2Chex) and
semicolons (;3Bhex)

<instrument-identifier> =
<manufacturer> , <model> , <serial_number> , <firmware_level>

Field Description
Name of the manufacturer of the instrument. This field is identical for
all devices produced by a single company.
<model> The type or model number of the instrument.
The serial number of the instrument. Instruments may omit this field.
If omitted, the ASCII value 0 (30hex) is returned.
The firmware level of the instrument. This field contains information
<firmware_level> about all revisable subsystems. Instruments may omit this field. If
omitted, the ASCII value 0 (30hex) is returned.

Note: The syntax for the *IDN? response is Arbitrary ASCII Response Data. The IEEE
488.2 standard requires this data type to be terminated with a Response Message
Terminator. Therefore, controllers should send the *IDN? query as the last query
message unit in a terminated program message. If not, the device will generate a Query
Error and the response to the following queries will not be sent.

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5.6 *OPC
The Operation Complete command allows for message synchronisation between a
controller and one or more devices. The receipt of the *OPC command causes the
instrument to set the Operation Complete bit (OPC, bit 0) in the Standard Event Status
register to True when all selected pending operations are terminated. This implies that
all device operations initiated by previously executed programming commands have
been entirely completed or aborted. A power-on cycle, a 'device clear active state'
message, a *CLS or a *RST will reset the OPC signalling mechanism.
The *OPC command is to be sent as the last message unit in a terminated program
message. The *OPC operation may not function properly if other commands follow the
*OPC command.

5.7 *OPC?
The Operation Complete query allows for message synchronisation between a controller
and one or more devices. The receipt of the *OPC query causes the instrument to place
the ASCII character 1 (31hex) in the Output Queue when all selected pending operations
are terminated. This implies that all device operations initiated by previously executed
programming commands have been entirely completed or aborted. A power-on cycle, a
'device clear active state' message, a *CLS or a *RST will reset the OPC signalling

5.8 *RST
The Reset command sets the device operations and functions to a known state.
Together with the Interface Clear (IFC) message, the 'device clear active state' (dcas)
message, the Clear Status (*CLS) command, and, for SCPI instruments, the
STATus:PRESet command, the *RST command is part of the overall reset strategy of
the instrument. The *RST command does not affect the functionality associated with
memorised settings, the instrument configuration, the status system, or the Output
Queue, as listed below.
In particular, the *RST command:

• sets the instrument functionality to a fixed *RST condition as specified for each
programmable function
• sets the trigger macro as defined by the *DDT command to a device-defined state
• places the trigger sequences of SCPI instruments into the IDLE state
• disables the execution of macros (*EMC 0)
• aborts the Operation Complete signalling mechanism initiated by the *OPC
command or *OPC? Query
Explicitly excluded from being affected by the *RST command are:
• the state of any GPIB interface function, including the primary and secondary bus

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• the status system, including

− all Event register
− all Event Enable registers
− the Positive and Negative Transition Filters
− the Service Request Enable register
− the Parallel Poll Enable register
• the Power-On-Status-Clear flag as set by the .PSC command
• the contents of the macros as defined by the .DMC command
• the protected user data as specified by the .PUD command
• the Resource Description as retrieved by the .RDT? query
• any stored calibration data
• the contents of the memory registers associated with the .SAVand .RCL commands
• the contents of the Output Queue

5.9 *SRE <NRf>

The Service Request Enable command specifies the bit values of the Service Request
Enable register. This register determines which conditions from the Status Byte register:
• will cause a Service Request (SRQ) interrupt
• are summarised in the Master Summary Status (MSS, bit 6) of the sta- tus Byte
A bit value of 1 in the Service Request Enable register selects the condition in the
corresponding Status Byte register position which will cause the SRQ interrupt and is
summarised in the MSS bit. The value of bit position 6 in the Status Byte register (RQS/
MSS) is ignored.
The parameter associated with the *SRE command is specified as a decimal using the
NRf format. When rounded to an integer value and expressed in base 2 (binary), this
parameter represents the bit value of the Standard Event Status Enable register.

Note: Formally, a non-decimal numeric value is not allowed. However, rather than
generating a Command Error, instruments may accept a non-decimal numeric value as
a legal parameter data type. Because register bit settings can be best expressed as a
hexadecimal value, this is a more user-friendly programming practice.

5.10 *SRE?
The Service Request Enable query returns a decimal value, which reflects the bit values
of the Service Request Enable register when expressed in base 2. The returned value is
an NR1 response data type. The value of bit position 6 is always set to 0. SCPI
instruments may implement the FORMat:SREGister command to allow for the selection
of other response data types.

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5.11 *STB?
The Read Status Byte query returns a decimal value, which reflects the bit values of the
Status Byte register when expressed in base 2. At bit position 6, the Master Summary
Status (MSS) is returned. The returned result is an NR1 response data type. Executing
the *STB? query does not directly affect the contents of the Status Byte register. SCPI
instruments may implement the FORMat:SREGister command to allow for the selection
of other response data types.

Note: Formally, a non-decimal numeric value is not allowed. However, rather than
generating a Command Error, instruments may accept a non-decimal numeric value as
a legal parameter data type. Because register bit settings can be best expressed as a
hexadecimal value, this is a more user friendly programming practice.

5.12 *TST?
The SeIf-Test query allows the user to perform an internal self-test of the instrument and
to retrieve the test result. The execution of the self-test does not require any interaction
with a local operator.
The response to the *TST? query is a decimal numeric, using the NR1 data type. A
returned value of zero (0) indicates that the test successfully completed without any
errors detected. A returned non-zero value indicates that the test did not complete or did
complete with errors detected. In this case, the returned value may specify the reason for
the failure.

5.13 *WAI
The Wait-to-Continue command allows for message synchronisation between a
controller and a device. The receipt of the *WAl command causes the instrument to
prevent execution of any further programming commands until all selected pending
operations have been completed. This implies that all device operations initiated by
previous programming commands must first be completed or aborted. As such, the
*WAl command forces the sequential execution of programming messages.

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ZERA Error Messages LOH/10.03

6 Error Messages
An event/error queue (fifo) is provided by the System Instrument Model of SCPI. The
SCPI implementation of our COM3003 allows 10 events to be stored.

At the moment the following events/errors are available:

6.1 Command error -100

This is the generic syntax error for devices that cannot detect more specific errors. This
code indicates only that a Command Error as defined in IEEE 488.2, has

6.2 Execution error -200

This is the generic syntax error for devices that cannot detect more specific errors. This
code indicates only that an Execution Error as defined in IEEE 488.2, has

6.3 Device-specific errors

6.3.1 Device-specific error -300

This is the generic device-dependent error for devices that cannot detect more specific
errors. This code indicates only that a Device-Dependent Error as defined in IEEE
488.2, has occurred.

6.3.2 Queue overflow -350

A specific code entered into the queue in lieu of the code that caused the error. This
code indicates that there is no room in the queue and an error occurred but was not

6.4 Query error -400

This is the generic query error for devices that cannot detect more specific errors. This
code indicates only that a Query Error as defined in IEEE 488.2, and 6.3 has

6.5 Power on -500

The instrument has detected an off-to-on transition in the power supply.

Overload conditions of the device are reported via the Questionable Status System of
SCPI. Voltage overload will set Bit8, current overload will set Bit9 of the Questionable
Condition Register. Parallel the Device specific error in the event queue is set. If
programmed these conditions will force a service request of the device.

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ZERA History LOH/10.03

7 History

Copied from “COM3000_SCPI_EXT_GB_V100.doc”

sign HTF

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