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AFS Application Form

Parent Statement
Alice Marino Italy

Please provide a brief statement about your son/daughter covering his/her:

1 Relationship with you and your family.

2 Relationship with others.

3 Reactions to disagreement and discipline.

4 What is the amount of parental supervision required by your child?

5 How does your child handle challenging or difficult situations?

6 Reactions to being away from home in the past.

7 Please also discuss any factors (e.g., dietary, physical, or health limitations) which you believe should be considered in placing your child in a new environment.

Please type and attach your response to this form, or write legibly in
black ink.
1. Alice is a great daughter, she’s autonomous and organized with her school commitments. She’s a bit reserved but when
necessary she always manages to make her opinions count and get the respect that she deserves. In the relationship with us
parents she’s always careful and sensitive to what is happening and makes herself available for the needs of the family. It often
happens that she manages to grasp our situations of difficulty and concern by showing affection and closeness.

2. Alice always got along quite easily with her group of peers, with whom she manages to have good relationships. She holds a
very important role for her friends for whom she’s able to ensure total and unconditional loyalty, which isn’t affected even by
difficult situations. With the adults of the school environment she has always behaved with absolute respect but does not
particularly struggle to interface with other unknown people, despite demonstrating an initial distrust which is then overcome.

3. In our family we have rules that Alice tends to respect with good discipline. With growth, compliance with return times and
supervision of the people frequented have assumed more importance, sometimes leading to heated discussions which,
however, ended with good compromises.

4. We can say that we are quite strict parents, for us school duties come first and we usually carefully monitor school performance
while mainly evaluating the commitment made in studying rather than the “numerical” grade assigned. We carefully monitor the
company attended by trying to get to know our children’s friends.

5. Our children have always been lucky enough because they have never had particularly challenging situations but they know
suffering because they recently lost their grandparents and have shown a good reaction ability.

6. Alice didn’t have major opportunities to stay away from her family, but she happened to sleep away from home, without
however finding any difficulty. Our son Riccardo is attending high school outside the city, he is staying in a boarding school and
only returns on the weekends but has always shown good ability to organize himself and face daily difficulties.

7. Alice was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2017, she immediately found herself having to change her diet by giving up different
foods she loved, however she was really good, she had a great spirit of adaptation and in the family we all adapted the way to
cook to meet her needs. Sometimes it can be complicated to organize to eat out because it is necessary to verify that there is a
gluten-free alternative.

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