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1. what is counselling in psychology?

Counselling psychology is a broad specialization within professional psychology concerned

with using psychological principles to enhance and promote the positive growth, well-being,
and mental health of individuals, families, groups, and the broader community.

2. Write two different measures when something has been forgotten?

A. Recall: Recall is remembering without any external cues. For example, essay questions test
recall of knowledge because nothing on a blank sheet of paper will jog the memory.
B. Recognition: This method involves identifying information that was previously learned. On
a test, for example, students might have to recognize which terms they learned about in a
chapter of their assigned reading.

3. What do you mean by personality?

According to Allport (1961), “Personality is a dynamic organisation, inside the person, of
psychophysical systems that create the person's characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and
Personality refers to individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and

4. Write the factors affecting personality development are illustrated by

5. What is verbal learning?
Verbal learning is the process of actively memorizing new material using mental pictures,
associations, and other activities. The methods used include paired-associates learning and
serial learning. Verbal learning was first studied by Hermann Ebbinghaus who used lists of
nonsense syllables to test recall.

6. Write seven different types of learning styles?

The seven different types of learning styles are, -
Visual (Spatial)
Aural (Auditory-Musical)
Verbal (Linguistic)
Physical (Kinesthetic)
Logical (Mathematical)
Social (Interpersonal)
Solitary (Intrapersonal)

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