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Barangay Timpas, Panitan, Capiz


We, who are vendors and who has an endeavour to develop our community under the guidance
of our God and Creator manifest our concern for the nature and the environment in order to
establish a Villa Medalla Milgarosa Vendors Association in Barangay Timpas, Panitan, Capiz do
hereby promulgate this Constitution and By-Laws.


Section 1. The name of this organization is VILLA MEDALLA MILAGROSA

Section 2. The permanent address of this association is at Barangay Timpas, Panitan,


Section 1. The following are the objectives of this organization:

a. To unify all members of the association for the common good;

b. To conduct personality development among the members;
c. To establish social development training among members; and
d. To implement income generating programs for the members.

Section 2. The association shall through a resolution by the Executive Board and ratified by
a simple majority of its General Membership attending the meeting called for such purpose, do
such act as may be requisite, necessary and proper to carry out its purpose to attain its goal.


Section 1. Except for those who are already members of this association before the
ratification of this Constitution and By-Laws, membership shall be open to all vendors and
individuals of legal age who are:

a. Interested in entrepreneurship;
b. Willing to abide and live with the association’s objectives; and
c. Resident of Barangay Timpas, Panitan, Capiz.


Section 1. Rights of the Members. An active member shall have the right to:

a. Vote and be voted upon in any position of the association;

b. Be informed of the activities concerning the association; and
c. Avail the existing benefits of the association.
Section 2. Duties of the member’s, an active member shall endeavour:

a. To conduct, converse, and convey the objectives of the association;

b. To render support to every member in the best manner and effort;
c. To strive for the advancement of this association;
d. To contribute cheerfully and regularly for association’s expenses, programs, projects and
activities of one time membership fee of One Hundred Pesos (Php 50.00);
e. To attend the regular monthly meeting and if necessary the special meeting called for a
specific purpose. Three (3) Consecutive absences in meetings without justifiable reasons
may be deemed subject for termination of membership;
f. To patronize the associations’ business, if any;
g. To adhere with the Profit Sharing stipulated in the Project Policy; to wit
Share of Beneficiaries- 70%
Training Fund - 10%
Capital Build Up - 10%
Emergency Fund - 10%
h. That the Emergency Fund shall be used in emergency cases including but not limited to;
sickness of the Project Management Staff, death of any member and other emergency
cases duly approve by the assembly; and,
i. Any unused amount from emergency fund at the end of each year shall be added to the
Capital Build Up fund.


Section 1. Termination of membership by the association. The membership in this

organization shall terminated mutation as follows:

a. Death;
b. Commission of crimes and other analogues circumstances; and
c. Non-attendance describe in paragraph e. Section 2 of Article IV for three (3) consecutive
meetings without justifiable reasons.

Section 2. Termination of membership by the member. The membership in this association

shall be terminated by the member as follows:

a. Transfer of membership;
b. Resignation; and
c. Under the burden of association’s discipline;


Section 1. The association shall be governed by the General Membership and the Executive

Section 2. The General Membership shall:

a. Be composed of active members;

b. Be the highest policy making body:
c. Elect the Executive Board of the association;
d. Formulate, revise and approve general policies and program of actions and budget of the
e. Meets every last Saturday of the month at 1:00pm; and
f. Meet on a special meeting as the need arises.

Section 3. The Executive Board:

a. Composed of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Business Manager,

P.R.O. and Board of Directors;
b. Coordinate with Local Chief Executives and with the Municipal Agriculturist Office;
c. Formulate policies. Adopt resolutions and decisions for the association for the approval of
the general Membership;
d. Create such special committees as may be deemed necessary; and
e. Meets every last Saturday of the month at 8:00am.

Section 4. Unless otherwise assigned by the General Membership, the following are the
duties of the executive Board:

a. President - shall presides at all meeting of the officers and the general assembly; issue the
call for regular and special meeting of the officers and the general assembly; appointment
the chairman and members of special committees that may be formed and deemed
necessary; represent the association in all other businesses transactions or several functions
beneficial to the association; schedule the activities for the project being undertaken by the
association; transact business for and behalf of the association; shall submit monthly
accomplishment report to the Department of Agriculture.

b. Vice-President – shall succeed the President whenever the letter is absent or incapacitated
and shall perform such other functions as the officers of the association may designate.

c. Secretary - shall be under the supervision and direction of the President and shall be
custodian of all records of the association. He/she shall record the proceeding of meetings
and take custody of such records.

d. Treasurer - shall be the custodian of all financial records, books of accounts, cash and
properties owned or held in trust by the association; collect all caused to be collected all
dues and payables to the association and issue official receipt thereof; shall render a
complete report to the General Membership during its meetings of the association’s cash
position and financial standing and shall perform such other duties functions as may be
assigned by the association.

e. Auditor- shall have the power to examine and audit in accordance with the existing
policies, rules and guidelines adopted by the association. Shall attest the correctness of the
treasurer’s report during association meeting and General Assembly meeting. Shall
perform other duties and function as maybe assigned by the association.

f. Business Manager- shall incharge of supervising all daily activities, they strive to keep the
association’s business productive, efficient and organized at all times. Reports to other
executive member of the association.

g. Public Relation Officer – shall in charge of communicating information about the

organization to the community and may also design and execute promotional campaigns
that involve direct communication with the community, consumers, and shareholders.
h. Board of Director’s - shall have the supervision of the officers of the association; shall
suggest and give opinions general from all members in any form of arguments and decision
making; shall be responsible of making internal laws and amendments of the same.



Section 1. An election Committee composed of three (3) from General Membership shall be
nominated and elected not more than thirty (30) days before the scheduled regular election and
not less than one (1) week before the scheduled special election.

Section 2. The following are the duties of the Election Committee:

a. Post all positions needing nomination;

b. Contact each nominee and confirm willingness to accept the nomination;
c. Prepare a slate of candidates at least two (2) candidates for each position;
d. Post the slate of candidates at least two (2) weeks prior to the conduct of the regular
election; and
e. Prepare the policies, rules and regulations in the conduct of election.

Section 3. The Executive Board shall hold office for a term of three (3) years or until
successors shall have been duly elected and qualified. Until the association shall provide
otherwise, the terms of officers shall commence after installing them to office not later than five
(5) days after their election.

Section 4. Any vacant position can be filled in through special election set forth by the
Executive Board and approved by the General Membership.

Section 5. The regular election shall be conducted every year – unless otherwise called by
the Executive board.


Section 1. This constitution and By-laws may be amended, repealed or changed by an

affirmative vote of 2/3 of the General Membership.

Section 2. The text of the proposed amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws shall be
submitted to the secretary in writing at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the association’s
meeting at which the amendments may be considered.


Section 1. The following shall be the order of business in every meeting of the organization;

a. Prayer
b. Call to Order (Roll Call)
c. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting and approval
d. Reporting
e. New Business
f. Other Matters
g. Adjournment


Section 1. This Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect immediately upon ratification by
the General Membership in a plebiscite for such purpose by the incumbent Executive Board and
shall supplement all other existing laws and regulations adopted by this association.

The Constitution shall take effect upon its approval by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members
present in general assembly called for this purpose.

Ratified this _____ day of _________________ 2022 at Barangay Timpas, Panitan, Capiz in a
special meeting called such purpose.

SUBSCRIBE AND SWORN to before me this ____________ at __________________



Doc. No._______
Page No._______
Book No.______
Series of 2022

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