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BSA – BCM 03-09-23

Use MS Word Tahoma, Arial, or Times Roman font size 11 in answering these questions.

1. Could Learning styles harm the growth of students? Explain your answer. 5 pts

Learning styles are the methods or ways in which a specific student feels most at ease learning a
certain subject. It might be auditory, visual, reading and writing, or kinesthetic. In my perspective, there are
benefits and drawbacks to such learning styles in terms of a student's growth. Let's assume that a certain
student prefers learning visually, learns better when exposed to visuals, or understands and remembers
information depending on the images they encounter while studying. The benefit of being a visual learner
is that they can comprehend or follow along with their lecturers' courses when the materials utilized include
photos, solutions, or other depictions of the subject matter. On the other hand, the disadvantage of such a
learning style is that students will find it difficult to catch up with other students when their instructors use
various teaching methods, such as lecturing without any illustrations or visual aids. To sum it all up, in my
own opinion, the learning styles of the students may affect their growth based on their adaptation to the
teaching method of their professors, because not all the time their professors will use images or visual aid
when teaching in class. As a result, a particular student must have at least a portion or amount of skill when
it comes to other learning styles. To clarify what I’ve said, having only one learning style doesn’t actually
hinder a particular student’s growth my opinion only relates to a classroom set-up learning.

2. Distinguish Learning Styles Theory versus Multiple Intelligence Theory. 10 points

The Learning Style Theory and Multiple Intelligence Theory are two distinct ideas. The former
focuses on the type of learning a specific student is more accustomed to, or how readily they can grasp or
keep up with a given lesson by employing such a learning style. This includes being an auditory learner, in
which case they pick up knowledge through listening to their lecturers' lectures. Visual learners are those
who learn best when provided with photos or other visual aids during a talk or when they read about a
certain subject. Learners who read and write often find that they understand a certain topic better or more
comfortably when they do so. Last but not least, kinesthetic learners engage actively in learning activities
rather than passively listening to lectures or watching demonstrations. The latter, or Multiple Intelligence
Theory, on the other hand, focuses on a student's abilities that are occasionally outside the subjects that are
taught in a classroom learning environment. According to this theory, everyone has a unique learning style
and a variety of cognitive abilities, including Spatial Intelligence, Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence,
Linguistic Intelligence, Logical Intelligence, Mathematical Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence,
Intrapersonal Intelligence, Naturalistic Intelligence, Existential Intelligence. In the next number, these types
of Multiple Intelligence Theory will be further described.

BSA – BCM 03-09-23

3. Discuss briefly the 9 multiple intelligences under the Multiple Intelligence Theory. 15 points

As mentioned in the prior number, there are 9 types of Multiple Intelligence namely, Spatial
Intelligence, Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, Linguistic Intelligence, Logical Intelligence, Musical
Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence, Intrapersonal Intelligence, Naturalistic Intelligence, Existential
Intelligence. Let's begin by describing each one individually. Spatial intelligence, also known as visual-
spatial intelligence, is the capacity for seeing or visualizing the world in three dimensions. When
considering perceiving the environment in 3D, it requires mental images, spatial reasoning, and image
manipulation aesthetic talents.

The next one is Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, it refers to mind and body coordination and is very
important in athletes. Athletic ability isn’t frequently referred to as intelligence, but kinesthetic intelligence
is assessed on someone’s capacity to utilize physically to move things and other aspects around them.

The ability to use words effectively is measured by linguistic intelligence, which is second to
bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. This doesn’t necessarily require learning another language, someone who
solely utilizes one language competently might still have linguistic intelligence. Being able to use the right
words and express what you mean is a unique skill type of intelligence that can be utilized in several
different scenarios.

The next type is logical intelligence, sometimes known as logical-mathematical intelligence, which
describes a person's capacity to solve mathematical puzzles, recognize patterns and trends, and comprehend
linkages. Someone with logical-mathematical intelligence can think conceptually and abstractly and places
a high value on order and sequencing in their thought process.

On the other hand, musical intelligence is the most self-explanatory of the nine types of intelligence,
it refers to someone’s ability to sense rhythm and sound and use this to create music.

Interpersonal intelligence, which refers to the connection between intelligence and emotions, is the
subject matter following musical intelligence. Someone with interpersonal intelligence is skilled at
perceiving other people’s emotions and interpreting their motivations, this can be connected to both verbal
and non-verbal communication abilities.

On the other hand, Intrapersonal Intelligence refers to self-awareness and people’s ability to
understand themselves. Do you understand what you are feeling and why you are feeling it? Intrapersonal
intelligence also involves appreciating and respecting the human condition, in general, treating others the
way you would like to be treated yourself.

Naturalistic intelligence and existential intelligence are the final two subtypes of multiple
intelligence. Naturalistic Intelligence refers to the capacity to interpret and understand nature. Being
sensitive to the non-living components of all living things is referred to as being "nature smart,".

Lastly, Existential intelligence, one of the nine types of intelligence listed in Gardner's research,
refers to people's capacity for handling profound questions like the meaning of existence. Existentially
intelligent people are not only at ease discussing these weighty issues but also actively seek the solution.


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