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Marcelo D. Villalobos Jr.

Principles and Methods of Teaching Accounting

BSA – BCM January 24, 2023

What makes a great teacher?

Depending on the diverse viewpoints of students, there are a variety of attributes that a
great teacher must possess. However, in my opinion, a great teacher is someone who imparts
life skills and beyond-the-book teachings to their students because I believe that by doing this,
they will have greater engagement with their students, which will hopefully encourage them to
learn more about the subject and ultimately assist them reach their individual life goals in the
near future. The love for teaching is yet another quality I believe a teacher should possess since
nothing can stop someone who is passionate about what they’re doing. When someone loves
their profession, it positively affects their performance to educate students since, in contrast to
someone who hates their profession, they will simply work for the sake of working and for the
sake of expanding the student's understanding regarding a particular subject their holding.
Finally, a great teacher must have empathy for their students since having this attribute may
help them understand them deeper, they can recognize what challenges their students are
facing in life, and show consideration based on the situation the students are encountering.
Being a great teacher is not a simple job; it calls for a lot of enthusiasm, talent, and
understanding of their field of expertise. Additionally, effective communication with their
students, coworkers, and other individuals they could contact as they continue their profession
is necessary to appropriately adapt and execute their job. I am very grateful to have wonderful
professors throughout my academic career, and I sincerely appreciate each and every one of
them for having taught so many students

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