Hazrat Amman Jaan English PDF

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Hazrat Amman Jaan’s (ra) name was Sayyedah Nusrat Jahan Begum.

She belonged to a very

noble family who were the descendants of the Holy Prophet (saw). Her father’s name was
Hazrat Mir Nasir Nawwab Sahib (ra). He was a pious, humble and modest man. Her mother’s
name was Sayyedah Begum. She too was a pious woman and raised her children with great
kindness and dedication.
Hazrat Amman Jaan (ra) was born in 1865. Her father named her Nusrat Jahan which means
“helper of the world”. He once said to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih 1st (ra)
“… since this daughter of mine was born I have never missed a namaz (prayer) in which I have
not prayed that; O Allah Almighty, whichever man is most agreeable and suitable in Your
eyes, make my daughter’s marriage knot with him”.
It was in fulfilment of the heartfelt prayers of her father that Hazrat Amman Jaan (ra) came to
be married to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), the Promised Messiah.
The Promised Messiah (as) received revelations about this marriage. In 1881, he received glad
tidings from God of a beautiful son. Later he received the revelation:
“Ushkur Ni‘mati Ra’aita Khadijati”‫اشکر نعمتی رأیت خدیجتی‬
i.e. “Be grateful for sMy Bounty, you have seen My Khadijah”
In this revelation Hazrat Amman Jaan (ra) has been referred to as “my Khadija” by Allah
Almighty. The Promised Messiah received a further revelation from God, with a promise of
marriage into a noble family, who would be direct descendants of the Holy Prophet (saw).
Many people have commented on the quality and punctuality of Hazrat Amman Jaan’s (ra)
prayers. As soon as she heard the Azaan, she would perform ablutions and offer salaat. She
would also remind the girls in her household that it was time for prayer.
Hazrat Amman Jaan’s (ra) daughter Hazrat Nawwab Mubaraka Begum (ra) recalls that:
“Hazrat Amman Jaan (ra) observed her prayers with great enthusiasm, conviction and passion.
Not only were her prayers filled with fervent supplications, but also the etiquettes of “Salat”
were observed meticulously and with inspirational beauty”.
She never recalls seeing her mother rush her prayers. She relates that even in her old age, the
fervour and intensity of her mother’s prayers never waned.
Hazrat Amman Jaan (ra) read the Holy Qur’an with great regularity. During illness and when
her eyesight had diminished, Hazrat Amman Jaan (ra) would request someone to recite the
Holy Qur’an to her. Whenever Hazrat Amman Jaan (ra) felt restless or burdened, she found
solace in the Holy Qur’an.
The Promised Messiah(as) received the above revelation from God. In fulfilment of this
prophecy, visitors from distant parts of India used to come and stay with the Promised
Messiah(as). Hazrat Amman Jaan (ra) shared this responsibility of hospitality towards them.
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She made them feel welcome and gave precedence to their comfort over her own. In the earlier
years, food for these guests was also prepared at Darul Masih. It was the wish of the Promised
Messiah (as) to serve the guests with food that they were accustomed to, so special care was
taken of that.
Once at the occasion of Jalsa Salana, Hazrat Mir Nasir Nawab (ra) sahib [father of Hazrat
Amman Jaan (ra)] came to the Promised Messiah (as) and mentioned that there was no money
to prepare dinner for the guests for that night. The Promised Messiah (as) asked him to ask
Hazrat Amman Jaan (ra) to give any of her jewellery and sell it and then to make
arrangements.” Hazrat Amman Jaan (ra) happily gave her jewellery to her father to make
provisions for the guests of the Promised Messiah.
May Allah enable us women to follow her shiny example and gain the pleasure of Allah
Almighty and may He accept our humble prayers and help us to be source of pleasure to Him
and Hadhrat Ameerul Mo minin with every word and every deed for as long as we live .

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