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:Flow Diagram

Member Library

Update Details of books

Register/Login Register/Login Issue, Search, Return,

Reserve Books


Library Database
:Use Case Model Description

Use Case Selection Descriptions

Use case name ,Add students & library record

Level Sub-Function Level
Primary actor Student, Library
Stakeholders & Interests .Student: want to register into the system

Library: want to register into the system &

.update books details
Administrator: responsible for the management
of the transaction of fine & also login and
.register details

Pre-condition Student & Library have submitted their

.registration form
Post-condition Record for student/library has been added
Main success scenario Student/Library have access of the 1
Student/Library sign-up to get 2
.register online
He/She provides correct 3
.information and password
.He/She got registered 4

Alternative Flow .Student/Library open the website on browser 1

.He/She tries to sign-up 2
.He/She fails & receives an error 3
He/She will report an error and error will be 4
.rectified as soon as possible

Specific requirements The response time for the

.registration is 1 minute
The response time for login is 1
:Use Case Diagram
:Class Diagram
:Activity Diagram
:Sequence Diagram

State Diagram & Deployment Diagram

Project Diagrams
”Library Management System“

Course Name: Software Engineering

Submitted to

Sir Fahad Naeem

Department of
,Computer Science and Engineering
Sindh Institute of Management & Technology

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