Defslt Lec # 05 18-01-21

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LEC # 05 DATE:18-01-21

Solution of a Differential Equation.

(1) Ordinary DE and Partial DE

(2) Linear and non linear DE
(3) Order and degree of DE

The solution is a relationship between the dependent and independent variables (in explicit form y = f(x)
e.g. y = sin 2x or in implicit form f(x, y) = 0 e.g. x 2 + 2 xy – y2 = 5) that satisfies the given differential equation. In
this chapter, we shall study/learn the various methods to solve the differential equations of order one. The
subsequent chapters are devoted to the solutions of higher order differential equations.


If equation (I) as shown above is expressed as:
dy M ( x ) dy
= , = M ( x) ∗ N ( y ),
dx N ( y ) OR dx

e.g. dy/dx = 3x2 y2, dy/dx = x3/y are separable equations.

e.g. dy/dx = x + y, dy/dx = (x – y) / (x + y) are non separable equations
where M(x) is a function of x only and N(y) is a function of y only, then we may rewrite the given differential
equation as:
N ( y )dy=M ( x )dx⋅ OR N ( y)
= M ( x ) dx
This equation is in separable variable form. Integrating both sides, we obtain

∫ N ( y )dy=∫ M( x )dx+c
where c is an arbitrary constant known as constant of integration. Solving the integrals will produce the solution of
given differential equation.
Remember that:
1. Never forget to add an arbitrary constant on any side of solution but it is preferred to be placed on right
side. A solution without this constant is wrong, for it is not the general solution.
2. The nature of the arbitrary constant depends upon the nature of the solution.
3. The solution of a differential equation must be put in a form as simple as possible.
4. The following formulas may be used in further working of finding the solution.
( i ) log x+log y =log xy ( ii ) log x−log y=log ( iii ) n log x=log x n

EXAMPLE 01: Find the solution of differential equation

y =x ⇒ ydy=xdx
Solution: Given that dx
is separable
Integrating both sides, we get
1 1
∫ ydy =∫ xdx + c ⇒ 2 y 2= 2 x 2+c (1)
(c= c2/2)
Multiplying equation (1) by 2, we get
OR x2 – y2 = k2
This is the solution of given differential equation.
2 2 2
Geometrically, the solution y =x +k of given differential equation represents a family of hyperbolas.

EXAMPLE 02: Solve the following differential equations

dy x− y 2 − y dy 2 2
(i) =e +x e ( ii ) + y sinx=0 ( iii ) xe x + y dx= ydy⋅¿ ¿
dx dx
dy x − y 2 − y − y x 2
=e +x e =e ( e +x )
: (i) Given that dx ( 1)
is separable
By separating the variables we get, dy/e –y = (ex + x2) dx

Separating the variables, (1) becomes: e y dy =( e x +x 2 ) dx

Home Work: find the DE for ey = ex + x3/3 + c

dy 2 dy
+ y sin x=0 ⇒ =− y 2 sin x
(ii) We have dx dx ( 2)
=−sin xdx
Separating the variables, ( 2 ) becomes: y

dy 1 1 1
∫ y 2 =∫ −sin xdx +c 1 ⇒− y =− (−cos x )+c 1⇒ y +cos x +c 1=0 ⇒ y +cos x=c⋅ (−c 1=c )
OR 1 + y cosx + cy = 0 is the solution
x 2+ y x y
(iii) We have xe dx= ydy ⇒ xe e dx= ydy ( 3)
x2 −y
Separating the variables, ( 1 ) becomes: xe dx= ye dy
Integrating both sides, we get

∫ xe x dx=∫ ye− y dy
(4 )
Left side of (4 ) will be solved using integration by substitution as follows:
2 1
z=x ⇒dz =2 xdx ⇒ dz=xdx
Let 2 so that

∫ex xdx=∫ e z ( )
dz 1 z 1 1 2
= ∫ e dz= e z = e x ¿

2 2 2 2
Right side of ( 4 ) will be solved using integration by parts by taking u as y and v as e- y respectively.
Formula for integration by parts: ∫uv = u∫v - ∫(du) ∫v

∫ ye −y
dy=− ye +∫ 1. e dy=− ye −e =−e ( y+1 )⋅¿ ¿
−y −y − y −y −y

[NOTE: ∫ e-y = - e- y]
Thus, (4 ) becomes
1 x 2 2 2
e =−e− y ( y+ 1 ) +c 1 ⇒e x =−2 e− y ( y+1 ) +2 c 1 ⇒ e x +2 e− y ( y +1 ) =c⋅ ( using 2 c 1 =c )
[NOTE: Integration by Parts formula is ∫ u v dx=u∫ v dx−∫ [u' ∫ v dx]dx ]

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