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Deures d’estiu




Aquest dossier de deures d’estiu de l’assignatura d’anglès s’ha d’imprimir i

completar a mà, amb bona presentació i en bolígraf.
UNIT 0 2
Pronouns 2
Possessive: 2
Countries and nationalities 3
Verb to be (+) 3
Verb to have got (+, - and ?) 4
Days of the week and subjects 4

UNIT 0.2 7
Possessive ‘s 7
Classroom objects 8
Preposition of place 9
Object pronouns 9

UNIT 1 10
Vocabulary family 10
Vocabulary Room and Homes 12
Grammar verb to be 13
Grammar there is / there are (Hi ha o No hi ha) 14
Writing family tree description 14

UNIT 2 16
Vocabulary Daily routines 16
Vocabulary free time activities 17
Grammar Present simple: affirmative, negative, questions and Wh-questions 18
Writing a personal Profile 20

UNIT 3 21
At school 21
Sports and equipment 22
Adverbs of frequency 24
Like + -ing/noun/ object pronoun 25

UNIT 4 27
GRAMMAR 2: Superlatives 27
Vocabulary weather adjectives 29

UNIT 5 31
Grammar Present continuous 31
Grammar Present continuous and Present simple 31

Reading 33


1. Pronouns

English: I you he/she/it we you they

Catalan: jo tu ell/ella/cosa nosaltres vosaltres ells/elles

Exercises 1:
A. Tradueix del català a l’anglès:
a. Jo tinc un llapis:
b. Ella és la meva amiga:
c. Nosaltres estem a l’escola
d. Tú tens un portàtil:

B. Per quin pronom es pot substituir…

a. My friend and I:
b. Your parents and you:
c. All your family:
d. Her sister:

2. Possessive:

I you he/she/it we you they

English: my your his/her/its our your their

Catalan meu teu seu nostre vostre seu

Exercises 2:

1. Tradueix del català a l’anglès:

a. El teu cotxe:
b. Ell és el meu amic:
c. La seva llibreta (de María):
d. La nostra professora:

2. Write the right possessive:

e. Hi, ____ name is Sam
f. What’s ______ name?
g. Pablo has got a dog, _____ name is Rudolf
h. She’s my best friend, _____ name is Laura

3. Countries and nationalities
Exercise 3:











4. Verb to be (+)

English: I you he/she/it we you they

am are is are are are

Catalan: jo tu ell/ella/cosa nosaltres vosaltres ells/elles

sóc ets és som sou són

Exercises 4:
1. Tradueix del català a l’anglès:
a. Jo sóc chinesa:
b. Ella és americana:
c. Vosaltres sou espanyols:
d. Nosaltres som alemanys:

2. Complete the gaps

a. I _________ a nice boy/girl
b. My brother _________ 12 years old
c. My parents _________ scottish

d. My class and I _________ from Sabadell

5. Verb to have got (+, - and ?)

English: I you he/she/it we you they

+ /? have got have got has got have got have got have got
haven’t got haven’t got hasn’t got haven’t got haven’t got haven’t got

Catalan: jo tu ell/ella/cosa nosaltres vosaltres ells/elles

tinc tens té tenim teniu tenen

Exercise 5:
1. Tradueix del català a l’anglès:
a. Jo tinc un boli:
b. Ella té una llibreta:
c. Vosaltres teniu un portàtil:
d. Nosaltres tenim una classe:

2. Complete the gaps

a. I ____ a pet
b. My sister _____ a book
c. My family _____ new car
d. My class and you ____ good grades
e. ______ you _____ a highlighter?

6. Days of the week and subjects

Dies de la setmana:
WEEK (setmana) Weekend (cap de setmana)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Dilluns Dimarts Dimecres Dijous Divendres Dissabte Diumenge

Subjects (assignatures)

Art P.E. I.C.T. English Spanish Music Maths History Science

Plàstica E.F. Informà Anglès Castellà Música Mates Història Ciències


1. Write the days:

a. First day of the week ________________

b. The day after Wednesday ________________
c. Last day of weekend ________________
d. The day before Thursday ________________
e. The day before Wednesday ________________

2 Write sentences following the timetable with the verb HAVE GOT:

Carlos’s Timetable

Day Subject Sentence




7. Writing: introduce yourself

Write about you and your family. Use the questions and prompts below to help you. Write
about 75 words. (10 marks)

Describe you.
• What is your name? -> My name is ...
• Where do you live? -> I live in ...
• What’s your nationality? -> I’m ...
• How old are you? -> I’m ...
Describe your family.
• Have you got any brothers or sisters? -> I’ve got ...
• What are their names? -> Their names are ...
• How old are they? -> He/She is ... / They are ...
• What languages do you speak at home? -> We speak ... at home.

Write here:

UNIT 0.2

1. Possessive ‘s (grammar)
2. Classroom objects (vocabulary)
3. Preposition of place (vocabulary)
4. Object pronouns (grammar)
5. Answer key exercises (correccions)

1. Possessive ‘s
Ens serveix per indicar que el que hi ha darrera de la (‘s) li pertany al que hi ha davant.
Per exemple: és el coche del meu pare
this is my dad’s car -> aquí amb la ‘s indiquem que el coche pertany al meu
pare. Un altre forma d’escriure-ho, amb els possessius del dossier 0 és:
this is his car -> aquí la frase es tradueix per “és el seu cotxe” fent
referència al pare.

La teoria a l’hora de fer el possessive ‘s és:

● singular noun: ‘s -> this is my brother’s room
● plural nouns without s: ‘s -> this is the children’s room
● plural nouns with s: ‘ -> this is my brothers’ room

Exercici 1: Complete the sentences with the words in brackets () and the possessive’s
1. The _____ bag is under the table. (teacher)
2. I am one of _______ classmates. (Martin)
3. My ______ bed is next to my bed. (sister)
4. The _______ toys are small (children)
5. This is the ________ room (girls)

Exercici 2: Tradueix a l’anglès

1. Aquesta és la llibreta del meu amic -> This is ______________
2. Aquest és el llibre del teu pare -> This is ______________
3. Aquests són els professors de la teva classe -> This are ____________

2. Classroom objects

Bin Book Calculator Chair Desk Dictionary Door Laptop

Paperera Llibre Calculadora Cadira Escriptori Diccionari Porta Portàtil

Notebook Poster School bag Table Wall Whiteboard Window Computer

Llibreta Pòster Motxilla Taula Paret Pissarra Finestra Ordinador

Exercici 3:

1 __________

2 __________

3 __________

4 __________

5. __________

6. __________

7. __________

Exercici 4

3. Preposition of place

Ens serveixen per indicar on estan situades les coses en relació amb altres objectes/persones.

Exercici 5: Mira l’exercici 3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box

Behind Between In In front of Next to Under On

1. The school bag is ____________ the chair and the bin.

2. The notebook is ___________ the school bag.
3. The bin is ____________ the school bag.
4. The laptop is ____________ the chair.
5. The chair is ______________ the whiteboard.
6. The board is ____________ the chair.
7. The poster is ___________ the chair.

4. Object pronouns
Ens serveix per indicar que una persona rep l’acció i sempre va darrere del verb
Es forma de la següent manera: Subjecte (Pronom) + verb + Object pronoun

Exercici 7: Complete the sentence with a object pronoun
1. Please, can you pass ____ my pencil?
2. The english teacher speaks to _____ (my classmates and me) in the classroom.
3. The P.E. teacher speaks to _______ (your classmates and you) in the gym.
4. This is Sara’s laptop. Give it to _____ (Sara)
5. These are Carlo’s pens. Give it ti _______ (Carlos)


Vocabulary family

Aunt Brother Child Children Cousin

Tieta Germà Nen Nens Cosí/na

Dad Daughter Father Grandad Grandma

Pare Filla Pare Avi Avia

Grandfather Grandmother Husband Mother Mum

Avi Avia Marit Mare Mare

Parents Sister Son Uncle Wife

Pares Germana Fill Tiet Esposa

Dad Father Pare

Mum Mother Mare

Grandfather Grandad Avi

Grandmother Grandma Avia

1. Fes parelles amb el vocabulari

Parella 1 Parella 2 Extra

Mother Father Parents




2. Choose the correct option

0. My grandad’s son is my father / mother.

1. My father’s sister’s son is my child / cousin.
2. My mother is my father’s wife / husband.
3. My father’s mother is my grandfather /grandmother.
4. My sister and I are my mother and father’s parents / children.
5. My sister is my mother’s son / daughter.
6. My father’s sister is my aunt / uncle.

Vocabulary Room and Homes

Balcony Bath Bathroom Bedroom Dining room Swimming pool

Balcó Banyera Bany Dormitori Menjador Piscina

Door Fireplace Garage Garden Kitchen Toilet

Porta Xemeneia Garatge Jardí Cuina Lavabo

Lift Living room Patio Shower Stairs Window

Ascensor Sala d’estar Pati Dutxa Escales Finestra

5. Match the names with the numbers:

1. attic 2. 3. 4. window 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

13 14 15. 16 3a 3b

6. Match a room with what you do in it.

bedroom C A have a shower
1 bathroom ___ B park the car
2 kitchen ___ C sleep
3 dining room ___ D watch TV
4 living room ___ E cook
5 garage ___ F eat

Grammar verb to be

7 Choose the correct option.

Example: Is / Are you my friend? Yes, I am.

1 Are / Am I a good student? Yes, you are.
2 Is it Friday today? Yes, it am / is.
3 Are / Is she in our class? No, she isn’t.
4 Are they my books? No, they aren’t / isn’t.
5 Are / Is we on the second floor? Yes, we are.

8. Translate this sentences from catalan to english:

Exemple: Jo sóc espanyol: I am spanish

● Jo estic a classe: ______
● Tu ets a casa: _____
● David és el teu amic: ______
● Olga és francesa: _____
● El gos és bonic: _______
● Nosaltres no som alemanys: ___________
● Vosaltres no esteu a Anglaterra: _______
● Jo no estic al menjador: _________
● Ella no està a la piscina: _________
● Ell està a la cuina? No ho està: ___________
● Els meus germans i jo som estudiants? Sí, ho som _______

Grammar there is / there are (Hi ha o No hi ha)

9. Match 1–3 to A–D to make sentences.

There is C A an alarm clock.
1 There are ___ B any family rooms.
2 There isn’t ___ C a laptop on the table.
3 There aren’t___ D some shops near here.

10. Choose the correct option.

0 Is there a / an bed in the room?
1 There aren’t some / any stairs.
2 There is a / an amazing view.
3 There are any / some children in the garden.
4 There’s an / a bath.
5 There aren’t any / some Indian restaurants.

Writing family tree description

Write a description about this family tree. Use, at least (com a mínim), the following words
and expressions:

wife - sister - brother - uncle - grandma - mum’s sister - mother - children

has got - are - is - isn’t - is from

I am _____

Extra help:

My grandparents aren't ____ . They have got 2 children ____ and ____
Herb is from _____ but Homer isn’t from ___, he is from _____

Clancy’s _____ is ______. They have got _______

Bart, Lisa and Maggie are my____. Bart is the big ____ and Maggie the small _____. Their
parents are ____ and _____


Vocabulary Daily routines

brush your teeth clean your do exercise get changed get dressed get up early

raspallar-se les netejar fer exercici canviar-se vestir-se llevar-se d’hora

dents l’habitació

go home go to bed have a shower have breakfast have lunch have dinner

anar a casa anar a dormir dutxar-se esmorzar dinar sopar

wash your hair morning afternoon evening /night brush your wash your hands

rentar-se els matí tarda tarda-nit/ nit raspallar-se rentar-se les mans
cabells els cabells

1 Match the words. (Fes doble click i edita el dibuix)

3. Fill the gaps with the vocabulary.

I get up early, usually at 6.30 a.m., and (1) ________ a shower and (2) ________ my hair.
Then, I (3) ________ dressed and go downstairs for breakfast. I usually (4) ________
breakfast with my dad. I eat a lot because I (5) ________ lunch late. After that, I
(6)________ my teeth and then I go to school. After school, I usually (7) ________
exercise – running, basketball or football. Then I (8) ________ home. I (9) ________ to
bed early because I’m tired.

Vocabulary free time activities

chat online dance do arts and crafts do sport play computer /
online game

xatejar ballar fer manualitats fer esport jugar a jocs a

l’ordinador/ en línea

hang out with listen to music make videos play an instrument read books /
friends comics

sortir amb els amics escoltar música graver vídeos tocar un instrument llegir llibres /

go cycling go shopping go skateboarding watch films/ TV do homework

anar en bicicleta anar de compres anar en monopatí mirar pel·lícules / la fer els deures

5. Complete the sentences:

1 On Mondays, Carlos __________ out with his friends.
2 John and Laura go to __________ classes on Fridays. They do hip hop and ballet.
3 ‘Let’s go __________ this afternoon. I want some new clothes. Do you want to come?’
4 On Sundays afternoons, I __________ a film.
5 Cristina is very athletic. She goes __________, and she swims every day.

Grammar Present simple: affirmative, negative, questions and Wh-questions

What = Què
Where = On
When = Quan
Who = Qui
Why = Per què
Because = perquè

8. Complete the text with the affirmative or negative form of the verbs in brackets

I live (live) in Brighton with my parents and my sister, Leonie. My dad (1) ________
(not work) in an office. He’s a photographer and he (2) _______ (take) photos of
famous people. People (3) _________ (use) his photos in magazines. My mum (4)
________ (go) to school every day, but she (5) _________(not study). She’s a
Spanish teacher. She (6) __________(love) her job. Leonie and I (7) _______(learn)
Spanish at our school. I (8) _________ (like) Spanish, but Leonie (9) _________ (not
like) it. My mum (10) ________ (help) us with our homework.

9. Complete the pairs of sentences. Use the affirmative (✓) and negative (✗) form
of the verbs in brackets. After, translate the sentences to Catalan.
0.(get up)
They get up at 6.30. (✓) They don’t get up at 7.30. (✗)
Ells s'aixequen a les 6:30. Ells no s’aixequen a les 7:30.
1 (read) My sister _______ books. (✓) She _______ comics. (✗) :
2 (listen)They ________ to pop music. (✓) They ________ to classical music. (✗)
3 (teach) Mr Jones ________ maths. (✓) He __________ history. (✗)
4 (go) We ________ cycling. (✓) We __________ skateboarding. (✗) :
5 (play)He __________the piano. (✓) He __________ the violin. (✗)
6 (have)I ___________a shower in the morning. (✓) I __________a bath. (✗)

10. Complete the questions with Do or Does. Then complete the short answers.
0. Does he watch a lot of TV? No, he doesn’t.
1 _______ you play an instrument?No, _________ .
2 _______ you and your family go skateboarding at the weekend? Yes, _______.
3 _______ your house have a balcony?No, _______.
4 _______ she wash her hair every day?Yes,_______ .
5 _______they play computer games? No, _______ .
6 _______you get up early? Yes, _______.

11. Choose the correct option.

0 Who/What do you sit next to at school?
1 What/When do you hang out with your friends?
2 Why/Who do you hang out with?

3 What/Where do you do on Sundays?
4 Why/Where do you like English?
5 What/Where do you do your homework?
6 What/Why does your mum do in her free time?
7 Who/Where do your grandparents live?
8 When/What do you do exercise?

Writing a personal Profile

12. Correct the sentences. Add one capital letter to each sentence.
1 my name is monica.
2 i live in bogotá.
3 i’m colombian.
4 my birthday is in august.
5 i get up at seven o’clock.
6 my favourite day of the week is saturday.

13. Write your personal profile. Complete the sentences in the paragraph plan and
use the texts in exercises 2 and 3 to help you.

Paragraph 1
Give your personal details. What’s your name? Where do you live? What nationality are
you? How old are you? When is your birthday?
My name’s ____________ . I live in ____________ and I’m ____________ . I’m
____________ and my birthday is in ____________ .
Paragraph 2
Write about your daily routine. What time do you get up? What do you do? What time do you
go to bed?
I get up at ________________________________
I ________________________________________
After school, I ______________________________________________________
I go to bed at _____________________________
Paragraph 3
Write about your free time activities.
In my free time, I ____________________________________________________


At school

Activity 1: Match 1–4 to A–E.

head D A suite
1 changing ___ B room
2 sports ___ C fields
3 ICT ___ D teacher
4 playing ___ E hall

Activity 2: Write the names of the places in a school.

canteen ICT suite library science lab playing field

Activity 3: Complete the sentences with school words.

1 R__________ is open from 8 a.m. and the receptionist can help with any questions.
2 We eat lunch in the c________.
3 Students aren’t allowed to run in the c________.
4 The h________ teacher’s office is on the second floor. She doesn’t teach classes, but she is
always very busy.
5 The s________ c_________ teaches students how to play hockey and tennis.
6 We watch basketball matches in the s________ h_________.
7 Students get dressed into their sports clothes in the c________ r________.
8 We play hockey on the p ________ f_________.
9 Jenny is doing an experiment in the s________ l________.
10 Students can take a book or work quietly in the l________.
11 We’ve got an excellent ICT s________ where we study technology.

Sports and equipment

Activity 4: Write the names of the sports below. Then match the equipment to the correct sport.

basketball hockey judo scuba diving

belt hoop stick wetsuit



Sports Equipment
1 judo belt
2 ______________ ______________
3 ______________ ______________
4 ______________ ______________

Activity 5: Complete the sentences with words in the box.

belt goggles hoop racket skates stick trainers wetsuit

You use a racket to play tennis.

1 You wear ________ to go swimming.
2 You throw the ball in the ________ in basketball.
3 You wear a ________ to go scuba diving.
4 You use a ________ to play hockey.
5 You wear ________ to go running.
6 You wear ________ to go ice skating.
7 You wear a ________ to do judo.

Adverbs of frequency

Activity 7: Complete the table with the adverbs of frequency in the box.

always never often sometimes usually

⬤⬤⬤⬤ always
(1) ⬤⬤⬤🞅 ________
(2) ⬤⬤🞅🞅 ________
(3) ⬤🞅🞅🞅 ________
(4) 🞅🞅🞅🞅 ________

Activity 8: Cross out the adverb of frequency which is in the wrong position.

Helen sometimes drinks sometimes coffee.

1 I usually play usually football on Saturdays.
2 We sometimes are sometimes late for school.
3 It always is always hot in summer.
4 The teachers often sit often with us in the canteen.
5 My parents never go never dancing.

Activity 9: Write sentences with the correct adverbs of frequency from exercise 2.

Jacob listens to music. (⬤⬤⬤⬤)

Jacob always listens to music.
1 Carla agrees with me. (🞅🞅🞅🞅)
2 Harry talks in class. (⬤🞅🞅🞅)
3 Evie listens to music. (⬤⬤🞅🞅)
4 Jack comes to school with Jess. (⬤⬤⬤🞅)
5 I get up late. (⬤⬤⬤🞅)
6 Angus is tired. (⬤⬤⬤⬤)

Like + -ing/noun/ object pronoun

Activity 10: Complete the table with the words in the box.

doesn’t mind hates is crazy about likes loves

☺☺☺ is crazy about

☺☺ (1) ______________
☺ (2) ______________
😐 (3) ______________
☹ doesn’t like
☹☹ (4) ______________
☹☹☹ can’t stand

Activity 11: Choose the correct option.

Do they like going for a walk?
No, they like / don’t like it. (☹)
1 Do you like play / playing tennis?
Yes, I love it.
2 Does Maria like / liking going shopping?
No, she can’t stand it.
3 Do Ali and Noor like doing judo?
Yes, they like / are crazy about it. (☺☺☺)

4 Does Ela like dancing?
She doesn’t like / mind it. ( )

Activity 12: Write questions starting with Do you like … ?

play / tennis / ? Do you like playing tennis?

1 run / ?_____________________________________ ?
2 do / judo / ?_____________________________________ ?
3 Zac Efron / ?_____________________________________ ?
4 water sports / ?_____________________________________ ?
5 listen to / music / ?_____________________________________ ?

Activity 13: Complete the short answers with the correct form of the words in exercise 10.
Do they like running?
Yes, they are crazy about it. (☺☺☺)

1 Do you like getting up early?

No, I ________________________ it. (☹☹☹)

2 Does Eva like science?
She ________________________ it. ( )
3 Do Hugo and Joe like judo?
Yes, they ________________________ it. (☺☺)
4 Does Dom like swimming?
Yes, he ________________________ it. (☺☺☺)
5 Do they like ice skating?
No, they ________________________ it. (☹☹)


Activity 1: Write the comparative adjectives

Long Dry Beautiful Hot Good

Fast Safe Interesting Cold Bad

Activity 2: Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the adjectives in
brackets and than.
1. The Ebro _________ the Guadalquivir. (long)
2. Our sports hall is _________ the canteen. (big)
3. Books are _________ magazines. (expensive)
4. This video game is _________ this film. (scary)
5. Scuba diving is _________ swimming. (dangerous)
6. I’m _________ you at tennis. (bad)
7. Chinese is _________ English. (difficult)
8. Walking is _________ cycling. (slow)
9. April is _________ August. (wet)
10. Today is _________ yesterday. (warm)

GRAMMAR 2: Superlatives

Activity 4: Write the superlative adjectives.

quiet big short sunny bad

boring fantastic windy old hight

Activity 5: Complete the text. Use the and the superlative form of the
adjectives in brackets.

Facts about Spain

Spain is one of the largest (large) countries in Europe. Its capital city, Madrid, is very
exciting, but there are many other great cities in Spain. Here are nine of (1)
__________ (popular) cities to visit.
BARCELONA – the architecture of Antoni Gaudí is some of ___________(2)
(unusual) in the country.
BILBAO – one of _________(3) (good) things to visit here is the fantastic
Guggenheim Museum.
CÁDIZ – this is _________(4) (old) city in Western Europe.
CÓRDOBA – the Mezquita is one (5)__________ (interesting) places to visit here.
GRANADA – (6) ____________ (cold) months in this city are December, January
and February.
SALAMANCA – one of (7) _________(beautiful) cities in Spain.
SAN SEBASTIÁN – this is the food capital of Europe so its restaurants aren’t (8)
_________ (cheap)!
SEVILLA – in summer, this is often (9) _________ (hot) city in Europe.
VALENCIA – the home of paella, (10) _________ (famous) Spanish dish in the

Activity 6: Write sentences using the prompts. Use the comparative or

superlative form of the adjectives.
1 Mount Everest / high / mountain / in the world

2 I think / maths / difficult / English

3 London / big / Manchester

4 Moscow / cold / Rome / in November

5 ICT suite / good / room / in our school

Vocabulary weather adjectives

Activity 7: Look at the picture and choose the correct option.

1. It’s a cloudy / sunny day at the beach.

2. There are a lot of people and it is slow / crowded
3. The boy is very rainy / wet.
4. The girl is icy / dry.
5. The man selling ice creams looks hot / safe.
6. The ice creams are expensive / fast!

Activity 8: Write the opposites of these adjectives.
7. expensive ≠ _________
8. slow ≠ _________
9. long ≠ _________
10. boring ≠ _________
11. hot ≠ _________
12. wet ≠ _________
13. crowded ≠ _________
14. safe ≠ _________

Activity 9: Translate the sentences into your own language.

1 It’s very foggy today:
2 Planes are faster than trains:
3 The hottest month is August:
4 This is the most exciting book:
5 Where does the bus leave from?:

Activity 10: Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

foggy icy rainy stormy sunny

1 Florida, USA, is often ________ in August and September, so it’s dangerous to
swim in the sea.
2 The weather in Milan is hot and _____________.
3 There are more car accidents when the weather is ___________ because the
drivers can’t see well.
4 In winter, it is often _____________ and snowy in New York.
5 It’s a ________ day in Lima. It’s very wet outside.


Grammar Present continuous

1. Choose the correct option.
1 We do / are doing our homework after lunch every day.
2 Karl flies / is flying across Australia at the moment.
3 Do you read / Are you reading this book?
4 They sometimes watch / are watching scary films.
5 The girls don’t play / aren’t playing tennis now.

2. Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
You ’re painting (paint) a picture.
1 He ____________(wear) a wetsuit.
2 We____________ (use) a compass.
3 I ____________(read) a magazine.
4 She ____________(sit) on the desk.
5 You ____________(swim) in the pool.
6 It ____________(rain) at the moment.
7 They ____________(chat) online.

3 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 1 in the negative.

Ex. You aren’t painting a picture.

4 Complete the present continuous questions and short answers.

Ex.Is she painting (she / paint) a picture? Yes, she is.
1 ____________ (you / have) breakfast? No, ___________.
2 ____________ (they / play) video games? Yes, ____________.
3 ____________(he / speak) Chinese? No, ____________.
4 ____________(you / take) a photo? Yes,____________ .
5 ____________(you and Mark / watch) a film? No, ____________.

Grammar Present continuous and Present simple

1. Complete the sentences with the correct present simple or present continuous form of the
verbs in brackets.

1 We ____________ (do) our homework every day, before having dinner.

2 Karl ____________ (fly) across Australia at the moment.

3 __________ you __________ (read) this book now?

4 They sometimes __________ (watch) scary films.

5 Maria ____________ (not play) tennis now.

1. Complete the pairs of sentences with the present continuous and the present
simple form of the verbs in brackets.

Exemple: (play) My brother plays football every Saturday. He’s playing in a match now.
1 (read) I ____________ a great book right now. I sometimes ____________ five books in a
2 (build) Jack ____________ models as a hobby. He ____________ a model plane at the
3 (not study) It’s Friday evening and Naomi ____________ . She ____________ on Friday
4 (not watch) My parents ____________ TV right now. They ____________ TV during the day.

5 (listen) I usually ____________ to music at home. We ____________to music in the

classroom at the moment.

2. Complete the sentences with the present continuous or present simple form of
the verbs in brackets.

Exemple: Where’s Liam? He’s running (run) in the park.

1 I often ____________ (see) Martin at the weekend.
2 I sometimes ____________ (not have) breakfast.
3 Dad isn’t here. He ____________ (work) in London today.
4 How often ____________ (you / do) sports?
5 My parents never ____________ (carry) backpacks.
6 What ____________(you / write) at the moment?
7 We ____________ (clean) our room now.
8 My brother ____________(like) hockey.
9 Look at the dog! It ____________(sleep) on the sofa.
10 I ____________(not wear) sunscreen at the moment.

Read the text and answer the questions.

1 Do Kate and Phil live in Spain?


2 Does Kate walk to school every day?


3 Does Phil do karate?


4 Do they like the same type of music?


5 Does Kate prefer classical music or pop music?


6 Does she play an instrument?


7 Do Kate and Phil watch TV for six hours a night?


8 Are they vegetarians?


9 Do they like fish?


10 Is Kate a chocoholic?



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