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Pulse Modulation

So far, we have discussed about continuous-wave modulation. Now

it’s time for discrete signals. The Pulse modulation techniques,
deals with discrete signals. Let us see how to convert a continuous
signal into a discrete one. The process called Sampling helps us with
The process of converting continuous time signals into equivalent
discrete time signals, can be termed as Sampling. A certain instant
of data is continually sampled in the sampling process.
The following figure indicates a continuous-time signal x(t) and a
sampled signal xs(t). When x(t) is multiplied by a periodic impulse
train, the sampled signal xs(t) is obtained.

A sampling signal is a periodic train of pulses, having unit amplitude, sampled at

equal intervals of time Ts, which is called as the Sampling time. This data is
transmitted at the time instants Ts and the carrier signal is transmitted at the remaining
Sampling Theorem Definition
The sampling theorem can be defined as the conversion of an analog signal into a discrete form by taking the
sampling frequency as twice the input analog signal frequency. Input signal frequency denoted by Fm and
sampling signal frequency denoted by Fs.
The output sample signal is represented by the samples. These samples are maintained with a gap, these gaps
are termed as sample period or sampling interval (Ts). And the reciprocal of the sampling period is known as
“sampling frequency” or “sampling rate”. The number of samples is represented in the sampled signal is
indicated by the sampling rate.
Sampling frequency Fs=1/Ts ; Ts = the sampling time
Fs = the sampling frequency or sampling rate
Sampling Theorem Statement
Sampling theorem states that “continues form of a time-variant signal can be represented in the discrete form of
a signal with help of samples and the sampled (discrete) signal can be recovered to original form when the
sampling signal frequency Fs having the greater frequency value than or equal to the input signal frequency
Fm. Fs ≥ 2Fm
If the sampling frequency (Fs) equals twice the input signal frequency (Fm), then such a condition is called the
Nyquist Criteria for sampling. When sampling frequency equals twice the input signal frequency is known as “Nyquist
If the sampling frequency (Fs) is less than twice the input signal frequency, such criteria called an Aliasing effect.
So, there are three conditions that are possible from the sampling frequency criteria. They are sampling, Nyquist and
aliasing states. Now we will see the Nyquist sampling theorem.
Nyquist Sampling Theorem
In the sampling process, while converting the analog signal to a discrete version, the chosen sampling signal is
the most important factor. And what are the reasons to get distortions in the sampling output while conversion of
analog to discrete? These types of questions can be answered by the “Nyquist sampling theorem”.
Nyquist sampling theorem states that the sampling signal frequency should be double the input signal’s highest
frequency component to get distortion less output signal. As per the scientist’s name, Harry Nyquist this is named
as Nyquist sampling theorem.


Sampling Output Waveform

The sampling process requires two input signals. The first input
signal is an analog signal and another input is sampling pulse or
equidistance pulse train signal. And the output which is then
sampled signal comes from the multiplier block. The sampling
process output waveforms are shown below.
Shannon Sampling Theorem
The sampling theorem is one of the efficient techniques in the communication concepts for converting the analog
signal into discrete and digital form. Later the advances in digital computers Claude Shannon, an American
mathematician implemented this sampling concept in digital communications for converting the analog to digital
form. The sampling theorem is a very important concept in communications and this technique should follow the
Nyquist criteria for avoiding the aliasing effect.

There are few applications of sampling theorem are
listed below. They are
•To maintain sound quality in music recordings.
•Sampling process applicable in the conversion of analog
to discrete form.
•Speech recognition systems and pattern recognition
•Modulation and demodulation systems
•In sensor data evaluation systems
•Radar and radio navigation system sampling is
•Digital watermarking and biometric identification systems,
surveillance systems.
Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) is an analog modulating scheme in which the amplitude of the pulse carrier
varies proportional to the instantaneous amplitude of the message signal.
The pulse amplitude modulated signal, will follow the amplitude of the original signal, as the signal traces out the
path of the whole wave. In natural PAM, a signal sampled at the Nyquist rate is reconstructed, by passing it
through an efficient Low Pass Frequency (LPF) with exact cutoff frequency

Flat-top sampling is the process in which sampled signal

can be represented in pulses for which the amplitude of
the signal cannot be changed with respect to the analog
signal, to be sampled. The tops of amplitude remain flat.
This process simplifies the circuit design
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) or Pulse Duration Modulation (PDM) or Pulse Time Modulation (PTM) is an
analog modulating scheme in which the duration or width or time of the pulse carrier varies proportional to the
instantaneous amplitude of the message signal.
The width of the pulse varies in this method, but the amplitude of the signal remains constant. Amplitude limiters are
used to make the amplitude of the signal constant. These circuits clip off the amplitude, to a desired level and hence
the noise is limited.

There are three variations of PWM. They are −

•The leading edge of the pulse being constant, the trailing edge
varies according to the message signal.
•The trailing edge of the pulse being constant, the leading edge
varies according to the message signal.
•The center of the pulse being constant, the leading edge and
the trailing edge varies according to the message signal.
These three types are shown in the above given figure, with
timing slots.
Pulse Position Modulation
Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) is an analog modulating scheme in which the amplitude and width of the pulses
are kept constant, while the position of each pulse, with reference to the position of a reference pulse varies
according to the instantaneous sampled value of the message signal.
The transmitter has to send synchronizing pulses (or simply sync pulses) to keep the transmitter and receiver in
synchronism. These sync pulses help maintain the position of the pulses. The following figures explain the Pulse
Position Modulation.

Pulse position modulation is done in accordance with the

pulse width modulated signal. Each trailing of the pulse
width modulated signal becomes the starting point for
pulses in PPM signal. Hence, the position of these pulses
is proportional to the width of the PWM pulses.
As the amplitude and width are constant, the power
handled is also constant.

The synchronization between transmitter and receiver is a
So far we have gone through different modulation techniques. The one remaining is digital modulation,
which falls under the classification of pulse modulation. Digital modulation has Pulse Code Modulation
(PCM) as the main classification. It further gets processed to delta modulation and ADM.
Pulse Code Modulation
A signal is Pulse Code modulated to convert its analog information into a binary sequence, i.e., 1s and 0s. The
output of a Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) will resemble a binary sequence. The following figure shows an
example of PCM output with respect to instantaneous values of a given sine wave.

Instead of a pulse train, PCM produces a series of

numbers or digits, and hence this process is called as
digital. Each one of these digits, though in binary code,
represent the approximate amplitude of the signal sample
at that instant.
In Pulse Code Modulation, the message signal is
represented by a sequence of coded pulses. This
message signal is achieved by representing the signal in
discrete form in both time and amplitude.
Basic Elements of PCM
The transmitter section of a Pulse Code Modulator circuit consists of Sampling, Quantizing and Encoding, which
are performed in the analog-to-digital converter section. The low pass filter prior to sampling prevents aliasing of
the message signal.
The basic operations in the receiver section are regeneration of impaired signals,
decoding, and reconstruction of the quantized pulse train. The following figure is the block diagram of PCM which
represents the basic elements of both the transmitter and the receiver sections.

Low Pass Filter (LPF)

This filter eliminates the high frequency components
present in the input analog signal which is greater than the
highest frequency of the message signal, to avoid aliasing
of the message signal.
This is the circuit which uses the technique that helps to
collect the sample data at instantaneous values of the
message signal, so as to reconstruct the original signal.
The sampling rate must be greater than twice the highest
frequency component W of the message signal, in
accordance with the sampling theorem.
Quantizing is a process of reducing the excessive bits and confining the data. The sampled output when given to
Quantizer, reduces the redundant bits and compresses the value.
The digitization of analog signal is done by the encoder. It designates each quantized level by a binary code. The
sampling done here is the sample-and-hold process. These three sections will act as an analog to the digital
converter. Encoding minimizes the bandwidth used.
Regenerative Repeater
The output of the channel has one regenerative repeater circuit to compensate the signal loss and reconstruct the
signal. It also increases the strength of the signal.
The decoder circuit decodes the pulse coded waveform to reproduce the original signal. This circuit acts as
the demodulator.
Reconstruction Filter
After the digital-to-analog conversion is done by the regenerative circuit and the decoder, a low pass filter is
employed, called as the reconstruction filter to get back the original signal.
Hence, the Pulse Code Modulator circuit digitizes the analog signal given, codes it, and samples it. It then transmits
in an analog form. This whole process is repeated in a reverse pattern to obtain the original signal.
There are few modulation techniques which are followed to construct a PCM
signal. These techniques like sampling, quantization, and companding help
to create an effective PCM signal, which can exactly reproduce the original
The digitization of analog signals involves the rounding off of the values which
are approximately equal to the analog values. The method of sampling
chooses few points on the analog signal and then these points are joined to
round off the value to a near stabilized value. Such a process is called
as Quantization.
The quantizing of an analog signal is done by discretizing the signal with a
number of quantization levels. Quantization is representing the sampled
values of the amplitude by a finite set of levels, which means converting
a continuous-amplitude sample into a discrete-time signal.
The following figure shows how an analog signal gets quantized. The blue line
represents analog signal while the red one represents the quantized signal.

Both sampling and quantization results in the loss of information. The quality of a Quantizer output depends upon
the number of quantization levels used. The discrete amplitudes of the quantized output are called
as representation levels or reconstruction levels. The spacing between two adjacent representation levels is
called a quantum or step-size.
Companding in PCM

The word Companding is a combination of Compressing and Expanding, which means that it does both. This is a
non-linear technique used in PCM which compresses the data at the transmitter and expands the same data at the
receiver. The effects of noise and crosstalk are reduced by using this technique.
There are two types of Companding techniques.
A-law Companding Technique
•Uniform quantization is achieved at A = 1, where the characteristic curve is linear and there is no compression.
•A-law has mid-rise at the origin. Hence, it contains a non-zero value.
•A-law companding is used for PCM telephone systems.
•A-law is used in many parts of the world.

µ-law Companding Technique

•Uniform quantization is achieved at µ = 0, where the
characteristic curve is linear and there is no
•µ-law has mid-tread at the origin. Hence, it contains a
zero value.
•µ-law companding is used for speech and music
•µ-law is used in North America and Japan.
Bandwidth of PCM signal depends on the bit rate and the
Differential PCM
pulse shape.
The samples that are highly correlated, when encoded
Let the bit rate be R (of the PCM signal generated), then
by PCM technique, leave redundant information
R = n*fs
behind. To process this redundant information and to
n = number of bits on the PCM word (Q= 2^n …. Q is no.
have a better output, it is a wise decision to take
of levels of quantization)
predicted sampled values, assumed from its previous
fs = sampling rate to which analog signal is sampled
outputs and summarize them with the quantized
For no aliasing i.e. the Nyquist rate : fs= 2fm,
where B is the bandwidth of the analog signal that is to be
Such a process is named as Differential
PCM technique.
Bandwidth of the PCM (BPCM) waveform is bounded by
BPCM>= R/2
BPCM>= n*fm
(so R/2 is the minimum bandwidth of the PCM signal)
Quantization levels (Q)= 2𝑛 or n=log2𝑄 For one using a rectangular pulse with polar NRZ (Non
Where n is number of bits return to zero) line code:
BPCM = R = n*fs = n*2*fm bit per sec.(bps)
This means the bandwidth of PCM is greater than the
bandwidth of the analog signal.
Delta Modulation

The sampling rate of a signal should be higher than the Nyquist rate, to achieve better sampling. If
this sampling interval in a Differential PCM (DPCM) is reduced considerably, the sample-to-sample
amplitude difference is very small, as if the difference is 1-bit quantization, then the step-size is
very small i.e., Δ (delta).
What is Delta Modulation?
The type of modulation, where the sampling rate is much higher and in
which the stepsize after quantization is of smaller value Δ, such a
modulation is termed as delta modulation.
Features of Delta Modulation
•An over-sampled input is taken to make full use of a signal correlation.
•The quantization design is simple.
•The input sequence is much higher than Nyquist rate.
•The quality is moderate.
•The design of the modulator and the demodulator is simple.
•The stair-case approximation of output waveform.
•The step-size is very small, i.e., Δ (delta).
•The bit rate can be decided by the user.
•It requires simpler implementation.
Delta Modulation is a simplified form of DPCM technique, also viewed as
1-bit DPCM scheme. As the sampling interval is reduced, the signal
correlation will be higher.
The detection circuitry basically consists of an
accumulator and an LPF. The binary signal
transmitted is provided to the accumulator section.
The accumulator consists of a summation unit and a
delay unit. The transmitted signal along with the
delayed signal is added at the summation unit.
If here the input is binary 1 then after a delay the
output of the accumulator shown increased step size
+Δ. However, in the case of binary 0 as input, a
decrease in step size is noticed. This generates the
staircase signal equivalent to the message signal.
The output of the accumulator is provided to the LPF
that smoothens the staircase signal in order to
regenerate the original message signal.
Advantages of delta modulation
•Due to transmission of 1 bit per sample, it permits low channel
bandwidth as well as signaling rate.
•ADC is not required. Thus permits easy generation and detection.
Disadvantages of delta modulation
•Delta modulation leads to drawbacks such as slope overload
distortion and granular noise.
Applications of delta modulation
It is widely used in radio communication devices and digital voice
storage and voice information transmission where signal quality is
less important
Adaptive Delta Modulation ADM
In digital modulation, we have come across certain problem of determining the step-size, which influences the
quality of the output wave.
A larger step-size is needed in the steep slope of modulating signal and a smaller step size is needed where
the message has a small slope. The minute details get missed in the process. So, it would be better if we can
control the adjustment of step-size, according to our requirement in order to obtain the sampling in a desired
fashion. This is the concept of Adaptive Delta Modulation.
Following is the block diagram of Adaptive delta modulator.
Adaptive Delta Modulation Theory
In Adaptive Delta Modulation, the step size of the staircase signal is not fixed and changes depending upon
the input signal. Here first the difference between the present sample value and previous approximation is
calculated. This error is quantized i.e. if the present sample is smaller than the previous approximation,
quantized value is high or else it is low. The output of the one-bit quantizer is given to the Logic step size
control circuit where the step size is decided.

At the logic step size control circuit, the output is decided

based on the quantizer output. If the quantizer output is high,
then the step size is doubled for the next sample. If the
quantizer output is low, the step size is reduced by one step
for the next sample.
Some of the advantages of this modulation method are Differences between Delta Modulation and Adaptive
listed below- Delta Modulation
•Adaptive delta modulation decreases slope error present The differences between adaptive delta modulation and
in delta modulation. delta modulation are listed below-
•During demodulation, it uses a low pass filter which •In Delta Modulation step size is fixed for the whole
removes the quantized noise. signal. Whereas in Adaptive delta modulation, the step
•The slope overload error and granular error present in size varies depending upon the input signal.
delta modulation are solved using this modulation. •The slope overload and granular noise errors which are
Because of this, the signal to noise ratio of this modulation present in delta modulation are not seen in this
is better than delta modulation. modulation.
•In the presence of bit errors, this modulation provides •The dynamic range of Adaptive delta modulation is
robust performance. This reduces the need for error wider than delta modulation.
detection and correction circuits in radio design. •This modulation utilizes bandwidth more effectively
•The dynamic range of Adaptive delta modulation is large than delta modulation.
as the variable step size covers large range of values.
Some of the applications of this modulation method are listed below-
•This modulation is used for a system which requires improved wireless voice
quality as well as speed transfer of bits.
•In television signal transmission this modulation process is used.
•This modulation method is used in voice coding.
•This modulation is also used as a standard by NASA for all communications
between mission control and spacecraft.
•Motorola’s SECURENET line of digital radio products uses 12kbits/sec Adaptive
Delta Modulation.
•To provide voice detection quality audio at deployed areas, military uses 16 to 32
kbit/sec modulation system in TRI-TAC digital telephones.
•US army forces use 16kbit/sec rates to conserve bandwidth over tactical links.
•For improved voice quality US Air Forces uses 32kbits/sec rates.
•In Bluetooth-services to encode voice signals, this modulation is used with
32bits/sec rates.
•HC55516 decoder is used in various arcade games such as sinistar and smash tv
and pinball machines such as gorgor or space shuttle, to play pre-recorded
•Adaptive delta modulation is also known as continuously variable slope delta
Pulse-Frequency Modulation (PFM) is a pulse modulation technique
in which the frequency is varied with the input signal amplitude.
The duty cycle of the modulated signal does not change. Because it
is always a square wave with changing frequency, PFM is also
referred to as square-wave FM.
Pulse-frequency modulation (PFM) is a modulation method for
representing an analog signal using only two levels (1 and 0). It
is analogous to pulse-width modulation (PWM), in which the
magnitude of an analog signal is encoded in the duty cycle of a
square wave.

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