(Carranza and Hale, 1997) A Catchment Basin Approach To The Analysis of Reconnaissance Geochemical-Geological Data From Albay Province, Philippines

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ELSEVIER Journal of Geochemical Exploration 60 ( 1997) I S7- 17I

A catchment basin approach to the analysis of reconnaissance

geochemical-geological data from Albay Province, Philippines
Emmanuel John M. Carranza a-b.*, Martin Hale b

Received 11 February lYY7: accepted 2 July iYY7


A systematic approach for identifying mineral exploration target areas from reconnaissance stream sediment data without
sufficient a-priori control information has been demonstrated in a portion of western Albay Province in the southern Bicol
Peninsula of the Philippines. The approach involved devising a rapid method of catchment basin mapping using a geographic
information system (GIS) so that the area1 influence of the catchment basins may be incorporated in the geochemical data
analysis. Area1 proportions of mapped rock units occurring in the sample catchment basins and observed Mn and Fe contents
in stream sediments are used as independent variables in multiple regression analysis to predict element contents in stream
sediments related to lithologic and chemical controls. The predicted element contents are filtered-out from the original data
to leave residuals in which the effects of other factors (e.g.. mineralization) may be seen. A simple correction for the effects
of downstream dilution is applied; this allows for the different sizes of the sample catchment basins so that positive
geochemical residuals are enhanced. The inter-relationship of the different positive residuals in ‘highly enriched’ samples are
investigated through principal components analysis to determine and quantify an ‘anomalous geochemical signature’. Lastly,
the ‘anomalous geochemical signature’ is integrated with ‘proximity’ to faults/fractures to determine favourable target
areas. For the test region, the lithologic controls explain between 80% and 1007~ of the variability in most of the elements
studied. Chemical controls account for generally less than 5% of the variability in the data. Most of the dilution-corrected
residuals reveal high relative enrichment in certain areas underlain by andesite and/or diorite. An anomalous Cu-Mg-Fe-Zn
geochemical signature is disclosed by the principal components analysis of the dilution-corrected residuals in ‘highly
enriched’ samples. Most sample catchment basins defined by this ‘anomalous geochemical signature’ pertain to areas
underlain by andesitic rocks. Integration of the ‘anomalous geochemical signature’ and ‘proximity’ to faults/fractures
reveals that some of these anomalous sample catchment basins are favourable target areas. These areas are interpreted to
contain andesite-hosted stockwork or stringer zones that once formed part of a complete stratigraphic sequence of a
volcanogenic massive sulphide occurrence. The results demonstrate the usefulness and ability of the procedures followed to
extract significant anomalies from the reconnaissance geochemical data without the benefit of sufficient a-priori control data
to aid in anomaly recognition. Similar procedures could also be applied elsewhere. 8 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Mineral exploration; Stream sediment sampling: Catchment basin; Albay Province (Philippines)

’ Corresponding author.

0375-h742/97/$17.00 0 1997 El\evier Science B.V. All right\ reserved

PII s0375-~74?~97~0003~-0
1. Introduction influences the variations of element contents in
stream sediments is the average (background) com-
The effective interpretation of geochemical data position of non-mineralized rocks within the catch-
requires that every available piece of information be ment basins. It is thus necessary to determine local
brought to bear on the problem, together with a background (predicted values) appropriate for each
thorough understanding of the fundamental princi- stream and remove this background from the ob-
ples of exploration geochemistry as applied to a served values in order to leave residuals from which
specific area. Sufficient prior information is impor- the effects of anomalous geological processes (e.g.,
tant so that the recognition of significant geochemi- mineralization) may be seen.
cal anomalies is facilitated. Available geoscience In this paper, we follow a catchment basin ap-
data that may be used as analogs (i.e., a-priori proach to eliminate the effects of lithologic controls
thresholds from a geochemical orientation survey) or on the stream sediment element contents, similar to
those that allow the use of conditional probability that of Bonham-Carter et al. (1987). Area1 propor-
laws in the mapping of mineral potential (e.g., Bon- tions of mapped rock units occurring in the sample
ham-Carter et al., 1988) may be regarded as control catchment basins are used as independent variables
data. Any established geo-attributes of a mineralized in multiple regression analysis to predict element
locality within a study area are thus regarded as concentrations due to the rock units. These concen-
control data; the mineralized area(s) then form the trations are then filtered-out from the original data.
control location(s). The effects of chemical controls (e.g., scavenging
Reconnaissance stream sediment surveys may be metal ions by oxides of Mn and Fe, etc.) in the
carried out: (a) in well-prospected mineralized re- surficial environment are also removed using the
gions where control data are available: or (b) in same technique. In order to enhance the positive
regions where there are no known mineral occur- geochemical residuals, a simple correction for down-
rences, i.e., control data or locations are unavailable. stream dilution, following the relation suggested by
In the former case, where the main objective is to Hawkes (1976) is applied. Mapping of the positive
identify new target areas, the task of delineating dilution-corrected residuals shows sample catchment
favourable grounds is facilitated in that geo-attri- basins that are ‘highly enriched’ in any one of the
butes of every sample location can be compared with elements studied. A principal components analysis
those of the control locations. On the other hand, for on the dilution-corrected residuals in ‘highly en-
regions wherein control data or locations are unavail- riched’ sample catchment basins is performed to
able, the task of distinguishing background samples determine and quantify an ‘anomalous geochemical
from anomalous samples remains difficult. This was signature’. Mapping of the ‘anomalous geochemical
the case in the interpretation of stream sediment signature’ scores indicates anomalous sample catch-
geochemical data on 201 samples covering 225 km’ ment basins. Finally, the ‘anomalous geochemical
of western Albay Province in the Bicol Peninsula of signature’ scores are integrated with ‘proximity’ to
the Philippines, where there are no known metallic (curvi)linear structures in the test region to determine
mineral occurrences. Also, a geochemical orientation favourable target areas.
survey had not been conducted prior to the recon-
naissance survey so that control data (e.g., a-priori
thresholds) are unavailable to facilitate recognition 2. The test region
of significant anomalies.
The conventional approach of establishing uni- The test region is situated in the western part of
element thresholds in order to distinguish anomalous Albay Province in the Bicol Peninsula of southeast-
samples from background samples and thereby iden- ern Luzon Island of the Philippine Archipelago in
tify target areas is considered inadequate because the the western Pacific (Fig. 1). The test region is a
rather rare occurrence of mineralization is only one portion of the Panganiran Quadrangle (Map Sheet
of the geologic factors that causes variations in the No. 3659 II) which was geologically mapped ini-
stream sediment geochemistry. A major factor that tially at 1 : SO.000 scale (Bureau of Mines and Geo-
E,J..W Carran;a, M. Hale/Journal c?f Exploration 60 (1997)
Geochemical 157-171 159

A Quaternary volcanic centr

-Cretaceous, or oldc
metamorphic rock!

\\High-angle faul


Fig. I. Location of the test region. Geological features taken from Bureau of Mines and Geosciences (I 9X?).

sciences, 1985). The geological map shown in Fig. 2 + clay). These have been mined in a small area in
is a modification by Carranza (1994). the western part of the region. The deposits, which
Most of the test region is underlain by andesitic are now almost depleted, occur as fracture fillings
and dioritic rocks belonging to the Early Oligocene along northwesterly trending fractures that cut al-
Ragay Volcanics and the Late Oligocene Panganiran tered andesite.
Diorite, respectively. Isolated inliers of thermally A drainage geochemical survey of the test region
metamorphosed Eocene Pantao Limestone occur was carried out in 1991 (Carranza, 1992) by sam-
within the andesitic rocks. The diorite is intrusive pling active stream sediments along second- and
into the andesite and the limestone. Younger sedi- third-order streams, resulting at an average sample
mentary rocks, belonging to the Early-Middle density of one per square kilometre. The minus
Miocene Bicol Formation and the Late Miocene- go-mesh fraction of the stream sediments was anal-
Pliocene Albay Group, underlie the eastern parts of ysed for Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, Ni, Cr, Li, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn,
the region, while pre-Tertiary Panganiran Ultra- As and Sb. The geochemical data for Pb, Sb, and Ag
mafics, which form the basement rocks in Albay were of very poor analytical precision and were not
Province, occur in the southeast. considered in the study.
Several northerly and northwesterly striking faults
and fractures, sympathetic to the Philippine Fault
3. Map data
Zone located more or less 25 km to the west (Fig. l),
dissect the test region. The known mineral deposits A map of sample catchment basin outlines (Fig.
of the region are only hydrothermal gypsum( + pyrite 3) was generated automatically using ILWIS (In-
Fig. 2. Geological map of the test region (modified from Bureau of Mines and Geoscienux 1985). Key: alluvium = Rcccnt alluvium:
shale = Ligao Formation; siltstone = Albay Group: limestone = Albay Group: \and\tonc = B~col Formation: diorite = Pangamran Dlorite:
andesite = Ragay Volcanics: limestone = Pantao Limestone; ultramaficc = Pdnpaniran I~ltramafic\

tegrated Land and Water Information System), a on a UTM projection. Each basin segment corre-
computer-based geographic information system (GIS) sponds to the area upstream and/or upslope of each
developed by the International Institute for Aerospace sampling site, terminating at the location of the next
Survey and Earth Sciences, Delft. The map was sample site and at the top of the drainage divides.
produced in raster format, using 30 m X 30 m pixels Each pixel in the raster map of the sample catchment

Table I
Elementary statistics of the original data and skewness of the log,,-transformed data

Element Minimum Maximum Mean Std. De\. Skewness Skewness (loge)

Cu (ppm) 23 9x 51 II 0.62 - 0. IX
Zn (ppm) 23 360 4Y 33 5.7x I .s I
Ni (ppm) I9 1370 9x 193 5.03 3.1x
Cr (ppm) I3 670 72 xz 5.02 0.94
A\ (ppm) 0. I 7.8 I .4 I .5 I .x7 ~ 0.03
Li (ppm) 0.7 73.Y s.2 4.x I .79 0.5 I
Mn (ppm) I60 2780 543 351 3.06 0.70
Fe (a,) I .3 10.8 3.7 1.2 I .69 -0.19
Mg (“/c) 0.47 1.35 1.25 0.57 2.34 0.63
Ca (So) 0.3 13.2 I .Y 2.1 2.s7 0.6Y
E.J.M. Carranza, M. Hale/ Journal of Geochemical E.rploration 60 (1997) 157-171

Fig. 3. Streams (lines), sample localities (circles). and sample catchmentbasins (polygons)for the test region

basins is labelled according to the sample number. effect on the results of the statistical analysis. The
The boundaries of mapped lithologic units in Fig. 2 decision, therefore, was to work with the natural
were also digitized and rasterised using a pixel size logarithms (log,) of the data instead of the raw
of 30 m X 30 m on a UTM projection. The resulting values. This transformation is used to alleviate the
image is thus identical in size and location to the problems caused by the large values and is not a
catchment basin image. From these steps we pro- judgment of a possible log-normal distribution of the
duced a database containing information about the data; a square root transformation might have served
chemical composition of each sample catchment equally well. Using this logarithmic transformation,
basin, the sample catchment basin area, and the area1 asymmetry of the distribution is effectively reduced
proportions of each rock type in the associated basin. (Table 1).

4. Elementary statistics and data transformation

5. Regression analysis
Table 1 contains the summary statistics of the
analytical data of the ten elements under study. As Given the observed stream sediment element con-
indicated by their skewness coefficients, all element tents Y, at locality i, and the area1 proportions. XLj,
distributions are positively skewed. Some maximum of the jth rock unit in the ith sample catchment
values are large, over five standard deviations from basin attached to locality i, the stream sediment
the mean, and such large values have a dominant element contents, ?,, due to lithology are predicted
162 E.J.M. Carranza, M. Hale/Journal of Geochemical Exploration 60 (1997)157-l 71

using a simple regression model as follows: the values of Y are log,-transformed. Having taken
the natural logarithms, however, the model becomes
multiplicative with respect to the raw data, and the
f; = h, + f h,Xi, (‘1
1 additive mixing hypothesis is not modelled
(Bonham-Carter et al., 1987). Nonetheless, the log,
with s,,=m ,X,j = 1.0 for J = 1,2,. . . , m rock units in transforms of the original data are used and b,, is
sample catchment basin i; b, and bj are the regres- forced through the origin so that the b,‘s are usually
sion coefficients. Estimation of the element concen- positive and easy to interpret (e.g., Bonham-Carter
trations is 2ccomplished by minimizing the quantity and Goodfellow, 1986).
C/i ,(Y. - Yi) using the least squares regression pro- In order to evaluate the relative contribution of
cedure. the area1 proportions of rock units and their ability to
It is assumed that the predicted element contents account for the total variation in the data, a forward
are a result of mixing of weathering products of the and forced simultaneous inclusion of the independent
rock units (i.e., an additive mixing model); that is, variables into the regression equation is performed.
setting b, = 0 and interpreting as the mean element Thus, not simply the most significant variables are
contents of the jth rock unit. Because of the signifi- searched and included in the final regression equa-
cant positive skewness of the element distributions, tions according to a statistical criterion; rather all

Fig. 4. Sample catchment basins shaded according to the groupings of the geochemical data on which Feparate regression experiments are
E.J.M. Carranza, M. Hale/Journal of Geochemical Exploration 60 (1997) 157-171 163

variables are included in the final regression equa- tional contributions of Mn and Fe to the explained
tions. In order, however, for the results of the regres- variability of the dependent variables are attributed
sion analysis to be significant, separate regression to chemical controls (e.g., scavenging by Fe-Mn
analyses are performed on three groups of the geo- oxides, trace element contents related to mafic min-
chemical data (Fig. 4) based on threshold values erals, etc.).
determined by examining the probability graphs of The effectiveness of the independent variables in
the uni-element data (not shown here; Sinclair, 1974). accounting for the variation of the dependent vari-
The data grouping, which shows conformity to the ables can be characterized using R2 (expressed as a
geology (Fig. 2) was deemed necessary so that the percentage), the ratio of the sum of squares ex-
problem of mixed populations is more or less avoided plained by the regression to the total sum of squares.
(Howarth and Sinding-Larsen, 1983). The element Bonham-Carter et al. (1987) pointed out that statisti-
contents of samples in the different groups are re- cal tests of significance of the regression are consid-
gressed only against the area1 proportions of those ered inappropriate if the individual sample points
rock units that occur in the associated sample catch- exhibit some degree of autocorrelation and thus are
ment basins. not independent. In this study, because of the rela-
Besides area1 proportions of rock units, Mn and tively high sampling density, the individual sample
Fe contents are also used as independent variables in points are expected to be autocorrelated so that
combination with the area1 proportions of rock units. statistical tests of significance of the regression ex-
Hence, two sets of regression experiments are per- periments were not carried out.
formed on the three groups of the geochemical data:
(1) regression against area1 proportions of rock units; 5.1. Results of regression experiments
and (2) regression against area1 proportions of rock
units, Mn and Fe contents. In the second set of The results of the regression experiments are sum-
regression experiments b, is set to 0 just as in the marized in Table 2. For all elements except As, Mg
first set of regression experiments and a forward and and Ca, the lithologic controls explain between 80%
forced simultaneous inclusions of the independent and 100% of the variations in the geochemical data,
variables in the regression equations is performed. In depending on the element and group examined. The
the first set of regression experiments the variation lithologic controls account for only 8-30% of the
of the dependent variables are attributed to lithologic variations in As, Mg and Ca in the low and interme-
controls (i.e., area1 proportions of rock units) while diate groups and for 65-80% in the high group. For
in the second set of regression experiments the addi- most elements, the chemical controls generally ac-

Table 2
Summary of results of regression analyses
Dependent variables % Variation due to independent variables (R*)

low group intermediate group high group

lithology lithology + Mn + Fe lithology lithology + Mn + Fe lithology lithology + Mn + Fe
CU 99.82 99.83 99.60 99.66 99.75 99.88
Zn 99.40 99.66 99.11 99.21 99.81 99.86
Ni 99.23 99.34 99.12 99.32 99.14 99.65
Cr 98.63 98.73 98.42 98.44 98.93 99.52
AS 37.4 45.79 8.76 38.13 85.26 89.29
Li 82.38 86.08 87.73 91.60 97.21 98.19
Mn 99.71 99.73 99.36 99.59 99.75 99.81
Fe 95.96 96.22 86.34 91.26 98.10 98.54
Mg 10.59 25.06 24.69 45.48 67.80 81.29
Ca 12.83 15.49 28.29 68.18 72.10 89.64
164 E.J.M. Carranza, M. Hule/.lournal oj’Geochemica1 Exploration 60 (19971 157-171

count for less than 1% in explained variation over tion developed by Hawkes (1976):
that already explained by the lithologic controls. For
As, Mg and Ca, the chemical controls account for at A,,,(&,; =A,( Y - t) +A,,,< (3)
least 5% additional variability, depending on the
where: A,,,, = area of anomaly source in catchment
group examined.
basin attached to sample i; Y,, = stream sediment
element contents due to anomaly source in catch-
ment basin i; A, = area of catchment basin attached
6. Filtration of the effects of lithologic and chemi- to sample i; and Y,, t = observed, predicted stream
cal controls sediment element contents for sample i.
With the assumption that a unit area of exposed
The results of the second set of regression experi- mineralization (i.e., A,n, = 1 km’) is contributing to
ments are used to predict element concentrations, pj, the stream sediments, Bonham-Carter and Goodfel-
for sample i that are due to the lithologic and low (1984, 1986) considered the term A,,,Y,,, as a
chemical controls according to the equation: ‘mineralization rating’ that permits positive geo-
chemical residuals to be classified according to im-
< = portance. However, using the above formula to cor-
rect for dilution, the ‘unwanted’ predicted element
contents due to lithologic and chemical controls are
where: b,, b,, and b,, are the regression coeffi-
‘added’ back by virtue of the term A,,?;. Rose et al.
cients of the lithologic and chemical controls; X,,
(1979, p. 399) pointed out that the term A,, f, can
are area1 proportions of j = 1,2,. . . ,m rock units in
be neglected if the catchment area is large relati!e to
sample catchment basin i; and Mn and Fe are log,-
the mineralized area. We neglect the term A,,,Y, by
transformed concentrations of these elements for
assuming a unit area of 1 ha (or 0.01 km’) of
sample i. Filtration of the predicted values from the
exposed anomaly source that is contributing to the
observed data (i.e., Y. - t.) would result in residuals
stream. This assumed area of anomaly source is
related to the effects of other factors. Because filtra-
10 X to 200 X smaller compared with the area of
tion of the effects of lithologic and chemical controls
the smallest to the largest sample catchment basins.
are based on different regression equations (i.e., for
Thus, the term A,,,it. is neglected and the dilution
the three groups of the geochemical data represent-
formula becomes:
ing the different geological-geochemical conditions
in the test region), the residuals are standardized into 0.01 Y,, = A!( Y; - f;) (4)
z-scores in order for these values to be comparable
(Howarth and Sinding-Larsen, 1983). which is equivalent to

v,,,, = 100 A, ( Y, - f, ) (5)

7. Correction for effects of dilution This latter formula is used to correct the positive
geochemical residuals for the effects of dilution.
Where positive geochemical residuals result from Although the actual area of exposed anomaly source
the filtration of predicted element contents from the is unknown and since there are no known metallic
observed element contents, these could be considered mineralization in the region, the assumption of a unit
as enrichment due to the effects of anomaly sources, area of exposed anomaly source enables the dilution
one of which might be mineralization. However, the correction to work in this particular case so that
magnitude of the geochemical residuals is controlled possibly enriched catchment basins are highlighted.
by downstream dilution by mixing of sediments from The units for Y,, are dilution-corrected residuals in a
non-anomalous sources, which in turn is a function sample catchment basin as if the positive geochemi-
of the drainage catchment area. In correcting for cal residuals were wholly due to an exposed anomaly
dilution, Bonham-Carter and Goodfellow (1984, source over an area of 1 ha. It is also assumed that
1986) used the following formula based on the rela- contributions from alluvial river bank material can
E. J.M. Carranza, M, Hale/Journal ofGeochemical Explorarion 60 (1997) 157- 171 165

< 45
45 - 90
> 90

Fig. 5. Maps showing observed Zn contents (upper panel) and dilution-corrected Zn residuals (lower panel).
166 E. J.M. Carranza, M. Hale/Journal of Geochemical Exploration 60 (1997) 157- 171

be neglected, that no feedback between sediment and Table 3

water occurs, and that erosion is uniform within each Principal components analysis of a subset of 84 samples contain-
ing > 80 percentile dilution-corrected residuals for at least one of
catchment basin.
the ten elements
Although the model clearly will not apply univer-
Principal components loadings
sally, Hawkes (1976) shows reasonable agreement
between theory and prediction of four porphyry cop- PC1 PC2 PC3

per deposits. Considering the differences in the sizes CU 0.116 - 0. I29 0.842
Zn 0.593 0.014 0.550
of the sample catchment basins (not shown here), we
Ni - 0.671 0.602 0.089
feel that dilution correction is warranted despite the
Cr ~ 0.686 0.481 - 0.021
limitations of the method. AS 0.639 0.581 0.002
The uni-element dilution-corrected residuals re- Li 0.565 0.533 0.098
veal that original intermediate to high anomalous Mn 0.181 0.25 I -0.111
Fe 0.115 -0.313 0.319
values of single elements are either downgraded of
Mg - 0.416 0.424 0.599
upgraded. For example, the spatial distribution of
Ca 0.621 0.377 ~ 0.326
observed Zn contents (Fig. 5, upper panel) indicates % of var. 26.1 II 17.159 16.078
intermediate values over the sedimentary rocks in the Cum. 8 of Var. 26.117 43.336 59.414
eastern part of the region and over andesitic and
ltalicised coefficients indicate significant variables.
dioritic rocks north- and south-central parts of the
region, and anomalous values over the andesite in
northeast-central part of the region. On the other
hand, the spatial distribution of the Zn dilution-cor- principal components analysis. Log-transformation
rected residuals (Fig. 5, lower panel) has: (a) reduced of the data to alleviate the effects of these factors is
the importance of some portions of the observed not possible due to the presence of negative residuals
anomalous zone; (b) upgraded the significance of in the data. It was thus decided to perform a simple
some intermediate background areas over the north- rank-ordering approach, i.e., assigning ascending
and south-central parts of the region; and (c) down- ranks of 84 through 1 to the descending values of
graded much of the intermediate Zn values. each variable (tied ranks are averaged), and compute
the Spearman rank correlation coefficients for all
possible pairs of variables. Principal components
8. Multi-element classification of the dilution-cor- analysis is carried out on the rank correlation matrix
rected residuals (George and B on h am-Carter, 1989) and the results
are presented in Table 3.
The inter-relationships inherent in the dilution- The first three principal components account for
corrected residuals of the ten elements are investi- some 60% of the total variability of the rank-trans-
gated through principal components analysis. Be- formed data and represent different element associa-
cause this procedure tends to be dominated by non- tions that are more or less interpretable. The other
anomalous element associations, a subset of 84 principal components are not readily interpretable
‘highly enriched’ samples containing > 80 per- and are not discussed further.
centile positive dilution-corrected residuals for at The first principal component (PCl) accounts for
least one of the ten elements was selected so that at least 25% of the variance, including most of the
anomalous element associations would be enhanced. variations in As, Ca, Zn, Li, Cr, Ni and Mg. The
However, histograms of the dilution-corrected resid- strong positive and negative loadings represent two
uals (not shown here) in the ‘highly enriched’ sam- associations, As-Ca-Zn-Li and Cr-Ni-Mg, that
ples reveal the presence of multiple populations, are inversely related, i.e., an enrichment in one
extremely high and low values, and probably non- association corresponds to a depletion in the other
normal distribution of these data. These factors un- and vice versa. The As-Ca-Zn-Li association is
dermine a reliable estimate of the Pearson correlation interpreted as modelling secondary enrichment due
matrix which is used as the starting point of the to adsorption by clay minerals because Ca and Li are
E.J.M. Carranza, M. Hale/Journal of Geochemical Exploration 60 (1997) 157-171 167

Fig. 6. Map showing sample catchment basins characterized by an anomalous Cu-Mg-Zn-Fe geochemical signature represented by > 80
percentile PC3 scores.

among the elements commonly adsorbed by clays in as related to clay adsorption, enrichment in the Cu-
the weathering environment. The Cr-Ni-Mg associ- Mg-Zn-Fe association is probably un-related to clay
ation is interpreted to reflect unmapped erosional adsorption. The Cu-Mg-Zn-Fe association is inter-
remnants of the ultramafic rocks. These associations preted to be an anomalous multi-element geochemi-
are considered to be non-anomalous. cal signature that probably represents mineralization
The second principal component (PC2) accounts in the test region.
for at least 17% of the total variance and has high The PC3 scores for the rank-transformed data are
positive loadings on Ni, As, Li, Cr, Mg and Ca. It is calculated according to the formula (George and
also interpreted to represent a multi-element associa- Bonham-Carter, 1989):
tion that models secondary enrichment due to ad-
sorption by clays, This association is also considered
Sci = c Icj’ij for i = 1,2,. , . ,84 samples (6)
non-anomalous. j= f
The third principal component (PC3) accounts for
at least 16% of the total variance and is associated where: S,i = score for i on component c; lcj =
mainly with Cu, Mg, Zn, Fe and Ca. The high loading of variable j on component c; and Y,~= rank
positive loadings on Cu, Mg, Zn and Fe and the high of variable j for sample i. The PC3 scores are
negative loading on Ca imply an antipathetic relation classified into five percentile classes (O-75, 75-80,
of the former four elements with the last. Because 80-90,90-95 and 95-100) in order to determine the
enrichment in Ca (and associated elements in the 1st anomalous sample catchment basins.
and 2nd principal components) is already interpreted The map of PC3 scores (Fig. 6) highlights adjoin-
168 E.J.M. Carran;a. M. Ha/e/Journal of Grochemicd Explorrrtion 60 C19971 157-I 71

ing anomalous sample catchment basins (i.e.. with Table 4

> 80 percentile PC3 scores) in the northeast-central Classification of ‘proximity’ to (curvi)linear features and per-
centile classes of ‘anomalous geochemical signature’ into pixel
part of the region and also reveals other isolated
anomalous sample catchment basins. Some of the
‘Proximity’ to faults/fractures ‘Anomalous geochemical
sample catchment basins with anomalous Zn dilu-
tion-corrected residuals (Fig. 5, lower panel) are
Distances Pixel Percentile Pixel
downgraded in the PC3 map while other sample
(km) value Cl&\ value
catchment basins with non-anomalous Zn dilution-
> 2.00 0 samples not ‘PC- 0
corrected residuals are nevertheless characterized by analysed’
anomalous geochemical signature. Unshaded sample I so-2.00 60 O& 7s 375
catchment basins in Fig. 6 represent samples with I .OO- I.50 80 7s x0 775
non-anomalous (i.e., < 80 percentile) dilution-cor- oso- I .oo I30 80- 90 850
0.25-0.X) 270 YO- YS 925
rected residuals for all ten elements.
0.00-0.25 x00 95-100 915

9. ‘Proximity’ to (curvihinear features

deposits whose element contents find their way into
Faults/fractures play an important role in the the streams by weathering and erosion; and (b) these
localization of stream sediment anomalies because: structures provide channelways for the upward mi-
(a) these structures are common loci of mineral gration of groundwater that have come in contact

Fig. 7. Map showing relative distances to faultv/fractures.

E.J.M. Curran;u. M. Hole / Jountnl of Grochemicd Expiorurion 60 (1997) 157- I71 169

with buried mineral deposits. This suggests that zones pixel value equal to ten times the mean of the
with an anomalous geochemical signature that are percentile range. The multipliers (i.e., 10 and 100)
proximal to fracture zones may deserve additional are arbitrary and used only to avoid decimals for
attention. simplicity in the numerical operations.
A map showing distances to faults/fractures in The re-classified raster maps of the ‘proximity’
the test region was generated in ILWIS (Fig. 7). and ‘anomalous geochemical signature’ are then
These faults and fractures are derived from existing multiplied; the products of these variables are then
geological maps and from linear patterns interpreted referred to as ‘favourability’ scores. The mean
from air-photographs. In order to integrate the ‘favourability’ scores in the individual sample catch-
‘anomalous geochemical signature’ and the ‘proxim- ment basins are then scaled into the same percentile
ity’ to linear features, the raster map of each data set classes for the PC3 scores. Sample catchment basins
is re-classified in such a way that high pixel values with ‘favourability’ scores > 80th percentile are re-
indicate high ‘anomalous geochemical signature’ and garded as favourable target areas (Fig. 8; unshaded
high ‘proximity’ to structures. The re-classification sample catchment basins in this illustration represent
of the raster maps of the ‘proximity’ and ‘anomalous samples with non-anomalous dilution-corrected
geochemical signature’ is summarized in Table 4. residuals for all ten elements).
For the ‘proximity’ raster map, each corridor is Favourable target basins (Fig. 8) are those previ-
classified with a pixel value equal to one hundred ously classified as anomalous on the basis of PC3
times the inverse of the mean relative ‘proximity’ scores and those defined by high but non-anomalous
range. For the ‘anomalous geochemical signature’ PC3 scores (Fig. 61. The integration of the ‘anoma-
raster map, each percentile class is classified with a lous geochemical signature’ and the ‘proximity’ to
170 E.J.M. Carranza, M. Hale/ Journal of Geochemical Exploration 60 (19971 157-I 71

structures has either upgraded or downgraded the mineralization is of prime importance in exploration
favourability of some of these basins. Since most of geochemistry. Through multiple regression analysis,
the favourable target basins are isolated from one the dominant effects of lithologic and chemical con-
another, those adjoining basins in the northeast- trols can be filtered-out from the geochemical data
central part of the region and underlain by the an- and allowing attention to be focused on the positive
desitic rocks are considered to be the most favourable. geochemical residuals. This latter feature may be of
These clustered favourable sample catchment basins particular benefit in the interpretation of the recon-
are interpreted as reflecting a possible andesite-hosted naissance geochemical data as mineralization, being
stockwork or vein-type sulphide mineralization that a relatively rare phenomenon, will normally con-
probably once formed part of a complete strati- tribute only a (very) minor component of the total
graphic sequence of a volcanogenic massive sulphide variability in the data.
(VMS) occurrence. This part of the test region now (5) Correcting or normalizing for the geochemical
requires further exploration. residuals for the effects of downstream dilution en-
ables the enhancement of positive residuals. Catch-
ment basin geochemical maps of dilution-corrected
10. Conclusions residuals reveal areas that are not readily recogniz-
able or only partly recognizable in the catchment
(1) The main objective of this study was to devise basin geochemical maps of the original data.
a systematic approach to the analysis of reconnais- (6) Further filtration of the effects of other factors
sance geochemical data from areas wherein a-priori irrelevant to mineralization can be performed through
control data are unavailable. The results of the study a principal components analysis of the dilution-cor-
demonstrate that significant geochemical anomalies rected residuals. For the test region, this has revealed
may be extracted from the reconnaissance stream an anomalous Cu-Mg-Zn-Fe association and by
sediment data through a 5stage process that in- mapping of the ‘anomalous geochemical signature’
volves: (a) filtering of the effects of factors irrelevant scores the multi-element geochemical data were re-
to mineralization through multiple regression analy- duced into a single derived geochemical map that
sis; (b) correcting the residual data for the effects of shows the distributions of anomalous areas.
dilution using a formula modified from Hawkes (7) Integration of the ‘proximity’ to structures
(1976); (c) mapping of highly enriched sample enhances the delineation of favourable target areas.
catchment basins based on the dilution-corrected
residuals; (d) determining and quantifying an
‘anomalous geochemical signature’ based on the Acknowledgements
highly enriched samples through principal compo-
nents analysis; and (e) integrating the ‘anomalous This paper form part of E.J. Carranza’s MSc
geochemical signature’ and ‘proximity’ to structural research at ITC with financial support from the
Netherlands Fellowships Programme. We thank K.
Fletcher and D. Wright for critical review of the
(2) Consideration of the area of influence for the
individual sample sites, i.e., the sample catchment manuscript.
basin, permits the effective integration of mapped
geological data with stream sediment geochemical
data in order to extract more significant anomalies.
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