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Journal of Economic Literature 2021, 59(2), 391–425

Using Synthetic Controls:

Feasibility, Data Requirements, and
Methodological Aspects†
Alberto Abadie*

Probably because of their interpretability and transparent nature, synthetic controls

have become widely applied in empirical research in economics and the social sci-
ences. This article aims to provide practical guidance to researchers employing syn-
thetic control methods. The article starts with an overview and an introduction to
synthetic control estimation. The main sections discuss the advantages of the synthetic
control framework as a research design, and describe the settings where synthetic con-
trols provide reliable estimates and those where they may fail. The article closes with
a discussion of recent extensions, related methods, and avenues for future research.
(JEL B41, C32, C54, E23, F15, O47)

1. Introduction conditions, synthetic controls provide sub-

stantial advantages as a research design

S ynthetic control methods (Abadie and

Gardeazabal 2003; Abadie, Diamond,
and Hainmueller 2010) have become widely
method in the social sciences. These advan-
tages, I believe, explain the increasing
popularity of synthetic control methods
applied in empirical research in economics in empirical research. At the same time,
and other disciplines. Under ­ appropriate the validity of synthetic control estimators
depends on important practical require-
ments. Perfunctory applications that ignore
* Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology. I would like to thank Matias Cattaneo, the context of the empirical investigation and
Brigham Frandsen, Bruno Ferman, Javier Gardeazabal, the characteristics of the data may miss the
Jens Hainmueller, Jérémy L’Hour, Guido Imbens, Devavrat mark, producing misleading estimates.
Shah, Kaspar Wüthrich, participants at the Conference on
Synthetic Controls and Related Methods at MIT/IDSS, My goal with this article is to provide guid-
NeurIPS 2019, the Chamberlain Online Seminar, Steven ance for empirical practice to researchers
Durlauf (the editor), and five referees for insightful com- employing synthetic control methods. With
ments, and Kevin Li for expert research assistance. NSF
support through grant SES-1756692 is gratefully acknowl- this goal in mind, I put special emphasis on
edged. Some fragments of this article build on an internal feasibility, data requirements, contextual
document previously commissioned by the Inter-American requirements, and methodological issues
Development Bank.

Go to to visit the related to the empirical application of syn-
article page and view author disclosure statement(s). thetic controls. Particularly important is

392 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LIX (June 2021)

characterizing the practical settings where (Cunningham and Shah 2018), immigration
synthetic controls may be useful and those policy (Bohn, Lofstrom, and Raphael 2014),
where they may fail. corporate political connections (Acemoglu
Section 2 briefly introduces the ideas et  al. 2016), taxation (Kleven, Landais, and
behind the synthetic control methodology Saez 2013), organized crime (Pinotti 2015),
in the context of comparative case studies. and many other key policy issues. They have
Section 3 discusses some of the formal aspects also been adopted as the main tool for data
of the synthetic control methodology that are analysis across different sides of the issues in
of particular interest for empirical applica- recent prominent debates on the effects of
tions. Readers who are already familiar with immigration (Borjas 2017, Peri and Yasenov
the synthetic control methodology may only 2019) and minimum wages (Allegretto et al.
need to read subsections 3.3 to 3.5 in detail, 2017, Jardim et  al. 2017, Neumark and
and skim through section 2 and the rest of Wascher 2017, Reich et  al. 2017). Synthetic
section 3 in order to acquaint themselves with controls are also applied outside econom-
terms and notation that will be employed in ics: in the social sciences, biomedical disci-
later sections. Sections 4 through 6 comprise plines, engineering, etc. (see, e.g., Heersink,
the core of the article. Section 4 discusses the Peterson, and Jenkins 2017; Pieters et  al.
practical advantages of synthetic control esti- 2017). Outside academia, synthetic controls
mators. Sections 5 and 6 discuss contextual have found considerable coverage in the
and data requirements for synthetic control popular press (see, e.g., Guo 2015, Douglas
empirical studies. I discuss the validity of these 2018) and have been widely adopted by mul-
requirements in applied settings and potential tilateral organizations, think tanks, business
ways to adapt the research design when the analytics units, governmental agencies, and
requirements do not hold in practice. Section consulting firms. For example, the synthetic
7 describes robustness and diagnostic checks control method plays a prominent role in the
to evaluate the credibility of a synthetic con- official evaluation of the effects of the massive
trol counterfactual and to measure the extent Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Intensive
to which results are sensitive to changes in the Partnerships for Effective Teaching program
study design. Section 8 discusses extensions (Gutierrez, Weinberger, and Engberg 2016).
and recent proposals. The final section con- Synthetic control methods were originally
tains conclusions and describes open areas for proposed in Abadie and Gardeazabal (2003)
research on synthetic controls. and Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller
(2010) with the aim to estimate the effects
of aggregate interventions, that is, interven-
2.  A Primer on Synthetic Control
tions that are implemented at an aggregate
level affecting a small number of large units
In a recent Journal of Economic Perspectives (such as a cities, regions, or countries), on
survey on the econometrics of policy eval- some aggregate outcome of interest. More
uation, Susan Athey and Guido Imbens recently, synthetic control methods have
describe synthetic controls as “arguably the been applied to settings with a large num-
most important innovation in the policy eval- ber of units.1 We will discuss this and other
uation literature in the last 15  years” (Athey extensions in section 8.
and Imbens 2017). In the last few years, syn-
thetic controls have been applied to study 1 See, for example, Acemoglu et al. (2016), Kreif et al.
the effects of r­ight-to-carry laws (Donohue, (2016), Abadie and L’Hour (2019), and Dube and Zipperer
Aneja, and Weber 2019), legalized ­prostitution (2015).
Abadie: Using Synthetic Controls 393

Consider a setting where one aggregate between the unit exposed to treatment and a
unit, such as a state or a school district, is group of units that are similar to the exposed
exposed to an event or intervention of inter- unit but were not affected by the treatment.
est. For example, Abadie, Diamond, and This can be achieved whenever the evolu-
Hainmueller (2010) study the effect of a large tion of the outcomes for the unit affected by
­tobacco control program adopted in California the intervention and the comparison units is
in 1988, and Bifulco, Rubenstein, and Sohn driven by common factors that induce a sub-
(2017) evaluate the effects of an educational stantial amount of ­co-movement.
program adopted in the Syracuse, New York, Comparative case studies have long been
school district in 2008. In accordance with applied to the evaluation of ­large-scale events
the program evaluation literature in econom- or aggregate interventions. For example, to
ics, the terms “treated” and “untreated” will estimate the effects of the massive arrival of
refer to units exposed and not exposed to the Cuban expatriates to Miami during the 1980
event or intervention of interest, respectively. Mariel boatlift on native unemployment in
I will use the terms “event,” “intervention,” Miami, Card (1990) compares the evolution
and “treatment” interchangeably. Traditional of native unemployment in Miami at the
regression analysis techniques require large time of the boatlift to the average evolution
samples and many observed instances of the of native unemployment in four other cit-
event or intervention of interest and, as a ies in the United States. Similarly, Card and
result, they are often ­ill-suited to estimate the Krueger (1994) use Pennsylvania as a com-
effects of infrequent events, such as policy parison to estimate the effects of an increase
interventions, on aggregate units. Economists in the New Jersey minimum wage on employ-
have approached the estimation of the effects ment in fast food restaurants in New Jersey.
of large-scale but infrequent interventions A drawback of comparative case studies of
using t­ime-series analysis and comparative this type is that the selection of the compar-
case studies. ­Single-unit ­time-series analysis ison units is not formalized and often relies
is an effective tool to study the ­short-term on informal statements of affinity between
effects of policy interventions in cases when the units affected by the event or interven-
we expect ­short-term effects to be of a sub- tion of interest and a set of comparison units.
stantial magnitude.2 However, the use of Moreover, when the units of observation are a
time-series techniques to estimate medium small number of aggregate entities, like coun-
and ­long-term effects of policy intervention tries or regions, no single unit alone may pro-
is complicated by the presence of shocks to vide a good comparison for the unit affected
the outcome of interest, aside from the effect by the intervention.
of the intervention. Comparative case stud- The synthetic control method is based on
ies are based on the idea that the effect of an the idea that, when the units of observation
intervention can be inferred by c­ omparing the are a small number of aggregate entities, a
evolution of the outcome variables of interest combination of unaffected units often pro-
vides a more appropriate comparison than
any single unaffected unit alone. The syn-
2 The literature on “interrupted t­ime-series” is partic-
thetic control methodology formalizes the
ularly relevant in the context of policy evaluation. See, for
example, Cook and Campbell (1979), which discusses the selection of the comparison units using a
limitations of this methodology if interventions are gradual data driven procedure. As we will discuss
rather than abrupt and/or if the causal effect of an inter- later, this formalization also opens the door
vention is delayed in time. Interrupted t­ime-series meth-
ods are closely related to r­egression-discontinuity design to a mode of quantitative inference for com-
techniques (see, e.g., Thistlethwaite and Campbell 1960). parative case studies.
394 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LIX (June 2021)

3.  Formal Aspects of the Synthetic Control intervention of interest for the affected unit
Method in period ​t​(with ​t > ​T0​ ​​​) is:

3.1 The Setting (1) ​​τ​1t​​  = ​Y​  I1t ​ ​  − ​Y​  N

1t ​.​  ​

Suppose that we obtain data for J​ +  1​ Because unit “one” is exposed to the
units: j​ =  1, 2, … , J + 1​. Without loss of gen- intervention after period T​ ​​ 0​​​, it follows that
erality, we assume that the first unit (  ​j =  1​) for ​t > ​T​0​​​ we have ​​Y1t ​ ​​  = ​Y​  I1t ​​.​  Simply put, for
is the treated unit, that is, the unit affected the unit affected by the intervention and a
by the policy intervention of interest.3 The post-intervention period we observe the
“donor pool,” that is, the set of potential potential outcome under the intervention.
comparisons, j​  =  2, … , J +  1​is a collec- The great policy evaluation challenge is
tion of untreated units not affected by the to estimate ​​Y​  N1t ​​​  for ​t > ​T​0​​​: how the outcome
intervention. We assume also that our data of interest would have evolved for the
span ​T​periods and that the first T​ ​​ 0​​​ periods affected unit in the absence of the interven-
are before the intervention. For each unit, ​j​, tion. This is a counterfactual outcome, as the
and time, ​t​, we observe the outcome of inter- affected unit was, by definition, exposed to
est, ​​Y​jt​​​. For each unit, ​j​, we also observe a set the intervention of interest after ​t = ​T​0​​​. As
of ​k​predictors of the outcome, ​​X​1j​​,  … , ​Xkj ​ ​​​, equation (1) makes clear, given that ​​Y​  I1 ​​t​  is
which may include p ­ re-intervention values observed, the problem of estimating the
of ​​Yj​t​​​and which are themselves unaffected effect of a policy intervention is equivalent
by the intervention. The k​  ×  1​ vec- to the problem of estimating Y​  ​​ N
1t ​​.​  Notice also
tors ​​X​1​​,  …  , ​XJ+1​ ​​​contain the values of the that equation (1) allows the effect of the
predictors for units j​ =  1, … , J +  1​, respec- intervention to change over time. This is cru-
tively. The k​  × J​ matrix, ​​X​0​​  = ​[​X2​ ​​  ⋯  ​XJ+1 ​ ​​]​​, cial because intervention effects may not be
collects the values of the predictors for the J​ ​ instantaneous and may accumulate or dissi-
untreated units. For each unit, ​j​, and time pate as time after the intervention passes.
period, ​t​, we will define ​​Y​  N jt​  ​​to be the poten-
3.2 Estimation
tial response without intervention. For the
unit affected by the intervention, j​ =  1​, and Comparative case studies aim to repro-
a ­post-intervention period, t​ > ​T0​ ​​​, we will duce ​​Y​  N
1t ​​—that
​  is, the value of the outcome
define ​​Y​  I1 ​​t​  to be the potential response under variable that would have been observed
the intervention.4 Then, the effect of the for the affected unit in the absence of the
intervention—using one unaffected unit
or a small number of unaffected units that
3 The synthetic control framework can easily accom- have similar characteristics as the affected
modate estimation with multiple treated units by fitting unit at the time of the intervention. When
separate synthetic controls for each of the treated units. the data consist of a few aggregate entities,
In practice, however, estimation with several treated units
may carry some practical complications that are discussed such as regions or countries, it is often dif-
in section 8. ficult to find a single unaffected unit that
4 ​Y​  I ​​​  and ​​Y​  N​  ​​are the potential outcomes of Rubin’s
​ 1t jt provides a suitable comparison for the unit
model for causal inference (see, e.g., Rubin 1974, Holland
1986). To simplify notation, I exclude the start time of affected by the policy intervention of inter-
the intervention from the notation for ​​Y​  I1 ​​t.​  Notice, how- est. As mentioned above, the synthetic con-
ever, that the value of Y​  ​​ I1 ​​
t​  depends in general not only on trol method is based on the observation that
when the intervention starts, but also other features of the
intervention that are fixed in our analysis and, therefore, a combination of units in the donor pool
excluded from the notation. may approximate the characteristics of the
Abadie: Using Synthetic Controls 395

affected unit substantially better than any of interest, ​​​Yˆ ​1t

 ​  N​ ​, and the contribution of each
unaffected unit alone. A synthetic control is unit is represented by its synthetic control
defined as a weighted average of the units in weight. Because synthetic control weights
the donor pool. Formally, a synthetic con- define a weighted average and because they
trol can be represented by a ​J × 1​vector of are sparse, the specific nature of a synthetic
weights, W ​  = ​​(​w2​ ​​,  …  , ​wJ+1
​ ​​)′​  . ​​ Given a set of control counterfactual estimate is partic-
weights, W ​ ​, the synthetic control estimators ularly transparent, relative to competing
1t ​​​  and ​​τ​1t​​​ are, respectively:
of ​​Y​  N methods. Notice also that considering syn-
J+1 thetic controls with weights that sum to one
ˆ ​1​  Nt​ ​ = ​  ∑ ​​​ ​wj​​​ ​Yjt​ ​​,​
(2) ​​​Y  may be warranted only if the variables in the
j=2 data are rescaled to correct for differences in
size between units (e.g., ­per capita income)
and or if such correction is not needed because
the variables in the data do not scale with
​ ​​  = ​Y1t
ˆ ​1t
(3) ​​​τ  ​ ​​  − ​​Yˆ ​1t
 ​  N​ ​.​ size (e.g., prices).
As an example, a synthetic control that
To avoid extrapolation, the weights are assigns equal weights, w​ ​​ j​​  =  1 / J,​ to each of
restricted to be ­ nonnegative and to sum the units in the control group results in the
to one, so synthetic controls are weighted following estimator for ​​τ​1t​​​:
averages of the units in the donor pool.
The requirement that weights should be J+1

­nonnegative and no greater than one can ​ ​​  = ​Y1t

ˆ ​1t
(4) ​​​τ  1 ​ ​  ∑ ​​​ ​Y​ ​​.​
​ ​​  − ​ _ jt
J j=2
be relaxed at the cost of allowing extrapo-
lation. For example, Abadie, Diamond, and
Hainmueller (2015) show that, in the context In this case, the synthetic control is the sim-
of estimating the effect of a policy interven- ple average of all the units in the donor pool.
tion, there is a regression estimator that can A ­population-weighted version is
be represented as a synthetic control with
weights that are unrestricted except for that
​ ​​  − ​  ∑ ​​​ ​w​  j​  ​ ​Yjt​ ​​,​
ˆ ​1​ t​​  = ​Y1t
the sum of the weights is equal to one. By not (5) ​​​τ 
restricting the weights to be in ​​[0, 1]​​, regres- j=2

sion allows extrapolation.5 Restricting syn-

thetic control weights to be ­nonnegative and where ​​w​  j​  ​​is the population in unit j​​ (e.g.,
sum to one generates synthetic controls that at the time of the intervention) as a fraction
are weighted averages of the outcomes of of the total population in the donor pool. If,
units in the donor pool, with weights that are however, a single unit, m ​ ​, in the donor pool
typically sparse (see section 4). That is, only a is used as a comparison, then w​ ​​ m​​  =  1​, ​​wj​​​  =  0​
small number of units in the donor pool con- for ​j ≠ m​, and
tribute to the estimate of the counterfactual
ˆ ​1​ t​​  = ​Y1t
(6) ​​​τ  ​ ​​  − ​Y​mt​​.​
5 See section 4 for details. Doudchenko and Imbens
(2016), Ferman (2019), and Li (2020) discuss the role of For ­nearest-neighbor estimators, ​ m​is the
weight restrictions as regularization devices. Doudchenko index value that minimizes ∥​  ​X1​ ​​  − ​X​j​​  ∥​over j​​
and Imbens (2016) and Chernozhukov, Wüthrich, and Zhu for some norm ​∥ ⋅ ∥​.
(2019a) propose alternative regularization procedures for
synthetic controls based on the elastic net and the lasso, Expressing the comparison unit as a syn-
respectively. thetic control motivates the question of
396 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LIX (June 2021)

how the weights, ​​ w​2​​,  …  , ​wJ+1

​ ​​​, should be can be determined by minimizing equation
chosen in practice. Abadie and (7), subject to the restriction that the weights
Gardeazabal (2003) and Abadie, Diamond, in ​W(​ V)​​are positive and sum to one.
and Hainmueller (2010) propose to Of course, a question remains about how
choose ​​w​2​​,  …  , ​wJ+1 ​ ​​​ so that the ­resulting to choose ​V​. A simple selector of v​ ​​ h​​​ is the
synthetic control best resembles the inverse of the variance of X​ ​​h1​​,  …  , ​XhJ+1
​ ​​​,
­pre-intervention values for the treated unit which in effect rescales all rows of ​​[​X1​ ​​   :  ​X0​ ]​​ ​​
of predictors of the outcome variable. That is, to have unit variance. Alternatively, Abadie
given a set of ­nonnegative constants, ​​v​1​​,  …  , ​vk​ ​​​, and Gardeazabal (2003) and Abadie,
Abadie and Gardeazabal (2003) and Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller (2010)
Diamond, and Hainmueller (2010) pro- choose ​V​, such that the synthetic control
pose to choose the synthetic control, ​W​(V)​​minimizes the mean squared predic-
​​W​​  ⁎​  = ​​(​​​w​  ​ 2​⁎​ ​,  …  , ​​​w​  ​ J+1​

​ )′​   ​​ that minimizes
 ​ tion error (MSPE) of this synthetic control
with respect to ​​Y​  N
1t ​​:​ 
(7) ​∥​X1​ ​​  − ​X​0​​  W∥   
​​  ∑
 ​​​​ (​  ​Y1t
​ ​​  − ​w2​ ​​​(V)​​Y2t
​ ​​  − ⋯ −  ​wJ+1 ​ ​​)​​​  ​,​
​ ​​​(V)​ ​YJ+1t

k t∈​0​ ​​
= ​​ ​  ∑   ​ ​​​vh​ ​​​​(​Xh1
​ ​​  − ​w​2​​ ​Xh2
​ ​​  − ⋯ 
for some set ​​ ​0​​  ⊆ ​{1, 2, … , ​T0​ ​​}​​ of ­pre-
intervention periods. Abadie, Diamond,

and Hainmueller (2015) propose a related
− ​w​J+1​​ ​XhJ+1
  ​ ​​)​​​  ​ ​​​  ​​ 2
method to choose ​​v​1​​,  … , ​vk​ ​​​ via ­out-of-sample
validation. The ideas behind ­ out-of-sample
subject to the restriction that w​ ​​ 2​​,  …  , ​wJ+1
​ ​​​ are validation selection of ​​v​1​​,  … , ​vk​ ​​​ are described
­ onnegative and sum to one.6 Then, the esti-
n next. The goal of the synthetic control is to
mated treatment effect for the treated unit at approximate the trajectory that would have
time t​  = ​T0​ ​​  +  1, … , T​ is been observed for ​​ Y​1t​​​ and ​t > ​T0​ ​​​ in the
absence of the intervention. For that pur-
pose, the synthetic control method selects
ˆ ​1t
(8) ​​​τ  ​ ​​  − ​  ∑ ​​​ ​w​  ⁎j​  ​ ​Yjt​ ​​.​
​ ​​  = ​Y1t a set of weights ​W​ such that the resulting
synthetic control resembles the affected
The positive constants v​​ ​1​​,  …  , ​vk​ ​​​ in (7) reflect unit before the intervention along the val-
the relative importance of the synthetic con- ues of the variables X​ ​​ 11​​,  … , ​Xk1
​ ​​​. The ques-
trol reproducing the values of each of the ​k​ tion of choosing ​V = ​(​v1​ ​​,  …  , ​vk​ )​​ ​​ boils down
predictors for the treated unit, X ​​ ​11​​,  … , ​Xk1​ ​​​. For to assessing the relative importance of
a given set of weights, ​​v​1​​,  …  , ​vk​ ​​​, ­minimizing each of ​​ X​11​​,  … , ​Xk1​ ​​​as a predictor of ​​ Y​  1t  ​​.​ 
equation (7) can be easily accomplished That is, the value ​​v​h​​​aims to reflect the rel-
using constrained quadratic optimiza- ative importance of approximating the value
tion. That is, each potential choice of of ​​Xh​ 1​​​ for predicting ​​Y​  N 1t ​​​  in the ­post-intervention
​V = ​(​v1​ ​​,  …  , ​vk​ )​​ ​​produces a synthetic con- period, ​t = ​T​0​​  +  1, … , T​. Because ​​Y​  N 1t ​​​  is not
trol, ​ W(​ V)​  = ​​(​w2​ (​​​ V)​, … , ​wJ+1
​ (​​​ V)​)′​   ​​, which observed for ​ t = ​T​0​​  +  1, … , T​ , we cannot
directly evaluate the relative importance of
fitting each predictor to approximate Y​  ​​ N
1t ​​​  in
6 For the sake of expositional simplicity, I discuss only the ­ post-intervention period. However, Y​  ​​N1t ​​ ​ 
the normalized Euclidean norm in equation (7). Of course, is observed for the p ­re-intervention peri-
other norms are possible. Also, to avoid notational clut-
ter, dependence of the norm in equation (7) from the ods ​ t =  1, 2, … , ​T​0​​​ , so it is possible to use
weights ​​v​1​​,  …  , ​vk​ ​​​is left implicit in the notation. ­pre-intervention data to assess the predictive
Abadie: Using Synthetic Controls 397

power on ​​Y​  N
1t ​​​  of the variables ​​X​1j​​,  …  , ​Xkj
​ ​​​. This This is a heuristic procedure, and one that
can be accomplished in the following manner. is useful only as long as it produces V  ⁎, such
that ​​Y1​ t​​​ ≈ ​​w ̃ 2​​ (V⁎)​​Y2t​ ​​​ + ⋯ + ​​​w̃ J+1 ​​  ​​​(V⁎)​​YJ+1t
​ ​​​
1. Divide the p ­re-intervention periods for t = ​​t0​​​​  + 1, … , ​​T0​ ​​​, and ​​X​1​​​  ≈ ​​X0​ ​​​  W  ⁎ for the
into a initial training period and a set of predictors used to calculate W  ⁎.
subsequent validation period. For To give sharpness to the discussion of the
simplicity and concreteness, we properties and practical implementation
will assume that T​ ​​ 0​​​is even and the of synthetic control estimators I will refer,
training and validation periods span as a running example, to an application in
​t =  1, …, ​t​0​​​ and ​t = ​t0​ ​​  +  1, …, ​T​0​​​, Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller (2015),
respectively, with ​​t​0​​  = ​T0​ ​​  /  2​. In practice, which estimates the effect of the 1990
the lengths of the training and valida- German reunification on ­ per capita GDP
tion periods may depend on applica- in West Germany. In this application, the
tion-specific factors, such as the extent intervention is the 1990 German reunifica-
of data availability on outcomes in the tion and the treated unit is the former West
­pre-intervention and ­post-intervention Germany. The donor pool consists a set of
periods, and the specific times when industrialized countries, and X​ ​​ 1​​​ and ​​X​0​​​ col-
the predictors are measured in the data. lect ­prereunification values of predictors of
economic growth. Figure 1, panel A, com-
2. For every value ​V​, let ​​​w̃ ​2 ​ (​​​ V)​,  … , ​​w̃ ​J+1
​  ​​​(V)​​ pares the trajectory of ­per capita GDP before
be the synthetic control weights com- and after the reunification for West Germany
puted with training period data on the and a simple average of the countries in the
predictors. The MSPE of this synthetic donor pool, for the years ­1960–2003. This
control with respect to ​​Y​  N 1t ​​​  in the valida- is the comparison in equation (4). Average
tion period is ­per capita GDP among the countries in the
​T0​ ​​
donor pool fails to reproduce the trajec-
(9) ​​  ∑ ​​ ​​
tory of ­per capita GDP for West Germany
 ​ (​Y1t
​ ​​  − ​​w̃ ​ 2​ ​​​(V)​ ​Y2t
​ ​​  − ⋯
t=​t0​ ​​+1 even before the reunification takes place in
1990. Moreover, the restriction of parallel
​ )​​ ​​​  ​​.
− ​​w ​̃  J​+1(​​​ V)​ ​YJ+1t
  trends required for d ­ ifference-in-differences
models (see, e.g., Abadie 2005, Angrist
3. Select a value V⁎ ∈  such that the and Pischke 2009) fails to hold in the
MSPE in equation (9) is small, where  pre-intervention data. Figure 1, panel B,
is a set of potential values for V. reports the trajectory of p ­ er capita GDP for
West Germany and for a synthetic control
4. Use the resulting V ​​ ​​  ⁎​​and data on the pre- calculated in the manner explained in this
dictors for the last ​​t​0​​​ periods before in section. This figure shows that a weighted
the intervention, t​ = ​T​0​​  − ​t​0​​  + 1, … , ​T​0​​​, average of the countries in the donor pool
​​ ⁎​  = W​(​V​​  ⁎)​ ​​.7
to calculate W​​  is able to closely approximate the trajectory
of ­per capita GDP for West Germany before
the German reunification.
7 As discussed in Klößner et al. (2018), ­cross-validation Moreover, the synthetic control of fig-
weights are not always unique. That is, minimization of ure  1, panel B, closely reproduces the
equation (9) may not have a unique solution. In principle,
this could be dealt with via penalization (e.g., adding a term​
γ​∑ kh=1
  ​ ​​ ​v​  2m ​​​  for some γ
​  > 0​to equation (9), which favors should aim to demonstrate that their results are not overly
dense sets of weights). In practice, however, researchers sensitive to particular choices of ​V​.
398 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LIX (June 2021)

Panel A Panel B
Per Capita GDP (PPP 2002 USD)

Per Capita GDP (PPP 2002 USD)

30,000 30,000

20,000 20,000

10,000 10,000

5,000 5,000

0 0
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
West Germany OECD Synthetic West Germany

Figure 1. Synthetic Control Estimation in the German Reunification Example

Notes: Panel A compares the evolution of per capita GDP in West Germany to the evolution of per capita
GDP for a simple average of OECD countries. In panel B the comparison is with a synthetic control calcu-
lated in the manner explained in subsection 3.2. See Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller (2015) for details.

­ rereunification values of economic growth

p to the value of the predictors for West
predictors for West Germany. In columns 1 Germany.
to 4, table 1 reports the value of economic Table 2 relays the identities and contribu-
growth predictors for West Germany, ​​X​1​​​, tions of each of the units in the donor pool
for the synthetic control, ​​X​0​​ ​W​​  ⁎​​, for the sim- to the synthetic control for West Germany.
ple average of the units in the donor pool as Austria carries the largest weight, with the
in equation (4), and for the single compar- United States, Japan, Switzerland, and the
ison estimator of equation (6), where m ​ ​ is Netherlands also contributing to the synthetic
the index of the nearest neighbor in terms control with weights in decreasing order. The
of the values of the predictors in ​​X​1​​​ (see rest of the countries in the donor pool do not
table 1 note for details). The results in table contribute to the synthetic control for West
1 illustrate the potential benefit in terms Germany. As we will see later, the sparsity of
of the fit of the covariates from using syn- the weights in table 2 is typical of synthetic
thetic control methods in studies with a control estimators, and is a consequence of
few ­ comparison units in the donor pool. the geometric characteristics of the solution
While the simple average of the countries to the optimization problem that generates
in the OECD sample and the nearest neigh- synthetic controls.
bor both fail to reproduce the economic
3.3 Bias Bound
growth predictors for West Germany prior
to the reunification, a synthetic control Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller
provides a rather accurate ­ approximation (2010) study the bias properties of synthetic
Abadie: Using Synthetic Controls 399

Economic Growth Predictor Means before the German Reunification

West Germany Synthetic West Germany OECD average Austria (nearest neighbor)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
GDP per capita 15,808.9 15,802.2 13,669.4 14,817.0
Trade openness 56.8 56.9 59.8 74.6
Inflation rate 2.6 3.5 7.6 3.5
Industry share 34.5 34.4 33.8 35.5
Schooling 55.5 55.2 38.7 60.9
Investment rate 27.0 27.0 25.9 26.6

Note: The first column reports ​​X1​ ​​​, the second column reports ​​X​0​​ ​W​​  ⁎​​, the third column reports a simple average of ​​X​j​​​
for the 16 OECD countries in the donor pool, and the last column reports the value of X​ ​​ j​​​for the nearest neighbor
of West Germany in terms of predictors values. GDP per capita, inflation rate, and trade openness are averages for
the 1981–90 period. Industry share (of value added) is the average for 1981–89. Schooling is the average for 1980
and 1985. Investment rate is averaged over 1980–84. See Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller (2015) for variable
definitions and sources. The nearest neighbor in column 4 minimizes the Euclidean norm of the pairwise differences
between the values of the predictors for West Germany and for each of the countries in the donor pool, after resca-
ling the predictors to have unit variance.

Synthetic Control Weights for West Germany

Australia —
Austria 0.42
Belgium —
Denmark —
France —
Greece —
Italy —
Japan 0.16
Netherlands 0.09
New Zealand —
Norway —
Portugal —
Spain —
Switzerland 0.11
United Kingdom —
United States 0.22

​​ N
controls estimators for the cases when Y​  1t ​​​  is control estimator is unbiased for a vector
generated by (i) a linear factor model, or (ii) autoregressive model, and provide a bias
a vector autoregressive model.8 They show bound for a linear factor model. Here, I will
that, under some conditions, the synthetic restrict the exposition to the linear factor

8 Notice that the assumptions on the data-generating estimation of ​​τ​1t​​​ for ​t > ​T​0​​​requires no assumptions on the
​​ Njt​  ​​, but not ​​Y​  1t ​​.​  Since ​​Y​  1t ​ ​  = ​Y​1t​​​ is observed,
process involve Y​  process that generates ​​Y​  I1t ​​.​ 
400 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LIX (June 2021)

model, which can be seen as a generalization outcomes). Then the bias of τ  ​​​ˆ ​it​ ​​​ is controlled
of ­difference in differences. Consider the by the ratio between the scale of the indi-
following linear factor model for ​​Y​  jtN​  ​​, vidual transitory shocks, ​​ε​it​​​, and the number
of ­ pre-intervention periods, T​ ​​ 0​​​. The intu-
jt​  ​  = ​δt​​​  + ​θ​t​​ ​Zj​​​  + ​λ​t​​ ​μj​​​  + ​ε​jt​​,​
(10) ​​Y​  N ition behind this result is rather immediate.
Under the factor model in equation (10), a
where ​​δ​t​​​is a time trend, ​​Z​j​​​ and ​​μj​​​​ are vec- synthetic control that reproduces the val-
tors of observed and unobserved predic- ues ​​Z1​ ​​​ and ​​μ​1​​​would provide an unbiased
tors of ​​Y​  N , respectively, with coefficients ​​θ​t​​​
jt​  ​​ estimator of the treatment effect for the
and ​​λt​​​​, and ​​ε​jt​​​is zero mean individual tran- treated. If ​​X​1​​  = ​X​0​​ ​W​​  ⁎​​, then the synthetic
sitory shocks. In the time-series literature in control matches the value of ​​ Z​1​​​. On the
econometrics, ​​θt​​​​ and ​​λ​t​​​are referred to as com- other hand, μ​ ​​ 1​​​is not observed, so it cannot
mon factors, and Z​ ​​ j​​​ and ​​μ​j​​​ as factor loadings. be matched directly in the data. However,
The term δ​ ​​ t​​​is a common factor with constant a synthetic control that reproduces the val-
loadings across units, while λ​ ​​ t​​​ represents a ues of Z​ ​​ 1​​​but fails to reproduce the values
set of common factors with varying loadings of ​​μ1​ ​​​can only provide a close match for
across units. A ­ difference-in-differences/ the ­ pretreatment outcomes if differences
fixed effects panel model can be obtained in the values of the individual t­ransitory
from equation (10) by restricting λ​ ​​t​​​ to be shocks between the treated and the syn-
time invariant, so ​​ λ​t​​  = λ​(see Bai 2009). thetic controls compensate for the differ-
This has the effect of restricting the mean ences in unobserved factor loadings. This
outcomes of units with the same values for is unlikely to happen when the scale of the
the observed predictors, ​​ Z​j​​  = z​ , to follow transitory shocks, ε​ ​​it​​​, is small or the num-
parallel trends, δ​ ​​ t​​  + ​θ​t​​  z + λ​μ​j​​​. A linear fac- ber of ­pretreatment periods, ​​T​0​​​, is large. In
tor model provides a useful extension to the contrast, a small number of ­pre-intervention
­difference-in-differences/fixed effects panel periods combined with enough variation in
data models by allowing ​​Y​  N jt​  ​​to depend on the unobserved transitory shocks may result
multiple unobserved components, ​​μ​j​​​, with in a close match for p ­ retreatment outcomes
coefficients, ​​λ​t​​​, that change in time. In con- even if the synthetic control does not closely
trast to d ­ ifference in differences, the linear match the values of μ​ ​​ 1​​​. This is a form of
factor model does not impose parallel mean ­over-fitting and a potential source of bias.
outcome trends for units with the same val- In practice, the condition X​ ​​1​​  = ​X​0​​ ​W​​  ⁎​​
ues for ​​Z​j​​​. is replaced by the approximate ver-
Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller (2010) sion ​​X​1​​  ≈ ​X0​ ​​​W​​  ⁎​​. It is important to notice,
provide a characterization of the bias of the however, that for any particular d ­ ata set there
synthetic control estimator for the case when are not ­ex ante guarantees on the size of the
the synthetic control reproduces the charac- difference ​​X1​ ​​  − ​X​0​​ ​W​​  ⁎​​. When this difference
teristics of the treated unit. Let X ​​ 1​ ​​​ be the vec- is large, Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller
tor that includes ​​Z​1​​​ and the ­pre-intervention (2010) recommend against the use of syn-
outcomes for the treated unit, and thetic controls because of the potential for
let ​​X0​ ​​​be the matrix that collects the same substantial biases. For the factor model in
variables for the untreated units. Suppose equation (10), obtaining a good fit X ​​ 1​ ​​  ≈ ​X​0​​ ​W​​  ⁎​​
that ​​X1​ ​​  = ​X0​ ​​ ​W​​  ⁎​​, that is, the synthetic con- when ​​X​1​​​ and ​​X0​ ​​​ include ­pre-intervention
trol represented by ​​ W​​  ⁎​​
, is able to repro- outcomes typically requires that the vari-
duce the characteristics of the treated unit ance of the transitory shock is small (see
(including the values of the ­pre-intervention Ferman and Pinto 2019). Moreover, because
Abadie: Using Synthetic Controls 401

the bias bound depends inversely on T​ ​​ 0​​​, more general (­nonlinear) process for ​​Y​  N it​  ​​. If
one could erroneously conclude that under the process that determines ​​Y​  N ​ it ​​ is ­nonlinear
the factor model in equation (10), the syn- in the attributes of the units, even a close fit
thetic control estimator is unbiased as T​ ​​ 0​​​ by a synthetic control, which is a weighted
goes to infinity. However, the bias bound in average, could potentially result in large
Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller (2010) interpolation biases.
is derived under ​​X​1​​  = ​X​0​​ ​W​​  ⁎​​, and its practi- A practical implication of the discussion
cal relevance depends on the ability of the in the previous paragraph is that each of the
synthetic control to reproduce the trajectory units in the donor pool have to be chosen judi-
of the outcome for the treated unit. Sizable ciously to provide a reasonable control for the
biases may persist as ​​ T​0​​  → ∞​ , unless the treated unit. Including in the donor pool units
quality of the fit, ​​X1​ ​​  − ​X​0​​ ​W​​  ⁎​​, is good. That is, that are regarded by the analyst to be unsuit-
the ability of a synthetic control to ­reproduce able controls (because of large discrepancies
the trajectory of the outcome variable for the in the values of their observed attributes Z​ ​​ j​​​ or
treated unit over an extended period of time, because of suspected large differences in the
as in figure 1 panel B, provides an indication values of the unobserved attributes ​​μ​j​​​ relative
of low bias. However, a large T​ ​​ 0​​​ cannot drive to the treated unit) is a recipe for bias.
down the bias if the fit is bad. In practice, There are other factors that contribute
synthetic controls may not perfectly fit the to the bias bound in Abadie, Diamond, and
­characteristics of the treated units. Section 7 Hainmueller (2010). In particular, the value
discusses a backdating exercise that can of the bound increases with the number on
often be used to obtain an indication of the unobserved factors, that is, the number of
size and direction of the bias arising from components in μ​ ​​ j​​​. The dependence of the
imperfect fit. bias bound on the number of unobserved
The risk of over-fitting may also increase factors is relevant for the discussion on the
with the size of the donor pool, especially choice of predictors for the synthetic control
when ​​T​0​​​is small. For any fixed ​​T​0​​​, a larger ​J​ method in the next subsection.
makes it easier to fit ­pretreatment outcomes
3.4 Variable Selection
even when there are substantial discrepan-
cies in factor loadings between the treated A synthetic control provides a predic-
unit and the synthetic control. Consistent tor of ​​Y​  N
1t ​​​  for ​t > ​T0​ ​​​, the potential outcome
with this argument, the bias bound without the intervention for the treated units
for ​​​τˆ ​1 ​ t​​​derived in Abadie, Diamond, and in a ­post-intervention period. Like for any
Hainmueller (2010) depends positively on J​ ​. other prediction procedure, the choice of
Under a factor model for Y​  ​​ N it​  ​​
, a large num- predictors (in ​​X​1​​​ and ​​X​0​​​ for synthetic con-
ber of units in the donor pool may create or trol estimators) is a fundamental part of the
exacerbate the bias of the synthetic control estimation task. This subsection discusses
estimator, especially if the values of μ​ ​​ j​​​ in the variable selection in the synthetic control
donor pool greatly differ from ​​μ​1​​​.9 Moreover, method. To aid the discussion of the differ-
the factor model in equation (10) should be ent issues involved in variable selection for
interpreted only as an approximation to a synthetic controls, I will employ the con-
cepts and notation of the linear factor model
framework of subsection 3.3. Predictor vari-
9 A large J​​may be beneficial in h ­ igh-dimensional set- ables in ​​ X​1​​​ and ​​X0​ ​​​ typically include both
tings, as demonstrated in Ferman (2019), who shows that
under certain conditions synthetic control estimators may ­pre-intervention values of the outcome vari-
​​ 0​​  → ∞​and ​J → ∞​.
asymptotically unbiased as T​ able as well as other predictors, ​​Z​j​​​.
402 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LIX (June 2021)

Pre-intervention values of the outcome

­ controlled by the number of predictors in ​​X​1​​​
variable, which are naturally available in panel and ​​X​0​​​, and sparse synthetic controls (that is,
data settings, play a crucial role in reproduc- synthetic controls made of a small number of
ing the unobserved factor loadings in ​​μ​j​​​ in comparison units) are easy to interpret and
the linear factor model of subsection 3.3. evaluate.
They also arise organically as predictors for Part of the literature on synthetic controls
the synthetic control estimators under a vec- emphasizes estimators that depend only on
tor a­ utoregression model for the process that pre-intervention outcomes and ignore the
generates the data (see Abadie, Diamond, information of other predictors, ​​ Z​j​​​. This
and Hainmueller 2010). The credibility of reliance on ­pre-intervention outcomes only,
a synthetic control estimator depends on its while adopted in many cases for technical
ability to track the trajectory of the outcome or expositional convenience, may create the
variable for the treated unit for an extended mistaken impression that other predictors
­pre-intervention period. Provided that a good play a minor role in synthetic control estima-
fit for p ­ re-intervention outcomes is attained, tors. Notice, however, that in equation (10),
the researcher has some flexibility in the covariates excluded from Z​ ​​ j​​​ are mechanically
way p ­re-intervention outcomes are incor- absorbed into ​​μ​j​​​, which increases the num-
porated in X​ ​​ 1​​​ and ​​X​0​​​. Consider the German ber of components of μ​ ​​ j​​​ and, therefore, the
reunification application of subsection 3.2. bound on the bias as discussed in the pre-
As reported in table 1, the set of predictors vious subsection. By excluding ​​Z​j​​​ from the
in ​​X1​ ​​​ and ​​X0​ ​​​includes average p ­ er capita GDP set of predictors in ​​X​1​​​ and ​​X0​ ​​​, not only do
in ­ 1981–90, and no other ­ pre-intervention we aim to implicitly match the values of μ​ ​​ j​​​
outcome. Notice, however, that the resulting through their effects on the ­pre-intervention
synthetic control is able to track the trajectory outcomes, but also the values of ​​Z​j​​​.
of p ­ er capita GDP for West Germany for the Data-driven methods for variable selec-
entire 1­ 960–90 ­pre-intervention period. This tion evaluate the predictive power of alter-
happens because p ­ er capita GDP figures for native sets of predictors. This can be done
OECD countries strongly ­co-move in time in the synthetic control method framework
across countries. This ­ co-movement of the by measuring the predictive power of alter-
outcome variable of interest across the differ- native sets of variables. The procedure
ent units in the data is exactly what synthetic divides the ­ pre-intervention periods into
controls are designed to exploit. It makes an initial training period and a subsequent
it possible to match the entire trajectory of validation period. Synthetic control weights
GDP p ­ er capita for West Germany by fitting are computed using data from the training
only the average level of GDP per capita in period only. The validation period can then
the ­1981–90 period. Given this premise, one be used to evaluate the predictive power of
potential advantage from using a summary the resulting synthetic control. This proce-
measure of ­prereunification GDP per capita dure can be used to select predictors or to
to calculate the synthetic control for West evaluate the predictive power of a given set
Germany (as opposed to, say, including all of predictors as in section 7. Section 7 dis-
ten different annual values of GDP per capita cusses how to assess the robustness of the
for 1981–90 as predictors) resides in a higher results to alternative sets of predictors.
sparsity of the resulting synthetic control. As Finally, it is worth noting that p ­ost-
will be discussed in section 4 below, the num- intervention outcomes are not used in the
ber of units in the donor pool that carry posi- calculation of synthetic control weights. This
tive weights in a synthetic control estimator is property of synthetic control methods can be
Abadie: Using Synthetic Controls 403

exploited to provide guarantees against the where ​​​Yˆ ​jt​  N​  ​​is the outcome on period t​​ pro-
use of results to guide specification searches. duced by a synthetic control when unit ​j​ is
This is because synthetic control weights can coded as treated and using all other J​​ units
be calculated using p ­re-intervention data to construct the donor pool. This is the root
only in the design phase of the study, before mean squared prediction error (RMSPE)
post-intervention outcomes are observed
­ of the synthetic control estimator for
or realized. Section 4 discusses this issue in unit ​j​and time periods t​ ​​1​​,  …  , ​t2​ ​​​. The ratio
more detail. between the p ­ ost-intervention RMSPE and
­pre-intervention RMSPE for unit j​​ is
3.5 Inference
​R​j(​​​ ​T0​ ​​  + 1, T)​
Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller (12) ​​r​j​​  = ​ ___________  ​.​ 

​Rj​(​​​ 1, ​T0​ )​​ ​
(2010) propose a mode of inference for the
synthetic control framework that is based on That is, ​​ r​j​​​measures the quality of the
permutation methods. In its simpler version, fit of a synthetic control for unit j​​in the
the effect on the intervention is estimated ­posttreatment period, relative to the quality
separately for each of the units in the sample. of the fit in the ­pretreatment period. Abadie,
Consider the case with a single treated unit, Diamond, and Hainmueller (2010) use the
as in subsection 3.1. A permutation distribu- permutation distribution of ​​r​j​​​ for inference.
tion can be obtained by iteratively reassign- An alternative solution to the problem of poor
ing the treatment to the units in the donor ­pretreatment fit in the donor pool is to base
pool and estimating “placebo effects” in each inference on the distribution R​ ​​ j(​​​ ​T0​ ​​  + 1, T)​​
iteration. Then, the permutation distribution after discarding those placebo runs with
is constructed by pooling the effect estimated ​​R​j(​​​ 1, ​T0​ )​​ ​​substantially larger than R​ ​​ 1(​​​ 1, ​T0​ )​​ ​​
for the treated unit together with placebo (see Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller
effects estimated for the units in the donor 2010).
pool. The effect of the treatment on the unit A ​ p​-value for the inferential procedure
affected by the intervention is deemed sig- based on the permutation distribution of ​​r​j​​​,
nificant when its magnitude is extreme rela- as described above, is given by
tive to the permutation distribution.
One potential complication with this pro- J+1

cedure is that, even if a synthetic control is p  = ​ _

​ ∑ ​​​ ​I+​ ​​​(​rj​​​  − ​r​1​​)​,​
1   ​ ​  
J + 1 j=1
able to closely fit the trajectory of the out-
come variable for the treated unit before the
intervention, the same may not be true for all where ​​I+ ​ ​​​( ⋅ )​​is an indicator function that
the units in the donor pool. For this reason, returns one for n ­ onnegative arguments and
Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller (2010) zero otherwise. While p ​​
-values are often
propose a test statistic that measures the used to summarize the results of testing
ratio of the p ­ ost-intervention fit relative to procedures, the permutation distribution
the ­pre-intervention fit. For ​0 ≤ ​t1​ ​​  ≤ ​t2​ ​​  ≤ T​ of the test statistics, ​​r​j​​​, or of the placebo
and ​j = ​{1, … , J + 1}​​, let gaps, ​​Y​jt​​  − ​​Yˆ ​jt ​  N​  ​​, are easy to report/visualize
and provide additional information on (e.g.,
(11) ​​R​j​​​(​t1​ ​​, ​t2​ ​​)​  on the magnitude of the differences between
the estimated treatment effect on the treated

(​  ​t​ ​​  − ​t​  )

​t2​ ​​ 1/2
unit and the placebo gaps in the donor pool).
∑ ​​​​ ​ Y
​​  + 1 ( jt
= ​​ _ 1  ​ ​   ​ ​ ​​  − ​​Yˆ ​jt​  N​  ​)​​​  ​ ​​​  ​,​ Confidence intervals can be constructed by
2 1 t=​t1​ ​​
404 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LIX (June 2021)

test inversion (see, e.g., Firpo and Possebom nature of a placebo intervention. Consider,
2018). for example, the 1990 German reunifica-
Replacing ​​Y​jt​​  − ​​Yˆ ​jt​  N​  ​​in ​ R(​ ​T0​ ​​  + 1, T)​​ with tion application in Abadie, Diamond, and
their positive or negative parts, ​​​(​Yjt​ ​​  − ​​Yˆ ​jt​  N​  ​)​​​  ​​ Hainmueller (2015). In that context, it would
− be difficult to articulate the nature of the
( )
or ​​​ ​Yjt​ ​​  − ​​Yˆ ​jt​  N​  ​ ​​​  ​​
, leads to ­
one-sided infer- assignment mechanism or even describe pla-
ence. ­ One-sided inference may result in cebo interventions. (France would reunify
a substantial of gain of power.10 This is an with whom?) Moreover, even if a plausible
important consideration in many compara- assignment mechanism exists, estimation of
tive case study settings, where samples are the assignment mechanism is often hope-
considerably small. Alternative test statistics less because many comparative case studies
(see, e.g., Firpo and Possebom 2018) could feature a single or a small number of treated
potentially be used to direct power to spe- units.
cific sets of alternatives. It is important to note that the availabil-
As discussed in Abadie, Diamond, and ity of a w ­ ell-defined procedure to select
Hainmueller (2010) this mode of inference the comparison unit, like the one provided
reduces to classical ­randomization inference by the synthetic control method, makes the
(Fisher 1935) when the intervention is ran- estimation of the effects of placebo inter-
domly assigned, a rather improbable setting, ventions feasible. Without a formal descrip-
especially in contexts with aggregate units. tion of the procedure used to choose the
More generally, this mode of inference eval- comparison for the treated unit, it would be
uates significance relative to a benchmark difficult to ­reapply the same estimation pro-
distribution for the assignment process, one cedure to the units in the donor pool. In this
that is implemented directly in the data. sense, the formalization of the choice of the
Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller (2010) ­comparison unit provided by the synthetic
use a uniform benchmark, but one could eas- control method opens the door to a mode of
ily depart from the uniform case. Firpo and quantitative inference in the context of com-
Possebom (2018) propose a sensitivity analy- parative case studies.
sis procedure that considers deviations from Another important point to notice is that
the uniform benchmark. the permutation method described in this
Because in most observational settings subsection does not attempt to approximate
assignment to the intervention is not ran- the sampling distributions of test statis-
domized, one could, in principle, adopt tics. ­Sampling-based statistical tests employ
permutation schemes that incorporate infor- restrictions on the sampling mechanism
mation in the data on the assignment prob- (data-generating process) to derive a distribu-
abilities for the different units in the sample tion of a test statistic in a thought experiment
(as in, e.g., Rosenbaum 1984). However, where alternative samples could have been
in many comparative case studies it is dif- obtained from the sampling mechanism that
ficult to articulate the nature of a plausible generated the data. In a comparative case
assignment mechanism or even the specific study framework, however, ­sampling-based
inference is complicated—sometimes
because of the absence of a ­ well-defined
10 Notice that, in the presence of a treatment effect on sampling mechanism or data-generating
the treated unit, permutations in which the treated unit process, and sometimes because the sample
contributes to the placebo synthetic control will tend to
produce effects of the opposite sign to the effect on the is the same as the population. For example,
treated unit, increasing the power of the one-sided test. in their study of the effect of terrorism on
Abadie: Using Synthetic Controls 405

economic outcomes in Spain, Abadie and reproduce the outcome of the treated unit
Gardeazabal (2003) employ a sample con- in the absence of the intervention. Some
sisting of all Spanish regions. Here, sampling advantages of synthetic controls relative to
is not done at random from a ­well-defined regression-based counterfactual are listed
super-population. As in classical randomiza- next.
tion tests (Fisher 1935), ­design-based infer-
ence takes care of these complications by No Extrapolation. Synthetic control esti-
conditioning on the sample and considering mators preclude extrapolation, because syn-
only the variation in the test statistic that is thetic control weights are n ­ onnegative and
induced by the assignment mechanism (see, sum to one. It is easy to check that, like their
e.g., Abadie et al. 2020).11 synthetic control counterparts, the regres-
​​ reg​​sum to one. Unlike
sion weights in W​​ 
the synthetic control weights, however,
4.  Why Use Synthetic Controls?
­regression weights may be outside the [​​ 0, 1]​​
In this section, I will describe some advan- interval, allowing extrapolation outside of the
tages of synthetic control estimators rela- support of the data (see Abadie, Diamond,
tive to alternative methods. For the sake of and Hainmueller 2015 for details).12 Table 3
concreteness and because linear regression reports regression weights for the German
is arguably the most widely applied tool in reunification example. In this application,
empirical research in economics, I ­emphasize the regression counterfactual utilizes nega-
the differences between synthetic control tive values for four countries.
estimators and linear regression estimators.
However, much of the discussion applies Transparency of the Fit. Linear regres-
more generally to other estimators of treat- sion uses extrapolation to guarantee a
ment effects. perfect fit of the characteristics of the
treated unit, ​​​X  ​0​​ ​W​​  reg​  = ​​X  ​1​​​ (and, there-
– –
A linear regression estimator of the
effect of the treatment can easily be con- fore, ​​X​0​​ ​W​​  reg​  = ​X1​ ​​​) even when the untreated
structed using the panel data structure units are completely dissimilar in their char-
described in subsection 3.1. Let Y​ ​​ 0​​​ be the​​ acteristics to the treated unit. In contrast,
(T − ​T​0)​​ ​  × J​matrix of ­post-intervention out- synthetic controls make transparent the
comes for the units in the donor pool with actual discrepancy between the treated unit

(​​ t, j)​​-element –
equal to ​​Y​​T0​ ​​+t,J+1​​​. Let ​​​X ​1  ​​​ and the convex combination of untreated
and ​​​X ​ 0​ ​​​be the result of augmenting X​ ​​1​​​ units that provides the counterfactual of
and ​​X​0​​​, respectively, with a row of ones. For interest, ​​X1​ ​​  − ​X​0​​ ​W​​  ⁎​​ . This discrepancy is
non-singular ​​​X  ​0​​ ​​​​X ​​  ′ 
– –
,​  a regression-based esti- equal to the difference between columns 1
mator of the counterfactual Y​  ​​ N ​​​  for ​t > ​T​0​​​ is​​​ and 2 in table 1. In addition figure 1, panel B,
– – −1 –1t
 ​ 1​ ​​​, where ​​B ​ = ​​(​​X ​0​  ​​ ​​X ​ ​  ′0 ​)​  ​​​  ​ ​​X ​0​  ​​ ​Y0​  ′ ​​

ˆB  ​  ′ ​ ​​X ˆ .​  That is, brings to light the fit of a synthetic control in
the ­regression-based estimator is akin to a terms of ­pre-intervention outcomes. That is,
synthetic control, as it uses a linear combi- the information in table 1 and figure 1 makes
nation, ​​Y0​ ​​ ​W​​  reg​​ , of the outcomes in the clear the extent to which the observations in
donor pool, with ​​W​​  reg​  = ​​X ​​  ′0 ​​  ​​(​​X ​0​  ​​ ​​X ​ ​  ′0 ​)​  ​​​  −1​ ​​X ​1​  ​​​, to
– – – –
the donor pool can approximate the char-
acteristics of the treated units by interpola-
tion only. In some applications, comparisons
11 In particular, this is in contrast to the bias bound cal-
culations in Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller (2010),
which are performed over the distribution of the individual 12 See King and Zeng (2006) on the dangers of relying
transitory shocks, ​​ε​it​​​. on extrapolation to estimate counterfactuals.
406 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LIX (June 2021)

Regression Weights for West Germany
Australia 0.12
Austria 0.26
Belgium 0.00
Denmark 0.08
France 0.04
Greece −0.09
Italy −0.05
Japan 0.19
Netherlands 0.14
New Zealand 0.12
Norway 0.04
Portugal −0.08
Spain −0.01
Switzerland 0.05
United Kingdom 0.06
United States 0.13

like that of columns 1 and 2 of table 1 may synthetic control weights can play a role
reveal that it is not possible to approximate similar to p ­ re-analysis plans in randomized
the characteristics of the treated unit(s) control trials (see, e.g., Olken 2015), provid-
using a weighted average of the units in the ing a safeguard against specification searches
donor pool. In that case, Abadie, Diamond, and p​ ​-hacking.
and Hainmueller (2010, 2015) advise against
using synthetic controls. Transparency of the Counterfactual.
Synthetic controls make explicit the
Safeguard against Specification Searches. contribution of each comparison unit to
In contrast to regression but similar to clas- the counterfactual of interest. Moreover,
sical matching methods, synthetic controls because the synthetic control coefficients
do not require access to p ­ osttreatment out- are proper weights and are sparse (more on
comes in the design phase of the study, when sparsity below), they allow a simple and pre-
synthetic controls are calculated. This implies cise interpretation of the nature of the esti-
that all the data analysis on design decisions mate of the counterfactual of interest. For
like the identity of the units in the donor the application to the effects of the German
pool or the predictors in ​​X​1​​​ and ​​X0​ ​​​ can be reunification in table 2, the counterfactual
made without knowing how they affect the for West Germany is given by a weighted
conclusions of the study (see Rubin 2007 for average of Austria (0.42), Japan (0.16), the
a related discussion regarding matching esti- Netherlands (0.09), Switzerland (0.11), and
mators). Moreover, synthetic control weights the United States (0.22) with weights in
can be calculated and p ­reregistered/pub- parentheses. Simplicity and transparency
licized before the p ­ osttreatment outcomes of the counterfactual allows the use of the
are realized, or before the actual interven- expert knowledge to evaluate the validity
tion takes place. That is, p ­ reregistration of of a synthetic control and the directions of
Abadie: Using Synthetic Controls 407



Figure 2. Projecting X​
​​ 1​​​on the Convex Hull of X​
​​ 0​​​

potential biases. For instance, smaller neigh- above, sparsity plays an important role for
boring countries to West Germany, such as the interpretation and evaluation of the
Austria, the Netherlands, and Switzerland, estimated counterfactual. The sparsity of
have a substantial weight on the compo- synthetic control weights has an immediate
sition of the synthetic control of table  2. If geometric interpretation. Assume, for now,
economic growth in these countries were that ​​X​1​​​falls outside the convex hull of the
negatively affected by the German reunifica- columns of ​​X​0​​​. This is typical in empirical
tion during the 1­ 990–2003 period (perhaps practice and a consequence of the curse of
because West Germany diverted demand dimensionality. Assume also that the columns
and investment from these countries to East of ​​X​0​​​are in general position (that is, there
Germany), this would imply that figure  1, is no set of m ​ ​columns, with 2​  ≤ m ≤ k +  1​,
panel  B, estimates a lower bound on the that fall into an ​​(m − 2)​​-dimensional hyper-
magnitude (absolute value) of the negative plane). Then, the synthetic control is unique
effect of the German reunification on per and sparse—with the number of n ­onzero
capita GDP in West Germany. weights bounded by k​ ​—as it is the projection
of ​​X​1​​​on the convex hull of the columns of ​​X​0​​​.
Sparsity. As evidenced in the results of Figure 2 provides a visual representation of
tables 2 and 3, synthetic controls are sparse, the geometric interpretation of the sparsity
but regression weights are not. As discussed property of synthetic control estimators.
408 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LIX (June 2021)

Only the control observations marked in red for ​t > ​T​0​​​. In contrast to the lasso, however,
contribute to the synthetic control. the identity and magnitude of n ­ onzero coef-
Notice that table 1 indicates that the syn- ficients constitute important information to
thetic control for West Germany falls close interpret the nature of the estimate and eval-
to but outside the convex hull of the values uate its validity and the potential for biases.
of economic growth predictors in the donor One of the greatest appeals of the syn-
pool (otherwise, columns 1 and 2 would be thetic control method resides, in my opinion,
identical). As a result, the number of n ­ onzero in the interpretability of the estimated coun-
weights in table 2 is not larger than the num- terfactuals, which results from the weighted
ber of variables in table 1. If desired, spar- average nature of synthetic control estima-
sity can be increased by imposing a bound tors and from the sparsity of the weights.
on the density (number of ­nonzero weights) Despite the practical advantages of syn-
of ​​W​​  ⁎​​in the calculation of synthetic controls thetic control methods, successful applica-
(see Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller tion of synthetic control estimators crucially
2015). depends on important contextual and data
In some cases, especially in applications requirements, which are discussed in the
with many treated units, the values of the next two sections.
predictors for some of the treated units may
fall in the convex hull of the columns of ​​X​0​​​.
5.  Contextual Requirements
Then, synthetic controls are not necessarily
unique or sparse. That is, a minimizer of This section will discuss contextual
equation (7) may not be unique or sparse, requirements, that is, the conditions on the
although sparse solutions with no more context of the investigation under which
than ​k + 1​­nonzero weights always exist. A synthetic controls are appropriate tools for
question is then how to choose among the policy evaluation, as well as suitable ways to
typically infinite number of solutions to the modify the analysis when these conditions do
minimization of equation (7). A modification not perfectly hold. It is important, however,
of the synthetic control estimator in Abadie to point out that most of the requirements
and L’Hour (2019) discussed in section  8 listed in this section pertain not only to syn-
addresses this problem and produces syn- thetic control methods, but also to any other
thetic controls that are unique and sparse type of comparative case study research
(provided that untreated observations are design.
in general quadratic position, see Abadie
and L’Hour 2019 for details). In contrast, as Size of the Effect and Volatility of the
shown in table 3, regression estimators are Outcome. As previously discussed, the goal
typically not sparse. of comparative case studies is to estimate
It is important to notice that the role of the effect of a policy intervention on the unit
sparsity in the context of synthetic control (e.g., state or region) exposed to an interven-
methods differs from the usual role that spar- tion of interest. That is, comparative case
sity plays in other statistical methods like the studies typically estimate the effect of an
lasso, where a ­sparsity-inducing regulariza- intervention on a single treated unit or on a
tion is employed to prevent over-fitting, and small number of treated units. The nature of
where the interpretation of the lasso coeffi- this exercise indicates that small effects will
cients is often not at issue. Like for the lasso, be indistinguishable from other shocks to
the goal of synthetic controls is ­out-of-sample the outcome of the affected unit, especially
prediction; in particular, p ​​ N1t ​​ ​ 
­rediction of Y​  if the outcome variable of interest is highly
Abadie: Using Synthetic Controls 409

volatile.13 As a result, the impact of “small” also important to eliminate from the donor
interventions with effects of a magnitude pool any units that may have suffered large
similar to the volatility of the outcome are idiosyncratic shocks to the outcome of inter-
difficult to detect. Even a large effect may be est during the study period, if it is judged
difficult to detect if the volatility of the out- that such shocks would not have affected
come is also large. Outcome variables that the outcome of the unit of interest in the
include substantial random noise elevate the absence of the intervention.15 Moreover, it
risk of over-fitting, as explained in subsec- is important to restrict the donor pool to
tion 3.3. In cases where substantial volatil- units with characteristics that are similar to
ity is present in the outcome of interest it is the affected unit. The reason is that, while
advisable to remove it via filtering, in both the restrictions placed on the weights, ​W​, do
the exposed unit as well as in the units in the not allow extrapolation, interpolation biases
donor pool, before ­applying synthetic control may still be important if the synthetic
­techniques.14 Notice, however, that the chal- control matches the characteristics of
lenge posed by volatility comes only from the the affected unit by averaging away large
fraction of it that is generated by ­unit-specific discrepancies between the c­haracteristics
factors (e.g., the ­ individual-specific transi- of the affected unit and the characteristics
tory shocks, ​​ε​jt​​​, in equation (10)). Volatility of the units in the synthetic control. For
generated by common factors affecting other the German reunification example, Abadie,
units (e.g., the common factors λ​ ​​ t​​​ in equa- Diamond, and Hainmueller (2015) restrict
tion (10)) can be ­differentiated out by choos- the donor pool to a set of OECD econ-
ing an appropriate synthetic control. omies. Related to this point, Abadie and
L’Hour (2019) propose adding to the objec-
Availability of a Comparison Group. tive function in equation (7) a set of pen-
The very nature of comparative case stud- alty terms that depend on the discrepancies
ies implies that inference based on these between the characteristics of the affected
methods will be faulty in the absence of a unit and the characteristics of the individual
suitable comparison group. First and fore- units included in the synthetic control (see
most, in order to have units available for section 8 for details).
the donor pool, it is important that not all
units adopt interventions similar to the one No Anticipation. As in any research
under investigation during the period of the design that exploits time variation in the
study. Units that adopt an intervention simi- outcome variable to estimate the effect of
lar to the one adopted by the unit of interest an intervention, synthetic control estimators
should not be included in the donor pool may be biased if forward-looking economic
because they are affected by the interven- agents react in advance of the policy inter-
tion, very much like the unit of interest. It is vention under investigation, or if certain
components of the intervention are put in
place in advance of the formal implementa-
13 In studies that seek to estimate the average effect tion/enactment of the ­intervention. If there
of an intervention that is observed in a large number of
instances, the volatility of the outcome variable can often
be reduced by averaging. In contrast, as explained above, 15 As an example, in their study of the effect of
comparative case studies often focus on the effect of a sin- California’s tobacco control legislation, Abadie, Diamond,
gle event or intervention. and Hainmueller (2010) discard from the donor pool sev-
14 For example, Amjad, Shah, and Shen (2018) propose eral states that adopted l­arge-scale tobacco programs or
singular value thresholding to d ­ e-noise data for synthetic substantially increased taxes on tobacco during the sample
controls. period of the study.
410 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LIX (June 2021)

are signs of anticipation, it is advisable to advisable to select for the donor pool units
backdate the intervention in the data set to that are affected by the same regional eco-
a period before any anticipation effect can nomic shocks as the unit where the interven-
be expected, so the full extent of the effect tion happens. On the other hand, if spillover
of the intervention can be estimated. Notice effects are substantial and affect units in close
that backdating the intervention in the data geographical proximity, those units may pro-
does not mechanically bias the estimator of vide a biased estimate of the counterfactual
the effect of the intervention even if some outcome without intervention for the unit
periods before the intervention are mistak- affected by the intervention. In cases when
enly recorded as ­post-intervention periods. units potentially affected by spillover effects
The reason is that, as shown in equations are discarded from the donor pool, the trans-
(2) and (3), the synthetic control estima- parency of the fit of synthetic controls allows
tor does not restrict the time variation in researchers to evaluate the reduction in the
the effect of the intervention. Therefore, quality of the match between the character-
periods barely affected by the interven- istics of the treated unit and the characteris-
tion may show small or zero effects, while tics of the synthetic control.
subsequent periods may produce a large Potential spillover effects can also be
estimated effect. This is in contrast with accounted for in the analysis phase of a
much of the practice using panel data mod- synthetic control study. If units affected by
els, where in many instances the effect of spillover effects are included in the synthetic
an intervention is restricted to be constant control, the researcher should be aware
across ­post-intervention periods. of the potential direction of the bias of the
resulting estimator. For example, Abadie,
No Interference. In the setup of subsection Diamond, and Hainmueller (2015) estimate
3.1, we defined the potential outcomes ​​Y​  I1 ​​t​  and the economic impact of the 1990 German
​​Y​  N
it​  ​​only in terms of the treatment status for reunification using a synthetic control of
unit 1 and unit i​​, respectively, at time t​ ​. This other OECD countries to approximate the
is the stable unit treatment value assumption trajectory of the counterfactual per capita
in Rubin (1980), which implies that there is GDP for West Germany in the absence of
no interference across units. That is, units’ the unification. As explained above, if coun-
outcomes are invariant to other units’ treat- tries that compose the synthetic control for
ments. In some instances, however, an inter- West Germany, like Austria, suffered from
vention may have spillover effects on units the negative effects of the German reunifi-
that are not directly targeted by it. Assuming cation, then we would expect the synthetic
that such spillover effects do not exist is a control estimator to be attenuated. That is,
strong restriction that must often be enforced in this case, the synthetic control estimate
in the design of the study or accounted for in would provide a lower bound on the mag-
the analysis of the results. nitude of the causal effect of the German
The assumption of no interference can reunification on GDP per capita in West
be enforced in the design of a study by dis- Germany. Notice that it is the transparency
carding from the donor pool those units with of the counterfactual and sparsity of the syn-
outcomes possibly affected by the interven- thetic control counterfactual estimate that
tion on the treated unit. Notice that there makes this exercise possible. In regression
is a potential tension between this practice settings, like the one in section 4, the weight
and the issues discussed in Availability of a of each unit in the counterfactual estimate
Comparison Group. On the one hand, it is is rarely computed in empirical practice, and
Abadie: Using Synthetic Controls 411

­on-sparse weight vectors often including

n the intervention. A potential way to proceed
negative components complicate the evalu- in those cases is to transform the outcome
ation of potential biases. to time differences, ​ Δ​Yj​t​​​  = ​​Yjt​ ​​  − ​Y​jt−1​​​, or
growth rates, ​ 100  × Δ​Yjt​ ​​  / ​Yjt−1 ​ ​​​. Similarly,
Convex Hull Condition. Synthetic control one could measure outcomes in differences
estimates are predicated on the idea that a with respect to ­ pre-intervention means,
​​​Ỹ ​j​ t​​  = ​Yjt​ ​​  − ​(1/​T0​ ​​)​​∑ h=1
combination of unaffected units can approx- ​T0​ ​​
imate the ­pre-intervention characteristics of  ​​​Y​
​  jh​​​ (Ferman  and Pinto
the affected unit. Once the synthetic control 2019). Consider the particular case where a
is constructed, it should be checked that synthetic control is calculated on the basis
the differences in the characteristics of the of all ­ pre-intervention outcomes (­ equally
affected unit and the synthetic control are weighted). That is, each of the T​ ​​0​​​ rows
small, that is: of ​​X​1​​​ and ​​X0​ ​​​contains the outcome val-
ues in one of the p ­ re-intervention periods
​​X​11​​  − ​w​2​​ ​X12 ​ ​​  − ⋯ − ​w​J​​ ​X1J+1 ​ ​​  ≈ 0, ⋯, for the treated unit and the donor pool,
respectively, and all ­ pre-intervention peri-
​ Xk​ 1​​  − ​w​2​​ ​Xk2
​ ​​  − ⋯ − ​w​J​​ ​XkJ+1 ​ ​​  ≈ 0.​ ods carry the same weight in the calcu-
lation of the synthetic control. For this
In mathematical parlance, we need​​ particular case, measuring the outcomes
​ ​​, ​X21 ​ ​​)​​to fall close to the convex
​ ​​,  …  , ​Xk1 in ​​X​1​​​ and ​​X0​ ​​​in deviations with respect to the
hull of the set of points { ​​ ​(​X12
​ ​​, ​X22 ​ ​​)​,  …  , ​
​ ​​,  …  , ​Xk2 units’ ­pre-intervention means is equivalent
to a proposal in Doudchenko and Imbens
​ ​​, ​X2J+1​ ​​,  …  , ​XkJ+1​ ​​)​}​​. If the unit affected
(2016), who measure outcomes in levels but
by the intervention of interest is “extreme” allow for a constant shift in the synthetic
in the value of a particular variable, such a control fit, ​​X​1​​  − α ​I​k×1​​  − ​X​0​​  W​(with ​t​  th row
value may not be closely approximated by a
equal to Y ​​ ​1t​​  − α − ​w​2​​ ​Y2​ t​​  − ⋯ − ​w​J+1​​ ​YJ​+1t​​​),
synthetic control.16
where ​​Ik​ ×1​​​is a vector of ones of the same
The fact that the value of a particular pre-
dimension as ​​X1​ ​​​. As explained in Doudchenko
dictor for the treated unit cannot be closely
and Imbens (2016), allowing for a constant
approximated by the synthetic control may
shift between X​ ​​1​​​ and ​​X0​ ​​  W​ makes little
be less of a concern if the synthetic control
sense in more general settings, when multi-
closely tracks the trajectory of the outcome
ple covariates of different scales, instead of
variable for the unit affected by the inter-
­pre-intervention outcomes only, are included
vention during a h ­ old-out validation period.
in ​​X1​ ​​​ and ​​X0​ ​​​. Notice, however, that measuring
In some cases, however, the unit affected by
outcomes in deviations with respect to their
the intervention of interest may be extreme
­pre-intervention means instead of allowing
in the values of the outcome variable before
for a constant shift between ​​X​1​​​ and ​​X​0​​  , W​
the intervention and, as a result, there will
may still be useful to account for differences
not be a weighted average of untreated units
in the level of the outcomes across units,
that can approximate the trajectory of the
even if ​​X​1​​​ and ​​X​0​​​ include other predictors
outcome variable for the treated unit before
aside from ­pre-intervention outcomes.
Transformations of the outcome variable
16 For example, Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller like those in the previous paragraph may be
(2015) find that because inflation levels were particularly useful in some cases because, as evidenced in
low for West Germany before the reunification, the value
of this variable cannot be closely reproduced by a synthetic
the vast ­difference-in-differences l­iterature,
control composed by other OECD countries. See table 1. there are instances when a ­ comparison
412 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LIX (June 2021)

group can reproduce the changes in the out- and ​​λ​t​​​, or at least some of their components,
come variable for the unit of interest even vary little in time. In that case, the magni-
if the level of the outcome variable cannot tudes of Δ ​θ ​ ​t​​​ and ​Δ​λ​t​​​may be small even
be reproduced. In other cases, however, if the magnitudes of ​​ θ​t​​​ and ​​λt​​​​ are large.
credible counterfactuals require reproduc- This is the usual rationale for working with
ing not only the trend of the outcome vari- differenced outcomes and the basis for
able for the treated but also the level. For difference-in-differences estimators. There
example, some formulations of the conver- may be opposing forces at play, however.
gence hypothesis in economic growth imply Suppose, in particular, that the idiosyncratic
that countries with different levels of ­per shocks, ​​ε​jt​​​, are independent or roughly inde-
capita GDP will tend to experience differ- pendent in time. Then, the variance of Δ ​  ​εj​t​​​
ent growth rates on average, in the absence is larger than the variance of ​​ε​jt​​​. Now, follow-
of an intervention. Similarly, n­ onlinearities ing the characterization of the bias in subsec-
in labor earnings profiles over the life cycle tion 3.3, a larger residual variance may result
imply that differences in the age distribution in a higher risk of over-fitting and an increase
across populations will typically result in dif- in the bias of the synthetic control estimator.
ferences in the growth of labor earnings.17
More generally, there may not exist a com- Time Horizon. The effect of some inter-
bination of untreated units that provide a ventions may take time to emerge or to be
­credible approximation to the treated units, of sufficient magnitude to be quantitatively
and the conventional synthetic control esti- detected in the data. An obvious but unsat-
mator should not be used in that case. isfying approach to this problem is to wait
It should also be noted that differencing until the effects of the intervention run their
the dependent variable may result in a sub- course. A more proactive approach is to use
stantial increase in the part of the variance surrogate outcomes or leading indicators of
of the outcome that is attributable to noise, the outcome variable of interest.
potentially inducing an increase in bias. As
an example, consider the linear factor model
in equation (10). Differencing equation (10) 6.  Data Requirements
we obtain
This section discusses data requirements
jt​  ​  = Δ​δt​​​  + Δ​θ​t​​ ​Zj​​​  + Δ​λ​t​​ ​μj​​​  + Δ​ε​jt​​,​
​Δ​Y​  N for credible applications of synthetic controls.
Like many of the contextual requirements in
the previous section, the data requirements
where ​ Δ​Y​  N
jt​  ​  = ​Y​  jt​  ​  − ​Y​  jt−1
  ​ ​​ with analogous discussed here apply not only to synthetic
expressions for Δ ​ ​δt​​​​, ​Δ​θ​t​​​, ​Δ​λ​t​​​, and ​Δ​ε​jt​​​. Notice control estimation but, more generally, to
first that the differenced equation retains the comparative case study methods.
linear factor structure. Notice also that dif-
ferencing the outcome may help control the Aggregate Data on Predictors and
bias when the vectors of common f­actors θ​ ​​ t​​​ Outcomes. From the previous discussion, it
can be seen that the synthetic control method
requires the availability of data on outcomes
17 Notice that for n ­ onlinearities in the process that gen- and predictors of the outcome for the unit
erates ​​Y​  N
it​  ​​may require that, for each unit j​​contributing to or units exposed to the intervention of inter-
the synthetic control, X​ ​​ j​​​is reasonably close to X​
​​ 1​​​. Section  8
describes a synthetic control estimator with weights that est and a set of comparison units. Predictors
penalize ∥​ ​X1​ ​​  − ​X​j​​∥​. and outcomes are often series reported by
Abadie: Using Synthetic Controls 413

government agencies, multilateral organi- the affected unit and the donor pool for a
zations, and private entities. Examples of large p
­ re-intervention window.
these types of outcomes are ­state-level crime A caveat to the preference for a large
rates in the United States (Donohue, Aneja, number of p ­re-intervention periods is
and Weber 2019), ­country-level p ­ er capita given by the possibility of structural breaks.
GDP (Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller Consider the linear factor model of equa-
2015), and ­ state-level cigarette consump- tion (10). In this model, structural stability
tion statistics in the United States (Abadie, is represented by the restriction of con-
Diamond, and Hainmueller 2010), which are stant factor loadings. Even if the model is
routinely reported in publications produced a good representation of the distribution
or commissioned by the Federal Bureau of of the data at a relatively short time scale,
Investigation, the World Bank, and tobacco its accuracy may suffer once we allow the
industry groups, respectively. Sometimes, number of periods to be large enough.
when aggregate data do not exist, aggregates Choosing ​​v​1​​,  …  , ​vk​ ​​​ to ­up-weight the most
of ­micro-data are employed in comparative recent measures (relative to the prediction
case studies. For example, in his study of the window) included in ​​X​1​​​ and ​​X0​ ​​​ helps allevi-
labor market effects of the Mariel Boatlift in ate structural instability concerns.
Miami, Card (1990) uses ­micro-data from With a small number of ­pre-intervention
the Current Population Survey (CPS) to periods, close or even perfect fit of the pre-
estimate aggregate values for wage rates and dictor values for the treated unit may be spu-
unemployment for workers in Miami and riously attained, in which case the resulting
a set of four comparison cities before and synthetic control may fail to reproduce the
after the Mariel Boatlift. Similarly, Bohn, trajectory of the outcome for the treated
Lofstrom, and Raphael (2014) use data from unit in the absence of the intervention. The
the CPS to estimate the fraction of the pop- severity of this problem can be diminished if
ulation composed of Hispanic n ­ oncitizens by powerful predictors of ­post-intervention val-
state in the United States. ues of ​​Y​  N
jt​  ​​, aside from ­pre-intervention values
of the outcome, are included in X​ ​​ j​​​, reducing
Sufficient ­
Pre-intervention Information. the residual variance and, as a result, the risk
The credibility of a synthetic control of over-fitting.
­estimator depends in great part on its ability
to steadily track the trajectory of the out- Sufficient P
­ost-intervention Information.
come variable for the affected unit before This data requirement derives partly from
the intervention. As discussed in subsec- the Time Horizon contextual requirement in
tion 3.3, Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller section 5. The evaluation data must include
(2010) show that if the data-generating pro- outcome measures that are possibly affected
cess follows a linear factor model, then the by the intervention and are relevant for the
bias of the synthetic control estimator is policy decision or scientific inquiry that is
bounded by a function that is inversely pro- the object of the study. This may be prob-
portional to the number of p ­ re-intervention lematic if the effect of an intervention is
periods (provided that the synthetic control expected to arise gradually over time and if
closely tracks the trajectory of the outcome no forward-looking measures of the outcome
variable for the affected unit during the are available. Conversely, in some practical
­pre-intervention periods). Therefore, when instances, the effect of an intervention may
designing a synthetic control study, it is of dissipate rapidly after showing substan-
crucial importance to collect information on tial effectiveness for a few initial periods.
414 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LIX (June 2021)


Per Capita GDP (PPP 2002 USD)


Reunification backdated to 1980


5,000 West Germany

Synthetic West Germany
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Figure 3. Backdating the 1990 German Reunification Application

Extensive p ­ost-intervention information before an intervention occurs. In the absence

allows a more complete picture of the effects of anticipation effects, the same idea can be
of the intervention, in time and across the applied to assess the credibility of a synthetic
various outcomes of interest. control in concrete empirical applications.
Figure 3 shows the result of estimating the
effect of the 1990 German reunification with
7.  Robustness and Diagnostic Checks
the intervention backdated to 1980. Two
The credibility of a synthetic control important features of the results are as fol-
estimator depends on its ability to repro- lows. First, as one would hope, the synthetic
duce outcomes for the treated unit in the control estimator closely tracks ­per capita
absence of the intervention. This section GDP for West Germany in the 1­981–90
presents diagnostic checks that can be used period, before the start of the actual inter-
to evaluate the credibility of synthetic con- vention. This is the“­in-time placebo test” in
trol ­counterfactuals in actual applications, Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller (2015)
as well as robustness exercises to assess and similar to the “­ preprogram test” in
­sensitivity of results to changes in the design Heckman and Hotz (1989). The absence of
of the study. estimated effects prior to the intervention
provides credibility of the synthetic con-
Backdating. The possibility of backdating trol estimator, as it demonstrates that the
was discussed in section 5 as a way to address synthetic control is able to reproduce the
anticipation effects on the outcome variable trajectory of the outcome variable for the
Abadie: Using Synthetic Controls 415

treated unit before the intervention occurs. of any particular country. In other exam-
Second, a gap between ­per capita GDP for ples, however, results may not be as robust
West Germany and its synthetic control as those in figure 4, and the scientific sig-
counterpart appears around the time of the nificance of the estimates should be evalu-
German reunification, as in figure 1, panel ated with that information in mind. If the
B. This is the case even when the interven- exclusion of a unit from the donor pool has
tion is ­ten-year backdated in the data and a large effect on results without a discernible
the procedure uses no information on the change in ­pre-intervention fit, this may war-
timing of the actual intervention. The shape rant investigating if the change in the magni-
and direction of the gap in figure 3 is sim- tude of the estimate is caused by the effects
ilar to that of figure 1, panel B, albeit of a of other interventions or by particularly large
somewhat smaller magnitude. The fact that idiosyncratic shocks on the outcome of the
the estimated effect of the German reuni- excluded untreated unit.
fication appears shortly after 1990 even
when the intervention is artificially t­ en-year
8.  Extensions and Related Methods
backdated in the data provides credibility to
the synthetic control estimator of the 1990 As the literature on synthetic control
German reunification. methods and related methods has greatly
expanded in recent years, it has become
Robustness Tests. Regardless of the esti- increasingly difficult for researchers inter-
mation method employed in the analysis, ested in applying these methods to figure out
the main conclusions of an empirical study what is available where. In this section, I pro-
should display some level of robustness with vide a brief guide to the recent contributions
respect to changes in the study design. In the in the area. This represents only an incom-
context of synthetic controls, two important plete snapshot of a literature that is rapidly
ways the design of a study may influence evolving.
results are (i) the choice of units in the donor
pool, and (ii) the choice of predictors of the Multiple Treated Units. Several recent
outcome variable. The first choice corre- articles consider estimation and inference
sponds to the columns in X​ ​​ 0​​​, and the second with synthetic controls for the case where
one corresponds to the rows in [​​ ​X1​ ​​   :  ​X0​ ]​​ ​​. there are multiple treated units. Notice
As a example of a robustness test, fig- that the presence of multiple treated units
ure 4 reports the results of a l­eave-one-out does not give rise to additional conceptual
re-analysis of the German reunification
­ challenges for the estimation of synthetic
data in Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller ­controls. Treatment effects can be estimated
(2015), taking from the sample o­ ne-at-a-time for each treated unit separately and aggre-
each of the countries that contribute to the gated in a second step if desired. However,
synthetic control in table 2. All l­ eave-one-out the presence of multiple treated units cre-
estimates closely track the ­per capita GDP ates some practical problems for estimation,
series for West Germany before 1990. The as well as new challenges and opportunities
resulting estimates for the years after the for inference.
reunification are all negative and centered A potential complication with synthetic
around the result produced using the entire control estimation is that the minimizer
donor pool. The main conclusion of a neg- of equation (7) subject to the weight con-
ative estimate of the German reunification straints may not be unique, especially if the
on ­per capita GDP is robust to the exclusion values of the predictors for a treated unit fall
416 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LIX (June 2021)


West Germany
Synthetic West Germany
Per Capita GDP (PPP 2002 USD)
Synthetic West Germany (leave−one−out)




1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Figure 4. Leave-one-out Estimates of the Effect of the 1990 German Reunification

inside the convex hull of the values of the in the space of the predictors, even when an
predictors for the donor pool. Suppose, for alternative solution exists based only on units
now, that only the first unit is treated. If X​ ​​ 1​​​ with predictor values similar to ​​X​1​​​. This may,
belongs to the convex hull of the columns in turn, lead to large interpolation biases that
of ​​X​0​​​, this implies that we can find W​​  ​​ ⁎​​ such remain unchecked under the illusion of per-
that ​​X1​ ​​  = ​X0​ ​​ ​W​​  ​​. Moreover, the number of

fect fit, ​​X​1​​  = ​X0​ ​​ ​W​​  ⁎​​.19
minimizers to equation (7) may be (and will Even in moderate dimensions, k​ ​, the curse
typically be) infinite.18 That is, there may exist of dimensionality works to keep treated
an infinite number of solutions to the prob- observations outside of the convex hull of
lem of minimizing of equation (7), subject to the units in the donor pool. Therefore, in
the weight constraints, that perfectly repro- settings with one treated unit, multiplicity of
duce ​​X​1​​​. An algorithm minimizing equation solutions is rarely an issue, and if it arises it
(7) subject to the weight constrains may can often be easily addressed by restricting
select a solution, W​​  ​​ ⁎​​, with positive entries for the donor pool to units with predictor val-
units that are far away from the treated unit ues most similar to the values of the predic-
tor for the unit exposed to the treatment.

18 If ​​W​  ⁎​​​  and ​​W​  ⁎​​

1 2​  are both minimizers of equa-
tion (7) subject to the weight constraints, then so is 19 Notice, however, that perfect fit, ​​ X​1​​  = ​X0​ ​​ ​W​​  ⁎​​,
​a ​W​  ⁎1​ ​  + ​(1 − a)​ ​W​  ⁎2​​,​  for ​a ∈ ​(0, 1)​​
. This implies that the where ​​W​​  ⁎​​minimizes equation (7) subject to the weight
number of solutions to the minimization equation (7) given constraints, is indicative of the possibility of infinite
the weight constraints can only be one or infinity. solutions.
Abadie: Using Synthetic Controls 417

However, in settings with many treated and ­airwise matching discrepancies between
untreated units, multiplicity of solutions and the predictor values for unit i​​and each of
how to choose among them become import- the units that contribute to its synthetic con-
ant issues for estimation. Moreover, large trol, weighted by the magnitudes of their
interpolation biases may also arise in settings contributions. The penalty term is added
where the predictor values for treated units to equation (13) with the aim of reducing
fall outside the convex hull of the predictor interpolation biases. As ​λ → ∞​, the penal-
values for the units in the donor pool, espe- ized estimator converges to ­ one-to-one
cially when the units contributing to synthetic matching. As ​λ → 0​, the estimator uses an
controls are far away from the treated units aggregate of pairwise matching discrepan-
in the space of predictors. That is, there may cies weighted by ​W​ to select among all syn-
be cases such that ​​X​1​​  ≈ ​X0​ ​​​W​​  ⁎​​ but where ​​Xj​​​​ thetic controls that attain the minimal value
greatly differs from X​ ​​ 1​​​, for some unit j​​ con- for ​∥​X​i​​  − ​X​0​​  W∥​. Values of ​λ​ between zero
tributing to the synthetic control. and infinity trade off aggregate fit of the syn-
To address these challenges, Abadie thetic control and pairwise fit of each of the
and L’Hour (2019) propose a synthetic units that contribute to it.
control estimator that incorporates a pen- Abadie and L’Hour (2019) show that
alty for pairwise matching discrepancies if ​λ > 0​, then the minimizer of equation (13)
between the treated units and each of the is unique and sparse (provided that the col-
units that contribute to their synthetic umns of X​ ​​ 0​​​are in general quadratic position,
controls. Consider a setting with ​I​ treated see Abadie and L’Hour 2019 for details).
units and J​​untreated units. We will index They also provide ­ cross-validation tech-
observations so that the treated units come niques to select ​λ​.
first. That is, units j​ =  1, … , I​are treated Let ​​W​  ⁎i​  ​  = ​​(​w​  ⁎iI+1​  , ​w​  ⁎iI+J
 ​, …   ​​ )′​   ​​be the solu-
and units j​ = I +  1, … , I + J​are untreated, tion to the minimization problem in equa-
with I​  + J​units in total. As in previous sec- tion (13). Then, the estimated treatment
tions, ​​X​j​​​is the vector of predictor values effect for i​ =  1, … , I​and t​ = ​T0​ ​​  +  1, … , T​ is
for unit j​​, and ​​X​0​​​is the matrix of the pre- as in (8),
dictor values for the units in the donor pool. I+J
λ > 0​
ˆ ​it​ ​​  = ​Yit​ ​​  − ​  ∑   ​​ ​​ w​  ⁎ij ​ ​​  Yjt​ ​​,​
For ​ , the estimator in Abadie and
(14) ​​​τ 
L’Hour (2019) minimizes j=I+1
(13) ​​∥​X​i​​  − ​X​0​​W∥​​  2​  + λ​  ∑   ​​​w
​  ​i​​ ​∥​X​i​​  − ​X​j​​∥​​  2​​ with average treatment effect given by
j=I+1 I
​​​τ  1 ​ ​  ∑ ​​ ​​τ 
ˆ ​t​​​  = ​ _  ​  ˆ ​​ ​​.​
with respect to W ​  = ​​(​wI+1 ​ ​​)′​   ​​, for
​ ​​,  …  , ​wI+J I i=1 it
each treated unit, ​i =  1, … , I​, subject to the
constraints that the weights w​ ​​ I+1​​,  …  , ​wI+J
​ ​​​ In many instances, especially where the
are ­nonnegative and sum to one.20 The first sample units are aggregates like regions
term in equation (13) is the aggregate dis- or countries, a weighted average (e.g.,
crepancy between the predictor values for ­population-weighted, or ­GDP-weighted)
treated unit i​​and its synthetic control. The treatment effect may be most relevant.
second term in equation (13) penalizes Dube and Zipperer (2015) and Abadie and
L’Hour (2019) propose extensions of the per-
20 Although this is not reflected in the notation in equa- mutation methods in Abadie, Diamond, and
tion (13), ​λ​ may depend on i​​. Hainmueller (2010) to the case with m
­ ultiple
418 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LIX (June 2021)

treated units. They employ ­rank-based sta- a separate synthetic control for each treated
tistics on the permutation distribution of unit, they calculate a single synthetic control
treatment effects, where the identity of the to match aggregate values of the predictors
treated units is permuted at random in the between the treated and ­nontreated samples.
data. In particular, Abadie and L’Hour (2019) As in the usual synthetic control estimator, the
propose the following simple generalization weights in Hainmueller (2012) and Robbins,
of the permutation test in Abadie, Diamond, Saunders, and Kilmer (2017) are ­nonnegative
and Hainmueller (2010). They consider a and sum to a ­predetermined constant (typi-
setting with ​I​treated units and J​​ untreated cally equal to one, or to the number of treated
units. In each permutation ​b =  1, … , B​, the units, depending on the scaling of the vari-
identities of the ​ I​treated units are reas- ables in the ­data set). These estimators require
signed in the data among the I​  + J​units in that there is at least a convex combination of
the sample, and statistics r​ ​​b,1​​,  …  , ​rb,I
​ ​​​ are units in the donor pool that exactly matches
calculated for the units coded as treated in a ­prespecified set of moments of the predic-
the permutation. These statistics could be tors for the treated units. Among the sets of
(­bias-corrected) synthetic control estimates weights that perfectly reproduce the moments
of treatment effects, or rescaled versions that for the treated sample, Hainmueller (2012)
take into account the p ­ re-intervention fit as in and Robbins, Saunders, and Kilmer (2017)
equation (12), or their absolute values, pos- choose the one that minimizes a measure of
itive parts, or negative parts, depending on discrepancy with respect to constant weights.
the context. Notice that when ​I​is small rela-
tive to ​I + J​, it may be possible to consider all Bias Correction. Another practical com-
possible treatment reassignments, in which plication in settings with many treated units
case ​B​is equal to ​​(I + J)​​-choose-​I​. If consid- is that, even with a moderate ​k​, the predictor
ering all possible treatment reassignments is values for some of the treated units may not
computationally expensive, inference can be be closely reproduced by a synthetic control,
based on ​B​random draws from all subsets or may be closely reproduced only by com-
of ​I​units in the sample. Let r​ ​​0,1​​,  …  , ​r0,I
​ ​​​ be binations of units with large pairwise match-
the same statistics calculated for the actual ing discrepancies in predictor values with
treated units. Then, ​ B​permutation repe- respect to the treated unit. At the same time,
titions, in addition to the original sample including those i­ll-fitted units in the calcula-
values for treatment, produce ​ I × ​(B + 1)​​ tion of the aggregate effect may be important
statistics, ​​r​0,1​​,  …  , ​r0,I ​ ​​,  …  , ​rB,1
​ ​​,  …  , ​rB,I
​ ​​​. Now, for the desired interpretation of the estimate
for each ​b =  0, … , B​, one can calculate ​​t​b​​​ (e.g., as an estimate of the average effect of
equal to the sum of the ranks of ​​r​b,1​​,  …  , ​rb,I ​ ​​​ the treatment on the treated). In that case,
within ​​r​0,1​​,  …  , ​r0,I​ ​​,  …  , ​rB,1​ ​​,  …  , ​rB,I
​ ​​​. The per- one could be concerned about the potential
mutation inference in Abadie and L’Hour biases produced by matching discrepancies
(2019) is based on the “extremeness” of between the values of the predictors for
the statistic t​ ​​0​​​within the permutation dis- the treated units and those for the respec-
tribution ​​t​0​​, ​t1​ ​​,  …  , ​tB​ ​​​. Notice that, for ​I =  1​ tive synthetic controls.21 ­Bias ­corrections
this mode of inference amounts to the per-
mutation test in Abadie, Diamond, and
Hainmueller (2010). 21 Related to this problem, Ferman and Pinto (2019)
Hainmueller (2012) and Robbins, Saunders, and Botosaru and Ferman (2019) study the properties of
synthetic control estimators for cases where the value of
and Kilmer (2017) consider also settings with the predictors for a treated unit cannot be closely matched
multiple treated units. Instead of producing by a synthetic control.
Abadie: Using Synthetic Controls 419

play also an important role in reducing reg- Equation (16) provides an interpretation of
ularization biases in inferential methods for the b­ ias-corrected synthetic control estima-
­regression-based variants of synthetic con- tor as a synthetic control estimator applied
trols (see, e.g., Arkhangelsky et  al. 2019, to regression residuals. The bias correction
Chernozhukov, Wüthrich, and Zhu 2019b). in equation (16) is related to the proposal in
Abadie and L’Hour (2019) and Doudchenko and Imbens (2016) to residual-
Ben-Michael et  al. (2020) propose
­ ize the outcomes with respect to covariates
­modifications of the synthetic control esti- before calculating synthetic controls.
mator along the lines of the ­bias-correction A different avenue to evaluate the bias
techniques of Rubin (1973), Quade (1982), of synthetic control estimators, which was
and Abadie and Imbens (2011). They use discussed in section 7, is given by the avail-
­regression adjustments to attenuate the bias ability of ­ pre-intervention periods, when
of synthetic control estimators in settings the effect of the treatment is not yet real-
where the synthetic control counterfactual is ized. In the absence of anticipation effects,
constructed using untreated units with values estimates of treatment effects before the
of the predictors that do not closely repro- intervention are reflective of estimation
duce the predictor values for the treated biases. If biases are stable in time, esti-
unit or units. For ​t = ​T​0​​  +  1, … , T​, let ​​​μˆ ​0t
 ​ ​​​ be mates of those biases could be used to
a sample regression function (parametric or correct synthetic control estimates. Bias
nonparametric) estimated by regressing the adjustments of this type, which are closely
untreated outcomes, ​​Y​I+1,t​​,  …  , ​YI+J,t
​ ​​​, on the related to d ­ ifference-in-differences meth-
values of the predictors for the untreated ods, are proposed in Arkhangelsky et  al.
units, ​​X​I+1​​,  …  , ​XI+J
​ ​​​. The ­bias-corrected syn- (2019) and Chernozhukov, Wüthrich, and
thetic control estimator for unit i​​ is Zhu (2019b).

( )
Regression-Based Methods and Extra-
(15)​ ​​​​τˆ ​​ it​​  = ​ ​Yit​ ​​  − ​  ∑   ​​ ​​ w​  ⁎ij ​ ​​  Yjt​ ​​ ​  polation. Several articles have contributed
regression-based estimators for synthetic
I+J controls. These procedures allow extrapola-
− ​  ∑   ​​ ​​ w​  ⁎ij ​​​ (​​μˆ ​0t
​  ​​​(​X​i​​)​  − ​​μˆ ​​ 0t​​​(​Xj​​​)​)​.​ tion by considering synthetic controls that
j=I+1 are not convex combinations of the units in
the donor pool. Doudchenko and Imbens
The first term on the ­right-hand side of (15) (2016) consider an estimator that fits all
is the synthetic control estimator in (14). The ­pretreatment outcomes for the treated, with
second term uses a regression adjustment to weights that may be negative and may not
correct for discrepancies between the pre- sum to one, and allow for a constant shift in
dictor values for the treated unit and the the level of the synthetic control estimator.
predictor values for the units that contribute They propose to use an elastic net—that is, a
to the synthetic control. Alternatively, the combination of lasso (​​L​1​​​) and ridge (​​L2​ ​​​) pen-
estimator in (15) can be expressed as alties—to regularize the weights. The coun-
terfactual estimates for ​t = ​T​0​​  +  1, … , T​ in
(16) ​​​τ  (​Yit​ ​​  − ​​μˆ ​​ 0t​​​(​X​i​​)​)​ 
ˆ ​​it​​  = ​ Doudchenko and Imbens (2016) are

I+J J+1
∑ ˆ ​1​  Nt​ ​ = ​αˆ ​  + ​  ∑ ​​​ ​​w
− ​     ​​​w
​  ​  ⁎ij ​​​  (​Yjt​ ​​  − ​​μˆ ​​ 0t​​​(​X​j​​)​)​.​ (17) ​​​Y  ˆ ​j​ ​​ ​Yjt​ ​​,​
420 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LIX (June 2021)

where ​​αˆ ​,  ​​w
ˆ ​2​  ​​,  …  , ​​w
ˆ ​J+1
​  ​​​ minimize Matrix Completion/Estimation Methods.
Amjad, Shah, and Shen (2018); Amjad et
​T0​ ​​ J+1 al. (2019); and Athey et  al. (2020) propose

t=1( )
(18) ​​  ∑ ​​​​ ​ ​Y1t
​ ​​  − α − ​  ∑ ​​​​wj​​​ ​Yjt​ ​​ ​​​  ​  related methods that use tools from the
j=2 matrix completion/matrix estimation liter-
ature. Suppose, as before, that unit ​j =  1​ is
J+1 J+1 the treated unit, and units ​ j =  2, … , J +  1​
1 − ​λ​2​​
( 2 j=2 j )
+ ​λ1​ ​​​ _
​   ​ ​    ∑ ​​​​w​  2​  ​  + ​λ​2​​ ​  ∑ ​​​  |​wj​​​| ​,​ are not treated. Amjad, Shah, and
j=2 Shen (2018) posit a n ­onlinear f­ actor-
structure model for the untreated,
jt​  ​  = f​(​μj​​​, ​λt​​​)​  + ​ε​jt​​​,
​​Y​  N with ​ j =  2, … , J +  1​
with respect to (​α, ​w​2​​,  …  , ​wJ​+1​​) ∈ ​ℝ​​  J+1​​, and ​t =  1, … , T​, where ​​ε​jt​​​ is random noise.
where ​​λ​1​​  ≥  0​ and ​0  ≤ ​λ2​ ​​  ≤ 1​are regulariza- Their framework allows for the pres-
tion parameters selected by c­ ross-validation. ence of missing values in the matrix ​​{​Y​  N jt​  ​}​​,
To incorporate additional predictors in
their estimation procedure, Doudchenko with ​j =  1, … , J + 1​, and t​ =  1, … , T​. Using
and Imbens (2016) propose to use least matrix estimation methods, in ­ particular
squares in a first step to residualize the out- singular value thresholding (see Chatterjee
comes ​​Yj​t​​​ for ​j =  1, … , J +  1​ in ­equation 2015), Amjad, Shah, and Shen (2018) esti-
(18) with respect to any other covariates. mate a ­low-rank approximation, { ​​ ​​M }
ˆ ​j ​t​​ ​​, to the
Chernozhukov, Wüthrich, and Zhu (2019a) matrix ​​{​M​jt​​}​  = ​{f​(​μj​​​, ​λt​​​)​}​​. The objects ​​​M ˆ ​ j​t​​​
consider different penalty terms, includ- are used to d ­ e-noise the outcomes Y​  ​​ N ​ jt ​​ and
ing lasso regularization (i.e., ​​λ​2​​  = 1​), in the to impute missing values, if any. Then, syn-
context of an inferential procedure for syn- thetic controls are obtained as linear com-
thetic controls. Regression estimators of binations of ​​​M ˆ ​ j​t​​​, with coefficients estimated
this type are also related to the panel data by ridge regression of ​​Y​1t​​​ on ​​​M ˆ ​2​  t​​,  … ​​M ˆ ​J ​+1t​​​ in
approach to the program evaluation esti- the p ­ re-intervention periods. The estimator
mator in Hsiao, Ching, and Wan (2012), in Amjad, Shah, and Shen (2018) does not
where ​​λ​1​​  = 0​and the parameters in equa- incorporate covariates, using data on out-
tion (17) are estimated by unpenalized least comes, ​​Yj​t​​​, only. Amjad et al. (2019) modify the
squares. Li (2019) considers the same esti- estimator in Amjad, Shah, and Shen (2018) to
mator as in Hsiao, Ching, and Wan (2012), incorporate additional variables aside from
but regularizes the weights ​​​w  ˆ ​J+1
ˆ ​2​ ​​,  …  , ​​w ​  ​​​ to be the outcome of interest, under the assump-
­nonnegative. tion that all variables depend on common
Arkhangelsky et  al. (2019) introduce a latent factors. Athey et  al. (2020) postulate
synthetic control estimator that weights the model Y​  ​​ N jt​  ​  = ​M​jt​​  + ​ε​jt​​​, for ​j =  1, … , J +  1​
not only the units in the control group, but and t​ =  1, … , T​, where ​​εj​t​​​ is again random
also the p ­re-intervention time periods, to noise. In their framework, missing entries
{​Y​  jt​  ​}​​, with ​j =  1, … , J +  1​
approximate the counterfactual of inter- in the matrix ​​
est. The time weights in Arkhangelsky et al. and ​t =  1, … , T​, arise naturally for the treated
(2019) play a similar role as the predictor observation (or treated observations, if mul-
weights, ​​v​1​​,  …  , ​vk​ ​​​, of subsection 3.2. They tiple units are treated) in the ­posttreatment
reflect the importance of each of the individ- periods. Athey et  al. (2020) assume that
ual predictors, which in the leading version the matrix { ​​​Mjt​ ​​}​​, with ​j =  1, … , J +  1​
of the estimator of Arkhangelsky et al. (2019) and t​ =  1, … , T​ , is l­ow-rank, which allows
are past outcome values. them to obtain an estimate, { }
ˆ ​jt ​ ​​ ​​, via matrix
​​ ​​M
Abadie: Using Synthetic Controls 421

completion techniques. The estimated coun- ­otential outcome under the intervention
terfactual outcomes without the treatment is ​​Y​  I1 ​ t​  = ​P​  N t​  ​  + ​τ​t​​  + ​u​t​​​ for ​t > ​T0​ ​​​. To simplify
for the treated are the values of M  ​​​ˆ ​j​t​​​ such the exposition, assume that u​ ​​1​​,  …  , ​uT​ ​​​ are
that ​​Y​  jt​  ​​is missing. Extensions allow for mod- i.i.d. Then, the distribution of a function,
els with covariates and the inclusion of time ​S​(​u​T​ 0​ ​​+1​​,  …  , ​uT​ ​​)​​, of the ­post-intervention val-
fixed effects and unit fixed effects (separate ues of ​​u​t​​​should be the same as the distribution
from the l­ow-rank matrix, M​ ​​ jt​​​). of ​S(​ ​uπ​ ​ (​T0​ ​​+1)​​​,  …  , ​uπ​ ​ (T)​​​)​​, where ​π​(1)​,  …  ,  π​(T)​​
is a random permutation of 1​ , … , T​. Suppose
Inference. Several studies have proposed for now that P​  ​​ N
t​  ​​is known. Then, under a null
inferential tools for synthetic controls as alter- hypothesis, ​​τ​​T0​ ​​+1​​  = ​a​T​ 0​ ​​+1​​,  …, ​τ​T​​  = ​aT​ ​​​, we can
natives to the permutation test in subsection compute ​​ut​​​  = ​Y1​ t​​  − ​P​  N t​  ​  − ​a​t​​​, where ​​at​​​  =  0​
3.5. Firpo and Possebom (2018) propose sev- for ​1  ≤ t ≤ ​T​0​​​. As a result, we can test the
eral generalizations of the permutation test null hypothesis by comparing the value
in subsection 3.5 and contribute confidence of ​ S​(​u​T​ 0​ ​​+1​​,  …  , ​uT​ ​​)​​to its permutation
sets based on inverting the results of these distribution, that is, the distribution
tests. In a repeated sampling framework for of S ​ (​ ​uπ​ (​ ​T0​ ​​+1)​​​,  …  , ​uπ​ ​(T)​​​)​​, which can be directly
stationary data and large T​ ​​ 0​​​, Hahn and Shi computed in the data. A feasible implemen-
(2017) propose to apply the e­ nd-of-sample tation of the test requires estimation of the
instability test of Andrews (2003) to obtain residuals, ​​u1​ ​​,  …  , ​uT​ ​​​ . In the context of the
an inferential procedure for synthetic con- synthetic control method, Chernozhukov,
trol estimators. In the context of synthetic Wüthrich, and Zhu (2019a) adopt the
t​  ​  = ​∑ j=2​  ​​​wj​​​​Yj​t​​​ with ­nonnegative
control estimators, the e­ nd-of-sample insta- model ​​P​  N
bility test of Andrews (2003) is related to the weights that sum to one, and ​E​[​ut​​​ ​Yj​t​​]​  =  0​
backdating ideas of section 7. It compares for ​ j =  2, … , J +  1​, and implement their
the values of treatment effects computed test on constrained least squares residu-
for the T ​  − ​T​0​​​ ­post-intervention periods to als, ​​​uˆ ​​ 1​​,  …  , ​​uˆ ​T​  ​​​. The proposal in Chernozhukov,
the distribution of the of same values com- Wüthrich, and Zhu (2019a) differs from
puted for every subset of T ​  − ​T​0​​​ consecu- other synthetic control procedures in two
tive ­pre-intervention periods. Related also important respects. First, while much of the
to Andrews’s ­end-of-sample instability test, literature on synthetic controls has adopted
Chernozhukov, Wüthrich, and Zhu (2019a) the linear factor model of subsection 3.3
devise a ­sampling-based inferential proce- as a working model to understand the
dure for synthetic controls and related meth- properties of synthetic control estimators,
ods that employs permutations of regression Chernozhukov, Wüthrich, and Zhu (2019a)
residuals in the time dimension. In particular, adopt instead the restriction E ​ ​[​ut​​​ ​Yj​t]​​ ​  =  0​
Chernozhukov, Wüthrich, and Zhu (2019a)
for ​ j =  2, … , J + 1​to estimate P​  ​​ N t​  ​​.
1t ​  = ​P​  t​  ​  + ​u​t​​​, where ​​u​1​​,  …  , ​uT
assume ​​Y​  N N
​ ​​​ are
stationary and weakly dependent with mean
zero. Let ​​ τ​​T0​ ​​+1​​,  …  , ​τT​ ​​​be the effects of 23 To understand the differences between these two
the treatment on the treated unit (unit frameworks, notice that when the data are generated
one) at times ​ t = ​T0​ ​​  +  1, … , T​.22 The by the linear factor model of subsection 3.3, and there
is an unbiased synthetic control—that is, a synthetic
control with weights, ​​ w​2​​,  …  , ​wJ+1
​ ​​​ that exactly repro-
duces ​​Z1​ ​​​ and ​​μ1​ ​​​—then, the restriction ​E​[​ut​​​ ​Yjt​ ​​]​  =  0​ for​
j =  2, … , J +  1​ and ​​u​t​​  = ​Y​  N 1t ​ ​  − ​∑ j=2​  ​​​wj​​​ ​Yjt
​​ N
22 To be consistent with the notation for P​ 
t​  ​​ and ​​u​t​​​ and ​ ​​​does not hold in
because only unit one is treated, here I drop the subscript general (see Ferman and Pinto 2019). One exception is
indicating that identity of the treated unit from the nota- given by the results in Ferman (2019), which imply that​
tion for treatment effect. E​[​ut​​​ ​Yjt​ ​​]​  = 0​for ​j =  2, … , J + 1​will approximately hold as​
422 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LIX (June 2021)

show, however, that regardless of the valid- Other Contributions. In this article, I
ity of the model, their testing procedure have provided a brief description of selected
remains valid as long as the estimated strands of the literature on synthetic con-
residuals, ​​​uˆ ​1​  ​​,  …  , ​​uˆ ​T​  ​​​ are exchangeable under trols and related methods, starting with
the null hypothesis. Second, in contrast the canonical estimator in sections 2 and 3,
to other synthetic control procedures that and describing some extensions and related
compute the weights ​​ w​2​​,  …  , ​wJ+1 ​ ​​​ using methods in the current section. The litera-
­pre-intervention data only, in the inferential ture is vast in its totality, however, and there
procedure of Chernozhukov, Wüthrich, and are many noteworthy contributions I did
Zhu (2019a) the synthetic control weights not cover. They include Bai and Ng (2019);
are estimated under the null hypothe- Brodersen et al. (2015); Gobillon and Magnac
sis, ​​τ​​T0​ ​​+1​​  = ​a​T​ 0​ ​​+1​​,  …, ​τT​ ​​  = ​aT​ ​​​, using data (2016); Gunsilius (2020); K ­ ennedy-Shaffe,
on ​​Y​  N it​  = ​Yi​t​​  − ​a​t​​​for all periods, including de Gruttola, and Lipsitch (2020); Viviano
the periods after the intervention. For a sim- and Bradic (2019); and Xu (2017), among
ilar set of models, Chernozhukov, Wüthrich, many others. Samartsidis et al. (2019) study
and Zhu (2019b) propose ­ bias-corrected the performance of the canonical synthetic
synthetic control estimation and confi- control estimator and related methods in the
dence intervals for the mean value of the context of the German reunification exam-
treatment effect over the p ­ ost-intervention ple of subsection 3.2. As the set of methods
period, (​​ ​τ​​T0​ ​​+1​​  + ⋯ + ​τ​T​​)​  / ​(T − ​T​0)​​ ​​ in set- on synthetic controls keeps expanding and
tings when both ​​T​0​​​ and ​T − ​T​0​​​ are large. enriching the applied econometrics tool-
Similar to d ­ifference in differences, the kit, this is still a young literature and much
­bias-correction procedure of Chernozhukov, remains to be done. I mention some open
Wüthrich, and Zhu (2019b) adjusts for dif- areas in the final section of this article.
ferences in p ­re-intervention outcomes
between the treated unit and the synthetic
9.  Conclusions
control. Confidence intervals are based on
an asymptotically pivotal t​​-statistic and cen- Synthetic controls provide many practical
tered on the average of ​K​-fold ­cross-fitted advantages for the estimation of the effects
versions of the ­bias-corrected synthetic con- of policy interventions and other events of
trol estimate. Cattaneo, Feng, and Titiunik interest. However, like for any other sta-
(2021) propose predictive intervals for tistical procedure (and especially for those
synthetic control estimators and related aimed at estimating causal effects), the cred-
methods. They adopt a predictive model ibility of the results depends crucially on the
​​Y​  N1t ​​ ​  = ​​P​  t​  ​​  + ​​u​t​​​, where ​​
P​  N
t​  ​​ depends on level of diligence exerted in the application
observed predictors and unknown parame- of the method and on whether contextual
ters, and u​ ​​ t​​​ is an unobserved random error. and data requirements are met in the empir-
Their predictive intervals for τ  ​​​ˆ 1​​ t​​​  = ​​Y​1t​​​  − ​​Y​  N
t​  ​​ ical application at hand. In this article, I
(with t > ​​T​0​​​ ) take into account estima- emphasize the notion that mechanical appli-
tion uncertainty about the values of the cations of synthetic controls that do not take
­parameters in ​​P​  N t​  ​​ as well as irreducible into account the context of the investigation
uncertainty about the value of u​ ​​ t​​​. or the nature of the data are risky enter-
prises. To this end, the article discusses the
methodological underpinnings of synthetic
J → ∞​if there are weights, ​​w​2​​,  …  , ​wJ​+1​​​ that asymptotically
recover ​​Z1​ ​​​ and ​​μ​1​​​and are increasingly diluted among the control estimators and the conditions under
units in the donor pool. which they provide suitable estimates of
Abadie: Using Synthetic Controls 423

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